… belief is the death of intelligence” – Robert Anton Wilson

On social media anti-choicers applauded Robert L. Dear for stopping the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood from murdering more babies while most of the GOP presidential candidates remain mute over the attack on the health care clinic. So far, Mike Huckabee exercised his lack of cognitive ability to parrot what he read on Twitter. It’s not like he has a chance of winning the GOP nomination, so we’ll give him a pass for opening his mouth.

We don’t know what procedures or services the health clinic were busy with on Friday, November 27, as Dear walked into the Planned Parenthood parking lot with his rifle and started shooting at people in cars and on the street. We do know he was never at any bank. The target was always Planned Parenthood. Once he was inside the building, he shot more people, wounding 9 and killing 3 before surrendering to the police. Dear shut the clinic down, but did he stop any abortions that day?

It’s more likely he stopped people from receiving STD testing and treatment, cancer screenings, prenatal care, or engaged couples having premarital tests. He likely stopped people from picking up their birth control, such as women needing hormone therapy, or married couples responsibly managing their family size. Most importantly, people needing health care services who can’t afford them elsewhere were there that day.

It’s obvious the hate speech directed at Planned Parenthood over the fake videos about selling baby parts – something Planned Parenthood has never done, but anti-choicers vehemently believe – is what led Robert Dear to shoot up the clinic. Hate speech repeated by politicians and the media to the point that even while people were being shot and killed, brainwashed anti-choicers continued to parrot that hate speech on the internet and still do it now.

The unfortunate truth about this tragedy is that no matter how much we share facts, belief will prevail. It does no good to tell anti-choicers the Operation Rescue-backed videos are fake, that Obamacare doesn’t pay for abortions, or that women seeking reproductive health care are not sluts. Anti-choicers are beyond understanding the facts and just don’t care. They believe they’re right, and that’s good enough for them.

Forget about anti-choicers. Those of us who know the truth need to support Planned Parenthood now more than ever. The work they do keeping Americans healthy must be protected so they can continue. The more work done to educate people about the truth, the sooner we can put an end to radical religious-fueled violence.

Like a narcissistic moth to a media flame, Michigan State Representative for the 98th District Gary Glenn found this humble blog with a post about how much he craves attention, especially when it pairs his name with someone who is more famous or powerful than he is. If he does it enough, some of that power might just rub off on him and make him famous and powerful too. Gary Glenn is the kind of opportunistic politician who floats from place to place, seizing opportunity whenever possible until he’s burned all of his bridges with his attack dog methods and has to slink off to a place where people don’t know him by reputation, yet. What’s interesting about his comments about this blog however: He didn’t object to being called a homophobe, or that he hates people who don’t worship the same invisible sky alien that he does in the exact same way (Muslims and Christians worship the same deity, although some Christians refuse to acknowledge that). Nor did he get upset about his history of making it harder for working people to work for a decent living wage. What was his objection to the article? The use of an altered photo.

There are lots of pictures of Gary Glenn standing next to famous people, like this picture from 1987 with “from my cold dead hands” Charlton Heston. Remember a couple of years ago when Gary decided to practice the black art of necromancy and bring Charlton Heston back from the dead to stump for him during his campaign for the Michigan state house? Apparently the only famous person willing to campaign for him was a dead man.

And what about this just as homophobic person, James Dobson of Focus on the Family? Gary Glenn objects to photos being cropped whenever he’s in them, because it takes away the whole purpose of being photographed with a well-known person when you’re an opportunist wanting as much attention as possible.

What Gary Glenn doesn’t understand is all of the people he likes to be photographed standing next to are just as horrible as he is. We’re not impressed by all of these images of people who hate Americans so much they would rather destroy America rather than let people they don’t like live here, much less enjoy all of the same rights.

We need more people to see that opportunistict grifters like Gary Glenn are not working for the people they represent, but for their own personal agenda to marginalize and discriminate against a large majority of Americans, because they’re not just like Gary Glenn.

What about the cropped image Gary Glenn keeps whinging about in the comments? The woman he’s standing next to in the image has a famous last name, and everyone knows how much right wingers love to use minorities to try and convince people they’re not bigots. The fact that she’s black had nothing to do with why the image was cropped. The picture was cropped because it fit better on the page that way. As consolation, there are lots of other uncropped pictures of Gary standing next to more powerful people than he will ever be, because that is the only reason he wants those pictures seen.

