Addicts are a sad tragic reality of our society. They get used to using and want more, and want more, until they are caught for making a mess of themselves, their families, and their lives. The addict who insists they can stop using and turn their lives around on their own aren’t only lying to everyone else, they’re mostly lying to themselves.

Such is the case of the Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers. They’ve had twenty years of access to taxpayers’ money and they have been flying high ever since. In 2011 the state allowed charter school authorizers even more tax dollars by lifting the cap on charter schools in the state. The floodgates opened and soon the state was spending one billion dollars a year on the charter school authorizer’s habit. No chance of intervention, no way to stop the destruction of Michigan’s public schools. Until this summer, when the Detroit Free Press spoke up and spent a week explaining to the state that for-profit charter schools had a serious problem, and it was having a devastating effect on the state. The Michigan Department of Education decided it was time to for an intervention, and chose 11 charter school authorizers to sit down for their first abusers group therapy.

Addicts don’t like it when someone points out they’re an addict. They really don’t like it when they have to face the truth that their habit and destructive behavior affects themselves and others. There’s denial, anger, trying to shift blame onto others, and finally, the bargaining begins. Like any other addict, the Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers must accept that they are abusing our education system at the expense of taxpayers and at the detriment of the education of our children. We have charter schools millions of dollars in debt because management companies mismanaged or outright stole money to feed their habit. Many for-profit charter schools are not meeting academic expectations of the state. The time of bargaining is over. Charter schools had twenty years to prove they could handle this on their own, and they failed.

If the DeVos yesmen want for-profit charter schools to be treated the same as public schools, then they need to submit to the same transparency and regulations as real public schools. Any time a corporate body claims they can regulate themselves it means they know they’re in trouble and want to hide the truth from the tax payers making them rich. The Michigan Department of Education needs to protect our school children and tell charter school authorizers NO.

The first stage of healing and recovery is admit you have a problem. We’re trying to help you, really.

Dr. Mark Noss is Dr. Steve Ingersoll’s business partner. They developed Integrated Visual Learning and train people how to be specialists in IVL therapy. People as far as away as Denmark have come to Michigan for training in this therapy. Did the Danish trainees find Excel Institute through a Facebook ad like this one? Dr. Noss now operates the management company for Grand Traverse Academy, and also manages the Excel Institute in Traverse City. The specialists who work at GTA will be trained at the institute co-founded by Drs Noss and Ingersoll.

Steve Ingersoll opened the first charter school in Livingston County just for the purpose of using the students for a study on the effects of IVL with students with disabilities. The Brighton Study is a non peer-reviewed study where Ingersoll claims he cured 90% of the students who were on Ritalin using IVL in the charter school. He went on to open charter schools in Traverse City, California, and Bay City before being indicted on felony fraud charges. This hasn’t stopped him from still managing some of his charter schools. In fact, starting this year, three year olds will have the opportunity to experience IVL in the new pre-school program. It’s a sure thing these preschoolers will get eye exams, because it’s the single most important thing you need to do before sending your child to school.

Fortunately, all of Ingersoll’s schools have full eye clinics in them, so it’s a sure thing they will get their before-school eye exam.

IVL is such a miracle breakthrough therapy, it’s even good for people who go to chiropractors. In Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, Dr. Amy Spoelstra owns a practice called Spoelstra Family Chiropractic. She offers traditional chiropractic treatment, and a new program called FOCUS.

“The FOCUS program is a drugless approach to neurodevelopment disorders such as ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, or undiagnosed problems with hyperactivity, impulsivity, or an unexplained lack of productivity. FOCUS provides children, teens, and adults a way to manage and improve these traits without the use of medication.

A Non-medication treatment for ADD/ADHD and autism spectrum disorders using chiropractic? There’s more to it than that. The FOCUS program has three components:

FOCUS joins three of the most powerful, drugless tools available today in the management and correction of these disorders. Those tools are chiropractic, nutrition, and brain/body exercises know as Neurological Integrated Movements (NIMS).

Have you ever tried to get an autistic child to eat something they’re not interested in eating? Two of these things are familiar, but the third, NIMS, that is new. What is NIMS? To get a better idea of what this might be, let’s get a little background on Dr. Spoelstra.

