It’s happened again. An inmate kitchen worker found a maggot in a secure food preparation area at the Alger Correctional Facility in Munising.
Last year, 4000 pounds of potatoes were discarded after maggots were found at the Upper Peninsula prison.
The prison closed the kitchen for cleaning and the inmates were served bag lunches.
Aramark is a private, for-profit company contracted by the state of Michigan to provide food service for the state’s prisons. Since the Philadelphia – based company began serving food to Michigan prisoners; there have been numerous violations with poor quality food, inmates served garbage, maggots on food lines and in shipments of food. Even more violations have occurred with Aramark kitchen staff having inappropriate relationships with prisoners, providing money, drugs, sex and even offering to murder people outside the prison for inmates.
A PPP poll published yesterday found that 62% of Michiganians want The Nerd to cancel Aramark’s contract. It’s unlikely that Snyder will listen to the will of the people of the state, because despite the numerous violations that continue to happen, Governor Snyder not only says Aramark is doing a good job, but waved a fine the company received from the state in 2014 for violations.
It appears the problems with Aramark will continue, as Snyder believes maggots in prison food are a satisfactory way for Michiganians’ tax dollars to be spent.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service denied an appeal by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and State Attorney General’s Office to change the classification of wolves from “endangered” to “threatened.” In December of 2014, a federal court ordered wolves in the Western Great Lakes to be put back on the endangered species list.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service stated not enough evidence was presented in the appeal to change the court’s ruling on the status of wolves.
In February of 2015, a number of wildlife enthusiasts, the Michigan DNR, and even the Human Society of America appealed the decision to list wolves as “endangered” asking the federal wildlife agency to reclassify wolves as “threatened.” This would have still provided some protection to wolves, but also allowed states more authority in population management. There was a controversial wolf hunt in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the autumn of 2013, but only half of the available tags for wolf harvesting were filled.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service will not consider any more action on the subject of wolf classification in the contiguous 48 states.
Despite the ruling to keep wolves on the endangered species list today, the Michigan DNR developed a wolf management plan for the state, and according to the plan believe that, “Wolves in Michigan have surpassed State and Federal population recovery goals … and regardless of the Federal listing status, the State has and will continue to have a management responsibility for wolves in the state.” The Michigan DNR considers 600 wolves currently living in the state as surpassing recovery from extinction.
Good morning!
Nearly every day Up North Progressive receives comments from readers with both positive and negative feedback. One article that seems to cause the most grief so far is this one, because how dare anyone call out a college for opening schools, right?
The most recent comment to this article comes from a man who works for a private corporation that receives government funding, meaning our tax dollars. The name is Arthur Karros. His friends call him Art, probably because he writes impressively tone deaf comments on blogs about who does a better job spending tax dollars, and emails those comments over servers that can be traced back to his employer. Now that’s art!
It amazes me that money taken from private citizens and private corporations magically becomes PUBLIC funds that only an elite, secular, group of social engineers should be able to spend in any way they see fit.
Yes, these public funds are called TAXES that are used to provide things like schools, roads, and funding for your job.
If you had an open mind you would see that our constitution allows religious people to hold public office and allows religious people to run and teach in schools. What is not allowed is to pass a law that establishes a religion. We have taken this to an extreme and tend to fight anything that smells of religion (mostly Christian, that is).
Ah yes, the “if you don’t allow me to persecute you that’s discrimination” argument some Christians like to make today. It’s their right to hate you because you don’t follow their religious beliefs you know. Seeing the constitution is different than actually understanding what it says about religion, which is very little except to state that there will be no religious tests for holding public office and the government can’t establish an official church. Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans, Satanists, Pastafarians, and Atheists are all guaranteed the right to hold public office. That’s what the constitution actually says.
Religious people can run schools, provided they don’t use public funds to teach religion. That is not what Hillsdale College is up to at all.
A Christian-philosophy based institution like Hillsdale has every right to fund, train and assist in the development of charter schools. Their K-12 guides on their website are reference materials and are actually quite different from the secular curriculum that they suggest for the charters they are affiliated with.
