Over five hours of public comment today couldn’t oust Ron Clous or Rob Hentschel from the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners. Ron never apologized for brandishing a weapon while Keli MacIntosh spoke during the public comment period of the January 20, 2021 Board of Commissioners meeting.

While nothing was accomplished during the main event, there was another conversation going on in a live chat on Facebook where Up North Live streamed the meeting.

What an interesting question. Let’s find out if Ron Clous has any connection with the closed Gander Mountain on US 31 in Traverse City.

The “now empty Gander Mountain” Up until November of 2019 was a Gander Outdoors. Gander Mountain filed for bankruptcy in 2017 and another company bought up the stores and rebranded them. Other parts of the shopping complex are still occupied.

The property according to LARA is incorporated as Grand Traverse Market Place LLC. The address is 3500 Marketplace Circle B off South US Highway 31 in Traverse City.

Check out the name of the resident agent. William F. Clous. Bill Clous owns a construction company in Traverse City, Eastwood Custom Homes located on 848 South US Highway 31 in Traverse City.

Meet Bill’s team:

Bill is President of Eastwood Custom Homes. His brother, Ron, is Vice President.

Bill Clous created quite a name for himself in the two thousand aughts when he purchased a piece of forested wetland, cleared it, told the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality he cleared it because he intended to farm it, then announced he was building apartments for retirees.

Back to the question. Bill Clous who owns Eastwood Custom Homes also owns Grand Traverse Marketplace where the empty Gander Mountain/Outdoors now sits. His brother, Ron Clous, is his business partner.

If Ron likes to brandish assault weapons at retired nurses and owns property where “patriot meetings” take place to “train for the civil war,” this is nothing anyone on the Grand Traverse Board of Commissioners should be laughing at.

On October 29, 2020, insurrection provocateur Donald Trump ordered the gray wolf delisted from the Endangered Species Act. The Department of the Interior announced the gray wolf successfully recovered and it was time to allow states and tribes to manage wolf populations again.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which struggled to protect wolves living in the Upper Peninsula from poachers, is accepting applications for the Wolf Management Advisory Council to oversee the wolf population once again now they lost their status as an endangered species on January 4, 2021. Public Act 290 of 2008 and Public Act 318 of 2008 allow residents of the state to shoot wolves that physically threaten livestock or pets.

Once delisted from the ESA, wolves are a managed game species in Michigan. Michigan attempted a hunting season in 2013, but poachers killed more wolves than licensed hunters. For now, Michigan will not allow hunting of wolves. Michigan residents who shoot wolves not threatening pets or livestock will be prosecuted for poaching.

The current wolf population in Michigan is 695. Michigan’s Wolf Management Plan will be updated. Public comment to revise the plan will happen in the future.

Defenders of Wildlife, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, National Parks Conservation Association, Oregon Wild, and the Humane Society of the United States filed a lawsuit in US District Court on January 14, 2021, challenging the US Fish and Wildlife Service move to delist the gray wolf. Successful lawsuits in the past put gray wolves back on the ESA list.

Do you want to serve on the Wolf Management Advisory Council? You have until February 4, 2021, to apply. Request applications by emailing DNR-Wildlife@Michigan.gov or calling the DNR at 517-284-9453.

Two weeks after the Trump-fueled domestic terrorist attack against the United States Capitol in Washington, DC, national attention is back on Michigan. This time, Grand Traverse County Commissioner Ron Clous responded to a constituent’s request by committing an act of terrorism during the Board of Commissioners’ meeting on January 20, 2021.

The request that motivated Clous to brandish an assault rifle during the Zoom commissioner meeting was for the Board of Commissioners to denounce the domestic terrorist group Proud Boys. When Ron answered Keli MacIntosh by threatening her with his semiautomatic on camera, Chair of the Board, Rob Hentschel, laughed.

It must feel good to know elected representatives are comfortable with domestic terrorism. So comfortable when it happens in your meeting you react by laughing at the person being terrorized.

Hundreds want Ron Clous and Rob Hentschel to resign. Keli MacIntosh filed a complaint with the Michigan State Police.

The scandal in Grand Traverse County peels back another onion layer of the problem existing in Michigan and the rest of the United States. The Republican Party is infested with far-right extremists who belong to organizations blatantly white supremacist and promote domestic terrorism.

Not all of these people are three percenters, militia groups, or proud boys. Some of them call themselves “constitutional” sheriffs, which means they’re members of the CSPOA or agree with what that extremist group promotes; defiance to state and federal laws they claim go against the second amendment. If your county sheriff is a Republican, they are very likely also a constitutional sheriff. This isn’t hyperbole. So far 31 police officers across the United States have been arrested and charged for their involvement in the attempted capitol coup in Washington DC.