Dr. Amy Spoelstra’s maiden name is Ingersoll. This is Steve Ingersoll’s daughter, married and living in Idaho where she and her husband have opened and work as partners in a chiropractic practice. Knowing this helps us get a better idea of NIMS.

Dr. Spoelstra began pursuing qualifications in chiropractic pediatric care. Currently, Dr. Spoelstra is finishing a diplomat in chiropractic pediatrics through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association), is a SHINE certified doctor (neurodevelopmental disorders), is a student of Intersect for Kids (Dr. Monika Buerger), is thoroughly studied in Integrated Visual Learning(Dr. Steven Ingersoll), and is pursuing a fellowship through the Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies in Childhood Developmental Disorders.

Could NIMS be another name for IVL, and being used as part of a treatment that is meant to correct ADD/ADHD and autism?

Dr. Amy Spoelstra is a pediatric Chiropractor practicing in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. In collaboration with her father Dr. Steven Ingersoll, a Developmental Optometrist from Michigan, she created the FOCUS program that addresses the needs of children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders. FOCUS incorporates Integrated Visual Learning (IVL) with movement based techniques, nutrition, and chiropractic to improve underlying function in children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders.

NIMS appears to be another acronym meaning IVL.

The Spoelstras have heavily advertised the FOCUS program in the local Idaho newspapers and offered workshops where they teach specific techniques as a sample of what FOCUS can do for them. This program is still new, so the chances of any study of their results is unlikely any time soon. What are the chances however they will claim the same miraculous results that Dr. Steve Ingersoll claimed in his Brighton Study, where his first charter school doubled as a laboratory?

Steve Ingersoll, Mark Noss, and Ingersoll’s daughter Amy Ingersoll Spoelstra all peddle IVL as a miracle cure for ADD/ADHD, Austism, Asperger’s, and every other learning disorder. In Michigan, Dr. Steve Ingersoll and Dr. Mark Noss through their corporations manage schools with optometry clinics and the tax payers are paying for it because it’s part of a “public” charter school academy. As the Michigan Department of Education cracks down on charter school authorizers and looks at the for-profit charter schools they allow to operate, they need to also consider what these schools are using to treat special education students, and whether they’re providing services specified in their IEP, or doing something else because the state of Michigan is their proverbial cash cow. Stay tuned for more fascinating things happening in Michigan in the name of school choice.

The Detroit Free Press released the results of a new EPIC-MRA poll showing our next governor, Mark Schauer, leads Rick Snyder 45% to 43%. This wonderful news is no surprise to anyone paying attention because we know why people are ready to dump the gov and elect someone who will work for the people of Michigan, rather than special interests and big business. The people of Michigan have very good reasons to vote Snyder out of office this November.

The Michigan State House voted to allow wolf hunting in the Upper Peninsula. This vote was designed to undermine the will of the people by passing a new law to circumvent a people’s ballot initiative that would have appeared on this November’s ballot. This is the third time this year State Republicans rammed a bill through the state legislature to undermine the will of the citizens of Michigan. In May State Republicans pushed through a bill to change the law before a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 could make it on the ballot. State Republicans also used a rarely-used procedure to push through a new law requiring women in the state to purchase a “rape rider” on their insurance plans. This law came about from a ballot initiative circulated by Michigan Right to Life. The proposal would have never survived a referendum vote because more than 70% of Michiganians support a woman’s right to choose. The state legislature once again forced the agenda of special interests on the will of the people of Michigan.

In 2012 Michigan voters struck down Rick Snyder’s emergency manager law, only to have a new law replace it literally weeks later. Rick Snyder lied to the people of Michigan when he said that right to work was wrong for Michigan after the DeVos family wrote a big enough check for him to change his mind.

Mark Schauer leading Rick Snyder in the polls shows what the majority of Michiganians already know. Rick Snyder does not care about the people who live in this state and pay his salary. We’re fed up, and we want our state back. This November Mark Schauer will be elected our new governor and the state can get to work restoring democracy in Michigan.

The 101st Michigan house district includes the counties of Benzie, Ludington, Manistee, amd Mason. The next person to represent that district will be Tom Stobie. He lives in Benzie County and was the Superintendent of Frankfort-Elberta Area Schools.

Stobie served in the Navy during the Vietnam War. When he returned from Southeast Asia he taught Special Education. As a teacher and administrator Tom Stobie understands how important public education is to foster healthy communities and economies. He understands the importance of serving his community and country, and also the advantages of raising a family in Michigan.

