Nestled in Battle Creek, Michigan, on the grounds of Fort Custer live the cadets of Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy. At-risk teens ages 16 to 18 volunteer to attend this program to improve their lives and learn skills to stay out of trouble as they transition to adult life. Operated by the Michigan National Guard, the cadets are provided with training, education through Marshall Public Schools, and help with finding a job after they leave the academy. Some graduates of the program go on to join the military. The program is free due to funding from the federal government and the state of Michigan. 75% and 25% respectively.
The cadets have the opportunity to participate in many activities, including volunteer work and community service. They travel all over the state and volunteer for different organizations, emergency relief, and food pantries. In fact, recently there was a city in need in Michigan they offered to come and work, but the Snyder administration told them no. That city is Flint.
MYCA offered to come to Flint and help pass out and deliver water to Flint residents, but the Snyder administration told them no.
Now this is odd, because it seems like a perfect fit for MYCA. Rick Snyder activated the National Guard to help in Flint, and MYCA is run by the Michigan National Guard. It’s not like Flint had too many helping hands, and having MYCA cadets passing out water could only be a benefit. The interesting thing is, the National Guard who run the program have no idea why MYCA were told not to come to Flint, just that Snyder told them stay home.
It is possible because a quarter of MYCA’s funding comes from the state that the state government can tell MYCA where they’re allowed to volunteer. But, three quarters of the program’s funding comes from the federal government. Perhaps President Obama can override the Snyder administration’s decision and allow MYCA volunteer in Flint after all when he comes to Flint for his visit next week.
But Todd Courser is running for Lapeer County Prosecutor so …
I bet Todd was a blast at parties in High School!
And to be fair, here’s a picture of Cindy Gamrat swag at a Kalamazoo tea party military memorabilia event in 2014, complete with clip board of nominating petitions.
Good job, Republicans! You know how to pick em!
Once again the Republicans in Lansing are working to privatize more of Michigan’s state-run prison operation. This time the plan is to close down two prisons in the state and relocate the prisoners to privately-owned North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan. Before the state legislature votes on this issue, they need to take a closer look at where this prison is located, and some of the problems that currently exist.
Every day GEO Group keeps North Lake open, they’re losing money. Either the prison closes, or they need to find another client. Last May when GEO Group started mass-hiring staff for the soon to be activated prison, new and returning employees were told there would be about 700 prisoners from Vermont at the end of June, and 1000 prisoners coming from the state of Washington by October of 2015. It’s now April of 2016, the promised inmates from The Evergreen State still haven’t shown up, and the third out of state contract GEO Group had been in negotiations with last fall obviously didn’t materialize. Now Michigan could be moving prisoners into North Lake and take over operating the entire facility.
Lake County has a permanent population of around 10,000. The largest town in the county, Baldwin, has about 1,200 people living there. The county has abundant state and federal forest land, and the region is famous for white water rafting, trout fishing, and jazz music festivals offered in historic Idlewild. While there are many positive things to enjoy in Lake County, there are also some deep problems. Lake County is the poorest county in the state with the highest child poverty rate. Affordable housing is an epidemic problem, and jobs are hard to come by. GEO Group promised opening the prison would bring money to Lake County. That has yet to happen.
The Michigan Department of Corrections taking over North Lake to house up to 1700 prisoners means relocating required staff to operate the prison. In June of 2015 GEO Group hired around 125 people to activate the prison for Vermont and Washington. Some people were rehires, but many were new to Lake County and the state of Michigan. Local housing for these people didn’t exist, and some had to commute as far away as Big Rapids, Cadillac, and Ludington where housing was available. Employees had to live in motels for months until they could move into rentals or homes they bought. GEO Group certainly didn’t consider it their responsibility to help locate housing for their new employees, what will the state do when faced with the same problem?
What about the 240 prisoners currently at North Lake? Vermont Department of Corrections signed a contract with GEO Group in May of 2015 to house up to 675 prisoners. The first group of 290 arrived from Kentucky and Arizona at the end of June, and not one more prisoner has been sent to North Lake from Vermont since – while 50 have since been sent back. Does the Michigan Legislature intend for these 240 out of state prisoners to remain at North Lake, or will GEO Group need to ship them to a different facility if they get the Michigan contract? Local Vermont news is full of stories about how the prisoners currently at North Lake really don’t care for being at North Lake all that much.
Another problem for the state legislature to consider are the 70-odd non-union security officers, programming, maintenance, medical, and kitchen staff currently employed there. The job security GEO Group promised never happened. The anticipated boost to the local economy has been insignificant. People had to find housing in other communities and took their money with them. Another unpublished fact is there have been some layoffs at North Lake already. What happens to the people still working there if Michigan takes the prison over? GEO Group will likely relocate some higher-ranking employees to other prisons, just like they brought these people to Michigan last June. The rest will be job hunting in a region of the state that still suffers from double digit unemployment.