Hillsdale College funds and operates a private, tuition-funded Christian school on their campus. If they want to open more privately funded schools that is their business. Opening schools based on the Hillsdale model and funding them with public funds is unconstitutional.
And in a free society, with intellectual curiosity and critical thought encouraged, there is no reason that a literature or history class would be barred from reading from the bible, the Koran, the Talmud or any other book.
Yes, religious texts should be used as original sources – all religious texts. Pasquale Battaglia’s plan for a classical charter school was not that at all. He wanted a Christian school teaching creationism and Latin and historical “facts” such as Thomas Jefferson sending in the Marines during the Barbary Wars to eradicate Muslims. That doesn’t sound at all like critical thinking or intellectual curiosity.
Proselytizing and preaching Jesus or Mohamed would be unacceptable, but our society has gotten a bit out of hand taking money from all citizens and limiting its use to what only a handful of elites agree is proper.
This is exactly what tea party charter school wants to do. And exactly who are these “elites” telling everyone else what to do? The only elites in the United States are billionaires who can afford to buy elections and candidates.
So who exactly is Arthur Karros, or Art as his friends call him? He’s the Senior Facilities Engineer at Lockheed Martin, a company that enjoys lots of government money (our tax dollars) to fund projects like the F-35. In fact, out of the top ten companies in the United States receiving government contracts (our tax dollars), Lockheed Martin is number one. Just to give you an idea how much money (our tax dollars) Lockheed Martin gets to spend, the F-35 project alone will cost United States taxpayers $1.5 trillion dollars. $400 billion so far has rendered a jet airplane with exploding engines, tires that can’t stay inflated, oil leaks, and issues with the pilots helmets. Even the Wall Street Journal calls the F-35 the Pentagon’s most expensive lemon.
But please, Arthur “Art” Karros, enlighten us more about your take on how private citizens’ money becomes PUBLIC funds that “secular” elites get to decide how it is spent.
Todd Courser, the man with ideas much smaller than the forehead that houses them thinks the answer to stopping gay marriage is to strip the state of the power to perform marriages. He introduced a bill this week that would only allow ordained ministers to marry couples. This means judges, mayors, county clerks, magistrates, and any other officiant recognized by the state of Michigan would no longer have the authority to sign marriage licenses and witness legal marriages. The bill has caused a stir not only in Michigan, but at the national level too. Mostly because it’s so ridiculous in its attempt to circumvent the US Constitution no one can believe anyone that stupid managed to be elected to public office.
This bill, like the rest of Todd Courser’s laughably inane rantings, has very little chance of passage. If it did however, what Todd understandably fails to realize with his Cooley Law School education is that what he’s proposing is unconstitutional. It will take very little time for a federal court to strike it down. Something federal judges have had to do lately with the inverse relationship between the typical Republican politicians elected into office and their collective IQ.
Todd just wants to save biblical marriage after all, despite the United States being a secular nation based on Rule of Law. What Todd knows as well as everyone else in this country knows is we are days away from marriage being legal for any couple once and for all.
Todd is so unaware of the real world, he thinks a bill that only allows churches to marry people will stop same sex marriage when the Supreme Court makes it legal in the coming days. Not true Todd, in fact your bill will make it much easier for churches to marry same sex couples, as it actually removes the barrier that currently exists for same sex couples to get married anywhere in Michigan. Thumbs up, buddy! And if you think there are no churches in Michigan that welcome LGBT people into their congregations, you’re wrong. As usual.
Stripping the state of power to marry people will not stop gay marriage. The US Supreme Court, with the full authority granted to them by the United States Constitution, will make their ruling, and everyone will have to live with it, including Todd.
Unless Todd introduces another bill that determines which churches can legally be considered real churches.
Free food is available to seniors living in Lake County on the third Friday of every month.
The food is available at two locations in the city of Baldwin and handed out on a first come, first served basis. Food for 100 families is available.
