There are now 55 confirmed cases of whooping cough in Grand Traverse County, and five cases of measles spread between Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties. The rise in these completely preventable diseases is alarming, but even more alarming are the high rates of children not receiving life-saving vaccinations in these two counties.
Mlive provided a database of information for each county in Michigan and the percentages of children with immunization waivers in public and private schools. It may be worthwhile to bookmark this page and search through school districts in your county to see which schools have the potential for illness outbreaks.
Downstate in Allegan County the health department reports whooping cough has appeared there. They ask everyone who show symptoms to be treated for the disease whether they are confirmed or not. Whooping cough is treatable if caught early and the infected person takes a full course of antibiotics. Infants, small children and the elderly are at greater risk if they are not treated quickly.
Whooping cough in Grand Traverse County originated with for-profit charter school Grand Traverse Academy. The school closed for an entire week in November when attendance dropped below 70% of enrollment. From there the disease spread to other school districts in the county. 18% of GTA students have immunization waivers.
The state is taking action to make sure more children in school have necessary vaccinations to protect everyone from contracting these preventable diseases. Starting January 1 new rules will require parents to put their specific religious or philosophical objections in writing before being allowed to exempt their child from being vaccinated. They will in addition be required to sign a form admitting they understand that they are putting their child and other people’s children at risk if they send their non-vaccinated child to school. Signing the form also means the parents agree that their child will not be permitted to participate in school or other school-related activities if the health department determines that child is a risk to others.
The responsibility of keeping Michigan’s children and the community safe from preventable diseases must be put on those who engage in risky behavior that makes everyone vulnerable. Parents who don’t get their children vaccinated need to reconsider their choices, and the consequences of what they are doing to everyone else. Vaccinate your children.
I don’t make a big deal out of birthdays. It’s become a day to stand in line at the Secretary of State’s office and renew my license plates. Not something I associate with a special day at all.
My birthday is also close enough to Christmas that it gets forgotten in the hustle and bustle of shopping and cooking and decorating and running around frantically so everything is perfect for Santa leave me stuff under the tree day. I’m used to it.
Birthdays are pretty low-key for me, but there is one thing I would really like this year. It has to do with this blog. Hosting a website costs money, and so far I haven’t made enough with the couple of ads I have or with the paypal button to pay for hosting for another year. I don’t like to think that after only one year this blog will be gone. I really enjoy researching and writing the content that I do, sharing it with others and hopefully making you think about what’s happening in Michigan, and more importantly, motivating you to act.
I’m sure by now you’ve seen the popup at the top of Wikipedia’s page suggesting that if everyone who read said popup were to chip in $3, their begathon would be over. I know how they feel. I don’t have nearly as many readers as Wikipedia, obviously, I’m just a small blog writing about political and social commentary in Michigan, but just like Wikipedia or any other website, I have hosting fees.
So here is my wish for my birthday: If everyone who reads my blog were to mash that paypal button over there on the right and donate $1, my hosting fees would be covered for quite a while. That would make this birthday girl very happy, because that would make sure I can continue to write about the things happening in Michigan I think people need or want to know more about.
If you’re so inclined, I also accept Bitcoin. 🙂 Thank you.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources released their report of the 2014 firearm deer season on December 9. Their findings confirm what everyone in the state already knew: Fewer deer were taken this year in every county in the state. In some parts of Northern Michigan the drop in deer harvest is 40 percent.
The largest drop in deer harvests were in the Upper Peninsula. After back to back severe winters and 40 inches of snow on the ground during the first week of firearm deer season, some deer check stations reported that they saw 60 percent fewer deer this year than in previous years.
In the Northern Lower Peninsula the drop off in deer harvests was not as severe, but deer check stations in the region still saw a drop in the number of deer brought in. People also noted that the severe weather had an impact on antler sizes this year. Unharvested corn fields also contributed to lower deer numbers being killed, as the deer had more cover to avoid hunters.
Another contributing factor not mentioned in the DNR’s report that had less hunters in the woods this year were the enormous increases in state hunting license fees for in-state and out of state hunters. Many out of state hunters stayed home this year because they couldn’t afford the fees. Stores that sold licenses claimed some people walked away from the counter when they learned how much the new license fees were going to cost.
The Michigan DNR can’t do anything about the unseasonably cold and snowy weather we had the first part of the firearm deer season, but they could help hunters out with being able to afford to go hunting by not making them to buy a small game license as a condition of buying a deer license. If hunters also purchased a doe permit (and paid the $5 for the lottery fee), the total cost of being able to legally hunt deer for residents was $56.00.
Of course, the DNR did not cite the higher license fees contributing to fewer deer being harvested this season. They need to take that into consideration along with the bad weather.
