Dean Vanderstelt, Our future US Congressman representing the 2nd District, has an updated blog with many new features. Check it out!
Dear Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan:
I realize the state of Michigan is out of your jurisdiction, but I wanted to bring to your attention that one of your citizens has been in our state for nearly four years and frankly, we’re really sick and tired of him.
Illinois resident Richard Baird came to Michigan in 2011 after his former employee, Rick Snyder was elected governor. Once Baird arrived in Michigan, he bought a house in Bath Township outside of Lansing and started a consulting firm for a single client – Governor Rick Snyder. This consulting firm run by Baird took an office right next to the Governor’s at the Capital in Lansing and began working for the governor in secret. You see, we didn’t know who Richard Baird was until some unpleasant things were made public about him and what he was doing. It started with something called “Skunkworks.”
Skunkworks in Michigan had nothing to do with Lil’ Abner, moonshine, or even Lockheed. Skunkworks became the name for secret meetings being held where plans to set up a back door school voucher system were discussed. The only problem with that is school vouchers are unconstitutional in Michigan, which is why the meetings were secret, and involved no one from the Michigan Department of Education or from any public schools. Then we found out that while Rick Snyder was telling the public he didn’t think Detroit would ever be in a financial emergency, Richard Baird was already interviewing Kevyn Orr for the job of being Detroit’s emergency manager. But wait, there’s more. We found out that Richard Baird helped Rick Snyder’s cousin get a sweet furniture contract with the state, while everyone else was suffering budget cuts due to “shared sacrifice.” None of this was public knowledge to the state until people began digging to find out who this secret guy in the office next door to Rick Snyder’s was and what he was doing here.
We eventually found who Richard Baird was, and that his consulting fees were being paid through a secret fund called the NERD fund. Secret consultant, being paid through a secret fund of undisclosed donors and doing shadow government work in Michigan. I’m sure you can understand how annoyed the good people of Michigan were and still are with this guy and what he’s been doing. He told a judge when he was ordered to divulge the names of who he talked to when he vetted Kevyn Orr that he didn’t have to tell him, because Rick Snyder gave him executive privilege. Then Baird’s lawyer cited Richard Nixon’s attempts to not release documents about Watergate as a precedent. I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like hogwash to me. It certainly did to the judge.
Despite being outed to the state, given a title as “transformation officer” in the Governor’s office and being put on the state payroll instead of being paid through the secret NERD fund, Richard Baird has still been a problem for the good people of Michigan, and still doing stuff that’s not legal. Rick Snyder decided he needed lots of delegates at the Republican convention in August so he made a list of names to add and he included Richard Baird. By doing this, the state became aware of some interesting things. Richard Baird owns two houses, one in Illinois, where his family lives, and one in Michigan where he lives on weekdays while he’s here being Rick Snyder’s personal consultant and transformation officer. He filed a primary residence exemption on both houses, which is illegal, and he was also registered to vote in both states. That’s illegal too. When this was all exposed, Baird paid the money owed to Michigan, but did so while blaming it on the assessor who wasn’t really at fault, but had to take the blame anyway because Richard Baird certainly can’t take any responsibility.
And there are even more more problems with Richard Baird being very confused about which state he actually lives in. Currently, he drives a Mercedes SUV GL550 on Illinois plates and driver’s license that expired on August 24. In the state of Michigan you’re required to change the registration and title on your vehicle immediately after becoming a resident. Mr. Baird has lived in Michigan on weekdays since 2011 in a house that apparently until a few weeks ago was listed as his primary residence and registered to vote. He’s already committed a misdemeanor in Michigan for not changing the license plate on his vehicle. In Illinois he still owns a house and claims it as a primary residence because the wife and kids live there, but I was wondering, is he evading his mandatory Illinois vehicle emissions test and tax by driving in Michigan on expired Illinois plates? Here in the state of Michigan you can drive your clunker until it falls to pieces and no one bats an eye as long as you pay your annual registration fee.