The first location is at St. Ann’s Senior Center from 1 to 2 pm. St Ann’s is located at 650 East 9th Street. The second location is the Baldwin High School parking lot from 2 to 3 pm. Baldwin High School is located at 525 4th Street. Seniors get first priority, but after 60 seniors have received food, then any family living in Lake County may also receive food.
The food available varies each month, but previous food offered in the program includes fresh vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce and Brussels sprouts. Juice, yogurt and even poptarts have been offered as well.
Yates Dial -A-Ride can provide transportation for anyone needing a ride to either location. You can call (231) 745-731 or email They offer continuous shuttle service from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm every week day.
The program began in April this year and both times there was food left over that no senior or family claimed. If you know a senior or family who could use this food, tell them about this opportunity. The next date food will be available is this Friday, June 19, 2015.
(This article was written by Hoi Polloi and first appeared on Daily Kos January 25, 2014)
On December 11, 2013, the state legislature in Michigan voted on a petition measure titled, “No Taxes For Abortion Insurance.” The petition, circulated by Michigan Right to Life collected signatures telling people this was to make sure tax dollars didn’t pay for abortions through the Affordable Care Act. Of course, anyone who takes a few seconds to execute a Google search knows taxes haven’t paid for an abortion in the United States in 40 years. Nothing like lying to the public to push your pet agenda.
Another thing the petition did to Michigan made sure private insurance – the insurance you’re paying for – also no longer covers abortion. This is another overreach of big government into the private lives of American citizens, but we’ll overlook that too when a small, religious agenda-driven minority forces their will on everyone else. The bad news for Michigan women is now if you are a victim of rape or incest, your private insurance won’t cover the cost of having a possible pregnancy terminated. That’s right, you have to plan ahead just in case you get raped. Women in Michigan must purchase a separate rider to their insurance plan, a private insurance plan that very likely covered the medical procedure already.
This latest anti-woman move in Michigan is part of the GOP agenda to deny women reproductive health care across the country while at the same time cutting programs that would help poor women raise and support their families. Food stamp benefits, WIC programs, education, housing and on and on. In Michigan, taxes were raised on the poorest families while retroactive time limits started kicking people off of programs they relied on to survive with only a few weeks notice. Most recently in Michigan, Rick Snyder signed a bill that now ties school attendance to food and cash FIP benefits. Republicans continue to make it more difficult for the weakest and most vulnerable to survive – our children.
It’s counterproductive and cruel to insist women bring pregnancies to term while at the same time not offer any help in raising and caring for those children. Of course, in the United States, the so-called richest nation on Earth, we’re told we can’t afford all of that expensive child supporting stuff like maternity leave, child care, health care, education or food and shelter. We can force them to have the babies, but once they’re here, well, that’s the parent’s job to keep them alive.
If not enough money is the problem in the United States, then how do other nations with the same standard of living handle this problem? Actually, most developed countries do much better than the US when it comes to supporting families. For example, let’s look at Finland and how they take care of mothers and children.
Finland is about the size of the state of California with a population of 5.5 million. They enjoy a high standard of living, are in the Eurozone, and their economy is on par with Germany, France, and the UK. Their major exports are electronics, lumber, and Angry Birds. In the 1930’s Finland faced a crisis. Their infant mortality rate was at epidemic levels; over 65 deaths per 1000 births. The government of Finland came to the conclusion that if they provided expectant mothers with what they needed to help care for newborn infants, more of them would survive. In 1939, the first boxes of baby supplies were delivered to expectant low-income mothers.
The program worked. It worked so well that in 1949 the baby box program extended to all expectant families in Finland regardless of income. Rich or poor, part of becoming a mother in Finland for the past 75 years includes a cardboard box containing over 50 items ranging from baby clothes, blankets, toys and a mattress that fits inside the box everything arrives in. Many Finnish babies begin their lives sleeping inside a cardboard box. This box enabled the infant mortality rate to drop from being one of the highest to be the fifth lowest in the world. Finland’s current infant mortality rate is 2.8. The United States has the highest infant mortality rate of all industrialized modern nations at 5.4 per 1000 births. Cuba’s infant mortality rate is lower.
