Davison High School students produced this excellent documentary about the Flint water crisis.

The Pere Marquette National Memorial will be revitalized in part from a donation made by Enbridge Energy Partners. The money will be used by the Michigan Historical Society to rebuild part of the memorial destroyed by fire in 2000.

The national memorial is dedicated to the memory of Father Jacques Marquette; he founded the first permanent European settlement in Michigan and explored west looking for the fabled Northwest Passage. The museum on the western side of the memorial will be restored after 15 years with the money donated by Enbridge.

Enbridge Community Relations Manager, Jason Manshum, commented on the donation to the state.

Enbridge has been part of Michigan life for more than 60 years, and we work hard to live up to that ‘good neighbor’ status in a variety of ways – economically, socially, and culturally.

Enbridge is committed to enriching the communities near our operations. We know that being a good neighbor means being essential to the fabric of the community. Helping jump-start the Father Marquette National Memorial at Straits State Park reflects what is truly important to us – the values of integrity, safety and respect.

In 2010, Michigan suffered the worst inland oil spill when Enbridge line 6B spilled a million gallons of crude oil into the Kalamazoo River. The clean up cost billions and the EPA made the company return to clean up more of the 35 mile spill the since the first disaster first happened. Concerns over Enbridge Line 5, which lies below the Mackinac Bridge in the Straits of Mackinac have grown since the Kalamazoo River Spill. The pipe was laid over 60 years ago. People are justifiably concerned if the aging pipe were to rupture, the ecological disaster to the waters of the straits would be far-reaching and impact hundreds of miles of shoreline in the Great Lakes.

If Enbridge wants to show they are truly committed to enriching communities, they can start by removing Enbridge Line 5 from the Straits permanently. That would be a revitalization project the community of the Straits would happily welcome from their ‘good neighbor’.

The next debate lineup for January 14, with the top ranking candidates in the center and the bottom ranking on the outside.

Unfortunately for Jeb!, there is no chance of going back in time and making this right by having a jet engine kill him in his sleep.

Back in 2011, when an unknown, nerdy former chairman of the board of a former computer giant called Gateway was sworn in as governor of the state of Michigan, his plans for the state set off alarm bells in more than a few state residents. Raising taxes on poor people and old people, cutting over a billion dollars out of the school budget to offset two billion in corporate tax cuts made us cringe. Then we learned of something even worse: A plan to substantially increase the powers and duties of the Emergency Financial Manager.

Governor Blanchard first used emergency managers during his administration. They had no power in any way to overrule the democratically elected local government, their purpose simply included helping that government work on budgeting better and get out of debt. The Nerd changed that. He decided that emergency managers shouldn’t share power, they should have ALL the power. They would strip the local government of all authority, break contracts, fire at will, and privatize any and all services the city, school district, township, or county provided to the residents. The Up North Progressive was one of many who noticed this sounded an awful lot like the plot of RoboCop.

It didn’t take long for those of us who were alarmed by this venture capitalist nerd and his sinister plans to organize and beat the streets. We worked through the summer of 2011 collecting signatures to recall him and hold a new election. We worked hard asking the unions to get involved. They refused. We worked hard to get the Democratic Party behind us. They refused. Michael Moore? Not a peep from him. As it slowly and depressingly sank in that we were stuck with Snyder for four years, we worked on other petition drives, including getting rid of the Nerd’s despicable emergency manager law. We didn’t succeed in collecting enough signatures to recall him, but we did collect enough to put eliminating P.A. 4 a.k.a Rick Snyder’s democracy-killing emergency manager law up to a vote of the people. The referendum went on the ballot in 2012, and the law was repealed.

Then Rick Snyder simply had the state legislature write up and pass a new version of the emergency manager law. Despite promising the city of Detroit there would be no bankruptcy, he secretly worked on finding an emergency manager to do just that. Despite obvious evidence that the Education Achievement Authority was a colossal failure, he threatened the rest of state he would expand his special pet school district to everyone. Despite the Michigan State Constitution banning school vouchers, he had software developers and members of his administration holding secret meetings called ‘skunkworks’ to force illegal school vouchers down Michiganians’ throats.

By the time 2014 came, his emergency managers were entrenched in communities helping Snyder’s corporate friends scoop up the assets and privatize them. Detroit residents had their water shut off. Detroit businesses continued getting all the water they wanted while owing millions to the city. As if cutting off city residents to water wasn’t bad enough, an even more deadly horror silently flowed into the taps of homes of Flint residents.

Resignation that the Nerd won another four years to destroy Michigan gave way to anger when people made noise that Flint was being poisoned by the water they had to drink thanks to Rick Snyder’s emergency manager. There is no way to blame this on the city of Flint, or their elected leaders. The local government had no power. They didn’t make the decision to switch to a water supply that was toxic, the decision was made for them by a Snyder appointee who only had to report to Snyder.

