All presidential candidates develop a brand – some catchy logo or phrase that will stick in people’s heads and create a positive image in much the same way companies brand products to make them more recognizable. The image on the right is Donald Trump’s official logo.
On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, tickets for the Genesee County GOP’s Lincoln Day Dinner went on sale. The date of the fund raiser is August 11, 2015. The keynote address will be delivered by none other than Donald Trump, who is easily kicking every other candidate in the teeth in the polls.
And as Michigan braces for the Genesee County GOP’s keynote speaker at the Lincoln Day Dinner, there’s something wrong with this picture … or in this case, the logo used to advertise Donald Trump’s presence at the event.
That image in the upper right corner is NOT Donald Trump’s official campaign logo. It looks more like a merging of Donald Trump’s hair with the Aquafresh toothpaste logo.
So if this isn’t the official Donald Trump campaign logo, where did it come from?
DesignCrowd, a website where graphic designers advertise their services to customers online, had a contest:
Hi designers,
If you haven’t seen the news yet, Donald Trump, real-estate mogul and TV personality famous for his show The Apprentice, has announced he’s officially running for presidency in the US in 2016.
We want you to create a campaign logo for Donald Trump. We are open to tongue-in-cheek ideas, as well as serious logos that he might actually consider using.
Think about logos incorporating the following:
– Trump’s iconic wig
– His boasting attitude toward the presidency
– His famous line from The Apprentice show – “You’re fired”You can read more about Donald Trump on his campaign website here –
You can view his speech announcing he is running for presidency – luck, try your best, make us laugh, be original and (most importantly) have fun!
The DesignCrowd team
And here, on the Design Crowd website you will find the logo the Genesee County GOP used for their eventbrite ticket sale page.
The designer’s name is Ryan Beavor. He’s a student at Auburn University in his third year of industrial design. Now that we know where the logo came from, there’s a few more questions: Did Ryan Beavor donate his contest logo to the Genesee County Republicans? Are the Genesee County Republicans even aware who designed that logo, and that it was created for a contest with the specific instructions, “make us laugh?”
The GOP continues to deliver comedy gold, and it’s still 2015.
State Rep Bruce Rendon finishes his time in Lansing at the end of 2016 due to term limit rules. That means the 103rd district will have a new state representative in 2017. As of this week, The Republican candidate for the office is charged with Medicaid fraud, Medicare fraud, insurance fraud, and criminal sexual misconduct with a minor under the age of 16.
Vijay Kumar of West Branch is a physical therapist with five clinics in Northern Michigan. His now deleted campaign page on Facebook contains glowing recommendations from locals; including endorsements from local officials like Bob Bennett, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Roscommon County, and Ronald Vaughn, Chief of Rose City Area Fire Department. There’s even a picture of him with Ronna Romney McDaniels, the new Michigan GOP Chair.
You may be thinking Kumar’s career as a Republican politician running for the 103rd state “Districk” is over. Hardly. Republicans love electing criminals to public office because it doesn’t matter how much of a low life they are, they serve a higher purpose enforcing “conservative values” in government. GOP candidates can do all the horrible things they want, it’s us liberals who are immoral.
2016 is going to be so much fun.
We’ve all laughed about Fox News being duped by The Onion, America’s finest news source, and publishing the parody websites’ stories as if they were actual news. It’s happened to a few other legitimate news sources often enough people now read a headline and ask, “Is this real, or The Onion?”
Today, it happened to Up North Progressive. An interesting incoming referral link appeared on the stats page of the blog’s dashboard. The link belongs to a for-profit charter school in California known as Delta Charter School. The referral link specifically goes to the page about the elementary school.
See that first link in the first paragraph, the one about Steve Ingersoll and IVL? It’s a link to this story on Up North Progressive; part of a series of articles published here about the optometrist turned educator to community developer and ‘philanthropist’ to convicted felon. Certainly nothing written about Ingersoll on this blog could be construed as an endorsement for his shoddy curriculum or pseudoscience vision therapy, but it seems to be good enough for the people at Delta Charter School. Probably your first clue you may want to reconsider enrolling your child at Delta Charter School is the fact people running the school link to a blog dedicated to exposing Steve Ingersoll as the criminal fraud he is.
