This debate took place on Monday, October 13, 2014.
Miss Fortune found me last spring when Up North Progressive published the first article about Steve Ingersoll and his for-profit charter school scam on the state of Michigan. This blog focused on methodology, their approach to special education services (Everyone’s a visual learner), and the fact that the same vision therapy used in his schools is used by his daughter in her chiropractic practice in Idaho. Vision therapy cures ADHD, Autism and your tax dollars are paying for this through his vision therapy clinics through out the state of Michigan, cleverly disguised as schools.
Miss Fortune’s blog, Glistening, Quivering Underbelly focuses on the financial scam in which Steve Ingersoll has been indicted. This is the story Dick and Betsy DeVos, GLEP, and the rest of the for-profit charter school supporters don’t want you to know about. So far except for the news mentioning Ingersoll’s indictment in April, there has been no state or national coverage.
There is no better reason to vote Rick Snyder out of office in November. He lifted the cap on the number of charter schools in Michigan allowed to open and the grift in Michigan has grown. Take the time to read Miss Fortune’s excellent coverage of Steve Ingersoll, the truth behind for-profit charter schools and the waste of taxpayer money they really are.
Steve Ingersoll should be national news.
Everyone knows that midterm elections have poor turnout in the United States and Michigan is no exception. People don’t feel motivated. The elections are local and state races and sometimes there isn’t much information available about candidates. Your vote still matters. You also need to take some responsibility and learn about local issues and candidates and what they want to do if elected. Not voting means people who depend on you to stay home have a much easier time pushing their agenda on you. Rick Snyder won the 2010 election thanks in part to the lowest voter turnout in years. Four years later and look where the state is, ranked one of the highest in unemployment, old people and poor people pay more taxes while the rich get tax cuts, a billion dollars cut from our public schools and a governor who thinks we do fracking right. These are the consequences of not voting.
So let’s take a look at some of the standard excuses and why Republicans want you to think this way about elections. When you stay home they win.
My vote won’t make a difference.
If every person who said this actually voted it would make a huge difference. Your vote can’t count unless you actually use it. Elections can be won with only a few votes, especially in local elections where only a few hundred people may be voting. You don’t like the guy running for township clerk? If you stay home all of the people who do like him will make sure he’s elected. The person you did like needed you to vote for them, and that’s why they lost.
I don’t know who my candidates are.
If you don’t read the newspaper or watch TV, there are Internet sources that can help you out with that. The Secretary of State website can help you check to see if you’re registered, and even show you which candidates are running in your precinct and what ballot measures you will need to vote on. If you don’t read, watch TV or listen to the radio, then you might notice all those signs with people’s names popping up in your neighbors’ lawns. Those are the names of people running for election where you live. You could also ask someone who knows. The people with signs in their yard probably have an idea.
There are no close races in my district, so why bother?
The reason why there are no close races is because you’re not getting out of your chair and going to the polling station to vote. Republicans LOVE it when voters stay home, because that means their chances of winning elections improves. This is why we have U.S. Congressional Districts where incumbent candidates don’t really need to campaign and they’re guaranteed to win. Often, these candidates only win by a few votes, and that would change if more people went to their precinct and voted.
I don’t know anything about the candidates.
Do you live in a cave in the mountains? The only mountains we have in Northern Michigan are the Porkies in the UP and they’re not that big. We have television, radio, and the Internet with information available if you take the time to look. Candidates have been out knocking on doors, sending emails if you’re on their email list, sending actual mail to your home, and scheduling events where you can meet them if you want. It’s hard to travel anywhere these days without seeing signs in people’s front yards or along the side of the road.
I don’t have the time to vote.
Yes you do. Think of everything you do when you get out of work. Do you go straight home, or do you run errands first? Why can’t stopping at the polling station be one of those errands you run before going home on November 4? If you can’t stand in line, you’re attending school out of the precinct you’re registered to vote, will be out of town on election day, or can’t stand in line for health reasons you have until November 1 to apply for an absentee ballot. The ballot must be filled out and turned in no later than 8 pm on November 4. If you apply for one now you will have it before the election, and all you have to do is fill it out and put it in the mail. You get to vote and don’t have to stand in line.
I don’t vote because it’s my way to fight the system.
What exactly is the system? It’s a vague term people use to label something they don’t really understand and hide their ignorance so they can sound like they know what they’re talking about. Really champ, and how did you fight the system yesterday? What are you going to do tomorrow to show dumb system likers you’re fighting for real democracy? Staying home and doing nothing means somebody else gets to make decisions for you. You make Russel Brand proud. The incumbent who needs you to stay home so they can win another term of office without doing anything are the ones enjoying that system you think you’re fighting by not voting.
