If you’re looking for a status update on Up North Progressive’s special project. This image sums it up.
After numerous parents and former staff described what it’s like dealing with and working at one of these places, experiencing it first-hand makes the horror real.
Perpetually understaffed, policies not being followed or changed on a whim. Not following COVID-19 requirements. 90% of census testing positive.
The administration is indifferent to concerns and openly hostile if there is any resistance. It’s causing a lasting impact on the emotional and mental well-being of everyone involved.
When the time is right there will be a full report.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced new manufacturing jobs and mixed-use development in northern Lower Michigan today. The two projects will provide manufacturing jobs in Copemish, and new mixed-use development in Baldwin.
M R Products, a woman-owned company that manufactures crowd control and visual barriers will invest $4.2 million dollars to create 25 new manufacturing jobs and expand their business to another building. A Jobs Ready Michigan Grant will provide $200,000 to fund recruitment and training. Ryan Schultz, Chief Operating Officer of M R Products had this to say about the grant:
This Jobs Ready Michigan Grant will enable M R Products, Inc. to continue to invest in its people, particularly in training for skilled manufacturing trades. After 61 years in business, more than 50 of which have been in the village of Copemish, the expansion of 2021 places the Company in a position to work more efficiently and effectively and hire more northern Michigan residents. We are extremely excited and grateful to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation for its award of this generous grant.
The grant and investment will help create new jobs in rural northern Michigan, where good-paying jobs are scarce. In Baldwin, Michigan, a community starved for affordable housing, will have new housing units available as part of mixed-use development downtown. 876 Michigan LLC has purchased a vacant building in downtown Baldwin with the plans of renovating the building to include a restaurant on the first floor and three apartments on the second floor. It’s anticipated the project will create $1.4 million in capital investment with the help of a $450,000 grant from the Michigan Community Revitalization Program. The new restaurant will be the only dine-in location in the village of Baldwin and help draw tourism to the area. President of the Baldwin Village Council, Jim Truxton, shared his thoughts.
The Village is looking forward to the successful completion of this project. We are excited about the impacts on our downtown. We couldn’t have done it without the assistance of the Michigan Strategic Fund and the ability to locally create an OPRA district to give new life to this obsolete property. We hope to inspire other property owners to revitalize their buildings.
Governor Whitmer stated how proud she and the MEDC were in providing support for these business opportunities.
As we continue Michigan’s economic jumpstart, these two projects help us create good-paying jobs and build more housing in Northern Michigan. We are proud to support the continued growth of M R Products, including these 25 new manufacturing projects in Copemish, as well the renovation of a vacant building in Baldwin to further economic opportunity and boost housing supply in the area.
The MEDC handles marketing for the state of Michigan and advocates for business development and job creation in the state.
Interesting how Jamie Bandstra feels the need to parrot his soon-to-be former boss and reiterate G2S is not nor ever has been an alternative school, not like Journey Jr/Sr School was an alternative ed program.
He says it as if that school was a bad thing.
If you look at Gateway to Success’s website today you will notice that tonight is their prom. You will also see that there was an all-school meeting this morning at 11:00 AM. If you take the time to peruse the board meeting schedule you will see there was a special meeting today at 10:00 AM. Finally, click the job postings tab and you will also notice as of today the for-profit charter school posted an ad for a new superintendent slash principal.
Jamie, what happened?
Since 2015 when Jamie Bandstra became the frontman for John Wilson’s fever dream of single-handedly fixing the country’s highest graduation rates in the history of public education ever by buying an empty grocery store and turning it into a charter school, he smiled for the media as he stumped for a charter with the local ISD and never mind about the successful alternative ed program helping at-risk kids earn their diplomas. It was hard to imagine G2S would ever need to search for another person to head the program. Based on a charter school in California that uses project-based education and boasts all of their students get accepted into college by forcing them to fill out community college applications, G2S promised to radically change education in northern Michigan.
And they certainly did. First, by shuttering Ludington Public Schools’ Journey Alternative Education and leaving at-risk kids in limbo for a year, then opening G2S and forcing those kids to go through an application process competing for a classroom seat with students not at risk of graduating. Once the school opened, the school had some interesting moments like hotlisting all of Holland Public School’s transparency reporting data and passing it off as their own, expelling more students than they graduated, and even firing staff for gross incompetence and badmouthing the school while off-duty.
