There will be opportunities for Michiganians to enjoy the stars next week as International Dark Sky Week kicks off in many of Michigan’s state parks. The event runs from April 13th to the 18th, and 29 Michigan state parks will be open with extended hours for astronomy enthusiasts to enjoy the night sky.

Started in 2003 by a high school student named Jennifer Barlow, International Dark Sky Week has over the past twelve years grown into an event coinciding with Global Astronomy Month. This year, the United Nations is even getting involved, by declaring 2015 The International Year of Light. This global initiative will raise awareness on light and light-based technology and how it affects the environment; offering sustainable solutions to energy use, education, health, climate change, and protecting the environment.

Awareness of the impact light pollution has on the environment is the focus of the first day of International Dark Sky Week. Each day of the week has it’s own topic dealing with light and it’s impact on the Earth. One way everyone can appreciate the importance of having dark skies is by going outside and enjoying the stars. Michigan state parks during the week will offer nights where people can come, look at the stars and talk about the importance of light in our world, and what we can do to improve our use of light for the betterment of the planet. Ludington State Park and Rockport State Recreation Area both will have astronomy programs available. Many other state parks will hold extended hours so people can come and enjoy the night sky.

A state recreation passport is required to enter Michigan’s state parks. They can be purchased at any Secretary of State’s office or ordered online.

With clear weather, next week will be the perfect time to go outdoors at night and look at the stars. Planets, the milky way, and constellations will all be visible. This event is also an important part of the global awareness of the impact of light on our environment, and how our energy consumption to create the light we use contributes to climate change. Take the time to enjoy the stars.

30 state prison employees were notified they will lose their jobs as Missouri-based Keefe Group takes over providing hygiene products to inmates. The jobs affected are in Jackson, Ionia and Kinross.

Inmates purchase toiletries through kiosks and the orders are processed at the three regional warehouses in Michigan before being shipped to the prisons. This new contract will eliminate the warehouses in Michigan and the products will be shipped directly from Keefe Group in Missouri. There are no cost savings for the state by signing this new three-year contract with Keefe Group.

The 30 employees will have the opportunity to apply for other positions in the prison system. AFSCME director Nick Ciarmitaro told the Detroit Free Press they were looking into the reason for the outsourcing, because the purchasing system currently operating for the prisons is in the black.

The state plans to sign the contract with Keefe Group very soon. Once that happens, a 90 day transition period will begin to close down the warehouse distribution in Michigan. Prison inmates will have to wait for their ordered goods to come from Missouri.

If the warehouse purchasing system was a financial drain on the state, it would make sense to close down the regional stores. The only reason for this new contract at the moment appears to be the opportunity to put more Michigan union employees out of work, and provide jobs Michigan needs to another state.

Keefe Group is owned by Centric Group, a St. Louis, Missouri, company that is part of the Jack Taylor Enterprise Rent-A-Car fortune.

While most people spent the last Sunday morning eating eggs and candy, Gary Glenn (R-Homophobe) Waited until the early morning to issue a statement that attempts to mimic an apology for his uncivilized, bullying behavior toward Midland Daily News editor, Tony Lascari. On March 22, 2015, Glenn issued an “agenda alert” on social media informing the world that the local newspaper had promoted a gay man to the editor position. A gay married man. A gay married man married to a man. Glenn decided this fact alone, despite Lascari’s impressive credentials stating otherwise, disqualified him for the job and the world had to know about it.

Gary Glenn’s supporters promised to cancel their subscription to the paper. What Glenn didn’t expect was the public outcry or media coverage condemning him for his attempt at forcing the Midland newspaper to reconsider their decision to promote Lascari to the position. So now we have the almost apology with a “Christ died for your sins” disclaimer:

To the editor:
I apologize for having publicly and unfairly prejudged Tony Lascari’s ability to fairly, impartially and professionally serve as news editor of the Midland Daily News. There is no evidence in your 10 years as an MDN reporter that you have used that position to advance any personal or political agenda.
My posting on Facebook of the article announcing your promotion — under the title “agenda alert” — was a snap judgment that was both thoughtless and inappropriate to my new position.
I also apologize to you and to my constituents for the uproar that has followed. The 60 seconds it took on a Sunday morning to thoughtlessly cut and paste an article to Facebook is not indicative of the focus of my time, attention and judgment as a legislator. Voters who supported me, and those who didn’t, deserve my best and most measured judgment — all the time. I’ll strive to demonstrate that over the totality of my time in service, that’s what you and they can expect.
Again, Tony, my sincere apology. I wish you, your staff and readers a Happy Easter, especially grateful this weekend in particular to have a Savior who died for and forgives all our transgressions.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Rep. Gary Glenn

In other words, “I’m sorry you’re a sinner and going to hell. Happy Easter!”