Let’s end this with a quote from an Idaho Republican who got to know Gary Glenn very well:

OK Gary. You have always been a loud squawker even when you were on the Ada County Commission. So, in the spirit of total disclosure, I have to say you are the only Republican incumbent I ever voted against. You made such a disaster of your one term in office that you became an embarrassment even in the heart of heavily Republican Ada County, Idaho. That colors my opinion of you. In my prejudiced mind, you started off with two strikes against you. You pretty well burned your bridges here in Idaho with a lot of the Republican party save for a few, You left Idaho because of your reputation. Say whatever you want, but your value in Idaho politics was severely limited by your approach.

As for the image? Do a google image search if you really need to see who he’s standing next to.

Gary Glenn documented every instance of his name on his Facebook page this week in relation to Rick Snyder being the first state governor to ban, then put on hold relocating Syrian refugees to Michigan. Glenn shared his press release and quotes from online news, broadcast, and print sources such as Midland Daily News, Mlive, Detroit Free Press, Salon, various right wing news sources, and even international news, the London Daily Heil Mail.

Glenn probably loves the fact he has a new group of people to publicly hate now that the Supreme Court of the United States took away his ability to discriminate against gay people who want to get married. Glenn was instrumental in drafting the laws that made same sex marriage illegal in Michigan, even in case Michigan residents went to Canada to get married once it became legal there to do so.

The North Carolina native also hates working people. He helped get Right to Work passed in Idaho and Michigan. He likes to move around to different states, run for political office until the poll numbers don’t work out before moving on to the next state, bringing with him his burning hatred for anyone who isn’t male, white, fundamentalist Christian, and flaming heterosexual just like him.

It was not so long ago Gary Glenn was part of the tea bagger trifecta with Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat. All three publicly supported the new speaker of the state house to adopt the Hasturt Rule when the new session began in January of 2015. They also promised to push their tea party agenda on the rest of the state. By June of 2015, Gary Glenn very prominently made it clear he didn’t consider himself a member of the Contract on Liberty Friends anymore. It’s known by the rest of the world now what people in the Lansing capital were aware of back then: Gamrat was firmly in Courser’s grip.

But thanks to his well-timed press release, Gary Glenn’s name got lots of media exposure as the guy who suggested the Nerd do exactly what Snyder inanely decided to do a week ago. Michigan’s one tough idiot created an avalanche of stupid around the country, as other governors went full lemming at the idea of scary Muslims moving into their state. None of the governors have any control over whether Syrian refugees come to their states or not however, the federal government has jurisdiction.

Hatred comes from fear and cowardice. Gary Glenn is the biggest coward of them all.

Back in August when Communications Director for Eagle Mine, Dan Blondeau, sent love letters to Up North Progressive, he also offered the opportunity to go out on a date and tour the facility. Since then, mysterious emails arrive periodically with the offer to tour Lundin Minings’ operations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Up North Progressive has yet to accept the offer.

Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota, however did accept and recently toured Eagle Mine. Save the Wild U.P., a grassroots organization dedicated to preserving as much of Northern Michigan’s pristine environment as possible invited Governor Dayton to meet with them when he visited Michigan. He did not, so the group published this open letter in the Minnesota Star Tribune. They granted Up North Progressive permission to also publish the letter.

Dear Gov. Mark Dayton,
When we learned you’d be touring Eagle Mine in Michigan’s wild Upper Peninsula, we — Board and Advisory Board members of grassroots environmental group Save the Wild U.P. — asked to meet with you, to share key concerns about the Eagle Mine. We’d like you to make an informed decision on the PolyMet project. Since you were unable to meet with us during your visit, we’re sharing our concerns publicly.


You toured Eagle Mine’s facility, which the sulfide mining industry deems an environmentally responsible sulfide mine. Did you happen to notice the newly constructed, heavy-duty paved haul road you traveled on from Big Bay, pavement which ends at the gates of Eagle Mine? Under Michigan’s Part 632 Legislation governing sulfide mining, that road should have been regulated as a mining haul road, subject to an environmental impact assessment and permit revisions. Through a series of political-corporate sleights of hand, however, the haul road was paid for by Eagle Mine, but constructed as a County Road.


