Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lon Johnson will be in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula this week visiting with Democratic Party members to share ideas about the future of the party. Here is the itinerary for this week:
Monday, January 12
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Breakfast with Cheboygan Dems
Audies Restaurant
314 S Nicolet Street, Mackinaw City, MI 49701
12:45 AM – 2:00 PM
Lunch with Schoolcraft Dems
The “40” Bar and Grill
100 S 2nd St, Manistique, MI 49854
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Meet Delta Dems
Bay College
2001 N Lincoln Rd, Escanaba, MI 49829
Student Services Building, Room # 952A
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CST)
Breakfast with Dickinson Dems
The Maple Creek Restaurant
1052 S Stephenson Ave, Iron Mountain, MI 49801
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EST)
Lunch with Ontonagon Dems
Twilly’s Sports Bar & Grill
13909 U.S. 45, Bruce Crossing, MI 49912
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CST)
Meet With Gogebic Dems
Old Suffolk Ale House
125 S. Suffolk St, Ironwood, MI 49938
Wednesday, January 14
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Meet with Houghton Dems
Super 8 Motel
1200 E Lakeshore Dr, Houghton, MI 49931
Thursday, January 15
5:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Meeting with Marquette County Dems
Marquette City Library
230 N Front St, Marquette, MI 49855
Friday, January 16
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Breakfast with Alger Dems
Sydney’s Restaurant
400 Cedar Street, Munising, MI 49862
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Meeting with Luce County Dems
Zellers Restaurant
7552 State Highway M123, Newberry, MI 49868
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Meeting with Chippewa County Dems
Studebakers Restaurant
3583 Interstate 75 Business Spur, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
For questions please call 517-371-5410 or email midemparty@michigandems.com
Four people so far have thrown their symbolic hat into the ring to be the next chairperson of the Michigan Republican Party. Of the four, one Northern Michigan resident is among them – Joel Poynter of Lake County.
Poynter was born and raised in Roseville and worked as an engineer for Dephi. In his introduction and platform letter stating his intent to run for Michigan GOP chairman. He begins by stating:
Change. That is what is needed in the Republican Party. It has been talked about, debated, but that is as far it goes. Why do some people fear it while others embrace it?
Poynter goes on to discuss his background in automotive engineering and why that gives him the expertise to be a good state party chairman. He also discusses his membership in the Tri-Cities 9-12 organization in Bay City. If you don’t remember what a 9-12 organization is, think back to the days when Fox News first started fabricating stories about the tea party being a national movement. One of the first rally dates that became symbolic to tea baggers back then was September 12, because it was the day after September 11. Poynter laments that being two hours away means he can’t make it to all the monthly meetings the group holds. A look at their Freedomworks page shows the last meeting for this group was in December of 2011, and it was a presentation on ‘home preparation as discussed by Glenn Beck.’ Four people attended this meeting. I’m sure Joel Poynter is sorry he missed out on learning about the importance of buying overpriced gold coins and freeze-dried beef stroganoff.
But anyway, back to change, because that is something Poynter says the Republican Party has to embrace if they are going to survive. What does that change look like?
- Enacted legislation giving the right to vote to the black population after the civil war.
- Morality and ethical behavior.
- Fiscal responsibility.
- Rugged individualism.
- Limited Government.
- Securing property rights.
- Self Government which includes governing the individual passions that drive us all.
- A firm belief that we receive our rights from God not Government.
Number one happened back when the only plank in the Republican Party platform was, “slavery shall not extend to the territories.” If you really want to talk about change, then consider what the party today stands for, and how much that has changed in the last 150 years to now. In fact Poynter very recently supported Dave Agema after he posted a link to a racist article on Facebook:
“Dave didn’t say anything that really wasn’t part of the platform … But yet some at the state level really tried to crucify him. I have a problem with that. If it’s in the platform, why are you crucifying this guy?”
So according to Poynter, the Michigan GOP platform includes the belief that black people are too impulsive and can’t reason or communicate as well as white people, and also there is a cultural battle going on in the state. Yes, that is a big change from the original purpose of the Republican Party.