Remember, staying home is a great way to make sure we keep things just the way they are. Things just the way they are means continued raising taxes on the elderly and working poor, continued high unemployment, continued funding cuts to our public schools, continued privatization of services that put more people out of work, and more emergency managers who collect six figure salaries but accomplish absolutely nothing. Aren’t you fed up yet? You need to get out and vote on November 4. You’re helping no one staying home, especially yourself.
It’s obvious why The Nerd agreed to do this only once.
For the entire 55 minutes of the debate between him and Mark Schauer, Rick Snyder was combative and incapable of avoiding personal attacks against his opponent. Mark Schauer on the other hand was calm, collected, and spoke clearly about his plan to help everyone in Michigan do better.
Most people don’t enjoy watching political debates, but they’re the most entertaining television viewing. How? Because the candidates in the debate have to be able to carefully craft answers that are factual and also answer the questions the moderators ask. Tonight’s debate was no exception. Rick Snyder was clearly uncomfortable and easily agitated by his body language, the inflection in his voice and the phrases he used repeatedly when he talked. Very early on he stopped sitting down while Mark Schauer gave his answers. This is a clear sign that he felt out of control, and standing was one way for him to have a sense of being the person running things on stage. Twice the moderators however reminded him he was not the guy in charge when they told him his time was up for speaking.
Mark Schauer was a sharp contrast with giving clear answers, speaking to the audience about what he wants to do as governor, and had no problem with giving up the floor when it was his time to do so. He never felt out of control and didn’t need to stand toward the front of the stage to give an impression of being the guy in charge. He also never had to resort to personal attacks, something Snyder is known for and tonight was no exception.
Snyder spent most of the night on the defensive. For a nerd who insists he’s the comeback kid and Michigan is improving with him as CEO, he seems to spend a lot of time backtracking and denying his record over the past four years. Is The Nerd aware how badly he did yet? If he’s not feeling it yet, he will soon.
Vote for the real winner, vote for Mark Schauer on November 4
Crawford, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Ogemaw and Roscommon counties make up the 103rd House District. On November 4 the people of this district will have the opportunity to elect James Cromwell of Alger to represent them. Cromwell brings his unique perspective through music and common sense about the work he wants to do when he gets to Lansing.
James Cromwell proudly served in Vietnam. After college he worked in building construction. Cromwell was a proud Union member during his years in the building trades. He is married with two children and grandchildren. Cromwell ‘s current vocation is guitar player and leader of his band, Uncle Nice and the Roundheads.
On the issues Cromwell speaks out about what is wrong with Lansing and what he wants to do to fix it. He feels that the new international bridge between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit is necessary for commerce. He wants to see less money go to special interests. The people strapped with more tax burden are the wrong people to be paying these higher revenues. Solutions to funding problems include creating a statewide fund to help municipalities struggling with finding money needed for services. After working in right to work states as a union master carpenter, Cromwell knows first hand how lower wages, no benefits or job security makes it harder for people to find jobs with good pay. He supports raising the minimum wage and decriminalizing marijuana statewide. Taxes are too high on retired people and the working poor, while big oil, the auto industry and special interests get the tax breaks. James Cromwell believes this is wrong and with your vote he will go to Lansing and fight to change what the Republicans have done to the state.
James Cromwell eschews all campaign funding or typical methods of campaigning. He simply asks for the people of the 103rd district for their vote. He is not a politician, he is a simple working man who wants to do what’s right for the other hard working people of his district. Vote for James Cromwell on November 4, and he will sing away the special interests and business as usual in Lansing.
22 private church schools currently use Accelerated Christian Education in Michigan. Rick Snyder will push forward on school vouchers if he wins another term as Governor. We already know he wants to do this after the leaking of ‘Skunkworks’ in 2013. Dick and Betsy DeVos have spent far too much money on this election to allow school vouchers to slip through their death grip on public education in the state. Many states now have voucher programs that allow taxpayer money to pay for private school education and that includes Evangelical Protestant Christian schools and home schools using curriculum developed by ACE, Abeka or Bob Jones. Michiganians already decided that the taxpayers of Michigan should not be financially responsible for private school education, especially religious schools. Republicans in the state want to change that. Rick Snyder has yet to let something as trivial as the state constitution get in his way.
