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All for-profit charter schools in Michigan have a specific hierarchal structure to them. There is the authorizer, which oversees the not elected by the public school board. The board is responsible for keeping track of the management company’s management of the school. The management company is a for-profit corporation tasked with managing the school, the employees, and the finances.

Notice how much of a priority education is in this figure. This graphic is from Castlebond Enterprise’s website.

Who owns Castlebond Enterprises? The corporate team is made up of two people: Mario and Luigi. Castlebond Enterprises first incorporated in 2007, as seen here.

Mario contacted a attorney and with their help incorporated Castlebond Enterprises with Michigan’s Licensing and Regulatory Affairs department. The date the paperwork was filed with the state is September 17, 2007, with a business address of 20893 Woodland Glen Drive, #102, Northville, MI. Here is a picture of that business location.

Mario in 2007 was superintendent of West Village Academy. Xe held that job for a whole eight months. Before that, Xe was the principal of the same charter school. Xe had that job for an entire year. In fact, the longest xe’s ever worked for any for-profit charter school is Madison Academy for The Romine Group, another private charter school management company. Xe managed to work over three years at Madison Academy. Xe does have some public school experience. For three years xe worked at Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia as a sixth grade teacher before leaving that job to move upward in xis career as an … assistant manager at Borders … yes, the book store that is now out of business.

What about Castlebond Enterprises during that time? It appears that Mario forgot about xis LLC for a while, because in 2011 there’s new paperwork filed with LARA Dated August 23. 2011.

Looks like that LegalZoom lawyer forgot to tell Mario that corporate entities in the state of Michigan are required to file annual reports so the state knows if you’re making any money or not. There’s a new address on the reinstatement form too. 4519 Knollcrest Drive, Ann Arbor. Annual reports for 2008 through 2011 are also filed on the same day as the reinstatement form.

There seems to be some confusion if Knollcrest is actually a Road or a Drive, but it doesn’t matter really. Manta, the business listing website says Knollcrest is a road and has a snapshot of what the company provides.

If you’re wondering what Castlebond’s business location looksed like, click on the image. Notice that bit over on the right side of the image above? This house was sold on June 5th of this year.

The 2014 annual report was filed by the other partner of Castlebond Enterprises, Luigi.

Before being part of the Castlebond team, xe worked for the Michigan Association of Public School Academies, or MAPSA. Before MAPSA, Luigi worked in charter schools.

If the house in Knollcrest Drive (or Road) was sold this past summer, where does Castlebond Enterprises currently reside? The online Yellow Pages website claims the LLC operates at 6985 Woonsocket Street in Canton, MI.

A company started in 2007, forgotten until 2011, and how many for-profit charter schools do they operate? The Michigan Department of Education lists three. None of them will be open this coming school year.

Meet the team from Castlebond Enterprises who will manage Gateway To Success in Scottville. The economically sound business model the Heflins provide must surely guarantee that the school replacing Journey Junior Senior High School will  welcome back every alternative ed student with open arms by Jamie Bandstra.  He’s doing it for the kids, right?

So you have an alternative education program in a small Northern Michigan town with a dedicated teaching staff and successful program with over 100 students enrolled consistently year after year. There’s just no way you could possibly screw this up, right?

There is a way, and Ludington Area Schools did just that this summer when they decided to no longer support Journey Junior Senior High School. This past June, Journey closed their doors forever, despite having good attendance. The students of this alternative education program must now find a new school for the 2015-2016 school year. Their former principal, Jamie Bandstra, won’t be sitting idle however. He’s now president and future superintendent of a new for-proft charter school called Gateway To Success, with plans to open in Scottville in the fall of 2016.

Will Gateway be just like Journey? No. The charter school will offer “project-based” education to students grades 6-12 and not just be for at-risk students, which means the unique school culture created by Journey’s alternative education program will not exist at the for-profit charter school. The school will be located at the former Foster’s Market in Scottville. Here’s a picture of what it looks like right now, and an artist’s rendering of what it will look like when students enroll in the fall of 2016:

Of course, one thing still in the way of this project being successful is money. For-profit charter schools get taxpayer money for teaching the students, then only use a portion of it for the kids because the management company has to make a profit managing the school. Bandstra and the for-profit charter school board currently need about $1.5 million more dollars in start up money, despite donations and $350,000 received from the state of Michigan. This is the only way the state still admits charter schools are not real public schools, they have to raise funds from private sources to start their school.

So while this new charter school tries to figure out ways to convince the local community a new charter school is just what Scottville needs, the local community needs to remember that two for-profit charter schools opened in the area before and both closed down from lack of students, which means the management company couldn’t make a profit from managing the school.

And no one in Scottville has paid attention to the enormous mess only a few miles away in Traverse City where another for-profit charter school, Grand Traverse Academy, struggles with what to do about a loss of $1.6 million from a total of $3.5 million embezzled by their former management company, Smart Schools LLC, because the owner of that company was convicted of federal felony fraud in March of 2015. Both this blog and Miss Fortune have covered the catastrophe extensively. How do more people not know what a rip off for-profit charter schools are?

