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Yesterday, while Reince Priebus declared Trump the new messiah, images of Christmas from the homes of Trump supporters appeared on social media. Indeed, Trump, reading Priebus’s statement, even sent himself an online Christmas card to celebrate the holiday being all about him. And this image celebrating how wonderfully different Christmas feels this year now that […]

Elliott Lusztig on twitter posted this about Donald Trump’s lie that millions voted illegally for Hillary Clinton. It’s a lie that has been repeated by Trump staff and Trump supporters since he originally posted the lie to social media. Remember this with Republicans: They never make statements of fact. They make statements of intention. The […]

Yesterday Up North Progressive shared an audio recording of Betsy DeVos and her husband Dick answering questions at The Gathering in 2001. The Gathering is a right wing religious organization that rakes in about a billion dollars a year to fund Dominion Christian causes, such as infiltrating government and turning the United States into a […]

Just in time so everyone would be too busy peeling potatoes and baking pies to notice, Donald Trump picked Betsy Prince DeVos for Education Secretary. The wife of Dick DeVos and sister of Erik Prince(founder of Blackwater mercs for hire), this princess of Dutch Reformed Ada Township has made a career of using her family […]

The Up North Progressive has been quiet since the election, and for good reason. As the election night returns came in, and it was obvious the most unqualified bigoted moron to ever run for the office was about to win over the most qualified, progressive candidate to run for the office, a phrase repeated over […]

RT (Russia Today) is a cable news channel out of Russia. They broadcast nothing unless the Kremlin approves it. At a recent RT dinner, two prominent Americans in politics sat at Vladimir Putin’s table. One of them is Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for president, the man with a red circle around him is Michael […]

This graph published by ABC News demonstrates perfectly why Donald Trump will most likely lose the presidential election in November. Trump has done an excellent job campaigning for only one segment of the total American electorate while alienating every other demographic. It can’t be stressed enough that when your message is full of racism, bigotry, […]

Just when you thought this election couldn’t get any more surreal. The only way to make Donald Trump kid-friendly is to make a 90 second video with as little information about him as possible, because Trump’s life isn’t fit for family entertainment.  

You #antiwhites, leftist and #cucks have once again proved your time is coming, win or lose, trains not stopping…. — David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 25, 2016