Townships, counties and the local sheriff’s offices have been havens for right-wing extremists to gain legitimacy and promote their agenda. Thanks to the tea party movement they gained access to state and federal levels of government in 2010. Electing their favorite game show host in 2016  woke up enough Americans to realize the country was overrun with fascists.

The game show host is gone, but we’re still living with the aftermath. We now have a Supreme Court packed with far-right-friendly justices. The Senate gained Democratic Party seats, but the House lost seats, and the fresh crop of congresspeople in those seats believe Trump won a second term and possibly helped with the violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Progressives have plenty of work to do over the next two years. The 2022 election will look very different thanks to our new Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission eliminating the gerrymandering of our state. We also need to replace as many constitutional sheriffs as possible. Running for local public office so people like Ron Clous don’t represent us will take the efforts of every Michigander fed up with lies, threats, and acts of violence being the norm of politics.

This clip is from an interview titled “New Phase of the Civil Rights Struggle. Dr. King’s words are just as true today as they were in 1967.

What happened on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, was a terrorist attack on our nation’s Capitol. It must be treated as such and prosecute everyone involved.

Over the past four days, social media has used images and locations in and around the Capitol to ID the terrorists involved with the attack on Congress. Reports to the FBI to get these people arrested and off the streets is ongoing.

In Michigan, busloads of people went to Washington to participate in Trump’s “wild time” Stop the Steal rally that in reality was a terrorist attack on the Capitol. Ersatz Elector Matty Maddock went to Washington on January 6th and helped attack the Capitol building. His wife, Operation Gridlock organizer Meshawn Maddock, was there with him, proud of being part of a planned terrorist attack on the Capitol. Two busloads from Allendale made it to Washington. Logan Grimes, arrested for having an unregistered handgun, hails from Cadillac. Six other Michigan residents were arrested on the day of the attack.

Social media took steps in the days after the attack to silence Trump and other instigators. Terrorist discussion boards are de-platformed as well. Cloudflare pulling the plug on these websites is good, but there are other places for them to hang out and plan the next attack.

TheProudBoys parleyed.

— Proud Boys TheProudBoys Sunday, January 10, 2021

If you want to believe or think they won’t try this a second or third time, the Trump terrorists already plan on attacking the Capitol again on January 20th.

Every elected official involved with the terrorist plot on January 6 should be censured and stripped of committee assignments; including removed from office and banned from holding office for the rest of their lives. It doesn’t do any good to put the foot soldiers in jail while the ringleaders walk free.

This also goes for Michigan’s US Congress members who committed sedition in December:
Jack Bergman (R) of District 1, Bill Huizenga (R) of District 2, John Moolenaar (R) of District 4, and Tim Walberg (R) of District 7 signed the amicus brief to the Supreme Court in December with the intention of overturning Michigan’s election. Jack Bergman and Tim Walberg objected to the election results after the attack on the Capitol building. We need to send Jack Bergman home to Louisiana where he belongs and have an actual resident from Michigan represent the 1st Congressional District.

From November 3, 2020, to now has been part of a GOP terrorist attack on the United States. They have every intention of coming back for another round of attacks in 10 days. Michigan must punish elected officials who participated in the coup and intend to continue past Joe Biden’s inauguration. There is no unity or healing as long as these traitors are still in office.

The Queen of fear and loathing of all things public education decided that Trump’s January 6 attempted insurrection was just too much and tendered her resignation tonight.


From the moment the Fat Orange Bitch announced Betsy paid enough money to be Secretary of Education, a position she had absolutely no experience or basic understanding of how education works, we groaned at the thought this wrecking ball of an entitled shrew would have the power to demolish America’s public education system.

Four years of horrifically appalling behavior by Trump but the moment it mattered to you was when he told his cult followers to march to the capitol building? Something he used social media to telegraph for weeks before it happened?

You’re resigning because you got your money’s worth. Now that things might become embarrassing because people have been looking at all the photos of the insurrection and noticing guys wearing professional gear and carrying temporary restraints. You’re resigning to get out before any more of the stink lands on you.

Too Late. You reeked long before you moved to Washington DC.

Self-declared thorn in Governor Whitmer’s side Jack O’Malley (R – It’s really complicated!) in a matter of hours went from declaring full and complete investigations into all alleged election fraud in Michigan to declaring full and complete support of keeping Enbridge Line 5 open else the Upper Peninsula will become a frozen wasteland.

Jack even sent the Governor a letter stating his intent to stop her:

Wow, that seems very patronizing and brow-beaty, let’s dive in.

Really? We should take a look at the November 16, 2020 issue Michigan Bridge article.


