UPDATE: As of this morning, the sign now reads exit 176.

There is an update to the story about the sign that leads people to an exit that doesn’t exist on US 131, and it involves a tragic event. Up North Progressive shared the story about the misprinted sign in Wexford County on US 131 with the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Facebook page. They were amazingly prompt with their response on March 7:

Interesting – thanks for the heads up. We’ll check in with the Cadillac TSC.

Thanks for following MDOT!

You’re welcome! About eight hours later there was an update from MDOT:

Got some more info on that sign for you. The private company contracted by MDOT to install those blue accommodations signs is well aware of the issue. In fact, the company had plans to get it replaced until a terrible crash occurred recently, killing one of the contractor’s workers. Things have been on hold for awhile but it will be taken care of.

MDOT provided a link to the story about the crash, in which it’s revealed that the worker who died in the crash lost his life while working near the exit 176 ramp. Sean Jordan was from Holly. He died when he was struck by a semi on February 8, 2016. the driver of the truck was taken into custody, but all charges against him were dropped on March 8. The Wexford County Sheriff’s Deputy makes an insightful comment:

You usually don’t see construction workers in the wintertime on the side of the road, working on signs or doing road construction.

The private company Jordan worked for is Action Traffic Maintenance in Flint. There are plans in the future to replace the sign with the correct exit number on it, but that has yet to happen, and the fatality is part of the reason for the delay.

Condolences to the family of Sean Jordan.

On Tuesday, March 1, 2016, The Justice Department indicted fracking developer Aubrey McClendon for bid-rigging over land deals. Less than 24 hours later, Aubrey McClendon drove his SUV at a high rate of speed into a wall and died instantly. Condolences to the family of Aubrey McClendon. Up North Progressive chose to not publish this article until after a few days passed.

Aubrey McClendon is infamously known for wanting to develop lake shore property near Saugatuck. As bad as that may be, McClendon was also involved in Michigan in a much more sinister way, and most people in Michigan are likely unaware of McClendon’s business in Northern Michigan. This is not an accident. Aubrey McClendon deliberately wanted to conceal his identity to the residents living in this region of the state. In the summer of 2010, hundreds of people representing Western Land Services of Ludington and a company called Northern Michigan Land Exploration flooded communities all over northern Michigan offering hundreds and even thousands of dollars per acre to lease the mineral rights from land owners. Many may remember receiving a phone call before a person from Western Land Services came to their home.

Many Northern Michigan residents will also remember when the money for those leases never materialized, because according to Aubrey McClendon, “drilling a dry hole changes things.” Meaning most of those leases Michigan landowners signed expecting a big bonus were never paid. Northern Michigan Land Exploration was a shell company set up by another shell company to conceal who was behind the bogus leases – Audrey McClendon’s Chesapeake Oil. In fact, Western Land Services in Ludington was required to keep the real lessee a secret as they called on almost a thousand households in Northern Michigan peddling Chesapeake’s offer.

John Wilson’s company was part of that scam. They knew who they were working for, but never revealed that to the people they tried to lease land from. Right now Wilson wants people to buy into this new for-profit charter school, Gateway To Success Academy. A school he claims was not his idea, but would annoy Jamie Bandstra every time he walked into the doomed Journey Alternative Ed program and ask out loud, “How is my school coming?”

Something to think about as we hear more about this miracle charter school that’s going to save education in Northern Michigan. Another dry hole that will change nothing but divert funding away from our real public schools.

North of Tustin but just south of the rest stop near Cadillac on northbound US 131, a blue sign beckons to motorists that accommodations are available from three hotels if they exit the highway using the off ramp numbered 167. A curious anomaly, because the Tustin exit on US 131 is numbered 168 and miles south of this sign.

You can’t help but wonder, is this elusive exit 167 like platform 9 and 3/4, and one must ram the sign at full-speed to exit US 131 and get to these hotels?

Or perhaps this is the route to the anti Hotel California: You can check in any time you like, if you can find it.

Perhaps like Brigadoon exit 167 only appears once every hundred years, and if you don’t vacate your hotel room by the 11 am checkout, you’re stuck there forever. What about the people who managed to find exit 167? Did they find an elusive spring of immortality and now live like the Tuck family?

Maybe it’s somewhere over the rainbow. and you have to ride a tornado to get to the three hotels listed as being available at off ramp 167.

Or it could be none of these things but instead a clever nod to Eris, Goddess of Chaos, by the Michigan Department of Transportation. After all, the numerology for 167 is obvious: 1+6+7=14, and 1+4=5. Discordians occasionally look for signs from Eris when they randomly need a Discordian oracle.

Despite closely looking for it when passing by the sign, exit 167 has yet to reveal itself. Every morning it’s the the rest stop and then exit 176, one of four exits to the town of Cadillac.

