Up North Progressive has been pretty quiet lately. That’s because the Up North Progressive volunteered on the campaign staff of a state house candidate. It was a great learning experience, but there was so much writing to do about one candidate, it made writing about anything else happening up north difficult. The best part of any election is when it’s over.

Except for this election, this is the election that never seems to end because the loser won’t accept he was fired on November 3rd. There are plenty of reasons for the GOP to keep the lie alive right now. It allows them to continue to fleece their base for money. Trump’s campaign raked in millions in a matter of days to pay off his debts or go into his pockets.

With every more insane than the last desperate attempt to stop the inevitable from happening, Trump ordered Michigan’s top Republicans to Washington DC on Friday demanding they DO SOMETHING to stop the certification of Michigan’s election on Monday, November 23, 2020 at one o’clock in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time. Lee Chatfield (R- please Up North Progressive, don’t share that video again!), and Mike Shirkey (R – Standing on stage with the guys the FBI will arrest five months from now doesn’t concern me at all), went to the White House. Both claim they told Trump there was nothing Michigan’s state legislature could do about the election results being certified on Monday. Both went to Trump International Hotel afterward and partied at the bar drinking overpriced Dom Pérignon.

Where do we stand right now? The State Board of Canvassers will meet tomorrow via Zoom to certify the election. This hasn’t stopped the Michigan GOP and RNC Chair Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel from demanding the Secretary of State delay the meeting for two weeks. Lee Chatfield and Mike Shirkey, the guys who insist they told Trump there was nothing they could do to stop certification both agree the Board of Canvassers’ meeting must be delayed.

Lee Chatfield this morning even went on Fixed Noise’s Sunday talk show and insisted if the vote goes through as scheduled tomorrow it will cause a constitutional crisis, which is Republican speak for we’ll create a constitutional crisis if big baby Trump doesn’t get his way.

How do you feel about Michigan Republicans trying to subvert Michigan’s constitution just to keep the most horrific excuse for a human being in the White House? Mash this link right here and let the Michigan State Board of Canvassers know how you feel about Trump disenfranchising the will of the people of Michigan tomorrow afternoon.

If there has ever been a more irresponsible act during the COVID pandemic it’s attempting to keep Michigan public schools open. The Republicans successfully stripped the Governor of her executive authority to keep the citizens of Michigan safe and cases are on the rise. People refuse to wear masks in enclosed spaces and social distancing is non-existent. As for reporting cases and contact tracing, suppressing real numbers is part of the plan.

The state required school districts in Michigan over the summer to develop reopening plans. Social distancing and mask guidelines along with protocols to prohibit the spread of the virus were adopted. Schools require students and staff to wear masks when in school. Social distancing must be followed at all times for all activities, including in the classroom. Teachers must spray down all surfaces in the classroom with a spray bottle full of chemicals to kill the virus. Emphasis on using technology in lieu of physical textbooks and paper which multiple people have to touch. By now, every Michigan K-12 student has a Chromebook.

With all of these precautions, everything should be just fine, right? There is the theory, and then there is reality.


Masks are rarely worn properly. They are either hanging below the nose or they’re chin hammocks. Then there are those who assume as long as they’re not talking they don’t have to wear them. It’s hilarious when a student is talking in class and the first thing they do is pull their mask down because they think that little bit of cloth muffles their voice.

State guidelines for masks are not being enforced and students simply refuse to do it. Keep in mind, some homes are anti-mask and the students bring these sentiments into the school with them.

Social Distancing

Remember back in August the pictures of a school in Georgia taken by a student of the hallways crammed full of kids with barely any space between them? That is happening in northern Michigan schools right now. Bell schedules have not changed, which means the entire student population crowds the halls at the same time. Add to that the wait time outside the classroom while the teacher quickly spritzes the table surfaces with chemicals and you have large herds of students standing in close proximity outside the door chatting away with their masks pulled down.

Classroom Seating

The days of individual desks in classrooms are long gone. Most modern classrooms are outfitted with tables that multiple students sit at. Elementary and middle school students may have some space between them, but high school students are often shoulder to shoulder. They sit with no space between them their masks hanging under their chins chatting away and offering sips of their beverage to each other. And then there’s lunch in the cafeteria.