Today, the American Family Association submitted their amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the United States, arguing in favor of keeping Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage. Gary Glenn is President of the American Family Association in Michigan and helped write the state ban forbidding marriage for gay couples in 2004. He also believes that homosexuality should be criminalized

Gary Glenn is about as sorry for his “agenda alert”against Tony Lascari as he’s sorry for his fear-ridden hatred against all LGBT people. Perhaps Gary Glenn needs to remember Matthew 7:5 while he he takes that old-growth redwood tree out of his own eye.

On May 5, 2015, more than the celebration of the 1862 Mexican victory over France in the Battle of Puebla will be taking place. The referendum ballot initiative to raise the state sales tax from 6% to 7% and provide minimal funding to fill in a few potholes, while raising a whole long list of other taxes will be happening across the state. If you want to vote on that referendum ballot, you must be registered to vote today.

This is what you will see on the ballot on May 5:

A proposal to amend the State Constitution to increase the sales/use tax from 6% to 7% to replace and supplement reduced revenue to the School Aid Fund and local units of government caused by the elimination of the sales/use tax on gasoline and diesel fuel for vehicles operating on public roads, and to give effect to laws that provide additional money for roads and other transportation  purposes by increasing the gas tax and vehicle registration fees.

The proposed constitutional amendment would:

  • Eliminate sales / use taxes on gasoline / diesel fuel for vehicles on public roads.


  • Increase portion of use tax dedicated to School Aid Fund (SAF).
  • Expand use of SAF to community colleges and career / technical education, and prohibit use for
    4-year colleges / universities.
  • Give effect to laws, including those that:
    • Increase sales / use tax to 7%, as authorized by constitutional amendment.
    • Increase gasoline / diesel fuel tax and adjust annually for inflation, increase vehicle
      registration fees, and dedicate revenue for roads and other transportation purposes.
    • Expand competitive bidding and warranties for road projects.
    • Increase earned income tax credit.

    Should this proposal be adopted?

Not listed in this description of the ballot measure are other bills passed by the state that waits on the vote to pass. They include a new vehicle registration fee that pretends your car has the same value as when it was brand new and never decreases, and a tax on electric cars because they don’t pay fuel taxes.

If you’re not registered to vote by the end of the business day today, then you will have to live with whatever the people of Michigan who do vote decide. Election days that happen in months other than the traditional November usually have a very low turnout, which is an advantage to the people who want this tax hike bill to pass. Please take the time to register to vote today so your voice can be heard about this important ballot measure on May 5.

Wilwin Lodge is located near Trout Lake, Michigan. Nestled on 600 acres of Upper Peninsula forest, the facility is owned and maintained by the American Legion Michigan Chapter. The mission of Wilwin Lodge is to provide disabled veterans and their families a tranquil location for rehabilitation and therapy. The lodge specializes in treating veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injuries. The peace and quiet of the forest surrounding the lodge is perfect for providing ‘ecotherapy’ in a relaxing environment by offering free or low-cost accommodations to combat veterans and their families. VA Medical Center staff work with the lodge to provide care. There are rooms at the lodge, at a newly built annex, campgrounds, and over 10 miles of trails available for hiking, horseback riding, camping, and bivouacking.

The property has been used as a logging camp, a family hunting deer camp, and vacation spot. In 2009, Bob Considine donated the land to the American Legion. The Korean War veteran and Legionnaire wanted the 100 year-old lodge and land to be used as a therapeutic retreat for returning veterans, and the American Legion has worked since then to create the retreat Considine envisioned. Veterans who served in the Gulf War and more recent military operations can stay at Wilwin Lodge with their families for free. Veterans of earlier wars can stay for a small fee.