5 years later and it looks like Jamie Bandstra could be ready to move on in his education career.
Or is there some other reason G2S hired a fancy leadership search company out of Grand Rapids to find a new superintendent/principal?
Jamie Bandstra’s LinkedIn still has his current employment as G2S. He’s still on the G2S website as the school’s superintendent/principal.
Regardless of what happened, good luck to Jamie Bandstra and whatever future he’s looking forward to.
North Lake Correctional Facility has been a double-edged sword in Northern Michigan’s side for over two decades. GEO Group can’t keep the for-profit prison open without government contracts, and the local community can’t stay fiscally afloat without the revenue the white elephant produces for them.
In 2019 GEO Group announced the millions of dollars donated to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and inauguration paid off and they landed a 10-year contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Local Lake County residents halfheartedly cheered at the prospect of going through yet another activation.
With less than two years into their ten-year contract, one former employee feels the need to speak out about what’s happening at NLCF. Brianna Wightman posted to Facebook on May 17, 2021, of her experience working for GEO Group and their treatment of her since putting her on unpaid administrative leave – and leaving her there.
If you work or plan on working for North Lake Correctly Facility aka The Geo Group Inc…
And this is why,
In 11/20/2020 I started working for this company and at this point, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The job itself was fine however the management and the warden are all from a company also owned by the geo group from another prison that is now shut down. This prison was D-Ray James correctional facility in Georgia.
They had those people come to Michigan to train employees here. I dealt with the lack of respect from these out-of-state workers and I wasn’t the only one. It got to a point I stood up for myself and one worker didn’t like that so she lied to the warden stating that I punched her. Which I was in front of the camera and that didn’t happen.
But it’s a whole system of politics. I finally was able to sit down in front of the warden and tell my side of the story. Only I didn’t know that my side of the story and the cameras didn’t matter, he already made his decision and drew up a letter putting me on administrative leave without pay “pending” termination.
It is now 5/17/2021 and I still have yet to be fully “terminated” and everytime I ask what’s going on the company just gives me the run around. I have not been able to fill for unemployment due to this situation.
Now, what possible benefit would there be for North Lake Correctional Facility to keep someone on their payroll while for all intents and purposes terminated employment with them? Other than being a dick move that keeps the former employee from collecting unemployment, could it be NLCF is struggling to keep enough people on their payroll so they don’t lose their federal contract with the Bureau of Prisons?
Ms. Wightman has more to say:
The warden continues to make shady deals with the prisoners and is able to get away with these deals because of covid, that’s right covid is being used as an excuse not to search cells. And in these cells inmates have shankes (sic), cell phones, home made alcohol aka hooche. Anytime a cell was searched I was surrounded by all of the inmates in that pod. 98 inmates to be exact on one particular occasion. In which we had probable cause to search the cell because this specific inmate had smelled and acted like he was drunk. Of course while being surrounded, the sergeant and lieutenant [on] duty was called 5 different times from 4 different people.
Just before being hired in at NLCF, there was one incident that an officer was attacked and shanked. And y’all wonder why this happens…
The media reported COVID-19 infections at NLCF early during the pandemic, but there have been few if any recent updates from local media. Independent media and blogs however reported inmate deaths are misreported intentionally, hunger strikes protesting conditions in the prison during the COVID pandemic, and the fact that NLCF’s main method of mitigating exposure is to keep inmates locked in their cells with only brief opportunities to leave. Many of these accounts from different sources talk about the same violations: Being fed rice and beans multiple meals every day, mail not being received or sent.
One source claims the only books they receive come purchased through Amazon. They have never seen the library at NLCF. This news is shocking. If they have never seen the library, what about the law library? Both of these resources exist and access to both is mandatory for both federal and state-run prisons.
Locking inmates in their cells and denying access to resources and mail are all major violations. In contrast, Brianna Wightman’s description of no searches or extractions in the inmate cells allowing contraband to exist thanks to the “shady deals” made with the warden is equally alarming.