The curriculum teaches children to be completely obedient in all things and to everyone who has authority over them. Children attending ACE education programs must adhere to strict enforcement of all rules and procedures in the school. Students sit in their office and do not talk to other children. They are only allowed to speak to a supervisor after they put a flag on their cubicle wall to flag them down. Students are also required to score their own PACEs correctly. How correctly? Here is one account from a former ACE student from Australia:
There was something strange going on. I realized that when as a seven year old, when I was stuck at the score-key, looking at my PACE with concern. The question stalling me had been a two-blanker (quite advanced, I felt). The question was – for example – something like “ _____ and ______ happen during thunderstorms.”
I had written rain and thunder. The score-key said thunder and rain.
When I finally cracked and called for a monitor, seeking their judgment, I watched a grown man, his mustache twitching, consider very, very carefully the words before him. The answer was an obvious one, wasn’t it? The answers were effectively the same. I had internalized the concept. I understood what the question wanted to know, but I hadn’t answered it in precisely the way it had wanted. A teacher would, in this situation, probably let it go, or, at the least, provide me with a reason to change it.
Eventually, he shook his head, defeated by the challenge of it. “Mark it wrong,” he said. “Go back to your desk and fix it.”
That was this environment. There was no questioning authority over you; you obeyed it. Even when your own common sense indicated otherwise, you had to be able to tell that there was something strange going on.
The student’s work in the PACE booklet had to match exactly what was in the answer key, if it wasn’t right, they had to mark it wrong, take it back to their seat and correct, then flag down the supervisor again to re-correct the PACE. Not scoring a PACE correctly would lead to discipline for not being obedient.
Like the curriculum, discipline in ACE’s program is strictly regulated. A manual for the adults who work in the school instruct staff how to ensure students are obeying every rule and following all procedures. There is no room for improvising or spontaneity. Children who deviate from the program’s system in any way are disobedient, and it’s up to the staff to prayerfully correct the child to proper obedience.
How was this done? Through a system of infractions that would earn students demerits. Three demerits earn a detention, seven demerits means the child’s father will be contacted and the school staff and parents will apply the required physical punishment, which for ACE is a spanking.
“John” is a former ACE student from a suburb outside Akron, Ohio. His parents sent him to the church school until the eighth grade. His experience with ACE’s discipline policy still affects him emotionally today. He wants to share what happened to him, but wishes to remain anonymous because his family is still involved with this church.
In A.C.E. it falls to the students to check, or “score” their own work. Once a page in a workbook is completed the student is to raise their flag and wait for a supervisor to come grant them permission to take their work to the “scoring table.” At the scoring table is a copy of each workbook with all the answers filled in correctly, as well as red pens. A student then goes line by line with a red pen checking their own work, returns to their desk and corrects any errors found, then again raises their flag to get permission to “re-score” and check that any errors have now been corrected.
As it turns out, being the completely bored and utterly un-engaged student that I was, I was terrible at this. That became a massive problem when my supervisor (think teacher, except without actually teaching anything ever, having a teaching certificate, or having ever attended college for even a single day) gathered up all my PACE’s from the past month and checked every single one for any “scoring errors”, or mistakes I had made that I hadn’t marked with a red X at the scoring table. Each of these was viewed as a deliberate act of rebellion, and each carried the penalty of a demerit. It didn’t matter how trivial (literally undotted i’s or uncrossed t’s, i’s before e’s in the wrong order) they were all treated as heinous crimes.
I can still remember the first time I walked into the classroom, coming back from lunch. I was in a jovial mood and completely unaware of what was going on. But as soon as I saw that the supervisor had all of my PACE’s, I knew something was amiss. She skewered me with an enraged glare that terrified me. She refused to speak to me so for nearly 20 minutes I sat at my desk unable to work, completely confused by what was transpiring, fear slowly creeping over me.
Finally she came over to me. With a stern glare she told me that she had found 47 “scoring violations” and she was giving me a demerit for each and every one. Terror swept over me.
Demerits were a big deal. At 3 demerits you started accruing detention time. At 7 demerits you started accruing “Whacks”, or blows from a wooden paddle the Pastor kept in his office. Each demerit past 7 was a whack, so I suddenly owed 42 whacks, I couldn’t even comprehend that many. I was terrified. Whacks were a big deal – a big big deal – and I had never actually received one before.
My parents were called, and a long discussion took place but I was told no details, other than that I was going to get whacked tomorrow. I didn’t sleep a wink that night, a knot of terror in my stomach kept me awake. I couldn’t even eat I was so terrified. I was nine years old.