School Sports

Football, soccer, golf, tennis, volleyball, and cross country are all in season right now in our schools. Except for the games and matches that are canceled due to COVID positive tests. These just about happen daily now. Winter sports were just approved, including wrestling! Students sit in vans or buses for hours traveling to other school districts and their COVID outbreaks to play sports and come home after exposing each other.

Testing, Contact Tracing, and the “Mom Code”
It’s hard to say how many cases of COVID enter schools every day because parents don’t want a repeat of last winter when their children were home all day and they had to care for them feed them and try to school them. Parents not wanting to be the ones who shuts down the school because their sick kid tested positive simply to keep their kids at home if they are sick. That way there is no need to test for COVID and the school stays open. The “mom code” first reported in Utah spread quickly through social media and it’s a sure thing it’s happening nationwide.

State Authority to Shut it All Down

Positive COVID cases in northern Michigan schools appeared shortly after the doors opened. School superintendents in Northern Michigan are determined to keep schools open no matter how many staff and students test positive for COVID. The only way these schools will ever shut down is by order of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. As long as they can find enough substitute teachers to cover for the teachers now quarantined due to exposure or a positive test the schools stay open. Our Governor can’t do shut schools down any longer thanks to the Republicans and the state supreme court ruling an executive order that stood on the books for 75 years suddenly unconstitutional. Trumpers can go to Supercuts but what is the cost to our communities?

Meanwhile, teachers, school staff, and students enter these simmering Petri dishes, spray chemicals on every surface of their classroom between classes, and hope it’s enough to protect everyone for another day. The chemicals in these spray bottles are so strong staff are required to wear gloves and face shields every time they use it. And they’re required to use it.

Cases are on the rise and hospitals already say it’s putting a strain on their ability to care for everyone. Michigan Republicans refuse to admit they were wrong to open up the state, preferring more underpaid workers to sacrifice themselves for business and profits. The school experiment failed. It’s time to shut the schools down again before more people get sick and die.

18 dead wolves because killing is fun!

Kurt Johnston Duncan, 56, was found guilty of poaching 18 wolves and numerous other animals on Tuesday, Octover 13, 2020. The Pickford resident pleads guilty to seven counts of poaching in September.

Chippewa County District Court Judge, Eric Blubaugh, imposed a sentence of paying $36,240 in fines, 90 days in jail, and revoking all hunting and trapping privileges in Michigan and 47 other states. Duncan also lost ownership of all firearms and snares seized by authorities.

Gary Hagler, chief of the DNR Law Enforcement Division had this to say about the sentencing:

This is a historical case for the division and department. We hope this poaching case acts as a deterrent to criminals for committing future wildlife crimes such as this. Our officers did an excellent job working as a team and building this investigation so it could move quickly through the criminal justice system.

Duncan poached wolves, bald eagles, deer, bobcat, turkeys, and other game and wildlife. He used some of the animals for commercial purposes.

If you witness anyone poaching wildlife and game animals call the DNR’s report all poaching hotline at 800-292-7800.

Up North Progressive loves reader comments, even the critical ones. From Gary Glenn complaining about the cropped image of him used with an article with a famous person, to former employees of convicted felon Dr. Steve Ingersoll sharing their experiences working in his for-profit charter schools.

Sometimes reader comments are too good to be left in the comment section and deserve their own spot on the front page.

Up North Progressive published an article about Friske Orchard Farms and Farm Market and their lawsuit against Governor Whitmer on August 13, 2020. The family business refuses to follow state-mandated guidelines regarding wearing face-covering in their store. The contempt this business had for the Governor’s executive order was so great they printed a leaflet for their customers and used false information to justify it.

A reader named TomQ replied to Up North Progressive on August 24, 2020:

This is a red herring argument. Are we all responsible for what our great grandpa has done? If so; then we have not learned from our past? How does a dead person who repented Germany and became a success in USA deserve this slanted opinion? Republicans are not Nazi! Republicans actually freed the slaves! Opinion doesn’t equal fact. Bet the Friske’s pay more in taxes than the writer of this blog. Friske’s are just about stopping the Government overreach. How come there are no authors listed on this blog? Who are the writers hiding from? Every writer owns their message and how come you don’t? Hiding from fear?

