Blog Archives

If you found the blog after googling Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, welcome. In Todd’s own words, “We are living in the last days.” How many people suspected he was talking about his political career? Anyone who screams as loudly as Gamrat and Courser about the sanctity of traditional marriage is doing so out of […]

Let’s recap Eagle Mine’s activities in Marquette County so far. First, the Marquette County Road Commission, being funded by a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” group called Stand U.P., sued the Environmental Protection Agency on July 8 over their temper tantrum with County Road 595. This road, running through Wildcat Canyon, would impact 26 acres of wetlands […]

Up North Progressive receives comments from both supporters and critics. It’s part of civil discourse, talking about things not everyone agrees on and finding some common ground. It’s one of those principles the United States was founded on, but doesn’t get mentioned very much in Civics classes anymore. Unfortunately. One of the tenets of civil […]

Parades, fireworks, BBQ, and a holiday at the lake. We have it all Up North this weekend.

Todd Courser, the man with ideas much smaller than the forehead that houses them thinks the answer to stopping gay marriage is to strip the state of the power to perform marriages. He introduced a bill this week that would only allow ordained ministers to marry couples. This means judges, mayors, county clerks, magistrates, and […]

If you’re working a part time or minimum wage job, many regions of the United States’ cost of living is out of reach. In Michigan, where there are huge disparities between wages and cost of living, food and shelter for a single person earning minimum wage is impossible even in the poorest counties. Find your […]

Rick Snyder this week signed a bill that ties Family Independence Program benefits to school attendance. Students with poor attendance put food and cash assistance benefits at risk for the entire family. Children aged 6 to 15 who don’t attend school regularly will jeopardize FIP for the family, if the child is 16 and older, […]

Twice a year the Michigan Department of Natural Resources offers free fishing weekends to anyone interested in fishing Michigan’s Great Lakes or over 11,000 inland lakes. Fishing is also free on rivers and streams, any place in the state where people may want to fish. The summer free fishing weekend for 2015 is this Saturday, […]

Back in November of 2014 Up North Progressive published a story about how one state in the US had a significantly high turnout of voters despite it being a midterm election. The reason why they had a successful election while everyone else battled apathy and GOP-fueled disenfranchisement was because every registered voter in that state […]

Prison inmates found maggots living in potatoes they were cutting on June 2nd at G. Robert Cotter Prison in Jackson, Michigan. The kitchen was closed and inmates were sent back to their units while the prison shut down the food line and cleaned it. All potatoes in the prison were thrown away. This is the […]