Hosting a website costs money. There are ways to make money with them too, but that takes time to build up presence online. The first donate button was added a couple of months ago and has received no attention.

Today I added the Bitcoin donate button. I assumed it would get as much use as the Paypal button. I was wrong.

Was the amount of the donation enough to cover hosting fees? No, but I was still floored to see the donation come in. Thank you!

The 110th Michigan House District Is comprised of Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Ontonagon counties, and a portion of Marquette County. The residents of those counties know it’s almost time to re elect Scott Dianda to the Michigan State Legislature. Dianda was elected to his first term in 2012. He and his wife live in Calumet.

A lifelong resident of the Upper Peninsula, Dianda attended school at Lake Superior State University and The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Scott Dianda has experience in retail, and worked for the Michigan Department of Transportation.

Currently, State Congressman Dianda is working to strengthen business and protect the environment in his district. He introduced a resolution calling for the protection of the Great Lakes from an invasion of Asian Carp. The Great Lakes provide not only fishing and recreation, but are also vitally important to business in the region, whether it’s transportation, commercial or sport fishing. The Great Lakes must be protected from invasive species of fish that would destroy the ecosystem of the lakes. Our economy depends on keeping this natural resource healthy. Dianda also worked for funding to provide relief for the damage done by the previous winter. Especially important to the 110th District is developing new ways to provide energy to the U.P. The Presque Isle Power Plant costs too much to operate, and the people who rely on it for electricity can’t no longer afford paying for the power it generates. Scott Dianda’s resolution will provide the means for more efficient and less costly electricity for the residents who rely on PIPP, and the old coal-fired plant can be retired.

Scott Dianda is the representative who is working to make things better for the people of the 110th District.  To learn more about him, you can visit his website, where he can be contacted and provides news about his campaign. On November 4, re elect Scott Dianda, so he can continue working for the people of his district.

  • Now that our anti-war treaty with Rome has expired, Carthage can muster an army and fight off these Numidians for good! Thank goodness Rome will leave us alone now that the debt is paid …

  • Queen Olga of Kyiv burned alive 20 of our best men in a sauna for revenge after we murdered her husband, and then she invited us to her husband’s funeral and slaughtered 5,000 of our people, but this time she promises she wants peace! All we have to do is send her some birds …

  • Harold of Wessex swore an oath to support me as heir to the English throne. It is good that I have such a trustworthy ally in England and will never undermine my authority or right of succession

  • What’s that? The entire Swedish Army is preparing to attack Prague? Don’t be ridiculous! The Swedish are in Westphalia with the French and Holy Rome negotiating peace. The war is finally over …

  • Now that we have made this treaty with the white men and they have promised us our hunting lands forever, the Lakota and Cheyenne will live in peace and harmony and never have to worry about greedy prospectors coming to The Black Hills looking for gold …

  • He lied to us every chance he got, raised taxes on poor people and old people, made right to work for less law after he said he wouldn’t, assigned Detroit an emergency manager after he said he wouldn’t, promised to be a moderate then took a hard right conservative stance and signed almost everything the tea party-infested state legislature wanted … but we should trust him with another four years if he promises to be nicer and not lie to us this time …

Really? If Snyder promises things will get better, we should give him a second chance? Is this a joke? Sadly, it is not. The Detroit Free Press today endorsed the Nerd for four more years. This is after they listed every terrible thing he did while Governor and suggested that if they give him the paper’s endorsement, that he really should consider being nicer to everyone; not just his rich friends and the DeVos family who write all the checks.

So while the Republicans laugh it up about a “liberal” paper endorsing their candidate, keep in mind the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News are owned by the same company. The media are as liberal as the Republicans who own them.

Mark Schauer has the endorsement of Up North Progressive, and my vote. He is the right choice for Michigan and deserves your vote too.

He’s lying to you. Why would you willingly vote for a liar?

Fed up with lies and excuses? Vote for Mark Schauer on November 4 and bring honesty and integrity back to Lansing.