Finland didn’t stop helping families with the baby box. Finnish mothers also have 90 days paid maternity leave, and the first 30 days of that leave start before the new mom gives birth. Finnish women go on maternity leave because less stress in the new mother’s life means a healthier woman will give birth to a healthier baby. You might be thinking it’s much easier for a country of only 5.5 million people to be able to allow this policy, but this map proves otherwise. Even more populated countries – India and China – still manage to provide paid maternity leave for new mothers.
And it gets even better. All parents in Finland receive a per-child stipend from the government until the child turns 17 regardless of income. The child benefit is increased per child if the children live in a single-parent home. Every Finnish citizen also receives universal health care. Your medical bills are covered.
So now that Finnish mothers and babies have the help they need to not only survive but thrive, what about education? In Finland, public education is free through the first four years of university. Get good grades, earn your Abitur and your college tuition is covered. There is even money to help with living expenses, although many Finnish college students will need to supplement with some financial help. The main point to remember is that many Finnish people finish their secondary educations without the staggering debt American university students face after four years. Imagine what life would be like in the United States if our citizens didn’t have to face enormous medical and education debts? There would be more money in our pockets to spend on what we need or want, meaning more money for the American economy.
Teachers in Finland enjoy a very different culture too. They’re paid professional salaries and treated like professionals. The education system shares nothing in common with the education system in the United States, except there are school buildings full of students and education staff. Teachers in Finland don’t face useless standardized tests or merit pay based on test scores that assess nothing. Unlike Americans considering career choices, many Finnish people consider the teaching profession a desired one. Most of all, teachers in Finland are treated with respect.
Being the typical American, you’re probably saying to yourself right now, “Sure, they get all those social programs, but they cost money. How much more taxes are they paying?”
Good question. Let’s take a look at individual taxes in Finland. Finnish taxpayers pay income taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, pension fees, and corporate taxes. They also have a VAT tax on things they buy. Being part of the Eurozone, all of the taxes in Finland can’t exceed the standards set by the European Union. Income taxes progress from a rate of 6.5% to 30% based on income. The corporate tax rate in Finland starting in January 2014 is 20%. VAT taxes are 24% with lower rates of 13% and 9% for food and restaurants. Pension fees are 23% of gross income, but the employer pays most of that. Capital gains taxes are 30% or 32% based on income. In the United States income taxes alone range from 10% to 39%.
What does this mean? It means that the Finnish pay a little more in taxes, but they get health care, free public education through college, and a healthy start when they’re born. Finland has a truly pro-life policy that Americans can’t even imagine.
And what about abortion in Finland? It’s legal and covered by their federally funded universal health care. Even with the incredible level of support for new mothers and their children, a Finnish woman still has the ability to be in complete control of her reproductive health.
Here in the United States the so-called Right to Life movement has never advocated for anything that would help parents raise healthy children. Instead, conservative Christians elect politicians who vote to cut support for women and children. Sequester cuts to WIC and welfare programs cut to SNAP benefits, huge cuts in public education, and right to work laws allowing multi-billion dollar profit businesses to pay slave wages, forcing families to rely more and more on welfare programs to help them survive. Those programs thanks to the GOP are disappearing. The good, compassionate Christian members of Michigan Right to Life lied on a petition that the Republican-dominated state legislature passed using a sneaky loophole. Michigan women are now forced to spend more money on their health care just in case they get raped. There is no verse in the Bible that says God allows people to lie when it promotes a political agenda.
The United States leads the industrialized world in child poverty. Another conservative Christian value Americans can be proud of. How can one in four children living in poverty be pro-life? It isn’t. That’s because in the United States the “pro-life” movement has nothing to do with preserving life, it’s all about punishing and shaming women for having sex.
See that dark blue country on the map directly above with the lowest child poverty rate? That’s Finland.