TomQ then calls Up North Progressive a bully.

I had to register to leave my opinion on your site and no name of the person writing. Would love to be able to blatantly write my opinion without financial loss. This blog is just a bully. Why do you bully!

Nobody likes to be called a Nazi. There’s even a term to describe calling someone who is not a nazi a nazi – Godwin’s Law. The law states anyone who resorts to calling someone a nazi in an argument has already lost the argument.

Now let’s take a look at some examples of calling someone who is not a nazi a nazi.

Governor Whitmer works hard trying to keep the citizens of Michigan safe.

Despite this fact, selfish, stupid people slightly inconvenienced with social distancing and mask-wearing decided to call the Governor Hitler.

And even put Hitler’s mustache on her face.

So it’s OK to call the Governor Hitler and a nazi when she clearly is not is fine with her detractors.

But mentioning the historical fact that Richard Friske served in the Luftwaffe under Adolf Hitler is not.

It’s sad that TomQ and every other person angry at Governor Whitmer thinks wearing a mask to stop the spread of COVID is the same as forcing Jewish people to wear a six pointed star every time they went out in public in Germany and the parts of Europe Germany occupied. Wearing a mask doesn’t restrict where you can go. It doesn’t prohibit you from shopping in certain stores, attending certain schools or other institutions. Wearing a mask doesn’t strip you of your citizenship, or force you to live in segregated ghettos. In fact, equating wearing a mask to the holocaust is extremely insensitive to the people who actually lived through it.

Governor Whitmer isn’t the only governor called Hitler. Selfish bullies all over the United States call their governors nazis too because they require people to wear a mask in public.

The real irony of all of this is that Friske’s Farm Market was listed by the state of Michigan an exposure site for COVID-19 on August 13, 2020. That means TomQ knew that when they replied to Up North Progressive on August 24, 2020.

The article published to this blog on August 13, 2020, was not a red herring. Do you know what is a red herring? The leaflet Friske Farm Market passed out to customers justifying why they won’t wear masks or require customers to wear them either. Some examples include:

  • All EO’s after 28 days do not hold the force of law. This is why the Governor issues new ones.
  • Masks can’t stop COVID-19 because the virus is too small. Masks stop the vehicles that carry the virus – saliva and mucus.
  • People in certain work environments, medical history, age, genetics (???), and other factors shouldn’t wear masks. That is a list of everyone who needs to wear a mask. No clue what Friske Farm Market means by genetics.
  • There is also scientific evidence non-symptomatic people cannot spread the virus. The OPPOSITE is true! Children are the largest non-symptomatic age group, and also the largest group that spread the virus to others.
  • Wearing a mask increases the risk of recirculating carbon dioxide and germs. No.

With Friske Farm Market outright lying to customers about the risks of not wearing a mask listed with the state as an exposure site now, it’s good they respect people’s rights to not shop at their store, something Up North Progressive emphatically recommends keeping the public safe.

Remember a while back when we visited Jack O’Malley’s website and among the poor grammar, stock images, and not much of anything else, we found this?

Well, there’s more!

Just reading a few lines makes it plain whoever developed this website English is not their first language. Nothing wrong with that, but it helps if you can hire someone who at least knows English well enough to use proper syntax on your American campaign website.

It gets better.

The About tab on the menu takes you to a very brief history of what Jack’s been doing with his life before he represented Michigan’s 101st State House District. Give the first paragraph a close read and something should pop out right away, unless you can read Russian.

Under the first section, PROFESSIONAL, do you see something there that doesn’t look right? Notice the words, работа в москве between TV and Jack. The funny-looking moon language is Russian. In English, it reads “jobs in Moscow.” On Jack’s website that phrase is actually a hidden hyperlink that redirects you to a Russian website. Don’t click it.

Further down in the same paragraph, another shortened web link goes to another job website that is not in English. Don’t click that one either.