Did Eagle show you their air pollution? For example, did Eagle proudly show you the Main Vent Air Raise on the bank of the Salmon Trout River, a wild blue-ribbon trout stream flowing swiftly down to Lake Superior? During the mine’s permitting phase, Eagle pledged to use environmentally responsible baghouse filters to remove heavy metals, sulfide rock particles, exhaust from underground equipment, and cancer-causing particulates ejected from the mine following blasting. Did they mention that they changed the design, revised the permit, and removed all filters? Now, twice daily, the underground sulfide orebody is blasted, and a plume of heavy metals is blown from the stack at high velocity. The pollutants are carried on the winds, falling out over the surrounding environment. Only one stack test was ever done, more than a year ago, prior to the mine becoming fully-operational. Twice daily, we are told, someone stands at the vent site and views the plume to rate how dark it is, a sort of visual opacity test — although one blast takes place at night. The actual contents of Eagle’s air pollution plume remain entirely unassessed and unregulated.


Did Eagle Mine show you the Salmon Trout River, a pristine, groundwater-fed river? At their treated wastewater infiltration system, the mine’s deionized wastewater is returned to the shallow groundwater aquifer, where it bonds with metals in the ground as it percolates. Almost immediately, it is outside of Eagle’s fenceline. Did Eagle Mine explain they are utilizing groundwater as if it were a sewer pipe, conveying wastewater directly to springs which feed the East Branch of the Salmon Trout River? We’d like you to understand that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the EPA have allowed Eagle Mine to use the wrong permit — a Groundwater Discharge Permit, meeting only human drinking water values, rather than an NPDES Clean Water Act permit, with the more sensitive pollution limits for copper and other contaminants needed to protect macroinvertebrates and other stream life, including trout. We hope you learned there are no monitoring wells tracking the movement of Eagle’s wastewater toward these critical springs. The Salmon Trout River will be harmed — it’s simply a question of when.


Eagle Mine LLC’s milling facility, the Humboldt Mill, also poses multiple threats to clean water, with discharges from its tailings degrading the Escanaba River watershed, and the Lake Michigan basin. Note that Lundin Mining has provided a mere $23.2 million in total financial assurances for both the mine ($18m) and the mill ($5.2m) — a tiny sum, inadequate to fund even an EPA cleanup investigation.


The sulfide mining industry would like you to ignore these serious issues — impacts to the air, water, and land, as well as grossly inadequate bonding assurances — while falsely portraying the Eagle Mine as environmentally protective. The Eagle Mine should be viewed as a dire warning, rather than a good example. We urge you to deny the PolyMet permit, and protect Minnesota’s most valuable natural resource: clean water.


Kathleen Heideman

President of Save the Wild U.P.

It’s a shame the Governor didn’t meet with Save the Wild U.P. He would have been shown a vastly different side of Eagle Mine, the “county” road they insist they had nothing to do with but completely funded, and the real threat the mine poses to the environment. Perhaps next time an elected official takes the tour, they will find the time and learn the truth about Eagle Mine in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Things have certainly changed for Dr. Steve Ingersoll in just five short years. It was in January of 2010 when MAPSA posted this bit of news about Lake Superior State for-profit charter schools Grand Traverse Academy and Detroit Service Learning Academy getting together so DSLA could see Integrated Visual Learning at work.

“Cutting-edge philosophy in instruction” and “future in the broader scope of education,” Indeed!

In truth, Ingersoll from the very beginning saw for-profit charter schools for the tax dollar-leeching potential they held even back in the days when he convinced former charter school partner, Chuck Stockwell, IVL could cure his daughter of her inoperable brain tumor. A former teacher who worked at Livingston Developmental Academy described the shady handling of money moving from various sub-companies to others over twenty years ago.

Over the past two years, Ingersoll was indicted, tried, convicted and on December 8 will be sentenced by Judge Ludington in federal district court in Bay City. The intrepid Miss Fortune of course is the only news source in the state currently spending time pouring over letters and documents proving Grand Traverse Academy’s non-elected school board made up of Ingersoll’s family, friends and optometry buddies were all very aware of what Ingersoll was up to, yet did nothing to stop him.

GTA’s authorizer, Lake Superior State University, also did nothing to stop Ingersoll from stealing the taxpayers’ money. There’s a two page letter of hand-wringing from former Superintendent Mike Flanagan to then president of LSSU, Tony McLain with a list of suggestions to remedy the problem, including replace the board with people not related to Steve Ingersoll and ensure the board prohibits contract prepayments. LSSU as GTA’s authorizer receives 3% of the money GTA gets from the state to operate the school, and while it is the job of LSSU to make sure the school board isn’t made up of the management company’s friends, family, or business associates, they have no say in how the school board oversees payments made to the management company. Even after Flanagan asked pretty please, LSSU did nothing. Most of the people who were on the school board for GTA when Ingersoll and Bradley were indicted are still on the board right this minute. Not one thing on the list in Flanagan’s two-page letter to Dr. McLain has ever been implemented.

