Up North Progressive’s reaction when first read the news:




Is he serious? Of course he is.

Never mind he lives in Dutch Reformed Mordor District 2, he wants to run for District 1. Why? Because he’s Dave Agema, that’s why.

According to a MIRS article published on Thursday, Dave needs money of course, and enough people to pledge their fealty to him before he can really consider changing addresses and qualify himself as tea party carpet bagger for the First District. He’ll have stiff competition in the primary, Tom Casperson (R- The UnLorax) will also likely run for the empty seat.

Of course, we can speculate on what an Agema administration as representative of Michigan’s first district would look like: There’s the hate speech published to his social media pages that makes Fivehead Todd Courser look like a bleeding heart liberal. The possibility of Dave disappearing during a crucial house vote might earn him a new nickname; not that “Goat Killer” courtesy of Eric B’s Michigan Liberal isn’t funny enough.

What it does look like, and even the Republicans in Michigan are aware of this, is a Dave Agema campaign would consist of everyone doing the work to get him elected. This Colonel Fitts moment waiting to happen expects everyone to vote for him because of his name and notoriety. He’s even speculated he can be so lazy about his run for office he may not have to change addresses to be the rep from the first district.

Considering the cognitive level of the typical tea party voter, he’s probably right.

It was a cold December night in 1986 when Planned Parenthood on West Michigan Avenue in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was firebombed by an unknown terrorist. The Up North Progressive lived in an apartment at the time close enough to be awakened by the explosion. That morning the shock of seeing half of the building destroyed in the fire and later, Howard Peak in front of the clinic picketing just like he and his followers did every morning resolved supporters of the health clinic to support rebuilding it so they continue providing women and men in Southwest Michigan with the important health care services the community needed.

Kalamazoo Planned Parenthood survived two more attempts by terrorists to burn the clinic down: In 1989 and again in 2001. Michigan Right to Life and other anti-choice groups never stop attacking Planned Parenthood for one of the services out of hundreds the organization provides. Anti-choice people will resort to any form of violence if it means they can stop women from making their own health care choices, be it burning down clinics or murdering doctors who perform reproductive health care procedures.

In Michigan, we now have the rape rider law that requires women to anticipate being raped and becoming pregnant from that rape if they choose to terminate the pregnancy. Michigan Right to Life lied by claiming the Affordable Care Act would pay for abortion. The fact is no federal money has paid for an abortion in the United States since 1976. Anti-choice supporters don’t bother with things like facts when they have an agenda.

Today, Planned Parenthood is under attack from the liars again. Anti-choice politicians want to defund Planned Parenthood and are even willing to shut down the government again to force their will onto the American people, despite the majority of Americans wanting Planned Parenthood to remain funded. Wear Pink, turn your facebook profile picture pink, do whatever you can to support Planned Parenthood today.

Between February 2014 and September 2015, 18 deer have been illegally shot in the city of Norton Shores. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is asking for help from the public in finding the person responsible for deer poaching.
According to reports from the Norton Shores Police and the DNR:

  • A resident in the area of Treeline Drive found one dead deer Oct. 26, 2014, and two dead deer May 14, 2015.
  • On Aug. 31, 2015, a resident on Easthill Drive reported finding a dead deer in the yard, and a total of 11 dead deer since February 2014.
  • On Sept. 13, 2015, the Easthill Drive resident found two more dead deer.
  • A resident on Hilltop Drive also reported finding two dead deer since last year.

The current total of poached deer is 18. All of the deer were shot with a small-caliber rifle.

Anyone with information about the suspected poacher or know of more dead deer can call the DNR’s RAP Line at 1-800-292-7800, or report online using the DNR reporting form on their website.
As human development continues to encroach on wildlife habitat, deer are left with no other option than to stay in areas that were once their home and survive with humans. They can be a nuisance and cause damage to trees and gardens, but dealing with the ‘problem’ by illegally shooting deer out of season is illegal, and the people responsible need to be stopped before they accidentally shoot a person.

Michigan’s new superintendent, Brian Whiston, once again is asking for public comment on how to improve Michigan’s public schools. This time he needs input because:

State Supt. Brian Whiston is seeking input on making Michigan a Top 10 education state over the next ten years. In the Superintendent’s ‘Back to School’ podcast, he announced that the MDE has set up both a web page and email account to accept submissions/suggestions from anyone who would like to give input on what it will take to make Michigan a Top Ten State for Education in the next ten years.

Superintendent Whiston, we thought you would never ask!

There are so many things that could be done to improve public education in Michigan. We’re fighting funding cuts, for-profit charter schools leeching students and funding from real public schools while for-profit charter school managers embezzle and defraud taxpayers. Now we have another cry for school vouchers, which are illegal in the state and have proven to be devastating in other states.

