
On September 19 State Rep. Charles Brunner (D-Bay City) joined other Michigan House Democrats in supporting a bill that requires better transparency and accountability with Michigan’s for-profit charter schools and with stricter rules for state charter authorizers. Brunner’s example for why he supports State House Bill 5852 couldn’t be more appropriate. Bay City Academy is a for-profit charter school managed by Smart Schools LLC; Dr. Steve Ingersoll’s charter school management company.

Being a resident of Bay City State Rep. Brunner knows first hand about Ingersoll’s felony fraud charges pending a December 2 trial. He also knows about all of the problems with Bay City Academy’s high staff turnover, including Superintendent/Principal Ryan Shrock. Mr. Brunner will also know all about Ingersoll’s attempt to transform several properties in Bay City into a “front porch” community and businesses, but couldn’t be bothered to pay the city the property taxes he owed as he stole money from a loan earmarked to remodel the church building that would become Bay City Academy, and instead transferred the money in his personal bank account.

Other issues surrounding Dr. Ingersoll include his former flagship for-profit charter school, Grand Traverse Academy, which fired Smart Schools in the spring of 2014 after his indictment. His Integrated Visual Learning business partner, Dr. Mark Noss, formed Full Spectrum LLC to take over as management company for GTA, while Dr. Noss’s son in law, Brian Lynch, took over as Superintendent of Bay City Academy. GTA is struggling now to distance themselves from Steve Ingersoll despite his business partner managing the school, and figuring out how to recoup the millions of dollars Dr. Ingersoll took from GTA as advance payments to himself, which may or may not have been used for legal fees a year ago.

Grand Traverse Academy and Bay City Academy both use Integrated Visual Learning, which according to Dr. Ingersoll and Dr. Noss is the only real way to teach children how to learn. According to them, it cures 90% of children with ADD/ADHD and is the only Special Education services any child with any learning disability ever needs.

Dr. Steve Ingersoll couldn’t be a better choice to hold up to Michigan tax payers as the reason why the state needs to stop authorizing more for-profit charter schools. Thank you, Charles Brunner, for making this eye doctor/snake oil salesman turned school entrepreneur your poster child for what school choice really means in Michigan.

A gentleman recorded his phone conversation with Rick Snyder’s campaign, then his office to find out about attending one of the town hall meetings.

One hand doing a good job washing the other. We really don’t need four more years of Snyder’s brand of leadership.

Rick Snyder has made it no secret during his 4 failed years as governor that he wants to privatize as many government institutions as possible. Education has been on his agenda since he took office in 2011. Snyder launched a program called the Education Achievement Authority, a for-profit education system that undermines the authority of the public school district, local and state school boards, but requires public funds to function. The first EAA program in Michigan was in Detroit, where there have been nothing but problems, high teacher turnover, and scandals that forced the chancellor to resign and leave the state. The entire program is a failure, but Snyder still intends to push the EAA into the rest of the state.

Another education reform Snyder wants to force on Michigan taxpayers are school vouchers. Vouchers are unconstitutional in Michigan, but this didn’t stop Snyder from having his right hand man, Richard Baird, set up secret meetings discussing a back-door school voucher program that became known as ”skunkworks.” Once the secret was leaked, Snyder pretended he knew nothing about it but suggested he thought it was a good idea.

School vouchers allow parents to pick any school they want their children to attend, including private religious schools and force tax payers to pay for it. In Michigan, most of the money behind the push for vouchers comes from the DeVos family, through their school choice organization GLEP and through personally offering bribes to state legislators if they vote in favor of school vouchers, right to work, and anything else they want. So far it hasn’t happened in Michigan, because it will require a constitutional amendment, but if Snyder wins another term it’s a guarantee school vouchers will be something he pushes for, and the DeVos family will write as many checks as needed to those who vote in Lansing.

