Polls open at 7:00. You know what to do.
In an EPIC-MRA poll released on May 1, both likely voters and certain voters answered they would vote no on proposal 1 on May 5 by a margin of two to one against those who plan to vote yes. Proposal 1, if passed, would increase Michigan’s sales tax from 6% to 7%, and trigger ten […]
Today 18 Detroit Public Schools closed for the day as their teachers went to Lansing to protest the Nerd’s announcement of his latest plan to destroy public education in the city. The city’s public schools, after decades of constant attack from politicians and school reformers finally had enough and went to Lansing to let Snyder […]
Norm Coleman just told reporters at @RJCHQ spring mtg in Vegas that MI Gov @onetoughnerd said he's running for president. — David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) April 25, 2015
Snyder spokesperson Jarrod Agen told the Associated Press that a group of Snyder’s inner circle created a tax-exempt PAC to raise funds for Snyder to tour the country starting next month after the state votes against raising the sales tax. With that defeat over his head, Snyder will likely want to get out of the […]
Quick, we need a distraction! That’s what The Nerd was likely thinking when he told the media in Washington D.C. on March 25 that he’s much too preoccupied with what’s happening in Michigan at the moment but said, “there’s time to evaluate opportunities.” By opportunities he means consider running for President of the United States. […]
On May 5, 2015 Michigan voters will be asked to vote yes or no on a proposal to raise the Michigan Sales Tax from 6% to 7% to fund road repairs, and bring with it a long line of other tax increases. Governor Snyder cut taxes on Michigan businesses in 2011 while raising taxes on […]
On January 20, Rick Snyder will give his fifth State of the State address from the Capital in Lansing, Michigan. He will begin his address at 7:00 pm, which is a scheduling conflict with Adventure Time, so you know what the Up North Progressive will be watching. But now, thanks to state senator Jim Ananich, […]
All education reform has two goals. Bust the union and make a profit off our tax dollars. Improving education has never been the goal or business model for corporate education reformers. Also always remember that school choice is a dog whistle for segregation.