With his background in education it’s clear that returning Michigan’s public schools to their full strength is very important. Stobie will fight for our children and the schools. Snyder cut over a billion dollars from public education in Michigan to help pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. This has hurt our schools and ultimately the students. Tom Stobie also wants to lower taxes on the middle class and eliminate the pension taxes on senior citizens. Stobie wants to do more for veterans and provide them better services and support, something the Republicans have deliberately refused to do. Small business is where real job creation happens and small business owners need to be supported.

Tom Stobie looks forward to everyone supporting him by getting out and voting this November. District 101 needs someone who will go to Lansing and do what’s right for the people, not the corporations or rich. To learn more about Tom’s campaign, to volunteer or contribute, you can go to his website.

Tim Skubick wasted no time post-convention sucking up to Snyder by insisting he’s the stronger candidate in the November race for governor. Look at how the press gave Snyder all the attention during the flood in Detroit. Mark Schauer got only a mention while The Nerd commanded headline after headline. Tim doesn’t realize that the real news story wasn’t about how Snyder got the attention of the press because he’s the governor, but that everyone was in shock to see The Nerd acknowledging the hoi polloi in blatant photo ops wearing clothes to work in that are nicer than what most Michiganians can afford to wear to church.

This is the first time anyone has bothered to acknowledge Mark Schauer from the Republican side. People believe it’s because no one knows who Mark Schauer is and the governor doesn’t have to pay attention to him.


The reason why Rick Snyder hasn’t paid any attention to Mark Schauer is because rebellion from within the Republican party up until Saturday afternoon had his full attention. How focused was he? He inadvertently threw his own right-hand man under the bus. The Nerd needed delegates. Lots of delegates, because the real war in politics in Michigan has been the battle for control of the Republican Party.

On Saturday Brian Calley faced a challenger for nomination of Lieutenant Governor. Wes Nakagiri represented the tea party faction of the Republican Party, and after Brian Calley voted to break the tie in the state senate and pass the medicaid expansion, the tea party declared Calley not a pure conservative and decided it was time to replace him.

It should be sinking in right about now that Snyder and the rest of the establishment Republicans don’t have control of their own tent. There’s a large group of people who see things differently and they’re flexing their considerable muscle to gain influence in the party. These people are organized. They sign up to be precinct delegates and attend county party meetings. The number of tea party members who were going to be on the August 5 ballot as precinct delegates sent Snyder into panic mode. They loaded the ballot with even more delegates to out-delegate the tea party delegates. This set the stage for a battle on August 23.

And what a battle indeed. It was obvious right away things were about to get surreal upon entering the Expo in Novi. There was a group of true conservative patriots discussing one of the most important issues of fairness in 21st Century America:

“Why can’t we call them that word? That word makes me proud to be an American. They say it, I should be able to call them that dammit!”

And it only got weirder further inside.

Tension and hostility permeated everything inside the main hall. The tea party group cheered loudly as various Wes Nakagiri supporters came to the podium and talked about why Michigan needed him to replace Calley. Rick Snyder eventually made a speech about why Brian Calley should be nominated again, and the tea partiers loudly let The Nerd know how much they disapproved. They made threats to sabotage everybody if Nakagiri did not receive the nomination. It’s still unclear if Justin Amash made it out alive after his speech supporting Calley. The only volume setting tea partiers had was loud, especially when members of Michigan Open Carry were forced to take their weapons back to their cars. They tried to confront Rick Snyder for this transgression at a GOP convention of all places! The horror! The security around The Nerd was thick enough to fend off any shrill, angry ranting. The divide between establishment and true conservatives was so obvious, especially as members of the tea party continued to shout idle threats at members of the establishment.

And then it was time for voting.

And voting.

And voting.

And even more voting. The problem with having so many delegates is they all have to vote.

If at all possible, the room grew more tense. Especially when members of the establishment began to celebrate a little early. This made the tea party in the room waiting for the results grow even more agitated. While everyone waited, tea partiers shouted about one of their favorite things to hate, Common Core:


And then, the official tally was announced, Calley beat Nakagiri by 2 to 1.

And the tea party got mad. They shouted threats. Some got up and left in disgust. Some lingered and shouted more threats. From time to time, tea partiers that left would return and try to rally the other tea partiers to get mad and do something.

