Michigan’s new Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission made history on December 28, 2021, by choosing new voting district maps for the state. The commission selected the winning maps as the most nonpartisan and fair for voters.
Michigan lost a seat in the US House based on the 2020 Census. The new US Congress map is now divided into 13 districts.
The Michigan State Senate map has some significant changes to make voting for our state senators fairer. The Republican party in Michigan has controlled the state senate for 20 years, thanks to partisan gerrymandering.
The Michigan Legislature’s 110 districts have been redrawn to make them more nonpartisan for voters. Currently, the state legislature has 55 Republicans and 52 Democratic Party members.
Secretary Jocelyn made a statement after the commission’s final meeting:
“Today Michigan’s first Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission voted across party lines to adopt new district maps for our state, completing the most open, independent and citizen-led redistricting process in Michigan history.
The new maps are the culmination of years of work, driven by millions of Michiganders from all walks of life. They advocated fiercely to give citizens the power to draw their own district lines and made their voices heard throughout the entire process.
Our democracy is stronger thanks to Michigan citizens’ engagement, leadership and vision for a fair, inclusive and transparent process that puts voters above politics and ends gerrymandering in Michigan once and for all.”
In Michigan, candidates running for state senate and state house must be residents of the district they wish to represent. Michigan doesn’t require residency for US Congresspeople in Michigan, and this is why Louisiana Citizen Jack Bergman can carpetbag his way into Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. Republicans who have enjoyed effortlessly winning districts will be facing primaries, and they will have to campaign in the general election. Other current members of congress now living in an unwinnable congress seat are probably eyeballing nearby districts.
Our new Citizens Redistricting Commission is due to one woman posting on Facebook. The overwhelming bipartisan support for allowing the citizens of Michigan to redraw the state into a fair map succeeded today. From now on, Michigan’s voting districts are not drawn by one party hellbent on giving themselves every advantage regardless of how people vote. A significant accomplishment and deserves celebration.
In 2022 Michigan’s voters will choose their representatives, not the other way around.
On October 20, 2021, The Fat Orange Bitch announced a new media partnership to force Big Tech on its knees and give him back his Twitter account. What will this new conglomerate of tech and media offer? Apparently, everything.
If you read the fine print, and you should always read the fine print where Trump’s concerned, you will notice his reason for launching this shit show. Yes, big tech is tyrannical because they de-platformed the not president!
As with every other MAGA-friendly attempt at social media, Truth Social’s platform was incredibly easy to get into.
The front page of the website had a form to fill and be put on the waiting list. But if you can get past that why wait? The internet is also impatient. For instance, a tech reporter for the Washington Post, Drew Harwell, had no trouble bypassing the waiting list and creating an account.
Thank you TRUTH Social. Good to be here pic.twitter.com/tD3ClXWCss
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) October 21, 2021
Michael Thalen, Tech writer for The Daily Dot also easily jumped into the new social media platform.
Was just able to setup an account using the handle @donaldtrump on ‘Truth Social,’ former President Donald Trump’s new social media website.
— Mikael Thalen (@MikaelThalen) October 21, 2021
Although the site is not officially open, a URL was discovered allowing users to sign up anyway. pic.twitter.com/MRMQzjNhma
The first clue security on a new social website is bad: You can create accounts using names as this and nothing stops you.
Once people were able to get in and poke around it was not hard to notice where Truth Social developers got their code.
Mastodon, is that you?
That’s right, Truth Social was a literal copy and paste of Mastodon’s code, violating the GPL license.
Even Mastodon weighed in.
Well that looks familiar 😬
— Mastodon 🐘 (@joinmastodon) October 21, 2021
It only took two hours of fun and games before the website was tango down. Someone hacked into Trump’s Truth Social account and posted a fitting NWS image.
As always, when anybody introduces a new toy to the internet they find out the internet does not play well with others. The former piss pig in chief’s new social media website provided a few hours of entertainment on a Wednesday night and not much else.
Cue the womp womp trombone music.
Trump-loving attorney investigated for fraud after raising big bucks for sketchy ‘Kraken’ lawsuits https://t.co/AyjFJZHTrp
— Raw Story (@RawStory) July 26, 2021
GOP-led Michigan state Senate report on voter fraud probe:
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) June 24, 2021
“All compelling theories that sprang forth from the rumors surrounding Antrim County are diminished so significantly as for it to be a complete waste of time to consider them further.”https://t.co/NwXaJ626QI
It’s easy to be a Republican when things like integrity, honestly, and ethics don’t matter.
Starting today, “Operation: This is a residential treatment facility not a teen swinger’s club” begins the education component. Two certified teachers out, a para pro gone in two weeks, and the Up North Progressive had an interview with another district last week. Pray for me.
Last week, the charter school district CEO kept hinting at “the crisis on this campus” without going into more detail. It was during the ride to lunch when a co-worker confided the kids had the run of the place and AWOLed at will to hook up with each other.