Students attending a parochial school would have their education funded by school vouchers, meaning Michigan tax payers would be required to pay for religious education. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, but many states in the country, including Louisiana, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Colorado and Utah and others allow school vouchers to pay for religious schools. The fastest growing church schools are fundamentalist Protestant Christian schools, and there are a number of companies providing curriculum for these schools. The largest of these is Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) published by School of Tomorrow in Garland, Texas.

How many children are being taught with ACE? It’s hard to say, because numbers are not public information. Currently 22 private schools using ACE curriculum operate in Michigan, 8 of those schools in Northern Michigan. This doesn’t include children who are home schooled using ACE, or students using the online curriculum. The program resembles nothing you would ever see in a traditional classroom.

ACE began in 1970 as a reaction to desegregation in the Southern United States. Parents who didn’t want their children attending integrated public schools where other progressive ideas were also taking hold demanded conservative Christian education, and School of Tomorrow was the first to offer an education curriculum and model that churches could easily adopt and use. Other popular curriculum designed for Protestant Christian schools include Abeka and Bob Jones. ACE was the first and enjoys the largest share of the Christian education market. ACE is taught in 135 countries worldwide, including the UK and China. In fact, Chinese parents who intend to send their children to the United States to attend college want to send their children to schools operated by Americans, and ACE schools are usually the option they have. Chinese students come to America believing ACE is the standard for American education.

So what does an ACE school look like? A.C.E. is set up to function as a top down, literal ‘Skinner Box’ for children. Every action is monitored and either immediately punished or rewarded. Students work alone in total silence, there is no social interaction or group projects. There are no lectures, lesson plans, or teachers. Only workbooks called “PACEs” (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) and “supervisors” to monitor the students progress. Students are isolated in their own cubicles called offices. The only time they may speak to anyone is by using a small flag to get the attention of a supervisor. Otherwise, they work individually on all of their subjects using PACEs. Individualized education where students work on their own is a main component of ACE, because according to their promotional material, it’s based on the bible.

What does a PACE look like? Former ACE student from the United Kingdom Jonny Scaramanga in this video shares a high school level Ancient History PACE, which amazingly enough is considered acceptable A Level (college prep) work in Great Britain.

ACE curriculum contains the standard school subjects. Math, Science – including health education, English/Language Arts and Social Studies. Remedial grammar is available by computer. Foreign Language instruction is offered through Rosetta Stone software. The difference that is immediately apparent however is the obvious bias that permeates throughout every booklet the students use for their lessons, including subjects such as art. Below is a passage on why Apartheid was actually Godly and why it was wrong for South Africa to abolish it:

The government must be responsible to the taxpayers who provide the money that the government spends. Since that is true only taxpayers should be given the privilege of voting…

The apartheid policy of South Africa is a modern example of this principle. Under the apartheid system, the population of five million Whites controls most of the nation’s wealth. If apartheid were done away with, the twenty million Blacks, who are not taxpayers, would be given the privilege of voting. Within a short period of time they would control the government and the means of taxation. ‘The power to tax is the power to destroy.’ Heavy taxation could become a burden to the property owners who actually finance the government and provide jobs. Economics is the major reason that apartheid exists. Some people want to abolish apartheid immediately. That action would certainly alter the situation in South Africa, but would not improve it.

Accelerated Christian Education Social Studies PACE 1086 (1990, p.29)

In these comics people discuss why liberal politics is ungodly:

Many of the comics included in ACE curriculum are meant to teach proper character traits, such as obedience.

ACE also instills the belief that sexual orientation is a choice and people who choose wrong are doomed to eternity in Hell:

Some people mistakenly believe that an individual is born a homosexual and his attraction to those of the same sex is normal. Because extensive tests have shown that there is no biological difference between homosexuals and others, these tests seem to prove that homosexuality is a learned behaviour. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is sin. In Old Testament times, God commanded that homosexuals be put to death. Since God never commanded death for normal or acceptable actions, it is as unreasonable to say that homosexuality is normal as it is to say that murder or stealing is normal.

