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Former Grand Traverse Academy principal Brooke Capser is now also the former principal of Lowell Elementary School in Missoula, Montana. Brooke returned to Traverse City recently after working one school year for the Missoula County Public Schools. The announcement of Capser’s departure was noted in the local news. Interviews for the next principal at Lowell […]

In early May of 2018, Social Studies teachers in Michigan were offered the opportunity to review the latest draft of the Social Studies Content Standards projected to replace the 2007 standards by 2019. Considering that starting this year state testing accounts for half of 40 percent of a teacher’s annual evaluation, it would be nice […]

About 500 years ago in the days before the 2016 election, Trumpians and Bernie Bros alike poured over emails Wikileaks received from Russian hackers at the behest of the Trump campaign searching for any dirt on Hillary Clinton that could be used to fuel even more vitriolic misogynist bile against her and her campaign. An […]

Since posting this, another school shooting has happened in the United States. This time at Santa Fe High School in Texas. We don’t need thoughts and prayers, we need gun reform now! It’s not too soon to talk about it, for too many people it’s way too late!     It’s been absolutely amazing witnessing […]

On April 16, 2018, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office issued a letter to Vanenkevort Tug and Barge of Escanaba, Michigan, the state would seek civil charges against the company for “potential liability for discharge of injurious substances to waters of the State.” On April 1, 2018, 550 gallons of liquid dielectric fluid used for cooling […]

The April 5, 2018 Lake County Star reported that GEO Group Inc., would pay for major upgrades to Baldwin’s sewer system in anticipation of receiving a contract with the federal government to house as many as 22,000 immigration detainees. North Lake Correctional Facility, located in Webber Township north of Baldwin, sits empty since last summer […]

While people in Flint are quickly approaching a thousand days with undrinkable water, the Michigan Department of Environmental IneQuality approved Nestlé Waters’ request to more than double the output of water from the ground in Osceola County and sell it for a profit. This is after a year and a half of written comment, and […]

Volunteers from the citizen group Voters Not Politicians arrived in Lansing, Michigan on Monday, December 18, 2017 to deliver over 400,000 signatures to the Michigan Bureau of Elections to put an end to gerrymandering in the state. The group needed 315,654 signatures to qualify for the November 2018 mid-term ballot. The hard-working organization of 3,500 […]

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, special elections will be held in Michigan. Only a few regions are electing candidates to fill open seats, but almost all parts of the state have millage elections for schools, 911, libraries, and other municipal services that must be approved by voters to continue. This year, it’s very important that […]

The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled today to keep wolves in the Great Lakes on the endangered species list after U.S. Fish and Wildlife ruled enough animals lived in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota to remove them from the list in 2011. In 2014, a Federal Judge put them back on the endangered species list after […]