If you’re working a part time or minimum wage job, many regions of the United States’ cost of living is out of reach. In Michigan, where there are huge disparities between wages and cost of living, food and shelter for a single person earning minimum wage is impossible even in the poorest counties.
Find your county and take a look at the information. It shows wages for single people through two parent families with three children, and how much it costs to provide necessities every month. In Otsego County, for example, a single parent with two children needs to earn nearly $52,000 per year just to meet monthly expenses. According to Wikipedia:
The median income for a household in the county was $40,876, and the median income for a family was $46,628. Males had a median income of $34,413 versus $21,204 for females. The per capita income for the county was $19,810. About 5.30% of families and 6.80% of the population were below the poverty line, including 7.50% of those under age 18 and 7.10% of those age 65 or over.
Republican presidential candidates are stumping all over the country telling people the real issues America must address are what a woman does with her uterus, what consenting adults do in private, and people we don’t like crossing the border into this country legally and illegally.
It might be a good idea to pay more attention to the candidates who address how difficult it is for an average family to survive every day in the United States instead.
Rick Snyder this week signed a bill that ties Family Independence Program benefits to school attendance. Students with poor attendance put food and cash assistance benefits at risk for the entire family. Children aged 6 to 15 who don’t attend school regularly will jeopardize FIP for the family, if the child is 16 and older, assistance benefits will be terminated for them alone.
Snyder insists this law protects families and helps with eliminating poverty, but the truth is the bill punishes the poor by threatening to take away their food and cash assistance with no regard to addressing why the child is missing school. The parents may not have reliable transportation, or are unable to afford fuel for a vehicle. With most jobs in the state now temporary part time jobs, families rely on one parent working two jobs or more struggling to make enough money to support them. Parents work longer hours, get less sleep, or don’t have time to help students with homework.
Cash-strapped schools are required with parents to overcome “obstacles that keep students from being in school.” The problem with this law is it does nothing to help poor families get out of poverty, but rather entrenches them in poverty even longer.
Other states have passed similar bills. Tennessee, Rhode Island, and Missouri also require poor families to find a way to get their kids to school or lose benefits. The fact that multiple states have passed the same bill or similar to Michigan’s law makes it obvious this bill came from a corporate sponsor.
Punishing the poor will not make people less poor. Real, permanent, full time jobs, access to affordable housing and adequate health care do contribute to helping people rise out of poverty. Michigan Republicans have done nothing but ensure that the poor will remain poor with this law.
No anterless deer may be harvested in the Upper Peninsula for the 2015-2016 bow hunting season. The Michigan Natural Resources Commission approved the ban on Thursday, June 11, in Monroe, Michigan, in an effort to help the deer population in the UP recover from successive winter die-offs. The anterless ban applies to hunters using the deer archery licenses and deer combo licenses. Anterless deer may still be harvested during the firearm season.
The past three winters in Michigan have deeply impacted deer populations in the Upper Peninsula. Deep snow and temperatures well below zero raised die-off levels to 40% in some areas. The harsh weather contributed to poor deer harvests by restricting hunter movement combined with the lack of animals available to kill. Over the past four years, between 5,000 and 6,500 anterless deer were harvested by archery hunters in the UP.
Banning anterless deer harvests was one of several options offered to the NRC by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The choice came down to two: Maintain current regulations, or ban anterless deer during archery season. One option eliminated by the commission in an earlier meeting was banning all deer hunting in the UP in 2015. That option was not considered by the commission because of the impact on local businesses that rely on deer hunting season to stay open.
Those holding private land anterless licenses in deer management units 055, 122, and 155 will still be permitted to hunt anterless deer.
Hunters holding deer and deer combo licenses can contact the DNR for a refund. The deadline for returning licenses is September 20. After that they are considered, used. To find out more about license refunds, contact the DNR by calling (517) 284-6047 or by email at
Many hunters believe other options would benefit Michigan’s deer herd, such as banning the September youth hunt. How this proposed ban will affect the deer harvest in the UP and local business remains to be seen.