Because GEO Group owns North Lake Correctional Facility, a private company, there is very little they must make public unless the Bureau of Prisons requires it. Privately contracted prisons are under a different set of rules from the BOP. It’s unfortunate after the population from Vermont left in 2017 that NLCF was allowed to reopen at all. GEO Group never kept its promise of providing hundreds of local jobs to the region, preferring to import employees from other facilities and giving them higher-paying jobs. When they started hiring in 2019 pre-activation they struggled to get enough people to work for them at $17.00 an hour – a third of what Michigan’s Department of Corrections pays their employees. How many 2019 hires still work there dealing with inmates and co-workers with COVID, shanked by inmates, and more importantly, are still on NLCF’s payroll after being sacked to pad their books with the BOP and not get shut down?
President Biden needs to shut down these immigrant prisons immediately.
Tomorrow and Thursday, May 12 and 13, 2021, groups working to protect the Great Lakes and put an end to the threat Enbridge Line 5 poses have events happening in Lansing and Mackinac City.
The deadline to shut down Enbridge Line 5 is tomorrow, May 12, 2021. Enbridge insists they will ignore Governor Whitmer’s orders to shut the pipeline down.
Demonstrations that support the decommission of Line 5 are scheduled all day both days. Oil and Water Don’t Mix have events planned on Thursday in Lansing and Mackinac City.
How bad is the threat? Worse than the fully functioning drinking fountain everyone is still using during a pandemic at Up North Progressive’s secret project site.
Support the shut down of Enbridge Line 5.
Up North Progressive has been quiet lately due to working on a special project while occasionally coming up for air to tweetstorm anything with the hashtag #DefundBergman.
Yesterday, Miss Fortune over at Glistening Quivering Underbelly shared a letter she received anonymously. The writer is a member of MAPSA and knows all of the inside dirt about for-profit charter schools, especially CS Partners and Chuck Stockwell.
Along with the long list of nasty things Chuck Stockwell’s charter schools have done over the years it’s interesting to see that MAPSA is aware of Up North Progressive enough to regard them as “hauntingly accurate” even if the blog is left-wing (it totally is 🙂 ).
The most refreshing thing of all is even the people who work to promote for-profit charter schools know what they’re doing is wrong and charter schools are rubbish. Maybe a few people on the cc list a the end of the letter will take notice.
If you didn’t hear the news from last week Ice Mountain and all of the other bottled water companies owned by Nestlé will be sold to One Rock Capital Partners for $4.3 billion. The private equity firm will partner with Dean Metropoulos to complete the sale, then Metropoulos will become the CEO.
NWNA hasn’t been doing so well in recent years. People are fed up with the company’s attitude toward water being a commodity and plastic bottles choking landfills. The people living near the behemoth bottling plant in Evart and the pumping stations scattered all over Osceola and Mecosta counties sucking the aquifers dry would love nothing more than to see Ice Mountain dry up and blow away.
NWNA came to Michigan after Wisconsin wisely told them to take a hike. Michigan, unfortunately, has an easily exploitable policy about resource extraction that only requires a $200 fee. Nestlé paid this fee and not a penny more. It sucks 200 gallons every minute from the Muskegon River watershed making billions in profit; none of which the state of Michigan benefits from.
In 2000, only a few years after NWNA began draining Osceola county, local conservationists already found trout streams in the area were draining away to the point trout no longer swam in them. The region of Michigan NWNA planted their massive plant is world-famous for trout fishing. Local communities hold annual festivals and celebrate trout fishing with massive sculptures and economies that rely on people traveling to fish.
Nestlé’s response to this was to hire their own monitoring firm and insisted no such thing was happening.
In 2017, Nestlé began work on a new, larger capacity pumping station and applied for a permit to double the amount of water they took out of the ground every minute of every day. This led to massive public outcry and public hearings. MDEQ, now EGLE, ignored the overwhelming demands that Nestlé be denied the increase and granted the permit anyway. Litigation with Osceola Township put more roadblocks in NWNA’s way and the company began their search for a buyer.
One Rock Capital Partners is an unknown. Dean Metropoulos has a history of taking floundering businesses and making them profitable again. His portfolio includes Hostess Snack Cakes and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.