Two and three on the list of course deal with denying LGBT people in the state their civil rights. Common Core and Obamacare are also there because Common Core will make your kids gay and Obamacare has the word Obama in it, so that makes it bad too. Number four the way the tea party understands it is a far cry from what Herbert Hoover ever meant. Five through Eight are the usual buzzwords that tea party people hear when they attend AFP and Freedomworks-funded gatherings, so those are important to mention. The Republican party needs the true patriots in charge so they can bring them back to whatever it is the tea party thinks they have to bring the GOP back to.
Poynter in his platform talks about getting the different factions of the Michigan GOP – tea party, establishment, and religious right – to sit down together and find common ground. This of course is the change Poynter believes has to happen, and he’s just the guy to do it:
Yes, the Michigan GOP will be in good hands with Joel Poynter leading the charge into 2016 and the future of the party. He will save the party from the establishment idiots and make everyone see that the tea party way of doing things is the right way to do things before the Republican Party slides into oblivion. Possibly not the leadership the Michigan GOP needs, but definitely the leadership they deserve.
Had plans for today – a lunch date with like-minded progressive folk. Imagine the delight to find out via twitter that Up North Progressive got some unexpected free publicity!
When this happens, you’re doing things right.
Of course, when your Powwow features a growing pariah in the state GOP, it will cause some big name backers to step away from your politics and and policy. One of the sponsors of the Going on Offense Powwow, The Mackinac Center, withdrew their sponsorship and refused to participate in the tea party conference at Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant this weekend. The problem came from some extremely disturbing racist comments made by Dave Agema, a committee member of the Michigan GOP. Other than delete his facebook post containing the disturbing comments, there has been no apology nor statement that Agema will step down from the Michigan Republican Party. All of this points to the obvious growing rift between neo-liberal capitalists and racist tea party factions within the GOP, and these two groups are fighting for control of the party.
In 2010 the neo-cons welcomed them in. In 2015 they’re at each other’s throats. Dog. Fleas. Yadda yadda yadda. The next two years are going to be a blast.
The Going On Offense Tea Party Powwow at Soaring Eagle Casino has begun. Right now the meet and greet with no cash bar is going on, and everyone there is looking forward to Dave Agema making the keynote address. He certainly knows how to get people’s attention with just a few words. A couple of days ago Cindy Gamrat sent out an email describing the breakout sessions that would be happening on Saturday.
This Powwow is absolutely going to be a firestorm of energy, bringing together national, state, and local speakers and leaders from every corner of the grassroots movement! With the incredible mix of speakers, attendees, breakouts, and events, there will never be another event like this! You will NOT want to miss it!
And finally, a list of breakout sessions!
Saturday we have been blessed with fantastic breakouts and speakers! General William Boykin, Roman Genn, and Dr. Tim Daughtry will be flying in to Michigan to speak with us! Tony Sharkey will share Establishing Ground Truth and Saturday afternoon will also include a 2015 Legislative Panel, moderated by Kyle Melinn from MIRS, with newly elected State Representatives Gary Glenn, Todd Courser, and Cindy Gamrat.
Panels. Who doesn’t love to listen to panel discussions? Especially when the panel consists of people who are all freshman state legislators. Lots of starry-eyed optimism in that session I’m sure.
But there’s more!
Saturday afternoon Breakouts include:
2016 Campaign Strategies – Cindy Duran, Wendy Day, Bellweather StrategiesFree Market Education – Melanie Kurdys, Stephanie Kieles, Tamara Carlone, Pasquale (Pat) Battaglia, Brian Polet, Representative Tom McMillin and others
Federal Government Reform – Featuring 10th Amendment Center and Convention of States
Making State Government Work – Mackinac Center, C4L, AFP, RNC Dave Agema, Kent Austin
Private Property Rights – Mark Baker and others
Now I really do wish I could be a fly on the wall. See who’s going to be on the panel discussion about free market education? Our very own tea party charter school defender of western civilization, Pasquale Battaglia! You remember him? He wants to bring back a version of education no one has seen in 200 years because it was once reserved for the white, rich, male elites of colonial American society. I also find it hilarious he will be talking about “free market” education, when his intention is to open a chain of charter schools that would take tax money from the evil government. Is it possible since Battaglia is getting nowhere with the charter school angle, he may be opening up a private school instead and charge tuition?