Most of all, Superintendent Whiston needs to take the time to listen to teachers. Our education professionals are not being heard with the many concerns and frustrations they have working in public schools. The same people pushing for more for-profit charters and vouchers that are designed solely to eliminate real public education are behind the teacher bashing going on in this country, and especially in Michigan. Teachers want to do the best they can for their students, but they can’t when they’re constantly barraged with unnecessary high-stakes standardized testing and unfair evaluations that don’t begin to truly show the great work they’re doing in the classroom. Kids are more than data.

Here are the four questions the superintendent would like addressed:

  • What are the top two or three goals that Michigan should focus on?
  • What current policies get in the way of that goal?
  • What policies are needed to expedite our progress toward that goal?
  • If you were the State Supt, what are the first three things that you would do?

The deadline to complete the online survey is November 1, 2015. You can either go to the website and fill out the form, or email your suggestions at top10in10@michigan.gov

Here is your chance to let the new superintendent know what he needs to do to help public education stay public.

A Former National Heritage Academy teacher left a comment on this blog that must be shared. They know first-hand that for-profit charter schools are failing our children.

I once worked for this company for three years in Ohio as a teacher and couldn’t be happier to be back in a public school that is getting results without the high stress NHA puts on it’s teachers and administrators all coming from corporate. The corporate world and educational world should never combine – this is a perfect example, but, as long as they have the $$$, they’ll never go away…. someone should really research the turnover rates in these NHA schools. Within three years, almost the entire staff was new (most teachers hired have < 2 years experience). Young teachers are being eaten alive – chewed up and spit out. I’ve never been happier to be in a public school setting where the word “fairness” comes into play not only for students and families…. but the staff working 50+ hours a week, dedicating themselves to better the education world.

The turnover rates are in fact very high for a number of reasons. For-profit charter schools have to make a profit off of our tax dollars. If they can’t, the school closes down, and the staff employed there have to find a job elsewhere. If the teachers working there are from an organization part of the corporate ed reform world, such as Teach For America, they only teach for two years, then TFA assigns them other jobs within their company. Members of TFA only spend time in the classroom when they are the bottom step of that particular pyramid scheme. And then, as this former NHA teacher states, turnover rate is high due to the terrible working conditions and dealing with a corporate administration that puts profits over educating children. Dedicated professionals burn out and leave the teaching field.

The corporate world and educational world should never combine. This is the best statement that accurately explains the demise of America’s once excellent public education system. Corporations fail our children and always will.

Another commenter asked an important question:

Thanks for exposing the truth about the destruction for profit of our public school system. I for one do not want my taxes going to pay these thieves! How can we stop it??

Excellent question! Here are ways for people to get involved and stop the for-profit charter school cancer from spreading.

  • Register to vote and get out and actually vote. The main reason these corporate thieves get away with stealing funding from real public schools is because the wrong people get elected. Don’t assume any Democratic candidate is safe either. Far too many Democratic party politicians support corporate education reform unfortunately, including President Obama. His Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, has been the most devastating to public education so far. All Republicans are in favor of dismantling public education.
  • Take the time to research who funds these anti-education politicians. If they take ANY DeVos money or are endorsed by organizations such as Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP) DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM. There are other organizations and institutions in Michigan also part of the education reform movement. They are all terrible and determined to destroy public education, not improve it.
  • Get involved in your local community’s school district. Attend PTA/PTO meetings and school board meetings. Republicans, especially the religious right targeted taking over these institutions that set policy for school districts decades ago.
  • Any article published in the newspaper claiming 4th graders are failing or statistics show public schools are doing worse than ever and the spokesperson quoted belongs to some “education reform advocacy group” you’ve never heard of before, it’s likely they are a dummy group set up by one of the corporate education reformers putting out negative propaganda. Take the time to research the name of these groups and they always can be traced back to any of the well-known education reform organizations.

Stopping corporate ed reformers will take effort from all of us. Our children’s’ future depends on putting these organizations out of business, and electing candidates into office who support public education.

Cindy Gamrat has been out of office for a week, but she already knows she has to get back there and finish the work God wants her to do. At two in the afternoon today she filed paperwork to run in the November 3, 2015 primary for the house seat she was just expelled from. Apparently there’s no law that says you can’t, so why not?

Religious nutjobs like Cutco Cindy think the constitution should be more like the bible, that’s why God, not the voters, put her in office.

And it’s been a week, everyone’s forgotten already right? God’s forgiven her, so the state of Michigan can at least do that too.