The day progressed slowly, agonizingly slowly, every hour the sense of dread and foreboding grew. I hadn’t been told how many whacks I was going to receive, or really any details. I was only told that it was going to happen at some point that day. I stared at the clock wishing desperately that it would be tomorrow already so that this could be over and done with. Sometime around 2 in the afternoon I vomited in the bathroom.
Finally around 4 hours after school had ended, a supervisor brought me to the principals office. My parents were there, as well as several of the elders. They lectured me on my “willful disobedience” for about 20 minutes and warned me about the dangers of my “spirit of rebellion”. They told me they were going to show me “grace” by only giving me one whack this time. I took it all in, shaking the entire time. Then we prayed.
The Pastor implored the Lord to use this whack to teach me the ways of righteousness, and to guide me to a spirit of thanksgiving for having adults in my life whom cared enough about me to discipline me this way.
After we prayed the pastor looked me in the eyes and said “Son, were going to instill fear of the Lord in you.” (Every time this happened, and there would be many more times, he would say this exact thing right before he struck me.) Then I was bent over a heater, the pastor hefted a thick oaken paddle. There were different paddles for different age groups. The one for kindergarten was a switch, the one for teen agers had holes drilled in it to reduce wind resistance. The one for me was a thick oaken one about the size of a bread board. Like lining up a golf swing, the pastor traced a path in the air with the paddle from my butt to almost the ceiling.
The blow struck me so hard my whole body went numb, my head was pushed into the wall. Then the pain hit, the most pain I had ever experienced in my life, I started to wriggle and writhe, unable to cope. I couldn’t breathe, I was choking on tears completely overwhelmed. The pastor grabbed me in a big bear hug while I squirmed, terrified of him. He made us pray together and made me thank him for this Godly discipline.
And that was the first time.
Thereafter, every so often with no warning and for no reason I could discern, the supervisor would sweep up all my paces and inspect them with a fine tooth comb. I would always be out of the room when she did this. I would come back to see my PACE’s gone, and the whole process would repeat. I learned to live in terror of unexpected attention from authority figures, and over time I started to always be on guard, to never let myself get too relaxed. It always seemed like she would do this whenever I was happiest, whenever I was achieving and actually doing well.
Each time it happened, more whacks and longer detentions were added. And each time I would promise myself that it would be the last, that I would try harder this time and make sure that I never missed a single mistake when I was scoring. But my supervisor always found plenty of scoring violations whenever she decided to look. She would spend over an hour sometimes inspecting my PACE’s, sometimes going back and getting PACE’s I had done months before and inspecting those as well.
I tried so hard but it never seemed to make a difference, I always wound up shamed and beaten.
They demanded what felt like the impossible from me. My whole existence became one of terror, dreading the moment an authority figure decided to check over my work. Mistakes that had escaped my notice from weeks before could suddenly rear up, each and every page of each and every PACE searched for every overlooked error. The mountain of evidence thrown at me out of the blue, no warning, no way of seeing it coming. The punishment was physical assaults on my person. No matter how hard I tried I could never be good enough to escape these seemingly random assaults on myself. I had always overlooked something, always made a bunch of mistakes. I was always wrong. I was bad, I was broken. The evidence was staring me in the face. My only hope was the pain these good people inflicted on me, the knots of terror that kept me awake at night was my righteous punishment from God for the spirit of rebellion I carried against him. I wanted desperately to be good, to be found worthy, to be able to be accepted like the other kids, to have this stain washed away from me.
I wanted to find a way to fear the Lord enough that I would stop being bad.
My desperate pleadings to the Lord went unanswered, and it sank in that I was broken; perhaps hopelessly so. I withdrew into myself hating myself. I deserved this pain, this fear, why couldn’t I just do what I was told? I stopped all my hobbies and focused only on schoolwork. I didn’t deserve to play video games or go outside like the other kids. I was bad. Once I stopped getting whacks, once I stopped sinning, once I got this spirit of rebellion out of me, once the beatings stopped, then I could be like the other kids. Then I could allow myself to be happy. But not until then.
Months later, after my first round of whacks for scoring errors I was celebrating Thanksgiving with my family. We were at the house of one of my cousins, One of my aunts noticed how quiet I was, how I wasn’t out playing with my other cousins. She asked my Father about it.