Science 1107, p. 10

The curriculum of ACE is designed for learning subjects, but to also instruct children on how to be righteous Christians in a world rife with evil things such as homosexuality, liberalism, evolution, secular humanism, feminism, abortion, and disobedience to God’s law, which surpasses any other law in the universe, including federal law.

If Rick Snyder gets his way and school vouchers are allowed in Michigan, then our tax dollars will pay for children in the state to learn from curriculum like this in churches and at home. Parents have the right to educate their child based on their religious beliefs, but expecting tax payers to cover the cost is unconstitutional, and frankly unacceptable. It’s ironic that the churches that use ACE and teach children that the government is bad and against God’s will would accept money from that government to pay for educating children to hate the government.

We can stop Rick Snyder, the DeVos family and other school “reformers” from getting the chance to allow school vouchers in Michigan on November 4. Go to the polls and vote for Mark Schauer, and Democratic Party candidates who will protect tax payers from having their money wasted on substandard education like ACE.

Obedience and control are strictly enforced in ACE programs. Discipline will be the subject of a future article.

Our next governor, Mark Schauer, has a good plan for keeping jobs in Michigan. Make sure you vote on November 4 so he can use that plan, and many others to help Michigan.

This article has been edited for errors

More good news from the Department of Natural Resources. The Natural Resources Commission issued a statement that there isn’t enough scientific data available to determine if a wolf hunt in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is feasible in 2014, and with the two referendum ballot initiatives on the November ballot, they announced no hunt would take place this year because there wouldn’t be enough time to prepare for a 2014 hunt even if the referendum measures pass.

Keep Michigan Wolves Protected filed petition signatures on two proposals. One would protect Michigan wolves from trophy hunting, the other would put the power back into the hands of the people of Michigan to have a say in wildlife management in the state. The Republican controlled state legislature passed a law in 2013 that set up the Natural Resources Commission, a seven member board completely made up of political appointments. The commission has not one person with any wildlife background, and instead rely on trophy hunters for input on what can be classified as a game species in Michigan.

In 2013 the NRC set a quota of 43 wolves but only 22 wolves were harvested from the Upper Peninsula. The DNR stated that their wildlife experts are studying the data they have about Michigan’s wolf population and will base their research on updating the management plan for wolves. A new law, called the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, passed in August of 2014 through special state legislature rules gives the RNC authority to designate game species for hunting in the state, but it doesn’t go into effect until March of 2015.

Keep Michigan Wolves Protected, with the Humane Society of the United States will urge voters on November 4 to vote NO on both wolf hunt referendums. A no vote would keep Michigan’s wolves protected from trophy hunters and give the wolves a chance to live in their natural habitat. Voting no on both ballot issues with also restore the constitutional right of the people of Michigan to propose new laws and reject bad ones, something the Republican-controlled state legislature doesn’t like the voters doing.

The wolves are protected for 2014. On November 4 vote NO on both wolf hunt referendums to keep wolves in Michigan protected permanently.

Grand Traverse Academy made many changes over the summer to make it appear like they have distanced themselves from Dr. Steve Ingersoll. His business partner, Dr. Mark Noss, formed a new LLC to act as management company for GTA. The school has a new superintendent and the person doing the books at Smart Schools LLC, who happened to have the same last name as Steve Ingersoll, has been brought into question for being too closely related to Steve Ingersoll. So far so good, the school is cleaning things up and making it look nice and neat and like a charter school trying desperately to appear as free from any involvement in Dr. Ingersoll’s federal felony fraud case.

Except GTA is still a for-profit charter school being run by an optometrist with close ties to Steve Ingersoll thanks to the Excel Institute, and the use of Integrated Visual Learning at GTA as part of the curriculum. IVL according to Excel Institute cures 90% of ADD/ADHD and greatly benefits people with other disabilities. In fact, in a new white paper available on GTA’s website titled, “Continutity At Grand Traverse Academy”, this report lays out the learning model the school is based on, and cites Dr. Steve Ingersoll as the source of this learning model.