Republicans want Michigan voters to believe that the state under four years of their stewardship has lead to great economic growth. Rick Snyder’s it’s not a campaign has used slogans like “comeback kid” and, “one successful nerd” and of course, “you may not be feeling it yet, but you will soon.”

One Northern Michigan business that will never feel it is Wright’s Bake Shop in Reed City. The 100 year old business is a landmark of the city’s downtown, serving pastries and fresh baked bread. The store is still co-owned by the Wright family, the third generation to run the shop. But after November 1, 2014, the bakery will close for good.

The reason for the co-owners making this heartbreaking decision is obvious: The terrible Michigan economy that has not recovered in any measurable way. High unemployment and poor economic conditions persist in Northern Michigan despite all of the Republicans’ claims that the state is making a dramatic comeback. Unemployment, stagnant wages and higher taxes stretched family budgets so thin that luxuries like local fresh-baked bread are no longer affordable. The owners of Wright’s also say the cost of keeping the bakery open has doubled, including buying the ingredients they need to keep their products stocked on the shelves. After months of losses, it was time to face the truth that they couldn’t stay open.

In Monday’s Cadillac News Republican State Senate candidate Darwin Booher said he was in favor of raising the state sales tax because it would, “raise revenue that is needed, and be a long-term solution.” The problem with raising the sales tax is that people who can’t afford to pay more taxes – the poor, retired people living on fixed incomes, and the middle class – feel the pain of another tax increase more than wealthy people. The Democratic State Senate candidate, Glenn Lottie, is quoted in the same edition of the Cadillac News, “I am against increasing taxes on our citizens.” He wants to pursue other viable options for raising revenue in the state to fix roads.

It’s difficult to drive around Reed City these days and not see Darwin Booher signs dotting front yards throughout the community. In light of higher taxes and a stagnant local economy forcing a business that has been open in Reed City through world wars, the depression, Reaganomics, NAFTA and the war on organized labor that Darwin Booher voted in favor of in 2012 in Lansing, do the citizens of Reed City have the ability to recognize that the people they vote for have a direct impact on what happens in their town? Booher already says if he’s re-elected he will vote to raise taxes on the people in his district. People unable to keep a 100 year old business open because they can’t afford it.

The people of the 35th State Senate district have the opportunity on November 4 to vote for change and stop supporting a special interest politician who can’t wait to get back to Lansing and make the citizens of his district even more impoverished. Vote Democratic Party and save what’s left of Reed City.

Woop, there it is.

Steve Ingersoll owes Bay City $186,000 in unpaid property taxes, at least $1.6 million to Grand Traverse Academy for pre-paid fees overpayment, and he’s facing felony fraud charges for embezzling half of a $2 million building loan into his personal bank account.

Yet with a December 2 trial date looming, he scraped up enough chump change to donate to Dan Benishek’s re-election campaign.

Thanks to Miss Fortune for the heads up.

The Detroit Free Press endorses Jerry Cannon for US Congress! District 1 will be served very well by Jerry.

Make sure you vote for Jerry Cannon on November 4.

Whether you live up north or down state in Michigan, one of the most interesting aspects of the 2014 election that barely anyone’s talking about is the split in the Republican big tent. And by split I mean yawning Hell’s Canyon-deep chasm (Hell’s Canyon is on the Idaho-Oregon border. I mention Idaho for a reason).

In the 107th state district, DeVos yes man Frank Foster was defeated by a young religious fundamentalist school teacher named Lee Chatfield in the August primary. Chatfield is openly hostile to gay people, Muslims, Obamacare and Common Core, which is programming our children to be gay Muslim Obamacare users if you follow the standard tea party rantings. Down state in the 98th district Gary Glenn beat Karl Ieuter in a very close race. Gary Glenn is openly hostile to gay people, Muslims, Obamacare and Common Core because that will program our children to be gay Muslim Obamacare users. Ask anyone in the tea party, they’ll tell you it’s true.

What else do these two have in common? They’ve both received donations from Michigan GOP chairman Dave Agema, who hates gays, Muslims, Common Core and anything having to do with President Obama. Agema made himself infamous for his rants about filthy homosexuals and no one should ever hire them because they don’t live very long. He demands Christian education be nationally mandated and that the US must address “weaponized” Ebola.