These are obviously things the subcommittee in Lansing never considered in their vote to lease North Lake Correctional Facility from GEO Group. The Republican-controlled state government once again only wants to cut expenses now, throw their hands up later when their actions create nothing but more problems for the people of Michigan. Another mess the taxpayers may be strapped to pay for in the future.
All of the articles written about the criminal enterprise known as Bay City Academy are worth it when someone comes forward and confirms what we know must be happening inside the walls of this for-profit charter school. A former teacher of BCA bravely commented tonight to share the harsh truth: Rep. Charles Brunner is right about Bay City Academy being a “sorry excuse for a school.”
I worked at that school and could not tell you what that means. Rep. Brunner was harsh but correct. It was hard to hear but it’s true. Teachers I know that are desperately trying to change it from the inside, for the sake of the kids, are fed up because the administration does not care. They’re faced with the dilemma of staying to protect the kids or leaving for our own mental health. Admin doesnt care. They only see dollar signs, not individual students-many of whom are disadvantaged. And I wholeheartedly believe that something like this would not happen in Farmington Hills, or another affluent area with well educated people. Steve and Brian know that most parents would not ask questions, or even know what to ask. Please keep reporting.
The best way these teachers could protect the kids is do whatever it takes to close Bay City Academy down for good. The most telling part of this comment is the statement “Steve and Brian know that most parents would not ask questions, or even know what to ask.” Meaning, Steve Ingersoll is ‘present tense’ still involved with BCA.
But anyone who’s been bothering to follow this story so far knows this already. For-profit charter schools in Michigan serve one purpose, and it has nothing to do with educating children. It’s like this teacher says, “they only see dollar signs.”
Hopefully continued reporting will compel more people to come forward with the truth about this “sorry excuse for a school.”
Gary Naeyaert reached a new low tonight. Michigan State Representative Charles Brunner called out the Michigan Department of Education’s really bad decision to give Brian “gotta save my meal ticket” Lynch more time to reduce the debt of Bay City Academy. BCA is the charter school that finally exposed convicted felon Steve Ingersoll for the financial shell game he’s played for decades with Michigan taxpayers’ money.
An example of Naeyaert’s white-knighting BCA can be enjoyed below. This all happened because Charles Brunner truthfully commented that Bay City Academy is a “sorry excuse for a school.” He’s not wrong.
Gary Naeyaert often posts identical tweets on both the GLEP and his personal twitter accounts. Just don’t reply to his personal accounts about those carbon copy tweets. He’s trying to keep things professional. Making sure Dick and Betsy DeVos get their money’s worth after all. This is what Naeyaert is paid to do as the director of the Great Lakes Education Project. The DeVos organization’s purpose is to destroy public education because Dick and Betsy think it’s icky that kids attend public schools.
Bay City Academy, the damsel in distress Naeyaert defends with his infantile tweets, has been in trouble one way or another since Steve Ingersoll hatched the scheme to shuffle money from Grand Traverse Academy through his numerous LLC shell bank accounts into his own pocket and make it appear like he was investing in a new for-profit charter school in Bay City. The sentencing hearing has been going since October of 2015, because the federal prosecutors keep exposing more criminal activity that Ingersoll, his business partner Mark Noss, former LSSU charter authorizer head Bruce Harger, and GTA board president Brad Habermehl were planning after Ingersoll was convicted. Son in law Brian Lynch meanwhile attempts to convince anyone BCA has nothing to do with Ingersoll, despite Ingersoll owning the buildings his failing for-profit charter school operates in, and still using Ingersoll’s IVL vision therapy every day as a major part of the school’s curriculum.
What Gary Naeyaert wants people to forget as he reverts to the mental level of a six year old is the truth about for-profit charter schools. Steve Ingersoll is only one person who has taken our tax dollars and converted them into private assets so he can own a house in Traverse City, a mansion in Bay City, and a even a place in Boca Raton, Florida. There are 232 for-profit charter schools currently operating in the state of Michigan with no cap on how many of these tax dollar Hoovers exist. What are the chances there are even more Steve Ingersolls running these money traps in our state?
So while MAPSA screams for an apology from Brunner, and Gary Naeyaert holds his breath until he turns blue to distract us, it’s becoming obvious the for-profit charter school gang may be getting worried more people will learn the truth about for-profit charter schools and the criminals running them. What other reason could there be for Gary Naeyaert to play make believe with his personification of a charter school calling State Rep Brunner childish names?
