The 109th district includes Alger, Luce, a portion of Marquette and Schoolcraft counties. John Kivela of Marquetter currently serves his first term as state house representative. His time in Lansing has been used to benefit the people of the 109th district. Another term of office will allow him to continue that good work and ensure a leader in Lansing who is dedicated to representing the people and working for their best interests.

John Kivela graduated from Marquette High School in 1987. His professional background is in automotive; he managed a car dealership and worked in a family-owned service station. In 2006 he was elected to Marquette city commission. Kivela served as mayor of Marquette from 2008 to 2012. He is married with two children. His public service includes the children’s museum board, zoning board of appeals, the Ishpeming Federal Credit Union committee, and the Rotary Club.

Recent legislation introduced by John Kivela includes H.B 5615, this bill’s purpose is to stop production and distribution of methamphetamine. Meth production in the Upper Peninsula is a serious issue needs more resources to combat the problem. H.B. bills 5089 and 5090 work to stop the practice of “smurfing” or where several people involved in meth production purchase the legal limit of over-the-counter drugs to make the illegal drug. Mr. Kivela also recently showed his gratitude for the $6 million allocated to fix roads in the Upper Peninsula. He said that the state needs to do more to fix roads state-wide, as the infrastructure of the state is crumbling.

The Upper Peninsula needs a strong leader who knows the local people of his district, and works to make the community better. On November 4, re elect John Kivela for the 109th district.

Antrim, Charlevoix, Otsego, Montmorency, and Oscoda Counties make up the 105th state house district in Northern Michigan. The next representative for that district will be Jay Calo of Gaylord. Calo is running for state house representative because he is unhappy with what is going on in Lansing and that the people of the 105th district need someone who will work to help everyone, not just special interests and big business. With your vote on November 4, Jay Calo can be your voice in Lansing.

Calo originally is from Kingsford. He earned degrees in Political Science from Michigan State University and teaching from Western Michigan University. Jay Calo taught Social Studies in Greenville. He also worked for several years in Wisconsin before returning to his current home in Gaylord. He is married with two children.

On the issues, Calo strongly favors helping out the middle class in Michigan. He states on his website his own personal frustration with gridlock in Lansing. He specifically talks about how the Koch Brothers purchased the Georgia Pacific plant in Gaylord and put 210 workers on the unemployment line as an example of the impact of Republican politics in the 105th district. Jay Calo supports raising the minimum wage; making taxes fair for everyone in Michigan; using programs like SMART legislation to make college more affordable. Calo wants the roads fixed, but not at the expense of education or individual taxpayers.

Endorsements for Jay Calo include the Michigan Education Association; American Federation of Teachers, the UAW; Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights’ Michigan Professional Firefighter’s Union; Former US Congressman Bart Stupak; Dan Bennet, Chairman of the Michigan First District Democrats; Fomer Michigan House Majority Leader Pat Gagliardi.

On November 4, it’s important that the 105th district elect a candidate who will go to Lansing and fight for education, jobs and the working class. That candidate is Jay Calo.

This would be it. Lots of signs in front of a realtor’s leasing bilboard for a vacant building.

All window dressing, but nothing inside.

The next state representative for the 107th district, Jim Page, gave an interview with the Petoskey News-Review on September 22.

Michigan’s next congressman for the first district, Jerry Cannon, is doing very well in the polls against a tea party congressman from the class of 2010 who barely won re-election in 2012. This has Republicans alarmed enough they put some money into a negative attack ad against Jerry using an ostrich.

Because a man who served his country in Vietnam and Iraq hides when he encounters danger. The blatant disrespect to the Brigadier General is bad enough, but this is an ad created by the National Republican Congressional Council, a group that wants obviously to keep Congress a Republican majority. Republicans these days seem to have no depth they are unwilling to plunge when showing disrespect.

The ad attempts to make it seem as though Jerry Cannon refuses to be better informed about what small business owners will face when they have to offer health care options to employees under the Affordable Care Act. In the local Escanaba paper, The Daily Press, On January 15, 2014 (Pay attention to this date, it’s important), Jerry admitted he was unaware what small businesses faced with implementation of The Affordable Care Act:

When asked about the economic impacts of the Affordable Care Act on small businesses, Cannon claimed that he was unaware of any difficulties small businesses may have understanding their requirements for being compliant with the law.

