New ad, new person stumping for the Nerd. She’s an old friend of Rick Snyder’s.
Linda Thaler and her husband own the lake house next door to Rick Snyder’s lake house on Gun Lake in Barry County. You remember, the $1.1 million house damaged by a limb during a storm? That’s how the Nerd was able to relate to Detroit residents dealing with their cars submerged in flooded highways or unable to stay in their flooded homes.
So rich Republican lady who happens to be a next door neighbor to the rich Republican Nerd lies in an ad to attack Mark Schauer. What they’re not telling you about that 2003 bill that cut funding to schools was at the time both state house and senate were Republican majority at the time. Just like we have now. The quote from the Detroit Free Press? They’re cherry-picking words out of context.
In other words, they’re lying even more to support the lie that Snyder increased school funding. He didn’t.
How’s that positive relentless action working out for ya?
The Michigan Election Coalition has a new website to help people in the state with voting questions and assist them with registering to vote for this November’s election.
This wonderful website can answer all of your questions about voting in Michigan, how to register, voting as a student, how to check to see if you are registered and sample ballots are all available here.
The FAQ has all the information you need to get ready for and be prepared for November 4. Make sure you save this website in your bookmarks so you will have it handy.
Sex, drugs, exotic protein in the food and now … contract murder. The plot of a hard-boiled crime novel? Not at all, just another chapter in the continuing train wreck saga of Aramark in Michigan.
Rick Snyder had no trouble putting almost 400 Michigan workers on the unemployment line when he hired Aramark to take over the prison food service in the state last year. Northern Michigan can never afford to lose jobs, but that is what happened when Republicans “forced” the Nerd’s hand and he gave Aramark the contract anyway. This decision saved the state a whopping $16 million from the $2 billion it costs to feed Michigans’ prisoners.
Has it been worth it? In the year since Aramark took over there has been a constant stream of violations and problems that should embarrass the governor enough to admit he made a huge mistake knuckling under to Dick DeVos GOP peer pressure and hiring the private food service provider. There’s an election coming up, but Snyder doesn’t seem to be aware or care about that or any other of the smörgåsbord of scandals currently rocking his administration. The accountant nerd crunched the numbers and that’s good enough for him, so it has to be good enough for the rest of us.
Except it’s not good enough. Prison food doesn’t have to be foie gras and lobster tails, but it must be free of food-borne illness and prepared in a clean facility. It would also help to hire competent people who have experience working not only in an institution-sized kitchen but be properly trained how to work with prison populations to keep both prisoners and staff safe. It’s clear that Aramark hired people willing to accept much lower pay with no benefits or union representation who don’t understand any of these things, and think they can form relationships with prisoners.
The old adage, “you get what you pay for” applies here.
Michigan’s prisons once had a professional staff of food service workers who were well compensated and did their job. Was it worth it to pink slip them and save a few bucks? The Nerd and the rest of the Michigan GOP need to learn that there is more to a prison than numbers. It’s about people. On November 4 we can fix this problem and many other problems the GOP shackled to this state. Vote Democratic Party clean the trash out of Lansing.
When Kris Busk arrived at Charlevoix Democratic Party headquarters on September 21, she found both signs defaced with a Neo-Nazi symbol. Busk called the police to have them investigate, however Chief of Police Gerald Doan “just doesn’t see it,” meaning to him, this isn’t a hate crime, it’s just a random act of vandalism, and that’s how his police department intends to handle the incident. The reason? It’s painted on the sign horizontally, and that makes it not a hate sign.
Apparently Chief Doan doesn’t know his Neo-Nazi symbols very well, because usually the police are trained to recognize various insignia, gang signs and white supremacist symbols when investigating a crime scene or interviewing suspects and witnesses. Specifically, he stated, “If you look a the left-hand side, the line is actually pointed down and then goes up and makes its cross. This thing is the opposite of that.”
The opposite of what? The wolfsangel, as this particular symbol is called, can be displayed horizontally or vertically, and is used both ways by white supremacists.
The vandalism on the sign is the horizontal version. How can Chief Doan not see it? Perhaps he doesn’t want to see it, because then he would have to treat this crime as more than a simple act of vandalism.
The wolfsangel is a very ancient symbol, like many Neo-Nazi symbols. The Vikings used a kind of hook with meat wrapped around it to bait wolves, and the shape of the hook became a symbol for keeping the predators away from farms and villages. In the Medieval era many noblemen used the symbol for heraldry. During World War II Nazi SS panzer divisions used the symbol as part of their uniform insignia. Like every other symbol the Nazis used, it has become a sign for skinheads, Aryan Nations members, the KKK, and other white supremacists.
Since 2009, Republicans boosted their declining numbers with just about any radical fringe group available. Suddenly, something the GOP worked for decades to keep out of their big tent found shelter inside. Today the party deals with the tea party, John Birch Society members, oath keepers, and white supremacists who now all share the tea party corner under the big GOP tent. The GOP regrets this now, as was evidenced last month in Novi during the Michigan Republican Party convention. One actual conversation that took place with a group of convention goers of the tea party stripe and was overheard by other convention goers included the words, “It’s not fair that they can call each other that word but we can’t call them that word.”