Probably not, but best to put on a good face for the “grassroots” crowd that he needs money from to make his vision for American education a reality.
It’s only fitting these people are at a casino this weekend, swindling the hopeful out of money is what the tea party does best.
Michigan is one of 13 states to qualify for grants in the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. The program is designed to help preserve wetlands along the nation’s coastal regions. The $1 million grant is the federal government’s contribution to conservation groups, state and local governments, and private landowners providing funds to conserve important coastal wetlands for birds who rely on the regions to survive in Michigan. The project will also benefit fish and other wildlife in the protected regions.
Climate change and human development of coastal regions are a threat to natural habitats for birds and other wildlife who live on the coastal regions of the United States. By providing the funds, these areas can be preserved and protected. According to a report by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 80,000 acres of coastal wetlands are lost every year in the United States. By restoring these areas, it will also benefit people through protection from flooding, improve water quality, and improve fishing and hunting for sportswomen and men.
The $1million awarded to Michigan will go toward buying property from four private owners on Abbaye Peninsula and Huron Bay. The land being purchased includes a mile of Lake Superior shoreline and 1,400 acres of land. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Keweenaw Land Trust will preserve this land to protect it from development, and provide habitat for migratory birds, wolves, bears, bobcat, and many other wild species of birds and animals that live there.
Preserving pristine wetlands in the United States is important not only for providing habitat for wildlife. Setting aside land from human development ensures the environment will remain intact, protect the land from storm damage and flooding, and improve water quality for everyone. Making sure there is land for diverse species to thrive improves the health of the land, and the planet.
For more information about the 2015 National Coastal Wetland Conservation Grant Program, contact Chris Darnell at (703)358-2236 or chris_darnell@fws.gov.
Need health insurance? Signing up for health care with the new Affordable Care Act is easy, but if you still have questions or would like help, a specialist will be available at the Luther Area Public Library at 115 State Street this Friday, January 9. The specialist can help you determine if you qualify for the Healthy Michigan Plan or for health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, and help you through the application process.
The Health Insurance Marketplace offers health insurance plans at subsidized rates that makes health coverage very affordable. If you are uninsured, your employer doesn’t offer insurance or you want to see if you can find a better health insurance plan than what your employer offers this is an option for you. The Healthy Michigan Plan provides health care coverage for low-income families and individuals who qualify.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, more people than ever can enjoy having health insurance and seeing a doctor for preventative and routine care without going to the emergency room or unable to go at all because you are unable to pay the medical bills. To make an appointment with the specialist, call (231)305-8644 and schedule your appointment to see the specialist at the Luther Area Public Library today.
In a Detroit Free Press interview, Former Attorney General Frank Kelley talks about the state of democracy in Michigan and his fears of voter apathy. He recognizes that the biggest problems are the levels of corporate money being spent on elections intimidating voters into thinking their vote doesn’t matter, and also the anti-government rhetoric of the tea party convincing people cooperating with the government is consorting with the enemy.
Kelley believes eventually voter apathy will turn around in the state, except the electoral system in Michigan has been skewed deliberately to create an artificial Republican majority. Districts are gerrymandered to favor Republican candidates so much that even when a majority of Democratic voters cast a ballot, the Republican candidates still hang on to their seats. Michigan has no early voting like other states, and many people are unable to make it to the polls because they can’t get time off from work.
The democracy pendulum needs some help swinging back, and that will only happen with reforming the voting process. In Oregon and Washington, vote by mail has become the method by which everyone in the state participates in elections. Three weeks before election day, registered voters receive their ballot in the mail. They have until election day to go over the ballot, learn about the candidates and any ballot proposals and vote at home. The ballot needs to be put in the mail no later than the Wednesday before election day. For those who miss that deadline, there are state-wide drop off stations where people can take their ballot. They have until 8 pm on election day to turn it in and have their ballot counted.