Good luck, Cindy, and thank you for keeping the tea party circus alive just that much longer. We weren’t sure what we would have to laugh at after you and the Toddler were booted from our state legislature.

Tea party VA surgeon and 3 term U.S. Rep Dan Benishek won’t break his vow to only run for three terms after all. This morning he issued a statement claiming he wanted to devote more time to his family and help veterans, and he could do those things better if he wasn’t a US Congressman.

Up North Progressive couldn’t agree more.

Benishek’s voting record for veterans’ issues can only be described as abysmal. As the only Michigan member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, he voted in favor of cutting benefits for homeless veterans, made it harder for veterans to sue the governement, and with other Republicans gutted the funding from a veterans health act that made it even harder for veterans needing health care to get it. He also voted in favor of the Republican-led shut down of the federal government in 2013 that cost the American taxpayers billions. The only time he really ever bothered to talk to veterans was during election years, the rest of the time he was too busy beefing up his stock portfolio and taking handouts from K Street.

According to Roll Call, the race currently rates as lean Republican. The Michigan Democratic Party has two candidates seeking to run for U.S. Congressional District 1: Lon Johnson and Jerry Cannon. Now with the seat open in 2016, Republicans will certainly line up to run as well.

It would be a great thing to have a Democratic Party Congressman representing Northern Michigan again. Someone who will represent the people, rather than use the office to get rich.

J. C. Huizenga recently commented on the 20-year history of his for-profit charter school chain, National Heritage Academies, in an MLive.com article. He claimed their success came from superior academics and being financially strong. There’s so much more to National Heritage Academies, how they started, how they really make their money to be financially strong, and their affiliation with Religious Right organizations.

Huizenga mentions being on the board of TEACH Michigan in the 1990s. TEACH Michigan and TEACH Michigan Education Fund were both formed to change education law in the state of Michigan. Established in 1989 by Paul DeWeese (Yes, THAT Paul DeWeese), both organizations were organized and operated by people associated with Michigan Family Forum – the state branch of Focus on the Family, Mackinac Center, Richard McLelland, former governor John Engler, with plenty of DeVos, Prince, Meijer, M.J, Moroun money to fund them. This group is responsible for changing the Michigan State Constitution to allow for-profit charter schools to take money from real public schools in Michigan. Back in the 1990’s, DeWeese likened reforming education in Michigan to competing car companies selling cars because cars are just like schools and all you have to do to know if you’ve picked a good school for your children is kick the tires.

All of the records from TEACH Michigan, now Partnership for Learning, are archived at the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan. Permission to view the records may only be granted by Paul DeWeese.

Huizenga’s financial success comes from the outrageous million dollar rents charged to National Heritage Academies’ 47 schools in Michigan for the buildings they lease. These schools are all K-8, which is cheaper to operate than high schools. For every $7,000 per-pupil tuition grant National Heritage Academies receives from the state, only $5,000 is spent on teaching students. Remember, for-profit charter schools have to make a profit before educating students.

How about J.C. Huizenga’s claim that National Heritage Academies are academically superior? out of the 47 for-profit charter schools operating in the state of Michigan, only 7 out-perform real public schools in Michigan. another 22 perform at the same level as the state’s real public schools. The rest perform far below public school rankings.

National Heritage Academies are part of the Religious Right’s efforts to eliminate public schools in Michigan. When Huizenga says, “we’ve gotten results,” what he really means is, “I’m getting fabulously rich not only collecting people’s garbage, but shoving garbage schools down the taxpayers’ throats.” Since the first days the Religous Right schemed to destroy public education, J.C. Huizenga was right there with them, doing his part.

John Oliver brings up a valid point, the tea bagger herd is very good at inoculating themselves because they voted for the Toddler and Cutco Cindy in the first place.

Dr. Vijay Kumar of West Branch was arrested on July 21, 2015 for a number of charges, including insurance fraud and criminal sexual conduct with a minor. While those charges are pending and the investigation continues, his suspended medical license was reinstated last week. Dr. Kumar is also a Republican candidate for state representative in the 103rd district according to his campaign website.

The physical therapist owns and operates Adapt or Agility physical therapy clinics in West Branch, Prescott, Rose City, Hale and St. Helen.

The investigation into insurance fraud is ongoing. The investigation into the criminal sexual conduct charge began September 10, 2015.

Republican Vijay Kumar is in good company in the Michigan Republican Party. early this morning, the State House committee voted to expel tea party politician Cindy Gamrat, while her lover and tea party partner, Todd Courser resigned in disgrace. Kumar will run for office, and despite the alleged sexual assault, insurance fraud, Medicaid fraud, and Medicare fraud, people will vote for him simply because there’s an R next to his name. Trash and criminals are all the Republican Party have left.