Up North Progressive loves reader comments, even the critical ones. From Gary Glenn complaining about the cropped image of him used with an article with a famous person, to former employees of convicted felon Dr. Steve Ingersoll sharing their experiences working in his for-profit charter schools.
Sometimes reader comments are too good to be left in the comment section and deserve their own spot on the front page.
Up North Progressive published an article about Friske Orchard Farms and Farm Market and their lawsuit against Governor Whitmer on August 13, 2020. The family business refuses to follow state-mandated guidelines regarding wearing face-covering in their store. The contempt this business had for the Governor’s executive order was so great they printed a leaflet for their customers and used false information to justify it.
A reader named TomQ replied to Up North Progressive on August 24, 2020:
This is a red herring argument. Are we all responsible for what our great grandpa has done? If so; then we have not learned from our past? How does a dead person who repented Germany and became a success in USA deserve this slanted opinion? Republicans are not Nazi! Republicans actually freed the slaves! Opinion doesn’t equal fact. Bet the Friske’s pay more in taxes than the writer of this blog. Friske’s are just about stopping the Government overreach. How come there are no authors listed on this blog? Who are the writers hiding from? Every writer owns their message and how come you don’t? Hiding from fear?
TomQ then calls Up North Progressive a bully.
I had to register to leave my opinion on your site and no name of the person writing. Would love to be able to blatantly write my opinion without financial loss. This blog is just a bully. Why do you bully!
Nobody likes to be called a Nazi. There’s even a term to describe calling someone who is not a nazi a nazi – Godwin’s Law. The law states anyone who resorts to calling someone a nazi in an argument has already lost the argument.
Now let’s take a look at some examples of calling someone who is not a nazi a nazi.
Governor Whitmer works hard trying to keep the citizens of Michigan safe.
Despite this fact, selfish, stupid people slightly inconvenienced with social distancing and mask-wearing decided to call the Governor Hitler.
And even put Hitler’s mustache on her face.
So it’s OK to call the Governor Hitler and a nazi when she clearly is not is fine with her detractors.
But mentioning the historical fact that Richard Friske served in the Luftwaffe under Adolf Hitler is not.
It’s sad that TomQ and every other person angry at Governor Whitmer thinks wearing a mask to stop the spread of COVID is the same as forcing Jewish people to wear a six pointed star every time they went out in public in Germany and the parts of Europe Germany occupied. Wearing a mask doesn’t restrict where you can go. It doesn’t prohibit you from shopping in certain stores, attending certain schools or other institutions. Wearing a mask doesn’t strip you of your citizenship, or force you to live in segregated ghettos. In fact, equating wearing a mask to the holocaust is extremely insensitive to the people who actually lived through it.
Governor Whitmer isn’t the only governor called Hitler. Selfish bullies all over the United States call their governors nazis too because they require people to wear a mask in public.
The real irony of all of this is that Friske’s Farm Market was listed by the state of Michigan an exposure site for COVID-19 on August 13, 2020. That means TomQ knew that when they replied to Up North Progressive on August 24, 2020.
The article published to this blog on August 13, 2020, was not a red herring. Do you know what is a red herring? The leaflet Friske Farm Market passed out to customers justifying why they won’t wear masks or require customers to wear them either. Some examples include:
With Friske Farm Market outright lying to customers about the risks of not wearing a mask listed with the state as an exposure site now, it’s good they respect people’s rights to not shop at their store, something Up North Progressive emphatically recommends keeping the public safe.
Remember a while back when we visited Jack O’Malley’s website and among the poor grammar, stock images, and not much of anything else, we found this?
Well, there’s more!
Just reading a few lines makes it plain whoever developed this website English is not their first language. Nothing wrong with that, but it helps if you can hire someone who at least knows English well enough to use proper syntax on your American campaign website.
It gets better.
The About tab on the menu takes you to a very brief history of what Jack’s been doing with his life before he represented Michigan’s 101st State House District. Give the first paragraph a close read and something should pop out right away, unless you can read Russian.
