The Going On Offense Tea Party Powwow at Soaring Eagle Casino has begun. Right now the meet and greet with no cash bar is going on, and everyone there is looking forward to Dave Agema making the keynote address. He certainly knows how to get people’s attention with just a few words. A couple of […]
Last week in the wake of the Steve Scalise scandal, David Duke, the leader of the European-American Unity Rights Organization where Scalise made his career-changing speech informed the press to leave the future House Majority Whip alone or he would share the names of other politicians he shares donors with. While the press waited with […]
Mark your calendars and get your tickets, the big powwow at Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant is coming and you don’t want to miss it. The date for the event is January 9th and 10th. Before you think attending this event will offer an opportunity to experience the spiritual culture of Native […]
He’s going back to that Mall Santa kiosk in the sky, or something. This is House Resolution #779.
And nothing of value was lost that day. Granted, when Dish cut their viewers off from TCM and The Cartoon Network earlier this autumn it caused serious jonesing in the Up North Progressive household. Don’t judge, I like my classic movies and cartoons. When word got out however that Fox News was about to disappear […]
No one should ever forget that one of the leaders in the profits before kids charter school movement is Hillsdale College. Their brand of for-profit charter schools which they call, “Classical Education”, is a nice way of saying Christian conservative education that bears little relevance to what students actually need to be prepared in a […]
Fear is a powerful motivator. Words, actions and intentions we would never consider reality become perfectly normal when reacting to what scares us. Among friends, even those who are highly educated, the irrational fear that makes people accept what is simply not true is even less understandable. The Democratic Party in Michigan worked tirelessly this […]
When Kris Busk arrived at Charlevoix Democratic Party headquarters on September 21, she found both signs defaced with a Neo-Nazi symbol. Busk called the police to have them investigate, however Chief of Police Gerald Doan “just doesn’t see it,” meaning to him, this isn’t a hate crime, it’s just a random act of vandalism, and […]
Tim Skubick wasted no time post-convention sucking up to Snyder by insisting he’s the stronger candidate in the November race for governor. Look at how the press gave Snyder all the attention during the flood in Detroit. Mark Schauer got only a mention while The Nerd commanded headline after headline. Tim doesn’t realize that the […]
On Wednesday, July 9, 200 citizens of Vassar, Michigan, held a meeting to discuss the possibility of a closed detention center being opened to house 120 immigrant children being held on the southwestern border of the United States. Wolverine Human Services would run a program at the facility that would last a month and help […]