So here is my question for you: Is there any way possible that you could come and get Richard Baird and remove him from the state of Michigan? He doesn’t seem to know where he lives and he’s driving on expired Illinois plates and driver’s license in Michigan. He’s done nothing good while he’s been here and as far as anyone can tell, he’s breaking the law in two states. Your time and consideration of this serious matter is deeply appreciated.
A Concerned Michigan Resident
Cadillac Public School’s fall student enrollment is higher than anticipated according to district superintendent Jo Spry. That’s good news for the district, because it means in October the 4th Friday Count will provide a boost in per-pupil funding. School tuition in Michigan is still below 2006 school spending levels in the state, and public schools struggle to keep their districts open thanks to Rick Snyder’s 2011 one billion dollar school budget cut.
Michigan’s public schools more than any other state must compete with “school choice” for-profit options like charter schools and online education. The purpose of school choice of course is to take even more money from public education and make it harder for our schools to function. For-profit charter schools alone pull a billion dollars per year from the state school budget, and far too much of that money never gets spent on education, but rather goes into management companies’ profits. Online education such as K12 Education is promoted by Mackinac Center, and board member and former Michigan Governor John Engler owns over eight thousand shares of stock in the “school choice” company. Our tax dollars don’t offer parents and their children school options, they line the pockets of people siphoning tax dollars from our public schools.
Rick Snyder insists he raised funding for K-12 education in Michigan, but what he really did was an old accountant trick called “cooking the books.” He lumped secondary education together with K-12 education and by combining the budgets of both into one he pointed at the bigger number and proclaimed, “I raised school funding!” No, he didn’t. Our schools are still grossly underfunded and many districts are suffering from the continued budget cuts. An increase of $50 to $125 per pupil still puts our school funding below what Michigan public schools received eight years ago.
Hopefully Cadillac Public Schools’ good news about higher enrollment will be reflected in other Northern Michigan schools. Many districts no longer have music, art, home economics/life skills classes because the money doesn’t exist for those subjects to be taught. Sports programs for many districts now are pay-to-play because there is no money for the district to fund athletics. Marion High School has no varsity football team this year due to lack of students signing up to play. As more people learn the truth about the real damage school choice has caused our state public education system, we will have the opportunity to do something about it on November 4, when we elect Mark Schauer as our next Governor, and reverse the damage Rick Snyder has inflicted on our schools.
If you see low-flying helicopters hovering over your property or nearby next week, it’s the power company inspecting power lines, poles, steel towers and equipment for damage caused by lightning, wind, storms, and other problems. The inspection area ranges from US 10 to the tip of the mitten and will run from Monday, September 15, to Wednesday, September 24.
When the helicopters come to your area please remember the reason why and do not assume they are the infamous “black helicopters” sent by the New World Order to prepare for the UN invasion of the United States. It’s not the NSA spying on you, or the military using infrared from above to scan the heat signatures in your house. No one is using secret scanning rays to read your mind, email, or listen in on your phone conversations. They probably won’t even notice your illegal marijuana crop, unless there are power lines running over it, then they might notice.
The power company will be working to repair damage done to electrical lines, poles, towers, conductors and other equipment. Power lines with overgrown trees threatening lines will also be trimmed after the inspection. Routine maintenance work for the power company to provide better service now before winter sets in, which if the recent weather change is any indication, is probably going to be some time this weekend. Northern Michigan is awesome.
If Republicans have learned one thing this election cycle, the more they talk the worse things get for them. Just last Friday Rick Snyder was broiled over direct questions on taxes, education, and right to work during an interview on Michigan Radio. It’s not easy to find any Republicans willing to talk about what they will do just like in this video, where a journalist attempts to ask Congressman Benishek if he plans on voting for a new government shut down when he goes back to work on September 8.
As you can see, Republicans are not really interested in talking these days. That’s fine, because even if Congressman Benishek doesn’t want to talk about what he plans to do in the future, we can get an idea of what he will do by looking at the past.