One particular passage from the section on the use of Integrated Visual Learning in GTA’s learning model makes a bold statement on child development and learning disorders:

Eighty percent of the information we receive is processed visually, so the better we learn visually, the higher our achievement. Teachers receive special IVL training for both diagnostic and instructional classroom application. Many of the difficulties that commonly lead to special education can be prevented or solved with IVL intervention.

This passage implies that the only special ed services offered by GTA is IVL, is that possibly true? Education rating website Great!Schools may hold a clue. Parents, students and teachers all leave comments on this website about GTA. Many are good, but many are also bad, and one comment left by a parent in 2008 goes to the heart of what GTA claims in their white paper:

Posted June 16, 2008
Nice school, safe atmosphere. Ill equipt to serve children with learning disabilities. Don’t offer companion programs for learning. All that is available is IVL, which is what they try to put everyone in who is struggling. My daughter was by a private IVL consultant who told us she didn’t qualify for the program but needed other special ed services. GTA only had IVL, so that was all they offered her…a Program that wouldn’t help. It is a nice school, if your child doesn’t need ‘helps’; do expect them to be very helpful with this. It took me 6 months to get my child into a program that wasn’t even going to help her, and it didn’t! The grades 1-2-3 didn’t work either, the teachers seemed to pressured to ‘move on’ to the next grade, no time for errors that children might make. Parent involvement was great.
—Submitted by a parent

A for-profit charter school taking public tax funds and using it to peddle controversial vision therapy that has never been peer-reviewed, but the optometrists who develop and sell it to the public claim it can cure any learning disability requiring special education services. Federal special education law is very specific on how students are evaluated and matched to the services they need. The white paper goes on to explain why decades of education research is completely wrong on how people learn:

In 1970 about 2 % of nation’s students received special education services. These children were severely, often multiply impaired, children. Today, roughly 20% of our students receive special “compensatory” services at nearly 3X the cost of general education services.

This is true, but not for the reason the white paper asserts. Since 1970 special education has improved how children are found, evaluated and assigned special education services. What the federal government requires of special education also changes periodically. The last revision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was in 2005. In public schools, there is no method, therapy or curriculum used with a child receiving special education services that hasn’t been thoroughly researched and peer-reviewed.

The paper goes on to claim that despite all of the research supporting different learning styles, which it calls “education dogma”, that the only people who don’t learn visually are people who are congenitally blind. Other research-based methods of learning the paper claims are completely wrong includes the use of phonics instruction:

Phonetically inventive spelling is an attempt to make sound come out of a pencil. More phonics instruction is as ineffective as hitting 500 more practice shots with improper technique. Both problems are examples of habituated errors. Poor students work much harder (until they give up) than good students. Good students and good golfers use proper technique and expend much less effort to achieve far superior results.

The paper ends with an optical illusion that informs the reader if the circles are moving it’s because you have poorly developed eye movement control. The final analysis the paper ends on is:

… our message is simple and clear; character, consistency, engagement and effort, good science and traditional common sense gives rise to the quality environment that our children deserve.

A single, non peer-reviewed study completed nearly 20 years ago is the “good science” GTA’s educational model is based on. This for-profit charter school appears to function in much the same way as a cult. Tell people the research is wrong, just because it’s what everyone else accepts doesn’t make it true, and they have all the answers to your child’s learning disabilities. Parents of special needs children want what’s best, and these people must work very hard every day raising their special needs child so that they can become as functional in society as possible. Parents need real methods with proven results to help their children. Anything that is kept mostly out of the public eye and requires people to pay large sums of money for their cure should be the first warning sign something is very wrong. Michigan’s tax dollars need to pay for learning methods that will actually help people achieve in school and in society. That is the point of educating people in the first place. The people of Michigan are paying for Dr. Mark Noss and Dr. Steve Ingersoll to peddle snake oil cures to parents looking for real help.

