Up North Progressive enjoys receiving comments from readers. Sometimes they are messages of appreciation and support for the content. Sometimes they are messages full of vitriol from conservatives for telling the truth. There are even times when readers make threats because they really hate the truth. Once in a while, a reader leaves a comment […]
Good news everyone! Bill Huizenga’s going to be in Baldwin on Saturday, February 25, 2017, at Baldwin High School to meet with District Two constituents in Lake County: Today, Congressman Huizenga announced he will be holding a stop on his listening tour for residents of the Second District in Lake County on Saturday, February 25th […]
North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan, the prison owned by GEO Group will not renew their contract with the Vermont Department of Corrections due to end in June of 2017. Currently, around 200 of the 370 prisoners originally sent to the Lake County facility in June of 2015 remain at the facility that can […]
Pinora Township Trustee Sidney Woods never expected researching his family history would lead to finding and rededicating a cemetery that had been lost in time. His interest in local history came from wanting to know more about his own family’s past in Lake County, Michigan. What he discovered set him on an adventure into the […]
Listening to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump insult a gold star family, call Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton the devil and allege she will rig the election in November (And it’s only August 1st!), has emboldened Trump supporters in Northern Michigan to vandalize Democratic Party signs in Lake and Emmet Counties. In Emmet County, an […]
Once again the Republicans in Lansing are working to privatize more of Michigan’s state-run prison operation. This time the plan is to close down two prisons in the state and relocate the prisoners to privately-owned North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan. Before the state legislature votes on this issue, they need to take a […]
Free food is available to seniors living in Lake County on the third Friday of every month. The food is available at two locations in the city of Baldwin and handed out on a first come, first served basis. Food for 100 families is available. The first location is at St. Ann’s Senior Center from […]
On Friday, January 30, Baldwin Public Schools notified parents that a student at the elementary school showed symptoms of measles. The student has been tested and results should be known this week. A rise in preventable diseases has appeared in Northern Michigan since last autumn. Measles appeared in Leelanau county late last autumn, but the […]
Michigan does have money to fix roads. A very important road is being fixed right now in the counties of Lake and Osceola. This road not only provides a means of traveling but also supports important tourism and outdoors sporting. Look! Remember these? Yes, orange barrels! You can’t have road construction without orange barrels. And […]