If you’re so inclined, mash this here link to enjoy some appropriate music while you read.
The Up North Progressive lived in Idaho for four years where they learned the folly of working for a school managed by a private corporation (ask me some time about how this for-profit corporation stole thousands in Title I funds). While living there, the state learned that the Minneapolis airport is the country of wide stances, and Senator Larry Craig became the biggest joke.
Larry Craig plead guilty for soliciting sex in a men’s public restroom at the airport. When the news reported about it he unsuccessfully fought in court to have the guilty plea overturned. He even illegally used campaign funds to pay for lawyers and court costs.
The mirth is understandable then when the Idaho GOP decided their stance on people with arrest records is wide and made Larry Craig their finance director. Because you know, being able to tap your feet to get another guy’s attention is a valued skill.
Larry Craig also has lots of experience with the Federal Election Commission, after he had to pay back all of the money he illegally used to pay his lawyers to clear him of the guilty plea he made voluntarily.
Good job, Idaho GOP.
Christians are not the only ones who could use Jase Bolger’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act to discriminate against different groups of people, or use it to their advantage claiming a conflict with their religious beliefs. Imagine what that day in Michigan would look like if people of all religions decided to invoke this new law to their benefit.
Dear Mom,
I know you said moving to Michigan to get my Master’s degree wasn’t a good idea, but they had the best school for the field of study I wanted and I found a job right away, although it doesn’t pay nearly as much as I thought it would. My employer used to be a union shop but now that Michigan is a right to work state it’s much harder to negotiate a fair wage for the workers. Anyway, you’re right about life in Michigan being more interesting since the state legislature passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. When the US Supreme Court ruled on the Hobby Lobby case they even said it didn’t apply to states. Michigan conservatives didn’t agree however and now people of all religious faiths want their customs and beliefs accommodated by the new law.
I’m having a hard time getting my antidepressant medication because one of the co-owners of the company I work for is a Scientologist, and it’s against their religion to use any kind of medication that treats emotional disorders. In fact, a co-worker of mine can’t get medication for her son, who has ADHD because our medical insurance won’t cover it. We can’t force our boss to pay for medication when it’s against his religion. He did offer me a free personality test at his Scientology church though.
Just this morning one of my co-workers complained that he found the perfect car and he could afford it with the cash-back offer, except the dealer doesn’t participate in cash-back offers on cars he sells because it’s Riba, and that makes it Haraam. He’s still shopping for the car he wants, but that one dealer has one of the few left available.
Another co-worker at lunch complained about having to fix her kids lunches now, because her kids won’t eat lunch at school ever since they stopped serving hamburgers and any meat that contained beef or pork. The Jewish and Muslim parents insist they don’t want their kids’ school lunches being prepared in the same kitchen that prepares pork, and hamburgers are off the menu because the Hindu parents said it was against their religion. Plenty of cheese pizza, but no more pepperoni.
My room mate says she saw a roach in the bathroom. We talked to the landlord about it but he practices Jainism and for religious reasons refuses to call an exterminator. He suggested we need to learn to live in harmony with all of the creatures of the Earth because they are sacred. My room mate thinks we should find another apartment.
We did have a fun time last weekend however at the neighbor’s. He had a party next door and it was lots of fun until one guy, something like a friend of a friend thing, found out the host was a Satanist and started giving him a hard time about it. Bad idea to ever do that, especially when in a Satanist’s home, because according to his faith if someone annoys you in your home you may be as cruel and merciless as you want to them until they leave. It didn’t take long.
That reminds me, the Satanist is a really good artist and he’s published a comic book on Satanism for the local elementary school. Apparently a church did the same thing and since his brother’s kids go to that school he’s going to give the kids comic books about Satanism. I asked if I could help pass them out and he said yes.
Well Mom, I need to go. It’s my turn to buy donuts for the weekly office meeting and the local bakery is closing early because it’s a full moon tonight. The donut shop owners are Wiccan and they insist on taking their holidays off so they can be with their family.
Write back soon
It’s obvious from the comments left on 9 and 10 News’ website that some Michigan residents want all of the wolves in the Upper Peninsula dead. The Michigan DNR is seeking help in finding out who is poaching wolves in Luce, Mackinac and Schoolcraft counties.
On November 4 Michigan voted down two proposals that would have allowed for trophy hunting of wolves in the state and allow the state legislature to ignore the Michigan state constitution by denying the citizens of Michigan the right to propose and amend Michigan law. In August of 2014 during a special rules session the state legislature circumvented the will of the people again by passing the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, a law designed to list wildlife as game species for hunting at the discretion of the new Natural Resources Commission.