The eight-member board of Wilwin Lodge and volunteers have worked hard since receiving the land to create a peaceful, quiet retreat for veterans who served in the armed services. The mission faces challenges now with a new neighbor moving in – Graymont. The lodge is surrounded by one of the parcels of land The DNR just approved for sale to the limestone mining company, and the sound of blasting in the forest will become a reality when Graymont begins mining operations.

A spokesman from the Michigan American Legion, Ron Runyan, says they have been in contact with the DNR and Graymont, who were very accommodating when the American Legion, “voiced our concerns and explained the impact on providing care for veterans.” He then went on to say, “They are willing to work with us.”

Ecotherapy missions at Wilwin Lodge run from June through September. There are typically eight to ten of these missions during that time, Runyan explained that, “We will give Graymont advance notice, and they agreed not to conduct blasting during our missions.” Through continuing contact with the limestone company, Wilwin Lodge plans to continue their therapeutic care for returning combat veteran suffering from PTSD.

The Mission of Wilwin Lodge to provide therapeutic care for veterans in a serene outdoor, noise-free setting will continue, provided with the cooperation of Graymont. The Michigan American Legion deserves the support of the DNR and the state to make sure they can continue providing vitally important care for our veterans.

While Pasquale Battaglia and friends still frantically search for someone, anyone to charter it’s not really a taxpayer-funded Christian school Livingston Classical Academy (or is it Lindbom?), there’s a new friend joining the LCA team to help the God And Country Education Project become a taxpayer funded, for-profit charter school – Hillsdale College’s Barney Charter School Initiative Director Philip Kilgore. In the Livingston Daily Press & Argus it appears Kilgore is now actively involved in helping LCA find a charter authorizer.

One of the (former potential charter partners) told us that they were looking for a school that had a larger demographic need for a charter school, and since there are already several charter schools in the area, our location didn’t fit their needs,” said Phillip Kilgore, Hillsdale College charter school initiative director. “We just need to find a charter that meets their needs.

Kilgore’s use of pronouns is very compelling, it appears Hillsdale College may now be directly involved in getting LCA the charter they need to open their doors to the 200 interested families they claim want to send children to their for-profit charter school, even though they admit now it won’t likely open this fall as they originally planned.

Hillsdale College eschews ALL forms of public funding in order to keep their strict Christian, Ludwig von Mises worshiping, Classical Liberal Arts institution out of the evil clutches of the State. It seems like if Kilgore is directly involved now with LCA gaining a charter, wouldn’t that be getting very close to the college being involved with the state? Why would the Barney Charter School Initiative be so involved with one charter school?

Because so far Hillsdale College charter schools don’t exist in Michigan. The reason why is obvious, and it comes from the source. Pasquale Battaglia from the beginning intended to open taxpayer-funded charter schools that use Hilldale College’s Judeo-Christian philosophy as a basis for the curriculum, just like they do at Hillsdale Academy. That school is the only Hillsdale College school operating in Michigan, and it is a private school. That is the only legal way Hillsdale College can operate a school based on their classical education philosophy in the state.

No matter how much Battaglia, Streetman, and now Kilgore insist LCA won’t be a Christian school, there’s too much evidence from the source that proves otherwise. There’s a reason why we don’t pay for religious education with taxpayer dollars – it’s unconstitutional.

Nothing gets a God and country loving guy’s blood boiling like April 15th. That’s the day those dirty rotten revenuers from the gubmint steal their private property – their hard-earned money – and use it to pay for things like defense and interest on the national debt; prompting the God and country loving guy to blame the poor for stealing his hard-earned money.

Rich God and country loving serial Republican candidate, Paul Mitchell, also hates paying taxes. Especially when his taxes are going to pay for things like roads, schools and gasp – the poor! That’s why his group, “Say NO To Higher Taxes and Special Interest Deals” urges all Michiganians to vote no on Proposal 1. His group has so far released two ads and now there are plans to take the show on the road to Lansing on April 15th – if they don’t break an axle in the process.