Lee Chatfield is new to politics. He’s executive director of an organization called Freedom’s Foundation, an Internet radio station and purveyor of power point presentations for the church he attends. The church also runs a school where Lee Chatfield teaches. He lives in a home with his extended family who all attend this same church. The only thing missing from this man’s story are church members picketing servicemens’ funerals with hate speech signs. Otherwise, you get a pretty good picture about Lee Chatfield and what he’s all about.

Gary Glenn however has been been around for some time. In 2012 he ran for US Senate against Clark Durant and Peter Hoeskstra for the Republican nomination. He dropped out of that race and endorsed Clark Durant, who lost to Peter Hoekstra, who then lost to Debbie Stabinow.

You remember Clark Durant, he’s the guy who runs private church schools in Detroit and a couple of charter schools that get taxpayer money to teach the same Christian curriculum his private schools teach. Clark Durant we found out in 2012 made the children attending his schools pay thousands of dollars in tuition so they would “appreciate it” while he and his daughter netted almost three quarters of a million dollars in salaries for running the schools, being CEO, and also participating in some shady non-profit organizations that raked in millions.

Clark Durant before his long political and education career worked at Hillsdale College as an assistant to the president of the college. Last year, the current president came under fire for referring to minorities as “dark ones.” Hillsdale College runs a network of charter schools that came under scrutiny for suspected lack of diversity.

Gary Glenn is president of the American Family Association. The purpose of the AFA is to support “traditional” marriage between one man and one woman, but some of Glenn’s quotes make it obvious there’s plenty of hate speech and desire to eliminate gay people completely. The tea party already considers the November 4 election a formality and the 98th district won. The LGBT community considers the 98th district race a must-win.

Two years ago the Republican Party in Michigan pushed for and passed Right-To-Work-For-Less. This was not something the Republican establishment or tea party could accomplish alone. It took Dick DeVos writing checks for services rendered by the Michigan legislature to both establishment and tea party Republicans. Gary Glenn at the time did not hold political office, but he was behind the scenes to help make it happen. He’s had plenty of experience. He was executive director of the Idaho Freedom To Work Committee when the push to make Idaho a right to work state took place in 1986. Glenn used Charlton Heston to help promote and push for right to work in that state. If elected, Gary Glenn promises keeping Michigan a right to work state will be a top priority.

Why two years later after the DeVos family, Rick Snyder and the tea party came together to get right to work for less in Michigan passed are they now at each other’s throats? Although both sides of the Michigan Republican Party have plenty of religious fundamentalists in their ranks, the DeVos family supports a network of people who do and say exactly everything they want. The tea party as far as they are concerned is a loose cannon. This is why DeVos mouthpiece Nolan Finley writes articles calling out Gary Glenn and other tea party candidates as being bad for Michigan. They are bad for Michigan, but so are the candidates Dick and Betsy DeVos throw thousands of dollars at. The Michigan tea party and establishment Republicans are in the same situation as a couple that went out on a date, had too much to drink and regret what happened afterward. It was fun at the time as Dick DeVos recently said, but now there’s awkwardness and embarrassment for what happened between them, and they’re getting hostile trying to avoid each other and forget about the whole thing.

The DeVos family, Gary Glenn, and Lee Chatfield are cut from the same cloth. They use religion to promote an ultra conservative agenda that prohibits all independent thought or expression. This is no different than the Islamic State, the Taliban or any other group of people who hold religiously charged ideology above everything else. They’re dangerous in any country they live in. The 2014 election is very important for this reason. The Michigan GOP is fractured, and they will bring their fight even further into Michigan politics if they win on November 4. Michigan has real problems that must be addressed now when the government opens for business in January of 2015. We can’t afford letting the Republicans turn Lansing into their personal battleground and causing gridlock. The answer is clear and it will take everyone – progressives, moderates and independent voters – to put a stop to this. Please get out and vote on November 4. We can stop the Republicans from bringing their bigotry and hatred to Lansing. It will take everyone’s vote to win.