A report from Public Sector Consultants estimated that a shutdown of Line 5 would cause an annual shortfall of 230.1 million gallons of propane statewide, the equivalent to 46 percent of statewide supplies and 87.6 percent of supplies for the Upper Peninsula.
The report concluded that Michigan has other options to fulfill Upper Peninsula energy needs, but those options would come with modest cost increases. Alternative options include transporting propane by rail, increasing storage capacity in the U.P., and shifting to other energy sources, among other possibilities.
But it’s unclear how long it would take to bring those solutions online, said Eric Pardini, the Public Sector Consultants director who led the report, nor whether such a shift would disrupt the propane industry elsewhere.

The Public Sector Consultants report, published in March of 2020, gives an excellent summary of propane production, distribution, and consumption in Michigan. It’s also important to point out this detail stated on page 9:

While propane plays an important role in meeting the state’s energy needs, the industry is not subject to the same degree of state regulatory oversight as the electric or natural gas industries. As such, the State has had limited visibility into planning, procurement, or pricing strategies employed by the propane industry to meet the needs of Michigan consumers.

The state relied on propane producers to provide information on what Michigan needs in regards to propane supply and demand. A lack of progress didn’t begin with Governor Whitmer. This has been standard operating procedure with the state all along. This is how Enbridge before the US Census proved them wrong, could claim 85% of the UP relied on their propane to heat Northern Michigan homes. They now claim 65% (or, as Jack claims, 70%) which is not supported by US Census Data.

The actual number of homes heating with propane relying on the Rapid River facility is 45%. A report written by Dan Street, retired Dow Chemical Facilities Engineer, in 2018 explains not only does Enbridge only supply about 45% of Upper Peninsula households with propane at their Rapid River facility, but it’s also only in the central section of the UP. The eastern and western UP receive propane from other sources.

Street’s report concurs with PSC’s findings that the priority is to make sure those central UP propane-heated homes have uninterrupted service. Both reports conclude with a modest price increase the propane needed for the homes in the Central UP relying on Rapid River for propane can be shipped from other suppliers by rail or an alternative pipeline.

And if that isn’t enough to convince Jack the state has options for supplying the UP with propane when Line 5 is shut down, here’s a third report developed by London Economics International LLC which agrees with PSC and Dan Street.

Moving on to Jack’s next claim:

The UP does not get 70% of its propane from Enbridge Line 5. Yes, there are some chilly nights in the UP in May, but they certainly are not going to freeze.

Okay, this paragraph is all over the place. Jack thinks the Mackinac Bridge can’t handle traffic from tanker trucks despite the fact large semis hauling cargo go across that bridge every single day, day and night, every day of the year. The bridge can handle a few more trucks on it. What we can’t handle is the potential for the pipeline under that bridge rupturing and causing $6 billion dollars in damage to irreplaceable habitat. Nobody currently ships oil on the Great Lakes, so why bring this up? No clue what airplane fuel supplies have to do at all with Line 5. Seems more like some good old-fashioned Soviet-style whataboutism.

If Jack is so worried about transporting propane over land as an environmental risk, let’s not forget what happened to 39 miles of the Kalamazoo River with Enbridge Line 6b or the 33 ruptures Enbridge Line 5 has already suffered over just about every other stretch of the pipeline. Failure in the Straits is a matter of when, Jack, not if.

In the short term, Michigan will have to eat the cost of using alternative methods to get propane to 15,000 homes in the central UP. Suppliers in the UP are already doing this. They’ve increased storage, found alternative sources to supply customers, and if Line 5 stops supplying Rapid River, it’s not going to impact customers at all. Long term methods include an alternative pipeline that benefits Michigan, rather than putting the straits at risk for the convenience of Enbridge. In the long term, weening the state off of liquid propane fuel for heating and cooking is the best option of all.

Oh, there’s Jack’s condescending political hack tone.

Once again, nobody is going to be in peril of losing their ability to heat their home. Jack knows in a matter of days there will be a new president in the White House who has every intention of doing the job his predecessor should have done protecting Americans from COVID-19 but didn’t want to because it would cut into his golfing and “executive time” in front of the TV. Governor Whitmer will not be the only person fighting to keep people in the state alive and Jack has to find a new topic to attack the Governor.

Like a good Republican, Jack uses projection in this paragraph to politicize a real environmental threat to the Great Lakes. Scaring people in the UP with the threat of freezing to death if Enbridge shuts down Line 5 is exactly what Jack just accused Gretchen Whitmer of doing. Oldest Republican political trick in the book: Accuse your opponent of doing what you’re actually doing.