It’s hard to place the blame even at the state superintendent’s level, and that’s not by accident. It’s the law passed by the state legislature and signed by former Governor John Engler that created the disaster we know as Michigan’s for-profit charter school law. Who wrote that law? A name we all know and loathe when it comes to corporate school reform in Michigan – Richard McLellan.

McLellan has been a burr under the saddle in Michigan politics since 1967 when he and his University of Michigan law school buddies started Cornerstone Foundation. This organization gave birth to Mackinac Center for Public Policy, which anyone struggling to stay in the middle class in this state can tell you relentlessly works to destroy the middle class since its inception. More recently, McLellan was involved with the formation of the Education Achievement Authority and the infamous Project Skunkworks.

It was in 1990 when McLellan was on the transition team for soon to be Governor and Mackinac Center member John Engler. He went to work at that time constructing a law to fundamentally change public education in Michigan. With the help of religious extremists and deep pockets in the state, McLellan provided the leg work for what would become Michigan’s for-profit charter school malaise. John Engler signed the legislation into law, and the corporate reformers have gorged at the taxpayer trough ever since. In 20 years 232 charter schools opened in Michigan. Over 80% of them are for-profit with unelected school boards and no accountability to anyone. The law was written that way, and many of the people responsible for that happening still hold high positions in Michigan government.

Sentencing Steve Ingersoll to prison won’t begin to cure the for-profit charter school cancer killing public education in Michigan. But that was the point of charter schools in Michigan all along.

Apparently, the commenter from Ypsilanti does. Almost a month after leaving a comment on this story, she returned to leave another comment.

Despite the Michigan Department of Education listing Castlebond Enterprises as the for-profit manager of Gateway To Success, it was never ever true. West Shore Education Service District has no clue what they’re doing and listed the wrong company – according to Sarah B. All Castlebond did was some teeny tiny minuscule compliance consulting. West Shore ESD was wrong – Castlebond Enterprises never managed G2S.

This seems like a huge mistake for an intermediate school district to make. How did they not know which management firm they had contracted with? Don’t charter school authorizers need to know that? At some point they figured it out, because on October 12, 2015, the Michigan Department of Education changed the name of the management company from Castlebond Enterprises to “self-managed”.

Something Up North Progressive noted in this story the same day MDE changed the status.

Whether it was a mistake made by MDE, West Shore ESD, or maybe even stories published on this blog, someone realized there was a problem and decided self-managing Gateway To Success Academy would be a better option rather than a for-profit charter school manager with no fixed address relying on LegalZoom for legal advice. Sarah B’s insistence that Castlebond Enterprises never was the management company smacks of damage control more than a simple clerical error.

For-profit charter schools in Michigan have been nothing but a two decades-long error full of scandals, criminal activity and grift. The near invisible coverage of the biggest case of federal bank fraud and embezzlement by former charter school manager, Dr. Steve Ingersoll, reached its third week of sentencing proceedings with no end in sight. This is only one crooked charter school manager. The state of Michigan currently allows 232 for-profit charter schools to operate in the state with management companies just like Dr. Steve Ingersoll once operated. The case is in federal district court in Bay City, so the local paper covers it. The Traverse City Record-Eagle however stands mute when it comes to local charter schools raiding the safety deposit box of taxpayer funds. When a TCAPS employee does it of course, it’s front page news.

If one for-profit charter school stealing $3.5 million of the taxpayers money isn’t enough, then consider the $1.7 million the state of Michigan’s handed out to for-profit charter schools that never opened. Tea Party Charter School aka Warren Classical Academy is listed on page 15 of a report released last month. Warren Classical Academy, one of two for-profit charter schools backed by Hillsdale College’s Barney Charter Initiative is the fever dream of social media tea party diva Pasquale Battaglia. His openly racist comments on twitter are the reason why both of those for-profit charter schools failed to be authorized by anyone.