Perhaps a better link Delta Charter School could use is this one containing evidence offered by teachers who used to work for Ingersoll that IVL is a big pile of garbage that does nothing to improve student learning. Another Up North Progressive story the charter school would better serve the public with is where a parent gives an account of how their children’s academic progress suffered after one year at a Steve Ingersoll IVL charter school.
More importantly, it would be remiss to not read Miss Fortune’s excellent coverage of the Steve Ingersoll federal felony fraud trial to learn about his upcoming sentencing hearing in September.
Unlike The Onion, everything written here about Steve Ingersoll is true. His vision therapy is quackery and nonsense, he’s a convicted felon, and he embezzled millions from the for-profit charter school in Traverse City he founded while the hand-picked school board made up of his friends, business associates and extended family looked the other way and let him get away with it.
And finally, to the parents reading this while considering enrolling their child into Delta Charter School: Please don’t. If you want your children to receive a good education without ripping off your fellow taxpayers, send them to a real public school; where evidence-based curriculum is taught by professional teachers in a genuine learning environment. IVL is snake oil with the only purpose of shoveling money into the bank account of a snake oil salesman who will soon be in prison.
Perhaps the people at Delta Charter School linked to this blog because they know the truth and want to warn parents to stay away?
Donald Trump says terrible things and he surges in the polls.
If you’re horrified by the Republican presidential candidate’s racist remarks about immigration, Mexico, and his most recent attack on John McCain not being a hero because he was captured – don’t be. Republicans aren’t shocked by it, even if some of them are suggesting Trump tone it down. The Republican presidential candidate merely says what bog standard conservative America thinks. What more disciplined people in the GOP know however is you can’t come right out and say what every conservative is thinking.
Republicans have no problem with making fun of war veterans when it suits them. In 2004 Moral Majority co-founder Morton Blackwell handed out band aids with purple hearts stamped on them to make fun of John Kerry at the GOP presidential convention. When it’s time for another Democratic Party candidate to be made fun of based on their service record, the GOP won’t hesitate to do it again. Trump however spoke badly about a Republican candidate. That’s not allowed because at least McCain belongs to the correct party, which means he’s still considered a real American. Anyone other than a real American is … not a real American.
And that’s where the GOP is today. Republicans are happy when Donald Trump spouts off conservative inner narrative because as the “silent majority” they’re happy someone lives up to their expectations. They nod and smile because “in your heart you know he’s right” and the rest of America just needs to hear this from a charismatic blowhard like Donald Trump to know he’s right too.
The numbers of this most recent poll shows the truth. Conservatives are done being nice. They want the conservative conscience out there for everyone to see and hear. It’s the only way they will convince everyone they hate that they have all the answers. So far, no one from the GOP wants to cancel Trump’s speaking engagements. Michiganians with $25 burning a hole in their pocket and wanting to experience The Donald in person can do so in Birch Run on August 11.
It appears Michigan Teacher Corps have moved to a better class of teacher recruitment. Last fall they posted an ad on the Lansing, Michigan, edition of Craigslist. This summer they’re recruiting on real teacher job posting websites like K12 Jobspot. Currently, several notices appear on this website all for Education Achievement Authority Schools.
The advertisements all say the same thing, and from their description, The Education Achievement Authority is the best place to work in Detroit:
In partnership with the Michigan Teacher Corps (MTC), an ambitious, teacher-centered effort to invigorate struggling Michigan schools with great teaching, Henry Ford High School and Pershing High School are recruiting outstanding experienced teachers for the 2015-2016 school year.
Sign-up now if you’re interested in working at Henry Ford or Pershing to help chart a new future for Michigan’s students.
Benefits of the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan and Michigan Teacher Corps
Focus on achievement. Education Achievement Authority of Michigan students have made substantial academic progress with EAA’s longer school day and year and its more intensive, student-focused education program.
Competitive salary. The Education Achievement Authority offers the best pay in the metropolitan Detroit area, with salaries ranging from $50,000-65,000.
Ongoing professional development. Select experienced teachers will have opportunities to grow professionally through the teacher leadership program run by Leading Educators, which provides intensive professional development and personalized coaching on how to effectively lead and mentor peers.