If you live in the UP and you’re wondering if Jack’s nonsense has any merit, do what other Yoopers have already done and call your local propane supplier. Ask them if they will be able to find other sources of propane if Line 5 stops supplying Rapid River. Some customers already have and they know Jack O’Malley don’t know Jack about the necessity of Line 5 in Michigan.

Enbridge’s plan to build a tunnel, something they can’t put a specific timeline on is nothing more than an excuse to buy more time with the state to keep the old pipeline flowing under the straits. Michigan doesn’t need any more of the pristine shoreline of the straits destroyed and the UP doesn’t need the propane this crumbling ruin of a pipeline supplies. Enbridge needs to shut down the pipeline in May. The state can find alternative sources for the UP so they stay toasty warm next winter, and Jack can hunt for another excuse to make a fool of himself. 

On December 11, 2020, Rich Friske of Friske Farm Market in Ellsworth released a video statement declaring they are at war for their freedom to disseminate false information about a killer disease and the freedom to continue spreading it to their staff, customers, and everyone else who comes into contact with them. The state of Michigan said no and finally promised Friske if they didn’t stop they would punish them and make it hurt.

On December 5, 2020, Friske Farm Market held a superspreader event at their store. Hundreds of people not wearing masks or following any other COVID safety guidelines crowded shoulder to shoulder inside and outside to see Santa and buy apples. Local citizens and very likely former shoppers contacted state and local authorities that Friske deliberately tried to murder people to make a few bucks. Friske, realizing their stupidity might actually put them out of business did the right thing.

This didn’t stop them from complaining about it on social media. Using all the right words like the selfish, petulant children they are they mislabeled the state’s smackdown on their murderous business model as “tyranny” “fighting on the front lines” and “the ultimate war for our freedom”, they canceled their December 19, 2020, superspreader event and closed their indoor dining room.

Perhaps you shop at Friske Farm Market because they grow tasty produce and you like their baked goods. Perhaps you shop at Friske Farm Market because the staff is friendly and it’s a pleasant shopping experience. Perhaps you shop at Friske Farm Market because you like the Friske family taking your money and donating to political figures such as Gary Glenn, Lee Chatfield, Peter Hoekstra, Rick Santorum, and David Duke.

Or, you’re fed up with the Friske family putting people at risk but still want to do some last-minute shopping for tasty treats and fresh apple cider before the holidays. Just a short drive down the road you will find Royal Farms Farm Market and Winery. This store has everything that other place has: Top quality locally sourced products, friendly, courteous staff, but best of all, they follow all state-mandated COVID safety guidelines so you know your shopping experience won’t put you and your family at risk in the early weeks of 2021. They are open every day this week up to 3:00 PM on Christmas Eve. You can order online and pick it up at the curb. How awesome is that?

The best thing of all about Royal Farms Farm Market and Winery? Not one Trump sign in sight!

Local small businesses are struggling right now thanks to Trump’s refusal to do anything to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. Dumping trillions of our tax dollars into the stock market and handing millions of COVID-19 small business relief dollars to billionaires instead of people who actually need it has stressed our economy to the breaking point.

There is one thing we can do to support those who struggle to stay open while doing what they’re supposed to do to keep their customers safe. Shop at businesses like Royal Farms Farm Market and Winery. Where we spend our money is one of the most powerful ways to support those who still support living in a democracy without resorting to divisive unpatriotic rhetoric when they are caught breaking the law.

This opinion article by Lonnie Scott of Progress Michigan very succinctly describes the issues affecting Michigan post-election. For too long, misinformation about the election results in the most secure election ever conducted has gone mostly unchallenged by Michigan Republicans. Despite no evidence of election fraud taking place in Michigan, Trump voters insist the election was stolen.

Those folks should be thanked for doing incredible work that helps hold our society together. While most of us are grateful, a small, vociferous group of Republicans have made baseless attacks against voters, the voting process, and, now, have showed up armed at the home of Michigan’s Secretary of State. All Republican leaders have a moral duty to publicly denounce the lies and conspiracy theories that foster these threats.

Some Michigan Republican leaders at the state and federal level want to use Donald Trump’s lies parroted by his faithful followers to conduct endless investigations. 101st State Rep Jack O’Malley (R-committed sedition for research purposes only) earlier this week promised his constituents he will “fight to ferret out the wrongdoers” and prosecute them for their illegal activities with the election – if he can find any.

This article in the Alpena News offers the right path to take going forward. The election is not the problem, it’s the Michigan GOP’s worst fears coming true. Fewer roadblocks, so voters can participate in the very thing that makes democracy work in the United States for Republicans, is a liability, not an asset. If this election was a nightmare for Michigan Republicans, imagine the headaches redrawn, gerrymander-free districts are going to create in 2022. Better get to work lying to Michigan voters now or the “fraud” will only be worse next time.