“I’m sure there are experts out there in the field, Navigators or whatever you want to call them, (they can ask) ‘how does the company deal with this?'” he said.

Shocking! And then, Jerry Cannon goes on to say even more:

Cannon noted he believed the adjustment period would be turbulent for small hospitals, which play major roles in local economies.

“We need to stop the attack on small rural hospitals and critical access hospitals. Those are – I’m not sure about here, but in many of the counties in this district – are a major employer,” said Cannon.

Cannon views the transition as leading to “a new way of doing business” with greater emphasis on technology and collaboration.

“You’ve got to take advantage of technology. You’ve got to modernize the billing system. You’ve got to standardize all these things. That’s why all these hospitals are networking and merging, because when you’re bigger you can make more of those things more affordable and able to happen,” he said.

While Cannon recognizes that there is a push to have the Affordable Care Act repealed, he believes that working together to fix and implement the law despite political differences is the only solution to any issues that may have arisen following the law’s passage.

“We’ve been working on this for 100 years and a lot of these ideas started with the Republican Party and there’s been fits and starts and stops about how to get this done and it’s finally put into place, and the worst thing that could be done is say ‘let’s throw it all out,'”

For a man who the NRCC is trying to paint as someone woefully unaware, Jerry Cannon seems pretty aware that there could be some potential issues with implementing the ACA for small businesses, especially hospitals in his district.

The NRCC ad then goes on to quote a report about health care costs for small businesses from the National Small Business Association that came out on February 6, 2014:

Has stopped hiring? Small businesses won’t be required to offer insurance under the ACA for another year, small business owners have stopped hiring already? Let’s see if we can find that quote in the report:

Wait, the quote doesn’t say anything about Obamacare, it says rising health insurance costs.

This report is very interesting. 780 small businesses were used in the poll to assess all kinds of things about health insurance, which employees are offered insurance, and how many were frustrated with learning the new rules under the ACA, A majority reported they didn’t fully understand how it would work yet. So small business owners weren’t sure what to expect, but Jerry Cannon has to be an expert on it? Another interesting bit of info about the report states that in 2009 the average cost of health insurance per-employee, per-month was $590. At the time of this poll (November 2013) the cost had gone up to 1,121 per-month, per-employee. Keep in mind, small businesses are a year away from being required to participate in the ACA health insurance program. These rising costs have nothing to do with Obamacare.

Did you notice the dates? The newspaper article is dated January 15, 2014. the NSBA’s report’s date is February 6, 2014. How was Jerry Cannon supposed to read a report that wouldn’t be published for another three weeks? Nobody had read it yet!

And why are we scaring people with an ad telling Michiganians that a third of the businesses in the state aren’t hiring people? Do different Republican committees not coordinate with each other and make sure everyone is on the same page in regards to their message? It seems not, because Rick Snyder’s been taking credit for the work former Governor Granholm, President Obama, and the United States Congress did bailing out the auto industry and saving 250,000 of the 300,000 jobs the Nerd now claims he created.

Which is it, the Michigan economy is in a complete tailspin because over thirty percent of businesses in the state won’t hire more people and it’s all big bad Obamacare’s fault, or the Nerd insisting he’s making more jobs than Michigan wants, because so many of us are still not working full time yet. Fear, confusion, contradiction. Another day in an election year, putting up with the lies of the Republican Party. Do the state and the nation a favor. Elect Jerry Cannon on November 4.

In the wake of Mark Sleep’s list of 23 reasons not to vote for Rick Snyder, we came up with a list of why you need to get out to the polls November 4 and vote for our next governor, Mark Schauer. When Mark was in government in Lansing and Washington, he voted on many historic pieces of legislation that have improved the lives of Michiganians and Americans. We need that in Michigan right now, after four years of cronyism, secret funds, scandal after scandal and an out-of-touch CEO who thinks he doesn’t have to answer for any of it. It’s time to take our state back.