On September 20, 2013, Congressman Benishek along with 229 of his fellow U.S. Representatives voted Aye on a short-term spending bill that required a complete defunding of the Affordable Care Act. Knowing that the Democratic-controlled Senate would vote the bill down, it would trigger a shut down of the federal government. To add insult to injury, Congressman Benishek accused the Democratic Party of playing partisan politics in Washington by not voting in favor of defunding Obamacare.
Congressman Benishek and other Republicans could hope that a year has been enough time for memories to fade on the last government shutdown and what a dismal failure it was for the Republican Party. They may also be thinking ahead to the elections that are less than two months away and how making the country mad at them for constantly kicking the can a little further down the road as an excuse for petty partisanship and obstruction isn’t working out so well for them. It might motivate people to get out and vote this November 4, and when more people vote, Republicans lose.
We can think about what might be, or be done with this once and for all and vote do-nothing Republicans like Dan Benishek out of office. Michigan’s 1st congressional district has an excellent choice to send to Washington by electing Jerry Cannon as their representative this November 4.
Another great ad for Jerry Cannon, our next US Representative from the 1st District.
Here’s a list of events, meet the candidates, and canvasing opportunities coming up in Northern Michigan. Everyone is invited and the candidates would enjoy meeting as many people as possible.
Our next Lieutenant Governor, Lisa Brown, will be in Big Rapids on September 5. Everyone is invited to meet her at Cranker’s Brewery at 1:00 pm, at 213 S State St, Big Rapids, MI 49307.
Bryan Mielke on Saturday, September 6, will hold a canvasing event.
This Saturday, Sept. 6th, Team Mielke is having its “Canvass Cruise” event! We need YOU to volunteer to drive one of our Team Mielke door knockers to doors so they can talk to voters and spread our message. Volunteer to drive this Saturday at 11:00AM by contacting us (989) 941-6711 or
Joe Lukasiewicz will be at the Posen Potato Festival On Sunday, September 7 for the parade. The parade starts at 1:30 pm. The Posen Potato Festival is an annual event. It features Polish culture, food (pierogi, yum!), polka and other fun events. The festival starts on Friday, September 5, and runs through Sunday, September 7. Joe and his family look forward to meeting as many people as they can.
Betsy Coffia’s birthday is Sunday, September 7, and she is celebrating by knocking on doors to share the good news about her candidacy.
For her Birthday, Betsy would love nothing more than for you to help her win by reaching out to voters. Please join us on Sunday, September 7th (Betsy’s Birthday) at the Campaign Headquarters at
3671 Marketplace Circle, Traverse City, MI 49686 on US 31 in Traverse City. We will be knocking doors and making phone calls from 1PM to 5PM Birthday cake and other refreshments to follow!
Happy Birthday, Betsy!
Dr. Jeff Holmes, the Democratic Candidate for US District 4 is holding Coffee With The Candidate events this week. On Friday, September 5, he will be in Clare, Michigan at Cops and Donuts, located at 521 North McEwan Street to meet people and chat about the issues Democrats are concerned about in District 4. On Sunday, September 7 Dr. Holmes will be at Guido’s Coffee Shop, 317 S Elm St # 223, Owosso, MI. Come out and meet Dr. Holmes at these two locations.
US House Representative candidate for District 2 Dean Vanderstelt will hold another Turn 2 Blue event in Muskegon, Michigan, on September 10 at Unruly Brewing Company, located on 360 W. Western Avenue, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. These events are casual and an opportunity to chat with Dean and meet people in the area. Everyone is welcome.
If you have an event, appearance, or canvasing you would like to have announced, please leaven an email and it will be added in the next events blog.
Here we all thought The Nerd would never do worse than scuba to smooth jazz. This new ad however reaches for depths no one wanted to imagine. In fact, after watching this, it will probably haunt your nightmares tonight.
With a road for a background and his face two levels too close to the camera, Snyder drones in a monotone about how he’s an accountant and he knows all about counting beans, because that’s what bean counters do.
Considering the state of Michigan’s roads, and his inability to count enough beans to fix them, should Rick really be starting off a campaign ad with the phrase “Road to Recovery?”