There’s a waiting list a mile long for kids to come here for treatment but they can’t let anyone in because of the situation as it stands. They need to be sent elsewhere, and the rest of the kids need to go too while they’re at it. Too many instances of older teen boys dragging 14-year-old girls away for days so they can have nonconsensual sex.
Pray for me.
If you live up north in mid-July, 2021, you probably can’t help but notice cream-colored gypsy moths and their darker-hued boyfriends flying all over the place.
Gypsy moths are non-native invasive species in North America. After the Civil War, gypsy moth eggs arrived in Boston in an attempt to develop a silk market in the United States. Since the 1860s, the insect has traveled across the eastern United States and Canada. Today, they can be found as far west as Minnesota.
With 300 species of hardwood trees on the menu, it’s easy for the gypsy moth to find something to eat. Well-established infestations can defoliate entire forests.
Once gypsy moth caterpillars stuff themselves, they enter their pupa stage. They spin silk to take a nap while they digest their meal and grow up into adult gypsy moths. The only thing left to do is find a date and lay thousands of eggs inside fuzzy brown masses everywhere. This is where humans need to step up and take action.
Mating season is in high gear and you should have no trouble finding egg masses on trees, buildings, anything outdoors they can land on and lay eggs. Right now is the best and easiest time to eliminate these eggs before they have a chance to hatch next spring. It’s easy, requires no special tools, and you will get the satisfaction of knowing next year won’t be like this year when it’s time for the bastards to snack on your trees again.
Tools: Something to scrape the egg masses off surfaces. Don’t use anything that will damage the trees. This gypsy moth eradication kit consists of a wooden stick about a yard/meter long and a large plastic cup filled with soapy water. Bleach or dishwashing soap will work to kill eggs.
Start searching for egg masses. Use your scraping tool to remove them from the surface and make sure the mass falls into your cup of soapy water.
Once the egg masses are removed from anywhere you can find them on or close to your home, it’s time to expand your search area.
Gypsy moths like to lay their eggs on the underside of tree branches and tree trunks. Most of the time, egg masses are at the base of trees or about 6 feet/2 meters off the ground.
Can and will they lay them higher up? Yes, of course. The Up North Progressive found a tree where a female moth was about 20 feet up. Unless you want to drag a ladder into the forest with you some egg masses will be unreachable. The majority of eggs tend to be closer to the ground.
Most of the time cleaning the trees required bending or crouching.
Once you start scraping them off the trees you will notice them everywhere. Ugh.
Look at it as a long-term project. The Up North Progressive turned their cup of soapy water into gypsy moth egg porridge after 45 minutes of scraping trees outside their back door. Autumn mushroom hunting is coming up. Hunting season is coming up. Do you really need a reason to go outdoors and search for these damn things?
Having less nasty caterpillars with voracious appetites killing trees and leaving ugly egg masses everywhere is reason enough.
Once you’re done scraping eggs into your cup of soapy water let it sit for a few days then toss it in the garbage. You have from now until next spring before they hatch to eliminate as many egg masses as you can. Make a day out of it with the family. Teach your kids to be stewards of the forest. You won’t kill them all but if enough of us make the effort, there will be fewer of them next year.
This sign is perfectly designed to draw in anyone looking for work. A quick glance makes you think after 7 long years McDonald’s finally realizes if they want people to work they have to pay them.
But wait, let’s give that sign a closer look …
This is worse than the McDonalds in Illinois offering free iPhones if you stuck the job out for 6 months and then get strapped with a monthly bill to keep the thing.
Until these multi-billion dollar companies accept the reality poverty wages will not bring people back to work, we’re going to see more flaccid incentives like this.
Michigan DNR wants Feedback on “Managing” Wolves: The Answer is Endangered Species List
Wednesday , 5, January 2022 Up North Progressive Environment, Upper Peninsula, Wolf Hunt Leave a commentOn Tuesday, January 4, 2022, The Michigan Department of Natural Resources asked for public input on managing Michigan’s native wolf population. Currently, the DNR counted 695 wolves living in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
The purpose of the survey is to update the 2015 update of the original 2008 wolf management plan. According to prominent carnivore specialist Cody Norton, the plan includes public input.
The four main goals of the plan are:
A presentation submitted to the Wolf Management Advisory Council on September 1, 2021, stated the DNR counted 695 wolves in the Upper Peninsula. Wolf numbers continue to climb in our state, which is a good thing slowly. Wolves are a vital part of a healthy ecosystem.
Trump gutted the Federal Endangered Species Act in 2019. Trump removed wolves from the endangered species act on October 29, 2021, and President Biden so far wants to keep wolves off of the Endangered Species List.
While the fate of Michigan wolves remains tied up in court, complete the survey by January 31, 2022, and let the DNR know how important protecting the state’s wolf population is for you and Michigan’s environment.