West Shore ESD making such a glaring error of not knowing who their management company is before G2S even has enough money to open in the autumn of 2016 doesn’t bode well for the charter school. Other errors people involved with G2S have made include one of the members of the Pennies From Heaven charity saying in front of witnesses while vacationing in Arizona that “G2S will never be for alternative education.” There was also the error made by Jamie Bandstra wasting professional development time at Journey Junior Senior High School pulling out G2S blueprints and asking the soon to be unemployed school staff for their input. The worst error of all was leaving 125 at-risk high school students out in the cold. These kids are scared they lost their chance to graduate from high school because their former principal and the local oil baron have to build a legacy in the community to boost their egos.

If Gateway To Success somehow manages to beat the odds and actually opens next fall, time will tell if they succeed where every other for-profit charter school opened in the same region has failed. Parents of students attending West Shore ESD schools need to pay very close attention to what is going on in Michigan and the growing scandal of for-profit charter schools operating in the state. Sarah B is right about West Shore ESD, but for the wrong reason. Authorizing Gateway To Success Academy is decidedly a huge error.

I can’t imagine why. Anyway, the Gods smiled upon us and he’s out of the race. Not that he was ever really in the race.

May you and your brony boy Brian Boyko never be heard from to steal another dollar with your poorly executed money scams again.

The Michigan DNR wants people to help them find denned bears for an ongoing research project. They are asking any Michigan resident hunting, trapping or just spending time outdoors in the northern Lower Peninsula to report any bear dens they find to the DNR.

Bears located in dens will be inspected as possible research subjects. If selected, they will be tagged and fitted with radio collars so they can be tracked by conservation officers.

Bear populations are rising in Northern Michigan. The DNR wants to research how many bears are living in the state. They also want to find out where bears are making dens for the winter and what food they’re eating.

A man from downstate shot a collared bear with three cubs in Oceana County during bear season on September 23, 2015. He turned himself in and faces jail time and fines if convicted. It is legal for hunters to harvest a collared bear during bear season, but sows with cubs are not to be hunted.

If you’re outdoors in northern lower Michigan this winter and find a bear den, you can contact the DNR by calling Mark Boersen at 989- 275-5151, or by email at boersenm@michigan.gov . A GPS location of the bear den if possible would be a great help.

The Up North Progressive has been really busy these past couple of weeks getting adjusted to the new full time job and frankly more interested in the giant (or as Trump would say, “yooge”) Coprinopsis atramentaria coming up in the front yard than the current state of chaos within the GOP, but the recent blow up over the LIEberal media and the last GOP primary debate proves anyone who votes Republican in 2016 is a dangerous, deranged lunatic.

The best part about last Wednesday’s debate happened during the kiddie table session. Lindsey Graham won by being the most inebriated and ranting about where he wanted to shove his fist in every dictator in the world as warmonger in chief.

Because CNBC covers financial news, the candidates were expected to answer questions about their financial plans for the country. None of these guys have financial plans, which is why all of the candidates either played “I don’t like your question, so I’m going to answer the question I wish you’d asked instead” or blew up at the moderators using the Sarah Palin complaint to deflect away their incompetence. The fantasy football question was legit – that’s the level of intelligence the moderators knew they were dealing with.

Rubio thinks it will help the economy to keep hard-to-fill jobs vacant for half a year. Ben Carson has no clue what his tax cut plan would do, except make God happy because his tax plan comes from the bible. Jeb Bush talks about how much he likes Charles Murray’s take on poverty. Donald Trump thinks toughing it out financially includes dad giving you a million bucks. Rand Paul wants government so small he can barely see it. Huckabee, Ted Cruz, and the rest, send them all to Gilligan’s Island, they can do less harm there.

And it seems that’s the plan, because yesterday the news was full of how the campaigns were revolting against Reince Priebus and the RNC. Seems the GOP candidates really are taking their ball and going home. Priebus begged to be included, but he’s shut out of the meeting.

NBC received a letter from the GOP stating their February GOP debate was suspended, but it’s not enough. The candidates want debates where they can drone on about their religiousyness, their ideology about what they think America should be, and how they should be in charge of a government they want to shut down.

The GOP candidates hate the debates because they have nothing to debate about but ideology. The GOP is out of real solutions for anything, backed themselves into a corner failing to stop everything the White House accomplished despite their best efforts, and now they’re fighting each other to win a presidency that slips further and further away with every election cycle. Out of touch and running out of time. Just like their animal mascot: Very possibly extinct within 50 years.