But that elusive fifth exit 167, north of exit 168 … maybe today will be the day.

So enjoy this while recovery is in progress.

And here’s another, just for laughs*

*Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer

The Up North Progressive knows that Western Land Services Owner John Wilson reads this blog (Hello!). The anticipated reply to Friday’s article did not disappoint.

Oh good Lord!

Both G2S and Oaktree Academy are 501c non-profit educational institutions. We’ve invested $250,000 into South Hamlin School to rehab a school that was literally falling apart. Our goal is for all Mason County 4 year olds to have a preschool experience. When kids are kindergarten ready they have a better chance of reading by the 3rd grade. Last year 88%, this year 92%, hopefully we’ll reach 100%. We pay Ludington Schools annual rent of $60,000. That facility will never make any money, nor can it.

Wilson goes on to explain how Gateway To Success wasn’t even his idea, it was everyone else (Ludington Schools, West Shore ESD and MCC) who wanted the charter school; he just donated some money to help. So what about that conversation that happened in Arizona when Mrs. Wilson said G2S would never be for alternative ed?

Wilson then goes on to give everyone else (Ludington Schools, West Shore ESD and MCC) a black eye about the dismal 80 percent graduation rate they’re suffering.

We’re investing $3.5 million into raising our ESD’s graduation rate from its current 80%. When kids drop out of school no one gets their funding. That’s our target audience. If we can identify those kids before they drop out we’ll have a better chance of helping them graduate. Our current graduation rate of 80% is unacceptable. Too many kids are falling through the cracks. G2S is hoping to help give those those kids a better future.

80 percent is unacceptable according to John Wilson. Yes, that means out of 626 students enrolled in Ludington High School, statistically only 501 will graduate and 125 will not.

125 students by the way was the enrollment of Journey Junior Senior High School before it closed. Journey was the alternative education program shuttered to make room for Gateway To Success. What about the future that program offered students so they didn’t fall through the cracks?

Are Ludington Schools really so far below average they need this charter school to pick up the slack before the chaos of the uneducated reigns over the Mason County lakeshore? Just how far below the national average of high school students graduating is Ludington High School? The district must be in a free fall of panic dealing with the scandal of only graduating 80 percent of their total school enrollment. According to the United States department of Education, the current average nationwide is …. wait for it …. are you sitting down? …. 81 percent!

In fact, here is a quote from the US Department of Education’s own website about this “unacceptable” situation:

U.S. students are graduating from high school at a higher rate than ever before, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics. The nation’s high school graduation rate hit 81 percent in 2012-13, the highest level since states adopted a new uniform way of calculating graduation rates five years ago.

The current federal goal for graduating high school students is 90% by the year 2020.

But that may still be too low for John Wilson. He probably remembers a time when everyone he graduated from high school with graduated, and Ludington’s 80 percent graduation rate must be some all-time new low. John Wilson couldn’t be more wrong.

American public schools graduate more high school students now than they ever have in the history of the United States. In 1953 about 50 percent of our population graduated from high school. In the 1930’s it wasn’t even 30 percent. The GED program came about as part of the GI bill. The US Government offered to pay for WWII veterans to go to college, but most of them were so poorly educated, they didn’t have the basic skills to pass college entrance exams. In 1910, most school children were done with school when they reached the 8th grade.

In 1938, this article appeared in a late spring issue of my grandfather’s high school newspaper. He graduated from Henry Ford Trade School in 1940.

74 percent was astronomical in 1938. Notice no one called this school’s graduation rate “unacceptable.”

Jamie Vollmer said it best:

The golden age of America’s schools is a myth. For over two hundred years, America’s public schools have risen to meet every challenge posed by a rapidly-evolving society—an experiment in free-market, representative democracy that is unique in world history. The truth is that, each succeeding generation of young Americans has been better educated than its predecessors.

Ludington High School graduating 80 percent of their students means they’re right on track with the rest of the nation in education achievement. If they make it to 89 percent by 2020, the teachers and staff of Ludington High School deserve a pat on the back, not John Wilson’s condemnation that their efforts are “unacceptable.”

Your move, Mr. Wilson.

For-profit charter school of the future Gateway To Success Academy announced open enrollment for their program scheduled to begin in the fall of 2016. Gateway is the brain child of former Journey Alternative High School Principal, Jamie Bandstra, and Western Land Services owner John Wilson. Bandstra began working and promoting the project while still principal of the alternative education program, even using public school professional development hours to have soon to be unemployed public school teachers help him study the blueprints of the for-profit charter school they were not guaranteed to be offered jobs to teach at. The location for the enrollment paperwork is at 1100 Conrad Industrial Drive in Ludington. This address is also the location for Western Land Services.