Benefits of voting this way include saving millions on running elections on the state, ballots are counted as they come in. Candidates and voters can call in and see how many have voted and if their ballots have been counted yet. No more waiting in line at the polls, no more trying to get time off from work on election day to stand in line. The most important benefit of all is the increased participation. Oregon enjoys 80% voter turnout during presidential elections, and slightly lower numbers during midterms. Midterm numbers are still much higher than in any other state in the country.
The only disadvantage any one may bring up to voting by mail is security of the ballots. This has never been a problem with the voting system Oregon uses. The ballots are more secure in the mail than at a polling station and voter fraud in Oregon (as in every other state in the country, despite Republicans insisting otherwise), is virtually nonexistent.
A ballot initiative to make Michigan a vote-by-mail state may be part of the solution to voter apathy and disenfranchisement. Gerrymandered districts, people working long hours, and Republican controlled governments making it harder to vote are enough to discourage anyone. What if all of those barriers were eliminated, and your ballot came to your house by mail? The first year Oregon used their new vote-by-mail system during a presidential general election, the turnout was over 50%. If Michigan had 50% voter turnout in 2016 or even 2018, it could be enough to bring democracy back to the state and empower more people to get involved.
Last week in the wake of the Steve Scalise scandal, David Duke, the leader of the European-American Unity Rights Organization where Scalise made his career-changing speech informed the press to leave the future House Majority Whip alone or he would share the names of other politicians he shares donors with. While the press waited with baited breath for Duke to spill, Boehner and the rest of the House Republicans fell into line and welcomed Scalise, insisting his past was in the past and had nothing to do with now or the future.
But such a juicy morsel as knowing the donors who also support David Duke is too good to let go without at least trying to find out who might be on that list. Andrea Dubé of Lady Voters searched through campaign finance records and came up with a list of 58 politicians who have received money from David Duke supporters.
And it gets better, two of those 58 politicians are from Michigan: Former US Congressman Pete Hoekstra and State Rep-Elect Gary Glenn. Glenn is the former president of the American Family Association, a “pro-family” group that works against LBGT rights, Gary Glenn in 2001 had this to say about ‘homosexual behavior’:
“As with smoking, homosexual behavior’s ‘second hand’ effects threaten public health….Thus, individuals who choose to engage in homosexual behavior threaten not only their own lives, but the lives of the general population.”
As for Pete Hoeskstra, no one will forget his foray into multiculturalism.
Gary Glenn’s campaign supporter who also supports David Duke is Charlevoix fruit grower Richard Friske. Hoekstra’s David Duke connection is Elizabeth Van Staaveren of Oregon.
Gary Glenn will be appearing next weekend at Soaring Eagle Casino for the tea party convention called the “Going on Offense” Powwow. Perhaps someone would like to ask him about sharing donors with David Duke and does he agree with Duke’s radical ideas?
Three days before the end of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia the founding fathers threw a farewell party. The money they spent on the party in today’s currency rates is about $18,400 and shows when it comes to government spending, nothing has changed.
In case you missed it because the announcement was made on Christmas Eve, Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, will headline at the Traverse City Winter Comedy Arts Festival on February 14. The Festival runs for two days, February 13 and 14, and will also feature hosts Michael Moore, Jeff Garlin, Doug Benson and plenty more comedians over weekend.
Tickets, which should go on sale very soon, are promised to be more than affordable so everyone who wants to can attend, and some events will be free to the public. During the festival there will be many free family activities on Front Street between Park and Cass, including an ice skating rink and Ferris Wheel. The Traverse City Film Festival and National Cherry Festival once again are combining efforts to create the outdoor venue.
Bill Maher is donating his time at the festival for free and coming to Traverse City at his own expense. Like the Traverse City Film Festival, the comedy festival promises to be a great time for comedy and family entertainment, whether outdoors or indoors.