Then Nakagiri used his votes to make the nomination unanimous for Brian Calley.

Talk about betrayal, talk about a true conservative in name only. Wes Nakagiri was a RINO in the end.

To say the tea party was angry yesterday afternoon in Novi is an understatement. They’re screaming third party again. They’re talking about voting Libertarian or Constitution Party instead. They have lots to be angry about, especially with some of the vicious campaigns establishment candidates waged against incumbent tea party candidates.

While the tea party was angry, establishment Republicans cleared the arena of any sign that Wes Nakagiri had been a candidate. All of the “Yes Wes” signs disappeared. Some signs Snyder wouldn’t allow to be displayed at all.

I wonder why?

One tea party member became very emotional by the scene. “My country’s been taken from me again, like when that n***** stole the White House,” he said as he held a “Run Ben Run” bumper sticker for Ben Carson. More people complained and demanded becoming a third party “where true Americans will be listened to.”

Meanwhile, Rick Snyder and the rest of the establishment bankrolled by Dick DeVos celebrated their victory. On the interwebs, the DeVos yes men reached out the the Democratic Party in Lansing.

Saturday’s GOP convention nomination was a small victory for the establishment Republicans, but they haven’t won anything yet. One third of the people present at the GOP convention in Novi did not vote for Brian Calley, and Rick Snyder should be deeply embarrassed by that fact. This wasn’t so much a victory for Calley as a very obvious defeat for Snyder, and proof the Republicans are in deep trouble. Snyder has yet to spend a day campaigning, and it’s nearly September. Snyder’s administration can’t get through a week without suffering another scandal and he just alienated a third of the Republican Party base. One Obtuse Nerd.

Remember when you were a kid and someone at school decided they didn’t like you, then they told all your friends not to like you either and suddenly nobody liked you? This is more or less what the Michigan GOP is going through right now leading into their convention. The guy no one is allowed to like is Wes Nakagiri, he’s running for Brian Calley’s job because Obamacare, and Michigan needs a real conservative working with the Governor.

Except, Rick Snyder really really really doesn’t like Wes Nakagiri because he’s a member of the tea party, and as far as The Nerd is concerned, the tea party is stinky and mean and even louder than establishment Republicans, and so it’s really important to get as many establishment Republicans as possible to not like him as much as he does.

In politics this means you make a long list of everyone you know who you’re pretty sure will come to the convention as a precinct delegate and vote for the guy you do like, because the last thing you need is having to work with the guy you don’t like. He might vote against stuff you want to sign into law, but with the icky tea party guy being the tie breaker in the state senate? It’s enough to make a nerd even more awkward than he already is.

Unfortunately, in your fevered frenzy to tick off the names of everyone you know will vote the way you want, you might want to double check and make sure it’s legal for them to even vote. Just in case they’re registered to vote in two states. Which in the case of former shadow man Richard Baird, yep.

It gets better, he had tax exemptions on property in both states, because had them both listed as primary residences. How does that even work?

It doesn’t. So now the guy who secretly hired Kevyn Orr before The Nerd officially decided to assign Detroit an emergency manager is in trouble for voter fraud and tax fraud.

This weekend in Novi is going to be so much fun.

Last week Gary Naeyaert @GLEP_MI tweeted an image that sparked outrage with many people in the state and earned the organization dedicated to destroying public education much deserved notoriety. After three additional tweets trying to explain what he meant by the meme to compare Michigan State School Superintendent Mike Flanagan to school segregation champion George Wallace, the tweet with the image disappeared from the Internet. Gary’s been cautious ever since, even deleting a tweet from the GLEP account wishing Governor Snyder happy birthday on Tuesday when he posted an identical tweet under his own personal twitter account seconds later.

Gary also believes school choice is the Civil Rights issue of our time. After 20 years of organizations like GLEP hammering at public education in Michigan our public schools struggle to stay open. They function in crumbling buildings and reduce teaching staff and services creating a hostile struggle to maintain the level of quality education our public education system was famous for, despite the DeVos family’s efforts and money fueling the war to end it for good. According to Gary, this is a good thing for Michigan, because then parents will have to choose a for-profit charter school to send their children, and state tax dollars will make charter school managers rich. Hooray, the free market works!

But why compare Mike Flanagan to former Governor of Alabama George Wallace, who in 1963 made his iconic statement:

“In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.