Rick talks about taking things for granted, but perhaps he shouldn’t take for granted that no one has forgotten who raised taxes on poor people and old people, who cut over a billion dollars from our schools and made freedom to freeload law in Michigan. Your clip of the assembly line reminded everyone of that.
Rick Snyder had nothing to do with those 300,000 new jobs in Michigan. Most of those jobs were from the auto industry bailout. You know who did have something to do with that? U.S. Congressman Mark Schauer.
Then the Nerd brags about unemployment being at it’s lowest levels in six years. That’s right, the unemployment rate in Michigan is just as bad now as it was in 2008.
We’ll be feeling it soon? Believe us, Rick, we’ve been feeling it all along. Your road to recovery hit most Michiganders right where it hurts.
Bryan Mielke is a life-long resident of Michigan and lived in Mount Pleasant for thirty three years. He is seeking your vote on November 4 to represent the 99th district in the Michigan House. Bryan is a small business owner and raised two daughters with his wife of thirty years. The Michigan 99th District includes Isabella and a portion of Midland Counties.
Mielke earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in computer science and mathematics at Central Michigan University. In 1991 he founded his business Diversified Computer Group, or DCG in Mount Pleasant. This company develops software to monitor various energy and mineral systems. Bryan Mielke will use his knowledge as a small business owner in Lansing to promote healthy job growth in Michigan.
The three main issues Bryan Mielke wants to focus on in the Michigan Legislature are education, tax fairness , and creating more jobs for the state. Mielke is married to a public school employee and raised two children in the public school system. Lansing’s cuts in education have devastated the state’s school system. It’s not possible to educate Michigan’s children for a competitive job market when our schools struggle to stay open. That needs to change, and Bryam Mielke will work to provide the funding our public schools need to not only stay open, but employ the best professional education staff and the best education our children deserve. On taxes, Bryan Mielke wants to reverse the tax raises the Republicans in Lansing put on those who can afford them least – the poor, the elderly and the middle class. Tax cuts for the rich and large corporations do not put money back into the economy and they don’t create jobs. Michigan is still at the bottom for job growth in the United States. Electing Bryan Mielke will send someone to Lansing dedicated to reversing these damaging tax increases on Michigan’s struggling citizens. With tax relief and better funded schools, job creation will be easier to accomplish. Mielke wants legislation passed that will keep jobs in Michigan, by ending tax breaks to companies that send jobs out of the state. Supporting small business is the right thing to do, because that is where real job creation begins.
Bryan Mielke is endorsed by Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Unions, Michigan Education Association, Michigan AFL-CIO, United Auto Workers (UAW) Region 1-D, Michigan Nurses Association, UA Local 85, Sierra Club, MI Regional Carpenters, International Union of Operating Engineers, Teamsters, Laborers’ Local 1098, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, AFCSME Local 1568, AFCSME Michigan Council 25, Isabella County Democratic Party, Michigan Federation of College Democrats, Midland County Democratic Party, Tri-County Building Trades Association, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and the American Federation of Teachers.
Bryan, his family and volunteers are busy campaigning in the 99th district. To find out more about Bryan Mielke, you can visit his website. Register to vote by October 6 and vote for Bryan Mielke on November 4.
On August 29 the Sierra Club of Michigan announced their list of endorsed state senate and representative candidates. The names on the list received the endorsement for having, “demonstrated strong leadership in promoting clean air, clean water and cleaner energy for a healthier Michigan.” The Sierra Club based their choices on each candidate’s environmental history, their voting record on environmental issues, interviews, and their answers to a questionnaire provided by the club.
Michigan State Senate
Fred Sprague for State Senate District 33
Cathy Forbes for State Senate District 34
Phil Bellfy for State Senate District 37
Michigan State Representative
Betsy Coffia for State Representative District 104
Robert Kennedy for State Representative District 106
Congratulations to our Northern Michigan candidates! You will continue your excellent work of preserving Michigan’s natural beauty and health when elected to office.