  1. Voted in favor of the Affordable Care Act.

  2. Supported the auto industry bailout. Voted in favor of cash for clunkers.

  3. Supports fair pay for women.

  4. Voted to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

  5. Earned praise from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for his support of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

  6. Supports a woman’s right to choose her own reproductive health care.

  7. Supports the right for everyone to get married.

  8. Stood shoulder to shoulder with the people in Lansing on December 11, 2012, protesting right to work for less

  9. No more emergency managers.

  10. Picked the best running mate.

  11. Proposed raising the minimum wage in Michigan in 2013.

  12. Polled in spring 2013 as the one who could beat Snyder and no one knew who he was.

  13. His non profit organization helped people find jobs.

  14. Fully supports public education and education professionals

  15. Knows everyone in Michigan needs relief from higher taxes and fewer jobs right now without promises of, “you may not be feeling it yet, but you will soon.”

  16. Visited every county in Michigan to meet the citizens of this state.

  17. Thinks the best two words in the world are “Grandpa Schauer.”

Delta, Dickenson and Menominee Counties make up the 108th Michigan state legislative district. The candidate to vote for on November 4 is Grant Carlson of Norway.

Carlson is a life-long resident of Norway. He graduated from Norway High School in 1993. He completed his undergraduate and graduate work at Michigan State University. He’s currently a partner with Mouw and Celello Law Firm in Iron Mountain. After serving on the Norway-Vulcan School Board he has a strong understanding of what’s necessary to have excellent public schools, and knows that what’s happening in Lansing hurts our state education system.

The issues Grant Carlson wants to fight for when he begins work in Lansing on January of 2015 are all related to building a strong economy for the state and more importantly, for the residents of the 108th district. Helping small business owners so they can hire more people is first on his list. To make sure entrepreneurs have a strong pool of skilled labor, Carlson will work to restore funding levels for our public schools so tomorrow’s work force will have the knowledge and skills they need to find a job. Finally, Carlson wants to restore tax credits such as the Earned Income Credit, the child tax deduction and repeal the tax on retirement income. He will work to reinstate the property tax credit so the people who need the help from the heavy burden of paying more taxes so the wealthy can pay less is shifted back to those who can afford to pay, and need to pay their fair share.

Organizations endorsing Grant Carlson include State Representative Scott Dianda, Painters and Allied Trades Local 1011, Operating Engineers Local 324, Teamsters Local 406, Laborers Local 1329, SEIU Michigan State Council, U.P. Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC Local 111 Escanaba, UAW Southern U.P. Michigan CAP Council, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, Local 1510, Michigan Professional Firefighters Union.

If you live in the 108th district and are eligible to vote, make sure to register by October 6 and vote for Grant Carlson on November 4. To learn more about Grant Carlson, make a donation to his campaign or volunteer to get the word out, you can learn more by visiting his website.

This list is courtesy of Mark Sleep. Please share.

  1. 1.8 billion in tax cuts to businesses that had to be made up elsewhere.
  2. (3) secret funds whose donors were unknown and what they were for.
  3. EFM change that gave dictator like power to an unelected official. When voters voted against it they changed the law slightly and passed it again but tacked an appropriations bill on it to make it referendum proof.
  4. Huge pay raises to some people
  5. Huge cuts to public schools
  6. Pushing to privatize schools
  7. Pushing to privatize services
  8. Cuts in revenue sharing to cities and communities.
  9. Right to Work law that let’s non paying members freeload off dues paying members (An attempt to destroy unions and weaken their finances and ability to voice workers concerns thru the political process)
  10. Taxing pensions
  11. Cuts to the Earned Income Credit
  12. Cuts to the Homestead Property Tax credit
  13. Passing most laws under “Immediate Effect” in violation of State Constitution
  14. Petty paybacks against teacher’s union
  15. Violating State Constitution by not protecting Detroit employee pensions
  16. Secret Right Hand Man Richard Baird
  17. Reduced Unemployment weeks from 26 to 20
  18. Passed smaller Minimum Wage hike in order to stop a petition drive to put a Minimum Wage increase on the ballot.
  19. Weakening bargaining rights for pubic sector unions bypassing laws that place limitations on bargaining and benefits.
  20. A.L.E.C and Dick DeVos controlled
  21. Gerrymandering of voting Districts
  22. The Aramark food service fiasco.
  23. Suspicious State furniture contract to relative.

Courtesy of Mark Sleep