You read it here first, the EAA has the best achieving students in Detroit Public Schools, and you, yes you, can become a part of the winning team.
It should be no surprise that Michelle Rhee’s Michigan Teacher Corps, which is actually part of her organization The New Teacher Project, or TNTP as they want to be known as now, works with the EAA to hire teachers. Rhee got into education through Teach For America, where she worked for three years in a Baltimore elementary school before moving on in to other positions, which all “teachers” do who work for that organization.
The EAA has established their reputation as a school district within a school district that crams 40 students or more into a single classroom with one teacher, and the students all work on computer software that is offline more than online. Eclectablog lavishly documented the problems with the EAA, and that teacher turnover was very high because of the terrible working conditions.
When looking for a teaching job, it’s always a good idea to research the school, the district, and even parent reviews of the school. All of this is available with a simple internet search. The EAA is the worst district in Michigan, with the worst achievement and highest teacher turnover. It’s doubtful partnering with Michelle Rhee will improve The Nerd’s failed school district.
Darwin Booher’s newsletter arrived in the mail and there was no rejoicing. With Darwin Booher, the rule is the less you hear about him the better off Michigan’s 35th State Senate district is. Unfortunately, the Gods do not smile upon us, because Darwin Booher is still being Darwin Booher.
For example, the newsletter opens with the salutation, DEAR NEIGHBOR:
The economic stop signs and flashing red lights are fading fast. In fact, there are clear signals that Michigan is on the road to a strong economic recovery.
Apropos analogy for Michigan’s job growth, if anyone’s spent any time driving on Michigan’s roads lately. The economic recovery Booher gushes about is the fact that the state rose from 50th place to 49th place nationwide in job growth. The new jobs that Republicans are so proud of aren’t middle class jobs, but low-paying part time jobs that pay $10.00 an hour if you’re lucky; most are minimum wage. This means more Michiganians are going to need to supplement the income they work hard for with state assistance for food, housing, and medical care.
By working together, we can keep the momentum going and create an even better future, one that provides more opportunities for Michigan families.
Of course, those families won’t be able to afford a $48,000 BMW like the one Booher rode in for the Lake City 4th of July parade back in 2012. The “better” future is full of potholes for most Michiganians, much like our physical roads.
Booher also reprints an op-ed he and Senator Tom Casperson (R-Nature Hater) co-wrote about Senate bills 39 and 40. The Nerd last month signed both of these bills into law, and our public land now lies in jeopardy of disappearing. Senators Booher and Casperson hate nature, hate science, and hate the fact that there are so many trees growing in their districts in Northern Michigan that loggers can’t cut down and Casperson’s trucking business can’t haul them away at a profit. Too much public land! Why can’t more of it be private and making a profit? The new law now prohibits the DNR from purchasing more land unless they sell some. What Casperson and Booher want is for public land – land that belongs to the taxpayers of Michigan – to become privately owned land. Land that can be commercially exploited for profit.
According to the op-ed however, the impression is these bills will improve land management.
The bills are a starting point to improve land management, access and use opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts across the spectrum, including hunters, motorized users, bikers and others. Contrary to one of the many inaccurate assumptions about the bills or our intentions, we are not saying that all land must be open to all uses; we are saying that we should allow reasonable types of uses, including multiple uses.
Capping the amount of land the public owns and forcing the state to sell land into private ownership doesn’t sound much like improving land management, access and use opportunities. Private owners tend to put barriers around their land and post NO TRESPASSING signs to keep everyone else out. The inaccurate assumption that land is better off being owned privately rather than publicly, so the state can’t use stupid things like science and biodiversity to improve the health of public land. Booher and Casperson know the best land management plan is one based on economics. Booher’s bill, S-217, lowered taxes on privately owned forest land, so there’s less money to manage our public land anyway.
The short articles on how Booher is screwing over our kids’ education funding and road funding provided even more depressing news. Less for those who need it, more for those who don’t.
Darwin Booher, how is it possible that when you provide more information about what you’re doing in Lansing, the less informed your constituents are? The only good news coming from your office is you can’t run again for another term. Very few will be sorry to see you go.