John Wilson has his fingers in many pies in Mason County and surrounding communities. He’s the owner of Western Land Services, an oil royalties company that specializes in helping oil companies lease land for oil and gas drilling. Not only heavily invested into opening Gateway To Success Academy, he helped a for-profit company open a day care in Ludington’s closed South Hamlin elementary school (a building that Journey could have used, but the day care was chosen for the building instead). Wilson is the current head of the West Shore Bank Board. He also in the process of opening through his Pennies From Heaven charity partnered with the United Way the Lakeshore Resources Network, a members-only food pantry and community services center.

John Wilson’s Western Land Services was busy until 2010 leasing mineral rights from Northern Michigan land owners for a company called Northern Michigan Exploration. This was a shell company formed in Michigan by another shell company from Delaware called LA Land Acquisition. LA Land then hired O.I.L. Niagaran, who in turn hired Western Land Services to offer land leases to unsuspecting Michigan residents. Who was behind all of this shell company within a shell company smoke and mirrors? Oil giant Chesapeake Energy of Oklahoma. Wilson’s Western Land was under orders not to disclose which company was really leasing the mineral rights from Michigan property owners, and they would have gotten away with it too if hadn’t been for Chesapeake suddenly voiding all of the leases, which means the landowners expecting promised bonuses were never paid. People promised money and not getting it after they signed the contract tend to get angry and sue. Western Land Services was named with all of the other companies involved in the lawsuit on behalf of the leaseholders.

What is it with these “entrepreneurs” and their need to take over property and convert perfectly good public institutions like schools into for-profit corporations? John Wilson reminds of another man who bought up part of a city, opened charter schools and got caught in a fraudulent business deal while convincing people he was a community builder and philanthropist.

The for-profit charter school will be holding a series of presentations over the next few weeks to convince parents to enroll their children into a new, untried school program based on a for-profit charter school chain in San Diego where parents complain about the remedial classes their kids have to take in college because they didn’t learn the skills they need in high school, and all of the students are required to fill out applications to local community colleges so the school chain can boast ALL of their graduates are accepted into college.

We don’t need another for-profit charter school in Northern Michigan siphoning state funds from our already underfunded public schools. The best thing would be for Gateway To Success to never open, or close after failing to make a profit from our tax dollars.

The Michigan Democratic Primary is on March 8, 2016. Any person 18 years or older by that date may vote. Today is the last day to register at the Secretary of State.

The Democratic Party currently has two candidates running for the presidential nomination: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator of Vermont Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders’ entire career has been in politics. Currently, he is a member of the US Senate as an independent. This presidential campaign is his first time to run in the Democratic primary. Senator Sanders sponsored three bills that passed, two of them to rename a post office. Sanders’ campaign promises include convincing a conservative Republican congress that has voted to repeal Obamacare over 50 times to pass universal health care, and to make enemies of Wall Street.

Hillary Clinton is the first former First Lady to be elected to public office. As Senator of New York, she sponsored 711 bills. Other accomplishments include expanding health care for children and veterans, negotiating a cease fire between Zionist occupiers of Palestine and Palestinians, and declared women’s rights and LGBT rights are human rights. Her campaign issues include gun violence prevention, immigration reform, climate change, and campaign finance reform.

The importance of the Democratic Party holding on to the White House in 2016 is critical. The next president will appoint new Supreme Court Justices. The current court has ruled on a number of issues that have had negative effects on campaign finance and voting rights, and imposing fundamentalist religious law over the will of the American people.

Please register to vote today if you haven’t already. On March 8, vote for the Democratic candidate of your choice, and vote blue no matter who in November.

No one thought the Republican Party would top 2012 with Romney Runtime Executable 2.0, “I’m n ur caucus, stealin’ ur delegates” Ron Paul, Ole Frothy, and Moonbase Gingrich. But as we know with the GOP: There’s always more, and it’s always worse.

How much is Reince Priebus’ liver suffering? He’s entertained Romney Runtime Executable 3.0. Something to think about as we watch tonight’s GOP debate.

And how has this video not gone viral yet?

(Chris Christie doesn’t really have an older brother named Kelly)

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Michigan Agency for Energy invite public comments on two draft documents to hire contractors to perform inspection and analysis of Enbridge line 5, the 60 year old oil pipeline that runs under the Mackinac bridge through the Straits of Mackinac.

Enbridge Line 5 carries over 20 million gallons of oil every day through the straits. After Enbridge Line 6B ruptured in the Kalamazoo River on July 26, 2010, creating the worst inland oil disaster in the country, people grew rightfully concerned about other oil and natural gas pipelines operating in the state. Enbridge Line 5 is 15 years older than Line 6B.

Enbridge Line 5 poses an environmental threat to the Great Lakes greater than the spill that happened to the Kalamazoo River near Marshall in 2010. Michigan residents want the pipeline removed from the straits before another ecological disaster happens.

People wanting to make comments on the two draft documents can do so by emailing Holly Simons. The deadline is February 5, 2016.