Under the first section, PROFESSIONAL, do you see something there that doesn’t look right? Notice the words, работа в москве between TV and Jack. The funny-looking moon language is Russian. In English, it reads “jobs in Moscow.” On Jack’s website that phrase is actually a hidden hyperlink that redirects you to a Russian website. Don’t click it.
Further down in the same paragraph, another shortened web link goes to another job website that is not in English. Don’t click that one either.
It’s strange because Jack has plenty of rich donors including the DeVos crime family bankrolling him, so why does he need to go cheap on his website? www.votejackomalley.com has the look and feel of an ESL content mill freelancer recycling a stylesheet and didn’t do a very good job cleaning it up. Honestly, the hidden links scream black hat SEO.
With the bizarre hidden links going to foreign websites and “2020 best male enhancement pills” in the News drop-down menu, Jack’s campaign website should be avoided.
UPDATE! A reader provided a copy of what Friske Orchards Farm provides to customers when they ask about wearing masks in their store. You can see it below.
On August 5, 2020, Friske Orchards Farm filed suit against Governor Gretchen Whitmer due to violating the legal mandatory mask order. The Charlevoix farm in Antrim County, like many businesses in northern Michigan, refuse to follow state guidelines to keep their employees and customers safe from COVID-19. Now, Friske Orchard faces closure.
Governor Whitmer issued executive order 2020-147 on July 10, 2020, requiring face coverings in all enclosed public spaces. The order also mandates anyone defying the order faced a $500 fine and businesses not enforcing the order could lose their license and be forced to close. This is the predicament Friske Orchards faces now, so in continued defiance, in their erroneous belief Governor Whitmer is a tyrant, they risk putting 21 employees out of work and losing their business.
Republicans across the United States, fueled by Trump’s xenophobic fear and loathing of anyone black, brown, or female, refuse to follow the same guidelines people all over the world followed to stop the spread of COVID-19. While those countries now may go out in public mask-free and enjoy dining, shopping, attending the theater, and sporting events, in the United States the numbers of COVID infections continues to skyrocket. Trump cultists insist COVID-19 is a Democrat plot to oust Trump from power so LGBTQ commie anarchists can take over and give people free health care and a living wage to afford luxuries like rent and groceries.
The Friske family wants no part of that. The owners of Friske Orchards Farm are proud conservatives from the day Richard and Olga Friske got off the boat after Richard Friske ended his career with the German Air Force during World War II under the rule of Adolf Hitler. In 1962 they purchased the farm that became Friske Orchards Farm and life in America has been good to them. Richard Friske served as State Representative for the 106th State House District from 1971 to 1973 as a Republican. He failed to win a seat in the United States Congress running as an independent.
Richard Friske Sr. passed away in 2002 but Richard Friske Jr. continues his father’s legacy of supporting conservative politics in Michigan. Political candidates receiving money from Richard and Wendy Friske include Lee Chatfield, Triston Cole, Gary Glenn, Rick Santorum, and David Duke.
On July 7, 2014, federal agents conducted an early morning raid on Friske Orchards Farm. They detained 10 illegal immigrants working on the farm.
With the help of David Kallman, the same lawyer representing barber Karl Manke of Owosso, the Friske family continues the Trump cult legacy of refusing to follow science-based policies to keep their customers and employees safe. Politicizing wearing masks during one of the worst health crises in American history will be the legacy of the Republican Party for many years to come.
If you ate dinner at Na-Tah-Ka in Irons, Michigan, on the evening of August 7, 2020, you need to be tested for COVID-19. An individual who dined there on Friday night was notified on Saturday, August 8, 2020, that they tested positive for coronavirus.
COVID-19 testing will be available in Baldwin, Michigan on August 14, 2020. In the meantime, if you ate dinner at Na-Tah-Ka on August 7, it’s important that you immediately self-quarantine for 14 days and avoid contact with anyone, including family members, friends, and roommates.
If you begin to experience or have noticed any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste and smell, immediately contact your doctor.
Kevin Hughes of DHD #10 urges everyone to follow mandatory face covering and social distancing laws declared by Governor Whitmer. The virus affects people differently. Some will have no symptoms to mild symptoms or become so ill they need to go to the hospital. Even if you are asymptomatic it’s possible to suffer permanent organ damage. You are still contagious and can spread it to others.