It’s strange because Jack has plenty of rich donors including the DeVos crime family bankrolling him, so why does he need to go cheap on his website? www.votejackomalley.com has the look and feel of an ESL content mill freelancer recycling a stylesheet and didn’t do a very good job cleaning it up. Honestly, the hidden links scream black hat SEO.

With the bizarre hidden links going to foreign websites and “2020 best male enhancement pills” in the News drop-down menu, Jack’s campaign website should be avoided.

UPDATE! A reader provided a copy of what Friske Orchards Farm provides to customers when they ask about wearing masks in their store. You can see it below.

On August 5, 2020, Friske Orchards Farm filed suit against Governor Gretchen Whitmer due to violating the legal mandatory mask order. The Charlevoix farm in Antrim County, like many businesses in northern Michigan, refuse to follow state guidelines to keep their employees and customers safe from COVID-19. Now, Friske Orchard faces closure.

Governor Whitmer issued executive order 2020-147 on July 10, 2020, requiring face coverings in all enclosed public spaces. The order also mandates anyone defying the order faced a $500 fine and businesses not enforcing the order could lose their license and be forced to close. This is the predicament Friske Orchards faces now, so in continued defiance, in their erroneous belief Governor Whitmer is a tyrant, they risk putting 21 employees out of work and losing their business.

Republicans across the United States, fueled by Trump’s xenophobic fear and loathing of anyone black, brown, or female, refuse to follow the same guidelines people all over the world followed to stop the spread of COVID-19. While those countries now may go out in public mask-free and enjoy dining, shopping, attending the theater, and sporting events, in the United States the numbers of COVID infections continues to skyrocket. Trump cultists insist COVID-19 is a Democrat plot to oust Trump from power so LGBTQ commie anarchists can take over and give people free health care and a living wage to afford luxuries like rent and groceries.

The Friske family wants no part of that. The owners of Friske Orchards Farm are proud conservatives from the day Richard and Olga Friske got off the boat after Richard Friske ended his career with the German Air Force during World War II under the rule of Adolf Hitler. In 1962 they purchased the farm that became Friske Orchards Farm and life in America has been good to them. Richard Friske served as State Representative for the 106th State House District from 1971 to 1973 as a Republican. He failed to win a seat in the United States Congress running as an independent.

Richard Friske Sr. passed away in 2002 but Richard Friske Jr. continues his father’s legacy of supporting conservative politics in Michigan. Political candidates receiving money from Richard and Wendy Friske include Lee Chatfield, Triston Cole, Gary Glenn, Rick Santorum, and David Duke.

On July 7, 2014, federal agents conducted an early morning raid on Friske Orchards Farm. They detained 10 illegal immigrants working on the farm.

With the help of David Kallman, the same lawyer representing barber Karl Manke of Owosso, the Friske family continues the Trump cult legacy of refusing to follow science-based policies to keep their customers and employees safe. Politicizing wearing masks during one of the worst health crises in American history will be the legacy of the Republican Party for many years to come.

If you ate dinner at Na-Tah-Ka in Irons, Michigan, on the evening of August 7, 2020, you need to be tested for COVID-19. An individual who dined there on Friday night was notified on Saturday, August 8, 2020, that they tested positive for coronavirus.

COVID-19 testing will be available in Baldwin, Michigan on August 14, 2020. In the meantime, if you ate dinner at Na-Tah-Ka on August 7, it’s important that you immediately self-quarantine for 14 days and avoid contact with anyone, including family members, friends, and roommates.

If you begin to experience or have noticed any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste and smell, immediately contact your doctor.

Kevin Hughes of DHD urges everyone to follow mandatory face covering and social distancing laws declared by Governor Whitmer. The virus affects people differently. Some will have no symptoms to mild symptoms or become so ill they need to go to the hospital. Even if you are asymptomatic it’s possible to suffer permanent organ damage. You are still contagious and can spread it to others.

Far too many people refuse to follow the mandates that evidence proves keeps people safe. Nationwide, there are now over 5 million positive cases of COVID-19, and 160,000 have died. Masks work. Social distancing works. Staying home as much as possible works. We will not stop the spread of the virus until everyone follows the rules that work.