In an editorial published in the New York Times on November 25, 1988, entitled, “One Reason Voters Didn’t Vote”, the argument was made that people stayed home simply because they weren’t registered to vote.
According to a New York Times/CBS News post-election survey, they tended to be younger, poorer and less educated than voters.
Why didn’t they vote? Seventeen percent didn’t care or were too busy; 13 percent disliked the candidates. These numbers suggest apathy and dismay. But the largest group, 37 percent, said they didn’t vote because they weren’t registered. And the great majority of those said they would have voted if they could simply have showed up at the polls on Election Day.
Out of the people surveyed after the 1988 presidential election, over a third said they stayed home because they had to register in order to vote. In 1988 the results of allowing same day registration would have increased voter turnout by 13 million people nationwide.
Same day registration is currently available in thirteen states, which includes North Dakota where no registration is required at all to vote. Michigan does not have same day voter registration, and according to the report, America Goes to the Polls 2014, Same day voter registration generates an increased voter turnout by ten to fourteen percent. Fewer provisional ballots are cast, which means more savings for state election agencies. Michigan requires anyone wanting to vote in an election must register 30 days before Election Day. This practice ensures fewer people vote.
The New York Times editorial goes on to suggest that simplifying voter registration would increase voter turnout.
… Simpler rules would add as many as 13 million voters to the rolls. It stands to reason, too, that simpler rules would boost turnout among the groups most conspicuously absent from this year’s election – the poor and less educated, who are often deterred by complex procedures; and young people, who are more likely to have moved recently.
Yes, it’s true simplifying the voting process and voter registration makes it easier for more people to vote. What’s interesting about the election of 1988 according to the editorial is that if there had been higher turnout, it would have created a wider margin of victory for George H. W. Bush, not a victory for Michael Dukakis. Trusting the system to work is not in the interest of modern Republicans. State Republican-dominated legislatures have instated voter ID laws, eliminated early voting, and cut the number of polling stations available for people to vote. Gerrymandering of political districts has also ensured that even a majority Democratic vote won’t have much impact on the incumbent Republican holding office. Voter fraud proponents insist voter fraud is so rampant that it’s necessary to make it harder for people to vote. What’s different about now compared to 1988 is that fewer people are voting Republican.
Putting more barriers to voting in place to discourage voter turnout provides clues to the current health of the Republican Party. 28 years ago, another 13 million voters would have made Bush win by 11 percentage points over Dukakis instead of only 8. Today, Republicans work to suppress voter turnout. Why?
The Republican platform currently excludes large blocks of voters. Their most important planks are restricting women’s health care and marriage equality, and education and job policies that make it harder to find work. Right to work laws, eliminating prevailing wage laws, keeping wages low while an elite few spend billions on elections discourage most Americans. They believe they can’t participate fully in the process, so they don’t. This is exactly what the Republican Party wants, because it’s the only way they can maintain their majority in Congress and state level government.
More than ever, it’s important to eliminate barriers to the voting booth for all Americans. In Oregon, all adults 18 and older automatically become registered voters. Vote by mail means every registered voter receives a ballot weeks before Election Day, providing early voting. The voting booth is as close as the mailbox outside the house. More people voting means political parties will have to spend more time actually listening to what the voters are saying, and hopefully less time gold-digging for the richest campaign contributor.
Michigan has a chance to eliminate Republican-initiated barriers to voting by becoming a vote by mail state. It’s time to take that chance and provide access to the voting booth to as many people that want to participate.
July 8 in Russia is celebrated as “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.” The holiday dates back to 2008 with the purpose of promoting heterosexual families as the only legitimate traditional family in the nation. In 2013, Russia passed a law banning all promotion of LGBT media and culture as an acceptable lifestyle for Russian families. The Russian Orthodox Church in recent years has enjoyed greater power with the current right-wing conservative government in power in the Kremlin. Many changes have happened in Russia with the combined work of church and state.
The climate for Conservative Christians is so favorable in Russia that American fundamentalist Christian groups such as the World Congress of Families regularly attend conferences in Russia for preserving the traditional family of one man and one woman. WCF is the same organization that promoted the Ugandan government to enact the death penalty for people convicted for being gay.