But Chief Doan doesn’t see it.
Hate exists everywhere, including Northern Michigan. Charlevoix Democrats will clean their signs of hate symbols and keep doing the good work of electing Democrats to public office. It’s one way to fight the hate permeating society thanks to the 21st century GOP.
We can end the horror story on November 4.
The candidates can’t quite agree what to call it – Mark Schauer is calling it a debate, while the Nerd is calling it something nerdy – a joint appearance. Word on whether any joints will actually be on stage is not known at this time.
October 12 at Wayne State University will be the date and location for the televised debate between the two gubernatorial candidates. It will begin at 6 pm and last for one hour. Detroit Free Press, Detroit News and Detroit Public Television all took part in negotiations.
The debate will be broadcast via satellite and Internet feeds and made available throughout the state. Nolan Finley and Stephen Henderson will moderate.
Sue Snyder, the almost invisible first lady and wife of Rick Snyder up until recently led a very sheltered life in her gated community mansion in Ann Arbor. But now that the kids are off to college she has time on her hands, and wants to become more active in the outside world according to a recent interview. She has the time to get more involved with her husband’s campaign, so Michigan could see more of her in coming weeks. She especially would like to star in a commercial for her husband.
Sue Snyder has taken on several new causes, and she’s speaking publicly too even though she admits it’s not really her thing. Independent thought is also not her thing, as she admits her husband shares everything he does in his home office in Ann Arbor, or occasionally in Lansing when he can’t avoid being there (because he’s the Governor) with her and then has to mansplain to her why he’s right and she’s wrong when she puts up a hint of disagreement. This dialog is part of their healthy relationship according to the state’s First Lady. She can’t understand why everyone else refuses to accept as easily as she does when he says, “This is the way it is,” because Rick Snyder is always right. Just ask Sue Snyder. She gets it, so why can’t everyone else?
For instance, when Rick Snyder says he didn’t cut education spending by a billion dollars Sue Snyder demands that everyone accept that as fact because Rick Snyder is the most ethical person she knows, and he would never lie. Of course, Sue Snyder may also be ignorant of the very real education spending cuts her husband imposed on the state because her children attended an exclusive, expensive private school in Ann Arbor. It’s hard to be aware of something when you’re well insulated from it.
Now that Sue Snyder wants to get out of the house and into the limelight with her governor husband, there’s the chance she may see what’s really happening in the state and that maybe her husband isn’t completely telling her the truth about everything, such as who’s currently the most important woman in his political life and when he’s says this is the way it is, it’s not coming from him.
Jim Page of Sault Ste. Marie is the Democratic candidate for the 107th District in the Michigan House of Representatives. His future district is comprised of Chippewa, Emmet and Mackinac counties; Koehler, Tuscarora, Beaugrand, Hebron, Mackinaw, Munro townships; the city of Cheboygan in Cheboygan County. Jim has been very busy meeting the residents of his district and discussing the issues with them.
Born in Mt. Clemens to parents who were both Sault Ste. Marie natives, Jim Page grew up in the Upper Peninsula. He joined the Marines in 1977 and served in a number of bases. He earned a teaching degree from Central Michigan University in 1982 and taught Math and Computer classes for different Michigan schools in both Jr. High and High School levels. He retired from teaching in 2010. Jim is an environmentalist and conservationist. He is a member of the Sierra Club, Ducks Unlimited, Michigan United Conservation Club and Trout Unlimited.
Jim Page’s platform includes improving funding for public education and the economy. Increasing one has a direct impact on the other. This is why funding education at sustainable levels is so important. Currently, Lansing has made drastic cuts to education in Michigan which has made it difficult for schools to stay open. This is especially true for Northern Michigan districts, most of which are located in rural areas. Raising minimum wage to a living wage will put more money in people’s pockets and also enable them to work fewer jobs, or not need to work to supplement retirement income. Jim Page also wants to overturn right to work once he’s in Lansing representing the 107th district. The tax system in the state was shifted so it put an extra burden on those who have less, while giving cuts to those who have more. That needs to be balanced so it is more fair, especially for our seniors who now have a large tax raise on their retirement income. The environment is vitally important to Northern Michigan. Tourist dollars come from people coming north to enjoy the natural beauty of the state. It must be protected from energy companies who would destroy the land for profit.
November 4 is coming quickly, and Jim Page looks forward to everyone helping him get the word out that there is a choice for the people of the 107th district. Jim Page is the candidate who will go to Lansing and fight for seniors, the poor, and the middle class, all struggling to survive in Michigan’s flat economy. If you would like to help Jim with his campaign, you can visit his website to volunteer, learn more about him and donate. You can also meet Jim in person on Tuesday at 7:00 pm, September 23, when he will be at the Emmet County Democratic Party headquarters at 915 Emmet Street in Petosky. They will be holding a fund raiser for him.