As for the former students of Journey High School, the new charter school president can give them pizza parties and tell them how great this new charter school will be a whole year away into the future, but these kids still have a year of school to attend before they can go to Bandstra’s shiny new grocery store turned institution of learning. They have a year to settle into a new school, make new friends, and connect with a new school culture. A year from now, many of Journey’s former students may decide they like the school they’re going to, so why switch to a new school?

And that’s for the students who do have the option of attending a different school. Many students who attend alternative education programs do so because no other school will enroll them due to behavior issues or juvenile criminal records. This is why they are called at-risk students and need schools like Journey.

Something’s just not right about this new charter school plan. Why would a school district with a successful alternative ed program toss it aside and pursue something that needs millions to launch and may not even be able to open next year? What or whom convinced Jamie Bandstra and Ludington Area Schools to make such a poor choice for their students? Perhaps that answer can be found in the downstate management company working to open Gateway To Success Academy. We’ll take a closer look at Castlebond Enterprises LLC next time.

As of April, 2015, Tea Party Charter School aka Livingston Classical Academy was still in search of an authorizer for their for-profit charter school. It’s been rather quiet since this past spring, when a member of the public attempting to attend an open to the public open house was arrested because the owner of the building felt personally threatened.

Pasquale Battaglia, the man behind the God and Country Education Project/classical charter school, still openly shares his racism and bigotry on social media whenever possible. So what has he been ranting about lately? The usual.

He’s still calling the president ‘Potentate O’.

MATH IS HARD. And would someone tell him there is no connection between the rhinovirus and global warming?

American history also appears to be difficult for poor ole Pasquale. The United States didn’t exist 400 years ago, and even then religion took second place to a bunch of entrepreneurs looking to exploit a new world for profit. 200 years ago the founding fathers decided they didn’t need religion at all to run a country.

No idea at all.

Here Pasquale not only laments illegally detained immigrants being set free, but now they’re going to get lots of free stuff!

Where to even begin here. So now another budget crisis is looming for the country, and Republicans think they’re going to force the defunding of Planned Parenthood by threatening to shut down the government again because that worked so well for them last time they did it. What does the confederate flag have to do with Planned Parenthood? Nothing. Perhaps the tea party thinks an organization offering low-income women health care and cancer screenings is the same as centuries of racial oppression and slavery. The videos claiming to show Planned Parenthood employees talking about selling fetal parts has been thoroughly debunked, but never let the truth get in the way of your moral obligation to argue your point even when you know you’re wrong, right Pasquale?


And a bonus tweet screen grab, just because.

Nothing has changed with Pasquale Battaglia. He still hawks his classical academy plans in between racist tweets about anchor babies, Potentate O, and the free stuff illegal immigrants get from the government, and so on.

Enbridge Line 5 – the heavy crude pipe that runs through the Straits of Mackinac under the Mackinac Bridge is 62 years old. After the disaster that happened in the Kalamazoo River with Line 6B in 2010, the people of Michigan want Governor Snyder and Lansing to know that it’s time to remove the pipeline from under the Straits before it’s too late.

Keeping the potential disaster fresh in people’s minds through outreach and media has made the problem of Enbridge Line 5 a major issue in the state. Attorney General Bill Schuette paid lip service to people’s concerns and promised to do something, but that something hasn’t really been explained, or happened yet.

It’s up to the people to keep the pressure on our elected officials until they remove the pipeline from the straits. That’s why on September 6th and 7th, 2015, protests will take place at the Mackinac Bridge to demonstrate that the citizens of Michigan’s voices must be heard and Line 5 removed from under the bridge before a catastrophe happens, just as it did in the Kalamazoo River. On September 6th, a “Pipe Out Paddle Protest” flotilla will take place in the morning. On September 7th, groups of protesters will participate in the annual bridge walk across the Mackinac Bridge.

Calling for all lovers of the Great Lakes, we are calling for the SHUT DOWN of Enbridge Line 5 OIL PIPELINE Under The Straits of Mackinac!

Line 5 is a 62 year old pipeline beneath the Straits of Mackinac. It carries light crude oil and natural gas and is owned by the same irresponsible company, Enbridge, which allowed the Kalamazoo River oil spill to occur.

Both days will be lots of fun.

Kayakers and bridge walkers wanting to participate in one or both protests can register here. Details and schedules for both day are included.

Three weeks ago the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced Eagle Mine wanted approval for a mineral lease for 40 more acres in Michigamme Township, Marquette County, in the Upper Peninsula.

The parcel in particular – NE1/4 NE1/4, Section 8, T50N,R29W. – contains the headwaters of Anderson Creek and the Yellow Dog River. The region is home for rare flora, fauna, and endangered species. Mining in the area will cause extensive damage to the land, especially the headwaters that feed Anderson Creek and the Yellow Dog River.

