Blog Archives

Governor Snyder encouraged people using propane to heat their homes that if they had not filled up their propane tanks for fall yet, now was the time to get it done before the heating season arrived. Last winter with the bitter cold in Northern Michigan many people used more propane for heating their homes than […]

Today another vote in the ongoing struggle to protect Michigan wolves from hunting is expected to take place in the Michigan Senate. Despite two voter referendums to put a stop to wolf hunting being approved for the November ballot. Republicans in Michigan have a tough time allowing the citizens of this state to determine what […]

Have you seen Rick Snyder’s campaign bus? Has anyone seen Rick Snyder’s campaign bus? Rick Snyder used a bus in 2010 when he first campaigned for governor of Michigan. Four years ago when he was running for office his bus could be seen all over the state making stop after stop to press flesh and […]

Nolan Finley’s editorial in today’s Detroit News had the distinct tone of someone who thinks he understands a problem but hasn’t considered all of the facts before firing off an editorial about why this is all wrong and it shouldn’t be this way. What Finley doesn’t seem to realize, and perhaps this is the case […]

Eclectablog yesterday published a late afternoon exclusive about the Snyder Campaign going secret squirrel on the Democrats. Or at least they tried. An intern named Taylor Grenawalt contacted the Mark Schauer for Governor campaign asking about working for them. Taylor forgot this is the age of social media, not Woodward and Bernstein. Mash the link […]

When it comes to Republican governors only caring about corporate interests and the people who write the biggest checks to get what they want, there are plenty who are more than happy to sell themselves to the highest bidder. Republican Governors have gutted essential safety net programs in their states while giving corporations and the […]