Our education tax dollars should not be paying for this.

On Thursday, September 11, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced they would take Hartwick Pines State Park off of the auction block, saving it from future oil exploration and fracking. The decision came after a large protest from Michigan residents, including two grandchildren of Karen Hartwick, spoke out against the state allowing any mining under the only remaining stand of virgin forest in Michigan. The land would have been  offered up for lease on October 29.

Karen Hartwick donated approximately 8,000 acres of land near Grayling, Michigan, to the state in 1927 to preserve the remaining virgin forest from being logged off and sold. She stipulated that the land be named after her husband, Major Edward E. Hartwick, who died while serving during World War I. The land was to be made into a park as a memorial to her late husband and to the logging industry that had once dominated Northern Michigan. The stumps of trees from that era are visible today in the old logging regions of Michigan.

Despite Directer Keith Creagh’s insistence that there were no safety issues to worry about from drilling under the state park, people were not satisfied, stating that preserving the virgin trees of the park had more to do with their disagreement than altering the surface of the land. The soil the trees take root in is also important and provides what the old-growth forest need to survive. There are things more valuable than the bottom line of an oil company’s profit statement. Pristine land, virgin, old-growth trees, and clean water free of pollutants and chemicals all oil and gas drilling create regardless of precautions and standards are more important, than how much oil or gas might exist underground at Hartwick Pines.

The Michigan DNR did the right thing to take the state park off the list of land available for auction in October. People are rightly concerned about what oil drilling and fracking are doing to our environment. Once the oil companies pump the oil and gas out of the ground they go home, while we have to live with the results of their work. Hartwick Pines needs to be preserved as is above and below.

On Tuesday, September 16, Cheboygan, Emmet, and Presque Isle Democratic Parties will hold a Rock n’ Roll party for Jerry Cannon, our next U.S. Representative from the 1st Congressional District. John “Bowser” Bauman of the band Sha Na Na will make an appearance.

The party will run from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Cheboygan Public Library on 100 South Bailey Street in Cheboygan. Refreshments will be provided.

Donations are being accepted for the event. $20 Crooner $50 Greaser $100 Rocker
$250 Virtuoso $500 Boss. If you can not attend the event, you can also donate online.

Email Erik Polyak or call 231.384.8185 to RSVP.

James Hoisington lives in Stanton, Michigan with his wife, Patricia. He is running for state representative for the 70th District, which is made up of Montcalm and a portion of Gratiot counties. Hoisington has been a factory worker, a UAW member and a business owner living in the 70th District. He’s an avid hunter and gun owner. James Hoisington believes in doing more for Michigan than only helping out the rich. He wants to represent the people in Lansing and fight for seniors, the poor and people unable to find a good paying job.

James Hoisington worked for the Electrolux factory for 27 years making refrigerators for the Frigidaire company. In 2006, Electrolux closed and many people living in the district lost their jobs. The factory moved operations to Mexico despite efforts made to keep the company in Michigan. James Hoisington was a proud member of the UAW Local 137 where he served as union president. After the factory closed, Hoisington opened his own lawn care business. He also works as a bus driver for the Montcalm Area Intermediate School District.

Hoisington’s primary campaign issues include tax increases on the poor, middle class and seniors that unfairly raised taxes on those who can afford it least. Big business in Michigan received tax cuts with the promise that there would be more jobs made available by the job creators. That has never happened, and won’t happen as long as these businesses don’t have to offer jobs to locals for the extra money they receive from the state. James Hoisington feels strongly that taxes must be based on fairness and the ability to pay. The rich and big business need to pay their fair share,and Lansing needs to do more to provide good paying jobs for hard working people in the 70th District.

James Hoisington will appreciate everyone’s support. He can be reached by email or telephone by calling 989.287.1904. On November 4, voters in the 70th District will remember to vote for James Hoisington.