Todd Courser, the man with ideas much smaller than the forehead that houses them thinks the answer to stopping gay marriage is to strip the state of the power to perform marriages. He introduced a bill this week that would only allow ordained ministers to marry couples. This means judges, mayors, county clerks, magistrates, and […]
Back in November Pete Lund came up with a really bad idea. Let’s split the electoral votes Michigan has in the presidential election between the winner and runner up. That way, the state becomes even more irrelevant to candidates who need to win the most electoral votes to make it to the 270 finish line […]
Are you ready for March to get here? It’s about -30º F this morning. Third day of no school, which means kids will have an extra day come June thanks to our Republican legislators back in the 90’s deciding schools need to be punished when Mother Nature sends us extreme weather. Now that climate change […]
It’s thrilling being on the email list for State Rep Cindy Gamrat. Already my inbox has received two lengthy pieces of literature. One is the “Contract For Liberty,” and the second, a response to the Nerd’s State of the State Address given on January 20. Both gave the distinct feeling of reading a white paper […]
Mark your calendars and get your tickets, the big powwow at Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant is coming and you don’t want to miss it. The date for the event is January 9th and 10th. Before you think attending this event will offer an opportunity to experience the spiritual culture of Native […]