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For-profit “punk prison” North Lake Correctional Facility, owned by GEO Group, announced today that they have a shiny new federal prison contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, aka ICE. The prison corporation that maxed out contributions to the Trump campaign by February 2024 got its payoff. The 1,800-bed facility just north of Baldwin, in […]

Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced new manufacturing jobs and mixed-use development in northern Lower Michigan today. The two projects will provide manufacturing jobs in Copemish, and new mixed-use development in Baldwin. M R Products, a woman-owned company that manufactures crowd control and visual barriers will invest $4.2 million dollars to create […]

On February 12, 2020 the Lake County Board of Commissioners approved with unanimous vote to accept a contract from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The contract will allow ICE to move prisoners from North Lake Correctional Facility, owned by GEO Group, to the shuttered Lake County jail annex located in Baldwin. The annex up until […]

Another election day in Michigan fades from memory and people are either celebrating or trying to figure out what went wrong. In Baldwin, Michigan, dismally low voter turnout sank yet another millage vote for an aging school building with a leaky roof and crumbling infrastructure that would be cheaper to replace than repair. Baldwin Community […]

In the world of for-profit incarceration, one company’s loss is another company’s gain. GEO Group announced on May 2, 2019, their successful contract bid with the Federal Bureau of Prisons to house 5,000 prisoners for the next ten years. CoreCivic, formerly CCA, issued a statement the day before the Federal Bureau of Prisons ended a […]

The April 5, 2018 Lake County Star reported that GEO Group Inc., would pay for major upgrades to Baldwin’s sewer system in anticipation of receiving a contract with the federal government to house as many as 22,000 immigration detainees. North Lake Correctional Facility, located in Webber Township north of Baldwin, sits empty since last summer […]

North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan, the prison owned by GEO Group will not renew their contract with the Vermont Department of Corrections due to end in June of 2017. Currently, around 200 of the 370 prisoners originally sent to the Lake County facility in June of 2015 remain at the facility that can […]

Once again the Republicans in Lansing are working to privatize more of Michigan’s state-run prison operation. This time the plan is to close down two prisons in the state and relocate the prisoners to privately-owned North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan. Before the state legislature votes on this issue, they need to take a […]

Dean Vanderstelt will be in Baldwin on Tuesday, October 14 to meet with local candidates and the public at 3:00 pm at Barski Steak House, 4016 South M 37. Lake County Democrats meet the second Monday of every month at the Hollister Senior Center on 1505 North Michigan at 5:00 pm.

Michigan does have money to fix roads. A very important road is being fixed right now in the counties of Lake and Osceola. This road not only provides a means of traveling but also supports important tourism and outdoors sporting. Look! Remember these? Yes, orange barrels! You can’t have road construction without orange barrels. And […]

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