The standard 30 day period for public comment has been extended another 30 days. People wishing to express their views about Eagle Mine’s intention to disturb more delicate wetlands in search of mineral ore for profit in the Upper Peninsula now have until September 25, 2015 to contact the Michigan DNR. Interested parties may contact Karen Maidlow, Property Specialist, Office of Minerals Management, DNR, P.O. Box 30452, Lansing, Michigan, 48909-7952, or by email at

This is why it’s really important to take the time to answer that survey posted to this blog earlier this week. Religious fundamentalists, tea party morons and corporate interests certainly will make sure their voices are heard, then Michigan’s children will be taught things like the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, the founding fathers were modern right-wing dominion theology Christians, and accepting climate change as a real thing is communism.

The Michigan Department of Education updated the content standards for social studies and science, and they invite the public to comment on the proposed updates for Michigan’s K-12 public schools. People can fill out an online survey and attend public information sessions scheduled throughout the state.

Michigan’s new State Superintendent, Brian Whiston, had this to say:

These are the overall statewide content standards in science and social studies. How they are taught in the classroom curriculum in each school is a decision made by each local school district across the state.

We want to make ourselves available to the public to offer comment on what will be Michigan’s updated standards for social studies and science. We’re inviting educators, parents, students and other members of the public to share their thoughts with us.

There are several sessions for the public in Northern Michigan to attend, listen to a presentation of the new standards, and provide comment to the Department of Education. In Northern Michigan you can attend public sessions at these locations:

August 26, 2015 3:00 to 6:00 pm Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District
315 Armory Place Sault Ste. Marie (906) 632-3373

August 27, 2015 5:00 to 8:00 pm Seaborg Math/Science Center, Northern Michigan University
2805 Presque Isle Ave. Marquette, (906)227-2002

September 3, 2015 5:00 to 8:00 pm Central Michigan University Bovee University Terrace Rooms
Mount Pleasant, (989)774-4387

September 21, 2015 5:00 to 8:00 pm Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
1101 Red Drive, Traverse City, (231)922-6200

If you’re unable to attend a session, you can also fill out surveys for the science content standards and the social studies content standards online.

Content standards are used to provide a guide of outcomes for teachers to plan lessons in their subject area. In other states content standards have been rewritten to include revisionist history that is very inaccurate, and prohibit students to learn about the very real impact climate change is having on our planet. It’s important to keep our state accountable to teaching real science and accurate history.

If it’s possible for you to participate in the public sessions or take the survey, please do so. Let the state know that you want sound curriculum standards taught in Michigan’s public schools.

It’s been a week since there was an update posted to the blog. The Up North Progressive’s been busy.

This is the time of year when Michigan farmers’ markets and roadside stands all scream “PEACHESBLUEBERRIESSWEETCORN” to passersby, and that means it’s time to freeze and can. Blueberries, peach jam and green beans are going into the canner or the freezer. Soon, about 25 pounds of shredded cabbage will be salted and packed into the large ceramic crock in the kitchen. Tomatoes are getting ripe, and the salsa’s almost gone. Still plenty of work to do.

Putting up food for the winter is a welcome distraction from the circus currently going on in Lansing, Allegan, and Lapeer. Everyone else still wants to talk about tea party trash Gamrat and Courser, but honestly, what else needs to be said? Courser will continue to spew out his word salads full of denial and pushing the blame on everyone but where it belongs. Liberals are going to blame all Christians because of You, Todd. Of course, the tea party believes all Muslims are terrorists, so by their own thinking, people are going to believe all Christians are adulterers and liars because of Todd. What Todd forgets is liberals haven’t lost the capacity for rational thought. There are also many liberals who are Christians, and as far as they’re concerned his straw man argument belongs in the bin with his political career.

Cutco Cindy cried big crocodile tears for us on Friday, insisting she had no part in the fake email scandal that we all heard Courser on the recording tell Graham she agreed to using to throw everyone off track to their affair. So either she’s lying or he is. Does it matter? Not really. We knew back in January these two were tea party trash and the next two years would be a ridiculous sideshow of more trash.

By now, everyone’s debating whether Courser and Gamrat will resign, or should they. Who cares? The Up North Progressive would prefer they stick around for no other reason than to watch tea party trash continue to make a mockery of Lansing. The Republican party embraced the tea party because they needed numbers to win elections. Then, they changed the rules on recall elections because they thought they were so smart they would stop the Democratic party from recalling the Nerd and other Republicans, no matter how horrible they are to the people they were elected to represent. Now they need to get rid of Republicans too repugnant for even Republicans to tolerate, and they can’t, and they did it to themselves.

The people of Michigan need this daily reminder that Republicans don’t care about them, or their concerns. They also need the reminder that every person who identifies with the tea party are complete garbage. With Gamrat and Courser around until election time next year, perhaps it will motivate voters to get out there and vote for candidates who represent them, rather than the invisible sky alien they believe called them to public office.

Time to pick more green beans. Enjoy what’s left of Summer, everyone.

If only! Too bad Peter Graves passed away, he would be so much better as Dave Agema

Voting has consequences. If you vote Republican, you’re part of the problem. It certainly has nothing to do with phantom blackmailers.