Far too many people refuse to follow the mandates that evidence proves keeps people safe. Nationwide, there are now over 5 million positive cases of COVID-19, and 160,000 have died. Masks work. Social distancing works. Staying home as much as possible works. We will not stop the spread of the virus until everyone follows the rules that work.
Yesterday, August 7, 2020, while the new Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, made radical leadership changes to the United States Post Office, postal workers finished their shifts and went home. Under new rules imposed by DeJoy, any mail undelivered at the end of the shift must wait until the next day. Overtime to finish delivering the mail is no longer allowed. Post offices used to process all mail arriving at their station until all of the mail for that day went out for delivery. Not anymore. People already across the country already notice mail delays are a reality. This means people relying on the USPS to deliver money needed to pay rent, life-saving prescription medication, important documents with a deadline, are waiting days before their mail arrives.
If you’re wondering where your mail is, these pictures will show you. This is the post office delivering mail in northwestern Ohio. In the past workers would arrive to work and their processing stations were empty of mail. This is what they look like now when postal workers come in to work their shift thanks to new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
Before DeJoy abolished over time and multiple deliveries, mail was delivered the day it arrived. Now, workers process yesterday’s mail while today’s mail sits until the next day’s shift. Postal workers can’t finish processing mail before the end of their shift and the mail piles up until the next day. If your postal carrier is out sick, on vacation, or under COVID quarantine, the delay is even longer.
10,000 spoiled ballots failed to arrive on time in Michigan’s primary election on August 4, 2020, despite their postmark.
This is deliberate. Trump appointed generous campaign donor Louis DeJoy to do exactly what is happening to our mail delivery now. How many mail-in ballots will they spoil just by holding up the mail in November? Should I even mention Christmas?
Please, dear readers, share these photos everywhere you can.
UPDATE! Tom Eckerle will resign his seat to the Leelanua County Road Commission on Monday, August 10, 2020
On Thursday, August 6, 2020, The northern Michigan county of Leelanau found the eyes of the world trained on them as the news broke that two days before, Tom Eckerle of the Leelanau County Road Commission, proudly said a racial slur in front of the other members of the commission before Chair Bob Joyce could call the meeting to order. Despite calls to resign and condemnation from the community, Mr. Eckerle refuses to step down from the Road Commission.
If you think Tom Eckerle is the lone racist in Michigan, you couldn’t be more wrong. Eckerle is another symptom of the disease festering all over the state called the Republican Party. Toxic conservativeness, which includes misogyny, racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and economic class warfare are the new ideals of the people who proudly belong to the party of Trump.
From the billboard in Lake County proclaiming Governor Whitmer is “little Hitler” to the signs in people’s yards cheering on their county sheriff for refusing to enforce the governor’s executive orders, so-called patriots flocked to the State Capital in Lansing in April waving confederate flags, carrying signs with swastikas and barged into the capital during legislative sessions armed to the teeth. They screamed for the lynching of the governor on social media and when those groups were removed for inciting violence they created new ones with new branding and circulated petitions lying about what the petitions were for to trick people into signing them.
Jack O’Malley, the state rep whose district includes Leelanau County condemned Tom Eckerle’s name-calling Thursday night by calling Eckerle stupid. O’Malley was behind the sheriffs of the four counties in his district to issue a press release stating they would not enforce Gretchen Whitmer’s executive orders. O’Malley insists Governor Whitmer is singlehandedly destroying Michigan’s economy and driving people to commit suicide. O’Malley insists children can’t get COVID-19 so it’s okay to send them back to school this fall and adults are going to get infected with COVID-19 anyway so might as well open the economy back up so everyone in Michigan can get sick together. As long as we get back to work, it’s all good.
Racism is a widespread problem with Michigan’s Republican Party. Tom Eckerle said out loud what the rest of the Michigan GOP is thinking. After months of authority figures and residents refusing to wear a mask, refusing to socially distance in public, refusing to follow executive orders to keep people safe, we finally got to see a glimpse of what motivates these people every day.