Perhaps because in Gary Naeyaert’s understanding of the Civil Rights movement, it was something that only happened in the south and ended with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. The truth is, if Gary Naeyaert knew anything about the history of desegregating schools in the United States, he would have used an example more recent and closer to home. An example such as Jack Hoekstra in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1971.

Jack Hoekstra was elected to the Kalamazoo School Board in 1971 in a backlash to Kalamazoo Public School District’s plan to use busing to desegregate the schools. This was part of what was then called the “May 7 Plan” where the school board voted 4 to 3 in favor of busing students to schools to make them more racially equal. In 1971 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that busing was legal to enforce desegregation. This ruling caused a backlash of protest in cities as large as Boston and smaller cities like Pontiac and Kalamazoo.

The Kalamazoo school district map in 1969 looked like a city devoured by amoebas. Elementary school districts were determined by the racial makeup of neighborhoods; when a black family moved into a home in a predominantly white neighborhood, the district lines were redrawn to make sure that black family’s children would not go to a white elementary school. The two elementary schools where racial segregation in Kalamazoo was most pronounced were Lincoln and Northglade Elementary schools; the populations of these schools were 96% and 88% respectively. Lincoln Elementary School on North Burdick in 1969 was in desperate need of repairs. Broken windows, walls with holes in them, broken furniture, plumbing, and lights were part of the daily routine for the students who attended this school. Schools in Kalamazoo where white students attended were well maintained.

Riots in 1969 and 1970 over the condition and treatment of black students in Kalamazoo schools forced the Kalamazoo School Board to take desegregation into consideration. Beginning in 1970 and continuing into 1971, the school board adopted a plan that would hire more minority school staff, have students visit schools in other elementary districts, and in 1971 begin busing students to make the racial make up of the elementary schools more equal.

The explosive backlash from the “May 7 Plan” prompted a shake up in the Kalamazoo School Board. In June a millage to pay for the new busing was voted down, and two board members were replaced with Jack Hoekstra, who became the president of the school board and Dale Pattison. Both of these new members were in favor of maintaining segregated schools in Kalamazoo. They scrapped the May 7 Plan and instead implemented a voluntary desegregation program that allowed a period of open enrollment, or in other words, people would be allowed to choose the school they wanted their children to attend. The catch was transportation would be the responsibility of the parents.

And right there, one of the first seeds of school choice was planted. Offer what appears to be a good idea and what people want, but under the veneer maintain the status quo. The battle over school desegregation raged on. The NAACP won an injunction against Jack Hoekstra and the Kalamazoo Board of Education, requiring that school busing be implemented in time for the beginning of the 1971-1972 school year.

When the parents of the students who formerly attended Lincoln Elementary School arrived to put their children on the buses to their new schools in the autumn of 1971, they were shocked to see the transformation at Lincoln. The holes in the walls were gone, the walls were covered with fresh paint. The windows were whole, the plumbing worked, the lights worked, there was new carpet on the floor and the classrooms were full of new, unbroken furniture.

Kalamazoo School Board President Jack Hoekstra continued to fight desegregation in Kalamazoo. By December of 1974 he promised to take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The same Supreme Court that had ruled in 1971 that busing to desegregate schools was legal. In a statement to the press, he was quoted saying:

“Forced busing to achieve racial balance in the schools is morally wrong, educationally wrong, socially wrong and financially wrong.”

If GLEP needed someone with a great quote to create a bad meme in a futile attempt to shame Mike Flanagan, they could have used Jack Hoekstra. They didn’t use Jack Hoekstra however, for the same reason they should have never used Governor Wallace. Jack Hoekstra wanted to maintain segregation in Kalamazoo Public Schools. He was elected to the school board and fought the federal court order, and he lost. Kalamazoo Public Schools were desegregated, and after a period of five years the schools were found to be functioning just fine. Was there white flight? Yes, but that happened before Kalamazoo desegregated. The amoeba school district boundaries made white families move to different neighborhoods so their children wouldn’t go to school at Lincoln, Northglade, or the other elementary schools where segregation maintained a majority of black students. Once desegregation began, more families left Kalamazoo completely and settled in a small, sleepy bedroom town called Portage. Kalamazoo struggled afterward, but programs such as the Kalamazoo Promise have been positive steps to revitalize the school district.