So far, making sure branding the crisis is a priority to helping the people suffering through the crisis:

Good thing we have the logo sorted. How else would anyone know the state is taking proactive steps to solve problems? They’re not taking proactive steps. Mostly the state has been in damage control mode trying to figure out how to deal with what is according to them “apparently going to be a thing now.”

According to FOIA records, we know the Snyder administration knew 6 months ago there was a problem with the water in Flint. The city had already been poisoned with the water for a year by then. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality denied the reports, told the EPA they were wrong. Told specialists from Virginia Tech they were wrong. Told pediatricians testing children’s blood and finding alarming levels of lead they were wrong. None of them were wrong. Lansing was wrong. Rick Snyder was wrong.

What happened in Flint, Detroit, and everywhere else Snyder has touched with his toxic hand is criminal. At the least, he shouldn’t be Governor anymore. His political career should be dead. Ideally, Snyder should have to answer for his crimes. Unfortunately he won’t.

Back in 2011, a small group of people realized the damage Rick Snyder could potentially do to the state and organized a recall campaign to get rid of him. Imagine how different things would be today if we had support from the unions, the Democratic Party, more people who knew what Snyder was doing was wrong, but didn’t get involved. Hate to say it, but we told you so.

While the federal circuit court in Bay City gives those of us paying attention to Steve Ingersoll’s sentencing hearing January blue balls, Miss Fortune continues to share what she’s learned from the testimony given during December court proceedings. Bay City Academy’s in debt so bad they sent an unapproved debt reduction plan to the state … but the Michigan Department of Education still doesn’t see any need to cut the failing school’s funding. We also learned that after Ingersoll’s conviction, he tried to secure a loan from a bank to start a new visual learning school program with his business partners, former LSSU Charter School office director Bruce Harger and Grand Traverse Academy board president Brad Habermehl.

But what really caught the Up North Progressive’s eye was the news that Steve Ingersoll and Mark Noss are still peddling their icon mapping software as a tutoring package through the Excel Institute in Traverse City. They’re not calling it Icon Curriculum Mapping anymore, they call it Icon Learning; any opportunity to get a glimpse of this enigmatic and elusive curriculum that’s supposed to revolutionize education, especially for students with learning disabilities can’t be missed!

The description of the method used is sufficiently vague enough to not give any real information on what the method actually is or how it’s going to help children learn, except to assure the reader that they are very successful in teaching children how to learn.

Our Method

The primary step of the icon Learning methodology is to teach students a learning technique that will improve performance across all academic subjects. We have reviewed the state of Michigan education requirements for all grade levels to ensure that our lessons correlate directly with the lessons the student receives at school.

Traditional teaching methods tend to start at the beginning of a subject and continue to introduce basic information details in a linear form. Through the icon Learning method, every time a new factor is introduced (e.g. a new U.S. president) we reference back to the word web so that students can properly place the information they receive into the order it belongs. (What?)

Our learning strategy has repeatedly proven to be successful, no matter what the lesson content has been. By reorganizing course content in ways that encourage visual learning, we have been able to teach children how to learn differently, ultimately correcting insufficiencies in learning habits.

Let’s take a look at the sample Social Studies lesson designed to help children read the US Constitution:

Okay, these symbols are supposed to have something to do with the preamble to the US Constitution? It’s hard to tell when there’s no context. Let’s see the next part:

This image includes a cat – thought bubble – letter U – onion. Oh wait, in order for the struggling reader to better understand the image designed to give him clues about the US Constitution, he has to READ THE WORD IN THE THOUGHT BUBBLE for the images to make sense.

But it doesn’t make any sense. What does purr U onion have to do with the preamble to the constitution? How does going through these mental gymnastics help the child read? Let’s take a look at a science lesson.

Here we have something that’s supposed to teach the student about conductive heat. If you needed more proof that Icon Learning is just repackaged Icon Curriculum Mapping, here it is. This image used to be on the Icon Curriculum Mapping website.

Con duck … get it? Burnt finger hot stove and that’s conductive heat kids. It gets better, what could they possibly do with something more complex, like atomic structures?

So here we have the symbol for American Atheists paired with a half-built outhouse. Below that is a politician, Newt politician, and a cat donut leaning against one of those big weights that falls on Loony Toons characters.

The biggest problem with this so-called curriculum is where is the context? How does a man named Ron who kids may or may not understand is running for election teach a child about atomic structures? A look at Bay City Academy’s science test scores answers that question.

Bonus image just for fun:


It’s horrifying that even after his conviction, Steve Ingersoll continues to come up with another business model where he can successfully scam desperate parents into paying for this “vision therapy curriculum”. Without context, how does a child really learn from Icon Mapping? Setting up children to fail using untested curriculum is abusive. Where is the evidence that Icon Learning is aligned with state curriculum standards?

Up North Progressive bets the answer to that question is never. If anyone have evidence that Ingersoll aligned Icon Learning to the state standards, pretty please share? Anyone willing to share more examples of IVL or Icon Learning are more than welcome to send an email.