Blog Archives

For-profit “punk prison” North Lake Correctional Facility, owned by GEO Group, announced today that they have a shiny new federal prison contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, aka ICE. The prison corporation that maxed out contributions to the Trump campaign by February 2024 got its payoff. The 1,800-bed facility just north of Baldwin, in […]

Last month, GEO Group contested a property tax assessment with the Michigan Tax Tribunal, demanding that the value of their sole Michigan prison be significantly reduced. The assessed property is the shuttered North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan. The facility was built 26 years ago with the approval of the Lake County Board of […]

This opinion article by Lonnie Scott of Progress Michigan very succinctly describes the issues affecting Michigan post-election. For too long, misinformation about the election results in the most secure election ever conducted has gone mostly unchallenged by Michigan Republicans. Despite no evidence of election fraud taking place in Michigan, Trump voters insist the election was […]

Up North Progressive has been pretty quiet lately. That’s because the Up North Progressive volunteered on the campaign staff of a state house candidate. It was a great learning experience, but there was so much writing to do about one candidate, it made writing about anything else happening up north difficult. The best part of […]

These are the tough questions Betsy “Cruella” DeVos or Donald “Dick Cheney Finger Puppet” Trump never considered when making threats to open the schools or the kids get no money. The following is a copy-paste with permission to share as much as possible. If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine […]

Tom Norton of Cedar Springs, Michigan, is a Trump lovin’ liberal hatin’ man’s man with a burning hatred for anyone who deviates the slightest degree left into dirty librul political territory. His US Congressman, Justin Amash (I – LOLbertarian but Woke), Did the unforgivable and declared American Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump ( R […]

This has been a banner week for Republicans demonstrating just how ethically bankrupt they are. On May 15, 2019, State House District 104 Rep Larry Inman did a little oopsie when he deliberately texted leadership of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and other unions demanding donations for his no vote on a bill to […]

While rescue efforts continue in Houston and Hurricane Harvey continues to drop trillions of gallons of water on the city, people do what comes naturally in the 21st Century – head on over to social media to politicize a real-time tragedy. Trumptards, real and bot, are no exception; except as usual they don’t worry about […]

Pissboy Trump now occupies the White House. On Friday he spoke before a minuscule crowd and paraded through empty streets. This is all documented, however Trump would have none of it. Yesterday while addressing the CIA in Langley, Virginia, Trump railed against the media for saying his inauguration was poorly attended (it was) before hinting […]

The Trumpster quote #1#ANewJeersToast — Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) January 8, 2017 Billy West’s recordings of Trump quotes during the 2016 campaign were genius. Mark Hamill’s is also brilliant. The GOP of course could care less they just elected a cartoon villain into the White House.