The NRC is a farce, as this committee, which is supposed to propose wildlife management based on scientific research, is made up entirely of political appointments. Not one member of the commission has any credentials or experience with conservation or wildlife management.
The two referendums that appeared on the November, 2014 ballot were defeated because a majority of Michiganians want wolves protected, not driven to the point of being endangered again.
Except for some people, the law doesn’t matter.
- Shoot shovel and shut up…the only way to control the population…Sorry it’s the real truth!
- hey trolls more wolves will be killed now them if we had a season. tip for dnr trip them all transplant them down state for the trolls to protect and kill their pets and possibily their kids.
- Really, does the DNR think people are going to turn anyone in when every county in the U.P pasted in the election to have a hunt. People want them gone. I have a mother and her pup at the bottom of my porch this morning, scares the heck out of me. To close for comfort for me. I say get rid of them all they are just killing all the deer.
- kill em all
So the plan is poach wolves, because they can’t kill them legally.
If anyone living in these counties knows anything about wolves being shot illegally and can offer tips to the DNR to help apprehend these criminals, please call the Report All Poaching Hotline at (800)292–7800. The DNR is offering a reward. Please do your part to protect these animals who have just as much right to live as any human.
The number of confirmed whooping cough cases in Grand Traverse County is now 49 as of yesterday’s county health department report.
Like Pertussis, another chronic disease is spreading over the county. Acute for-profit charter schoolitis. That story is coming soon.
There are two cases of measles in Grand Traverse County now as well.
Way back in the first article ever written about Steve Ingersoll, his too good to be true vision therapy that cures ADHD and Austism, and his really bad habit of stealing Michigan tax payer money that could have been used to educate students, there was another name facing charges with him: Building contractor Roy Bradley. Roy helped Steve pilfer almost $2 million from a loan granted by Chemical Bank in 2011 to renovate a church building in Bay City for Ingersoll’s new for-profit charter school, Bay City Academy.
Bradley, Ingersoll’s cousin Gayle Ingersoll, and their wives all took part in moving the money out of the Chemical Bank account into Ingersoll’s private Fifth Third bank account. It’s ironic because after embezzling their own building fund trying to pay off the money owed to Grand Traverse Academy, Bradley still had to renovate an old church so Ingersoll could rake in even more taxpayer money. The church had asbestos in it, as many old buildings do, and that means subcontracting a licensed asbestos remover to go in and make sure the job is done correctly, so the dear little children attending your new school don’t come down with mesothelioma.
Did Roy Bradley hire a licensed contractor to remove the asbestos from Bay City Academy?
As of today he probably wishes he had, because a federal court found him guilty on all four counts of illegally removing asbestos from the church and not properly disposing of it as required by lots of federal laws that regulates removing deadly carcinogenic poison from a building. Roy Bradley could spend five years in prison and pay a fine of up to $250,000.
And then, there’s the main event, which as of today doesn’t have a new trial date set. Roy Bradley faces more federal charges with Steve Ingersoll in the bank fraud case. Conviction comes with more fines, and up to 30 years in prison.
Breathe deep, Bay City.
UPDATE: This article states Ingersoll’s new trial date is February 10, as reported in the Traverse City Record Eagle. At this time, no firm date is set for the Ingersoll Federal Trial.
The Traverse City Record Eagle last Friday reported that Steve Ingersoll’s trial has been delayed a third time. The new date is February 10, 2015. The for-profit charter school grifter’s lawyers demanded more time to prepare for information that would become public when the trial began.
The story about the new information, broke by Miss Fortune of course is the angry letter sent to Ingersoll in 2013 demanding he pay back the $3.5 million taken from Grand Traverse Academy in advance fee payments for “managing” the for-profit charter school. It was later that a deal was struck between the school’s board and Ingersoll where he would pay the school back by taking less in advance payment fees to gradually offset the amount owed. GTA’s school board has still not recovered all of the money Ingersoll owes them, and at this point accept that they likely never will get that money back.
This is our tax dollars Ingersoll stole, then tried to cover it up when he took out a loan from Chemical Bank to renovate a church in Bay City for his new for-profit charter school venture there. Bay City Academy so far has closed down one campus completely due to low enrollment, has achievement test scores far below Bay City public schools, and are plagued with issues with superintendents quitting or was it being fired suddenly and leaving the school mid term.
The federal prosecution objected to the delay because, “Ingersoll’s motion was based on the premise he received loans derived from Grand Traverse Academy, an entity that is not authorized to make such transactions.”
Well no, schools are not banks. Schools are institutions of education. Unfortunately for people like Steve Ingersoll, he saw Michigan taxpayer money roll in and forgot what the purpose of that money was supposed to be. Now, we get to wait until February before he begins the first day of what will hopefully be a well-earned prison sentence.
Stay tuned!