Day of Family, Love and Fidelity had a new symbol to demonstrate pride in preserving traditional families, a flag with one man, one woman, and three children. The hashtag beneath the image on the flag -#НастоящаяCемья – is Russian for “real family”.
Russian officials felt it was important in the wake of the United States legalizing same sex marriage on June 26 to have their own flag to promote traditional marriage. They could be seen everywhere being carried by couples and decorating venues where the people celebrated one man and one woman-only families. Conservative Christian elected officials in the United States such as Todd Courser and Gary Glenn consider Russia to be one of the few countries left on earth where traditional Christian values are upheld.
This same Conservative Christian agenda is also behind Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Before Euromaidan, when Ukraine was invited by the European Union to enter into an association agreement, Russia attempted to counter the offer with one promising oil and gas at reduced prices and money to help Ukraine’s economy. Before former president Yanukovych ordered the murder of Ukrainian citizens on the streets of Kyiv, the Russian military had already begun the invasion of Crimea. In occupied regions of Ukraine, only Orthodox churches are allowed to function. Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish and Muslim houses of worship are shut down, or drastically sanctioned from performing the usual services they once enjoyed before Russian terrorists invaded their country.
There are those in the United States who would like to transform this country from a democracy based on rule of law into a fundamentalist theocracy based on a very narrow interpretation of the bible, hate and ignorance. Russia gives us a good idea of what such a society would look like.
Yes, this is a Steve Ingersoll story.
While skimming through news sources to stay in touch with current events in Northern Michigan, an article from the Traverse City News Ticker caused the Up North Progressive to pause. The title of the article, “Summer’s here … And So Are (Illegal) Rentals In TC.” describes a growing problem in the Traverse City area – people illegally putting up their residential homes for rent during the busy summer season.
As the city continues to grow in popularity, more Traverse City visitors are heading to popular online sites VBRO and AirBnB to find accommodations – someone else’s house, apartment or condo.
Hundreds of one, two and three-night minimum rentals can be found in town. The problem is, many of these walking-distance-to-everything, short-term rentals are not legal. City ordinance prohibits the renting out of residentially zoned homes for less than 30 consecutive days.
Not only are these short term rentals available in town, they’re available in outlying townships in Grand Traverse County too. Back in May, Miss Fortune reported that our favorite optometrist felon had listed his Carlisle Farms Drive home on VRBO for short term rental. With the month of July booked, the property owned by a convicted felon who’s currently under the fed’s spy glass for every single dime he’s misappropriated with his for-profit charter schools, derelict properties, and a federal tax lien strapped to the good doctor for good measure, it may turn a profit before August.
Ingersoll’s house isn’t within the city limits of Traverse City, it’s actually about 6 miles away from the city center in East Bay Charter Township. The map shown up at the top has the location of Ingersoll’s summer rental badly scribbled in red. The legend to the right of the map shows that this particular part of the township is zoned “low density residential.”
Page 81 of the East Bay Charter Township zoning ordinance lists everything that’s permitted in the “low density residential” zone of the township. Nowhere on that list does it say, “rent your house for a night or two at a time through the summer to make some extra cash.” Which means you can’t rent out your house like a hotel because it’s against East Bay Charter Township’s zoning ordinance. 2014 tax records list Ingersoll’s house as being a single family residential home.
A quick inquiry with the East Bay Charter Township office of planning and zoning provided this answer:
Our ordinance does not allow rentals, however anything less than a week is not allowed, as it would be considered commercial, such as a hotel.
Steve and Debra Ingersoll are illegally renting their house as a summer vacation getaway. The feds already have a tax lien on everything they own, and going over their messed up finances with a fine-tooth comb. With a felony conviction hanging over your head, What else could Steve Ingersoll possibly do make things even worse?
Here’s the kicker, it’s illegal to rent your house and if you’re caught you get a warning, and then a fine if the illegal renting continues. The zoning officer however won’t bother to check things out unless someone complains. It’s a wide-spread problem in the Grand Traverse area. Many get away with it because no one complains.
This is one crime Dr. Steve Ingersoll may get away with.