Racists like Eckerle emboldened by the current political climate say racist things. Call them out on it and will double down. Eckerle won’t resign. He will say the n-word every time you ask him not to because he like the rest of his kind in Michigan believe they’re the real patriots.
The only way to force Eckerle out office is through a petition drive to recall him. We will have to wait and see what happens next. In the meantime, it’s 88 days until the November election. What can you do right now to make sure the GOP is voted out of office on November 3, 2020?
The primary election is only two days away. If you haven’t registered to vote yet or unsure if you’re registered to vote, it’s not too late! You can register to vote and even apply for an absentee ballot right up to election day!
To check if you’re registered to vote, simply click this link and use the form to check your voter registration status. Once you’re verified, you will have the opportunity to look at your ballot as it will appear at the polls on election day. This is also the location to check the status of your absentee ballot if you mailed it back to your local clerk.
On that page, you will see a link for “local clerk”. Click that link and your local clerk’s name, address, contact info, and most importantly, their pre-election weekend hours! will appear. For example, Up North Progressive’s local clerk will be open today, Sunday, August 2, 2020, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Contact your local clerk, register to vote, and even apply and receive an absentee ballot today.
But DO NOT put that ballot in the mail after you voted at home! You will need to return your absentee ballot in person no later than 8:00 PM on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Every voting precinct has a drop-off box. Contact your local clerk to find out where that box is located. Even better, once you receive your absentee ballot from the clerk, fill it out right there, and turn it in.
Remember, you will need some form of proof that you live in the voting precinct to receive a ballot. Your local clerk will need to see that proof before they can register you to vote and provide you with a ballot. Your driver’s license or state ID is perfect.
You still have time to vote, but you need to do it as soon as possible! Absentee voting is easy. This year it’s the safest way to exercise your right to vote as an American citizen and registered voter.
While Enbridge Line 5 is shut down until the state can figure out what exactly is going on, Michigan DNR Director Daniel Eichinger followed up his July 17, 2020 letter to Enbridge with another letter on July 22, 2020. The new letter requested Enbridge’s parent company in Canada to put in writing an agreement to cover the costs of cleaning up the Straits of Mackinac.
Enbridge’s corporate business in Canada doesn’t directly do business in Michigan. They set up several subsidiary companies in the United States to handle their business in Michigan and other states. Enbridge Inc. insists that the American subsidiaries will handle any cleanup costs if a spill would occur. Considering the quality level of work completed for the Kalamazoo River after Enbridge Line 6B, it only seems reasonable that the DNR wants assurance that a spill in the Straits of Mackinac won’t be handled in the same fashion.
“If Enbridge Inc. is really committed to providing financial assurance to the people of Michigan, they’ll enter into a written agreement to that effect. We will continue working around the clock to get these pipelines that transport crude oil out of the Great Lakes as soon as possible. While we continue this work, Enbridge Inc. must provide full financial assurance to the people of Michigan that the company will meet its obligations in the event there is a spill or some other disastrous damage to the Great Lakes.”
In the Enbridge letter to the Michigan DNR dated July 20, 2020, Vice President of US Operations Mike Koby tells Mr. Eichinger that they are following all agreements dated 2018 in regards to the safety and upkeep of Enbridge Line 5. Koby states that $1.878 billion to cover any liability is a generous amount. The US subsidiary companies are “more than sufficient” to handle the costs of any spill in the Straits.
If you don’t remember the details of the aftermath of Enbridge’s US subsidiaries cleaning up Line 6B, it included $177 million in fines and settlements with the feds, buying up 148 homes on the Kalamazoo River, replacing 5 miles of damaged pipeline, spending $1.2 billion cleaning up the river, and after years of dredging there is still oil in the river that requires testing for years to come.
And Enbridge Inc. already wrote off the Straits of Mackinac for $1.878 billion, payable by their US Subsidiaries only.
Michigan needs written assurance from Enbridge the parent company will be responsible for all clean up in the Straits. Daniel Eichinger is doing the right thing insisting they provide in writing they are responsible for the cleanup. Enbridge needs to look at the total value of their company and think hard about whether it’s really worth it.