The desegregation of schools in Kalamazoo faltered because people were blind to their racism. It’s the same blindness that made GLEP think posting their “Flanagan is like Wallace” meme last week was a good idea and they’re not sorry they did it. The school choice seed planted by Jack Hoekstra took root. It grew into organizations like GLEP, and BAEO. One of the main funders of BAEO, The Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee, is the same foundation that paid Charles Murray a million dollars to write the Bell Curve. If you have never heard of it, it’s conservative-funded research designed to prove that poor people are poor because it’s genetic. Desegregation won’t work since poor people living in urban neighborhoods are there because they can’t escape the IQ in which they are genetically predisposed. The Bell Curve is a dog whistle Lee Atwater would be proud of.

The purpose of advocates for school choice like Gary Naeyaert and GLEP has never been about providing options. The school choice movement, backed by research such as the CREDO study and the Bell Curve are meant to return segregation to our school system and get rich off the state treasury while doing it. A more accurate meme using George Wallace (or Jack Hoekstra) to create a comparison between him and a modern school segregationist – replace Mike Flanagan’s picture with a portrait of Dick and Betsy DeVos. But that would require the director of GLEP to take off his own racism blinders.

Mike Flanagan’s crime in GLEP’s opinion is being unfair in his new mission to make for-profit charter schools, the management companies, and the charter authorizers more accountable for the poor job they have done providing school choice in Michigan. For-profit charter schools do no better educating Michigan’s students and in many cases they do a worse job. Thanks to the Detroit Free Press they have been exposed and it’s long overdue. For-profit charter schools are not being discriminated against, they’re being forced to be equal to public schools in the quality of education they provide. If for-profit charter schools can’t do the job our public schools are more than capable of doing, then perhaps it’s time for GLEP and other organizations like them to get out of the “school choice” business.

Democratic candidate Betsy Coffia has two fund raisers taking place this week. Everyone is welcome to come to these events.

On Saturday, August 23, Heather Kingham and Mark Elliot will host an evening of socializing on the beach at their home, 7670 E Shore Rd, Traverse City, MI 49685, 6 to 8 pm. You can RSVP and find more information here.

Brilliant Books will hold a thoughtful reading and discussion session from 7pm to 9pm on Monday, August 26.. Bring a poem, short story or anything you would like to read and share about the role of leadership in elections and why it’s important. The address is 118 East Front Street in Traverse City. Contact Teresa Scollon if you have any questions.You can RSVP on Betsy’s website.

If you are unable to make it to either of these events but would still like to make a donation to Betsy’s campaign, you can do that here.

Check out Jerry Cannon’s new campaign ad. Very nicely done.

Governor Snyder encouraged people using propane to heat their homes that if they had not filled up their propane tanks for fall yet, now was the time to get it done before the heating season arrived. Last winter with the bitter cold in Northern Michigan many people used more propane for heating their homes than normal. Spring came, but the temperatures were slow to rise and many people struggled to find more fuel when demand drove prices up. That’s good advice for people who have an extra $800 dollars in their checking accounts and can afford to purchase gas now, but for many people who rely on assistance to pay their heating fuel costs, they’re out of luck until November 1.

State Emergency Relief is available for low income households struggling to pay for things such as food, medical costs, or their utility bills. Until 2013, if a person had a shut-off notice from their electric company or they were about to run out of propane for heating their home, they could apply for help through Michigan Department of Human Services. That all changed with Public Act 615.

Starting November 1, 2013, the period low-income households could apply for help with energy costs through SER was reduced to six months, or November 1 to May 31. From June 1 to October 31 SER for energy assistance is not available. This past spring when it was still cold, struggling families had to find help from other programs such as FiveCap for help paying for their heat or electricity.

Rick Snyder apparently forgot or has no clue that most people who use deliverable fuel to heat their homes live in rural areas, areas where poverty is high due to lack of jobs. Suggesting people get their tanks filled now before the price goes up is no help to families who don’t have that kind of money available to spend on propane. The Tip Sheet issued by the state suggests nothing for how low income families get gas delivered now when they likely will have no means to pay for it until November 1.

Northern Michigan had a cooler than average summer and the forecast is for an early fall and another cold winter. Most people will need to turn their heat on before November 1, unless you’re poor and have no money to get your tank filled. One Tone-Deaf Nerd strikes again.