What the sale of Ice Mountain and all of the other cheap bottled water brands in North America will mean for those of us living in the shadow of Nestlé Waters’ never-ending thirst for free Michigan water is unknown. Businesses purchased by private equity firms tend to shrink labor and focus on making money over making businesses financially healthy. Leveraged buyouts mean for many companies there are optimistically 10 years left before going out of business. More layoffs, more people in rural Michigan out of work.
What happens next with One Rock Capital Partners taking over Ice Mountain remains to be seen.
By now anyone in Michigan with an internet connection that can stream videos (not many of us up north has that luxury in 2021) watched Mike Shirkey tell three Hillsdale County GQP the “DC thing” was a prearranged staged hoax even Mitch McConnell was in on, and he fantasizes physically assaulting Governor Whitmer. Now that we know why Shirkey is so cozy with the ammosexuals who tried to kidnap the governor and murder her last fall, what else does Shirkey say in this video?
A lot.
The purpose of the February 3, 2021 meeting was to inform Shirkey on February 4, 2021, the Hillsdale County GQP would vote to censure him over a laundry list of items they believed he lied about. The first item was the recent banning of open carry inside the state capitol and a media quote that he co-sponsored. Shirkey insisted that wasn’t true until one of the people sitting at the table pulled out his phone and read the quote to him. He informed the group the Capitol Commission wanted to completely ban all firearms in the Capitol and the grounds, but he intervened and the commission stopped at open carry.
About the 2020 election: Shirkey argued that the election wasn’t stolen from Trump. Michigan’s’ ballots were counted four times and the numbers remained the same. Despite this fact, Mike does claim 15,000 votes cast in Michigan were fraudulent. Where does he get that number? When asked why poll workers at the TFC put up cardboard in the windows Shirkey says “because they were stupid.”
Shirkey decided to give a mini-lesson on the Electoral College. Over burgers and fries, he explained the founding fathers came up with the Electoral College so the urban centers of the country wouldn’t decide the election.
What urban centers existed in the days of the founding fathers? The three largest cities in the United States at the time were New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, which didn’t even call itself a city yet. New York City’s population in 1790 was 33,000. Philadelphia was 28,000. The town of Boston was 18,000. The founding fathers were not concerned about urban centers dominating elections because most Americans lived in rural areas until the industrial revolution. That happened in the early 20th Century.
Shirkey continued to talk about the Electoral College and says “if we don’t make a change our votes will not count in 15 years.” He explains Michigan needs to set up their Electoral votes like Maine and Nebraska which allow presidential candidates to take some of the electoral votes if they win the majority votes in those congressional districts, instead of the current winner take all Michigan currently uses. In other words, one kind of gerrymandering in Michigan is no longer legal, so we need to use another kind of gerrymandering to keep a GQP majority in the state.
The Hillsdale County GQP members demanded to know why Shirkey surrendered to Governor Whitmer. This is where Mike shared his fever dream of getting into a fistfight with Gretchen Whitmer and kept referring to blocking budget proposals and executive appointments as “spanking” her. This didn’t stop Mike’s dinner companions from complaining about the state having too much power and if they mandate vaccines that is the line if crossed that will make them start shooting. This point was stated by a man named Lance.
The discussion ended with the group promising Shirkey the vote to censure him would take place the next day and Shirkey stating he didn’t give a shit. They called him a liar and Shirkey called them bullies. This prompted Lance to call Shirkey a pussy and every time they try to talk to him he acts like he’s the victim. With promises to push him out of office and Shirkey answering them with no, you’re not, he makes the bold statement:
The Hillsdale County GQP with the hidden camera makes a complaint about Shirkey not doing enough so Trump won in Michigan:
We don’t know the insides of the Trump election, but we feel something’s not right from a spiritual standpoint. If you have knowledge and proof why can’t you feel that is correct?”
Who knows what that knowledge and proof are, but they really feel it and that makes it spiritual. No wonder the GQP is on the road to becoming irrelevant.
The entire video is worth watching because along with Shirkey making the damning statement the Washington insurrection is a hoax, then attempted to walk it back only to say today no he really meant it, he’s unfit to hold the office of State Senator. The Michigan Democratic Party demanded he resigns. It’s clear he’s lost all credibility with his own party for speaking the quiet parts out loud.
Mike Shirkey needs to resign. He will have more time to hang out with his friends the Null brothers, the Michigan Militia, and Dar Leaf.