On May 5th Michigan voters have been asked by legislators to vote on what will be the largest tax increase in nearly 50 years, if passed. This “Transportation” tax will raise $2 billion and once fully implemented in 2018 nearly 40% ($700 million plus) won’t go to fix a single pothole/road.
Noon – 2 pm – Citizen Lobbyist Training and visit your legislator
2 pm – 3 pm – Call to Action/Road Rally

Come help us send a message to Lansing that we will not pay ransom to Lansing Special Interests to get our roads fixed. Michigan families can’t afford a $800 per year, every year tax increase so that 40% can be siphoned off to non-road projects.

The event, scheduled to be on the east lawn of the state Capital, offers lobbyist training and possibly the opportunity to meet your legislator. After that there is an hour long rally to get people fired up to vote no on Proposal 1. Helping Paul Mitchell is Koch-funded Americans For Prosperity Chair Scott Hagerstrom and Faith Steketee. Mitchell hopes the other anti-proposal 1 groups led by John Yob and Tom McMillin will join him for the rally.

In May of 2014 I started Up North Progressive to be a voice for political candidates and issues important to Progressive Democratic people in Northern Michigan. Over the past 11 months I have used this blog to introduce candidates, expose widespread corruption in for-profit education reform, the plight of Michigan wolves and the sale of public-owned land for profit. I have also met many wonderful people in this state all working together to make Michigan a better place to live for all of it’s residents, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

The other reason I started this blog was because I unfortunately still work part time. I couldn’t afford to make campaign contributions to support candidates, so I wrote about them as a way to contribute and support them instead. The articles I write take time in research and writing, but I didn’t mind the work because I wanted to help in any way I could.

Up North Progressive’s first year is coming to an end, and my excellent web host needs payment to keep the blog on their server for another year. To those of you who have already donated, thank you so much. You will help me stay online. I need more help however to keep Up North Progressive running. There are real costs such as registering the domain name and taking up space on a server. If you like what you’re reading on Up North Progressive and can help out with the costs, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Kelly Weaver
Up North Progressive

Quick, we need a distraction!

That’s what The Nerd was likely thinking when he told the media in Washington D.C. on March 25 that he’s much too preoccupied with what’s happening in Michigan at the moment but said, “there’s time to evaluate opportunities.” By opportunities he means consider running for President of the United States.

In an already crowded cesspool of bland milquetoast mid western governors considering a run for the White House, Snyder would be a tough sell in this ‘can’t raise taxes no matter how much the state resembles a third world country’ presidential race. He’s facing down a May 5 ballot initiative to raise the sales tax. This tax increase, like all of the other tax increases in Michigan since Snyder took office are imposed on the struggling middle class, retired and poor, but it’s just about impossible to run as a Republican when your legacy is saying yes to Obamacare, Common Core and raising taxes.

Nobody really knows who the Nerd is outside of Michigan, which is obvious when one of the reasons he was in the nation’s capital on Wednesday was to receive an award on bipartisanship. The other reason he was there was because that voodoo math 5.9% unemployment rate the state’s pretending to have (Many parts of the state are still suffering with double digit unemployment) is in deep jeopardy when the Pentagon finally gets around to retiring the A 10 “Warthog” fighter. The plane was slated for retirement before the first Iraq war in 1991, but proved itself so worthy against Saddam Hussein’s considerably less equipped and disadvantaged military, that after Desert Storm the planes were dumped on Air National Guard bases, like Fort Custer in Battle Creek and Selfridge in Macomb County. What an honor! These planes are the heroes of Desert Storm! Providing care and feeding of the mighty but aging Warthogs meant these small bases could be kept open and a few more people employed during the true beginning of Michigan’s economic dark ages by boosting Governor John Engler’s own employment numbers.

Like most Republican economic plans, it’s more kicking the can down the road until people get fed up and send a Democratic governor to Lansing again, where all of the bad stuff can be blamed on them instead of owning up to the fact Republicans only care about helping their rich donors get richer at taxpayer expense. In other words, once the Warthog goes to that air base in the sky for good, Michigan’s unemployment rate is going to go back up. Way up.

So after raising taxes yet again while hundreds of people in Michigan face losing their jobs, making a run for the White House could be just the thing Snyder will do to save his neck. Once he begins his “I saved Detroit” tour of the country later on this year, we’ll just have to wait and see if Iowa is one of his scheduled stops.