“Well,” my Father began with a half smirk, “He had some troubles at school, wasn’t trying hard enough. So we decided to give him a couple whacks on the tush. Ever since then he’s been real quiet and obedient, his teachers have all complimented how he never speaks up or gets in trouble anymore, he just puts his head down and does his school work. I know some idiot liberals think you shouldn’t hit your kids but its the best thing we ever did.”
The Republicans want the taxpayers in Michigan to pay for schools that practice this form of discipline. Snyder’s Skunkworks plan would have given parents complete control over where their school money was spent, and that includes religious schools using this program.
In Michigan, corporal punishment in public schools is illegal and has been since 1989. This does not extend to private schools however. ACE doesn’t disclose their discipline policy to the public, but some still list spanking as a method of discipline at their school and can be viewed on ACE school websites. Some require the parents to sign a release giving the school permission to use corporal punishment. Records of students getting spanked are not included with the student’s records if they transfer to another school.
Vouchers are part of the Republican agenda to dismantle public education and eradicate teachers unions. School choice has nothing to do with improving schools or better educating children, it’s about making a profit from taxpayer dollars and putting another nail in the coffin of organized labor. Sending a child to a private school is the choice of the parents. Forcing Michiganians to pay for it, especially a program that beats children for not scoring their school work correctly is unacceptable, and thankfully, unconstitutional in Michigan. We need to keep it that way and stop the flow of public money into for-profit schemes meant to destroy good education, not improve it. On November 4, we can make the choice to protect and restore public education by electing those candidates who support public education: Mark Schauer, Gary Peters, and other progressive Democrats who need your vote. Please get out and vote.
Rick Snyder eliminated 400 union jobs in Michigan so he could privatize the prison food system with a contract to Aramark. So far we’ve had maggots in the food, sex between staff and inmates, staff selling drugs and murder for hire. Lots of relentless, nothing positive with this action, Governor Nerd.
In case you don’t know what’s at stake in the 2014 election, the battle royale is in the US Senate. Republicans are waging a take-no-prisoners war to flip the senate to a Republican majority. Current polls show that Republicans have a good chance to succeed. If this happens, the US Senate will have a much easier time blocking President Obama on a number of important issues. It’s for this reason that the Democratic Party needs to keep their majority in this election.
Immigration reform is the civil rights issue of our time, but it’s also an economic issue. By providing a path to citizenship to people brought here as children, it would boost the American economy by over $300 billion. President Obama is ready to use an executive order to change immigration for these people. The Republicans want to stop the president because they know if he succeeds, then many of these young adults will become citizens, and younger voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic Party. President Obama recently announced he would wait until after the election before using this executive order, because he would rather have a congress willing to work with him rather than use the hail mary option of an executive order.
It’s very likely that within the next two years at least one Supreme Court Justice will retire from the bench. A Republican majority in the Senate means they will be able to block the president’s appointee, or force him to pick more conservative candidates that the Republicans would confirm. They may decide to just block any new appointments to the Supreme Court, waiting until 2016 and the chance a Republican will win the White House. Don’t believe the Republicans would do that? People are panicking about an Ebola outbreak in the United States, yet the Senate filibustered so many presidential appointees that we don’t have a Surgeon General whose job it would be to deal with something like Ebola.
While many Republican Senate candidates have run their campaign on the promise of repealing “Obamacare,” the reality is it will never happen. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay. Too many people are using the program for health care coverage and they like it. The Republicans have no alternative “free market” solution to the Affordable Care Act because the program, including the individual mandate, is the Republican health care plan. President Obama and the Democratic Party made it law, so now Republicans insist it’s the worst thing ever. 10 years from now when everyone’s really happy with their health care coverage the Republicans will be more than happy to forget they ever called it Obamacare, claiming it was their idea all along – because it was.
In Michigan we have many PACs and billionaire money buying ads, paying for polls, and robo-calling people to convince them to vote for the Republican candidate for Senate. Americans For Prosperity in the state, which is made up of Snyder’s former campaign staff have worked hard to spend money on Terri Lynn Land’s campaign despite her being a terrible candidate. Dick DeVos is another billionaire throwing money into the election and bankrolling Republican candidates. Money isn’t the only way to get people elected. We have the perfect replacement for our retiring Senator, Carl Levin, in the Democratic candidate Gary Peters. He will go to Washington DC and work with President Obama, not promise to obstruct him like Terri Lynn Land says she will. If you’re sick of the same old do-nothing Congress, then it’s vitally important that everyone go to the polls on November 4 and vote for Gary Peters for US Senate.