While the international press tears through 11.5 million documents leaked from the Panama financial firm, Mossack Fonseca, we have our own leaked shell game still unfolding in the sentencing hearing of Dr. Steve Ingersoll. Lots of dummy companies to spread lots of money around and make it magically disappear into Ingersoll’s pockets. Money he received from the Michigan taxpayers to run for-profit charter schools in the state using his vision therapy program, Integrated Visual Learning.
The Traverse City Record-Eagle condescended to publish a story on Sunday, focusing on Mark Noss and the close business ties he still maintains with Ingersoll despite publicly stating all connections with Ingersoll or Smart Schools Management LLC were severed. If one lesson can be learned from this, it’s that people who know they’ve been doing illegal things get caught, they will do everything possible to convince you they’re not doing illegal things.
The Record-Eagle article is everything you would expect with the lack of coverage from that paper. If only they would spend as much time reporting on the criminal behavior that’s openly happening with Grand Traverse Academy instead of sifting through Traverse City Area Public School’s business searching for anything they can blow up and fabricate into a scandal. Sad when the only comprehensive, forensic coverage happening in the state is being written without pay and published on a blog.
While weeding through Mark Noss’s creative testimony about his continued close business ties with Steve Ingersoll post-conviction, the most mind blowing part is the fee being paid by Noss to Ingersoll from GTA’s coffers for IVL. As Miss Fortune points out, Noss’s name appears with Ingersoll’s on the copyright to IVL, and he uses it in his vision therapy clinic in Traverse City. Why is he paying Ingersoll to use something he owns?
And that’s not even the shocking part. He’s paying Ingersoll $12,500 per month to use IVL in his clinic, and it’s coming out of GTA’s (the taxpayers) funds.
$12,500 per month for this crap.
It may be hard to understand how this fee is outrageous when there is nothing to compare it to, so let’s compare it to something. All of the real public schools in the area purchase curriculum for special education students from Unique Learning System. They started with a weekly newspaper that included learning activities and it’s blossomed into a full reading and math curriculum that benefits cognitively impaired and autistic students who rely on graphics for learning. ULS is a standards-based, full curriculum with six grade bands for differentiation. It’s award-winning, and unlike IVL is backed up by actual research.
How much does ULS cost per year? $479 per user, meaning the classroom teacher. Traverse Bay Intermediate School District has about 40 teachers that would use this curriculum. Do the arithmetic, that comes out to about $19,000 per year.
Compare that to the $12,500 per month Mark Noss is paying Steve Ingersoll for something he already owns the copyright; and no one still seems to know if IVL is curriculum, therapy, or what? According to parents and teachers who spoke to Up North Progressive, it appears to function as both. Or neither, except an excuse to siphon more taxpayer money from the state.
The sentencing hearing of Dr. Steve Ingersoll continues today.
Of course it’s shocking when an ignorant anti-choicer – or someone pretending to be one on TV comes out and says what all anti-choicers wish could happen. Donald Trump today said – then dialed it back – that women should be punished if they exercise their constitutional right to elect a legal medical procedure. As appalled as people appear to be at the statement today, it’s not like Trump is a vanguard of anti choice rhetoric. He’s parroting what he’s heard others say.
You may be thinking, “But presidents, or presidential candidates don’t say things like that, not in an election year.”
Oh yes they do. Just shy of 30 years ago Vice President George H.W. Bush during a presidential debate with Governor Michael Dukakis had this to say when asked about his stand on abortion and what he thought should happen to people who have them:
I haven’t sorted out the penalties. But I do know, I do know that I oppose abortion. And I favor adoption. And if we can get this law changed, everybody should make the extraordinary effort to take these kids that are unwanted and sometimes aborted, take the – let them come to birth, and then put them in a family where they will be loved. And you see, yes, my position has evolved. And it’s continuing to evolve, and it’s evolving in favor of life. And I have had a couple of exceptions that I support – rape, incest and the life of the mother. Sometimes people feel a little uncomfortable talking about this, but it’s much clearer for me now. As I’ve seen abortions sometimes used as a birth control device, for heavens sakes. See the millions of these killings accumulate, and this is one where you can have an honest difference of opinion. We certainly do. But no, I’m for the sanctity of life, and once that illegality is established, then we can come to grips with the penalty side, and of course there’s got to be some penalties to enforce the law, whatever they may be.
Is it entirely possible that Donald Trump may recall Vice President Bush making this statement in the 1988 presidential debate? Probably not. It’s obvious Trump doesn’t prepare a speech, just parrots the same few statements he blurts out at all of his rallies. This is the same guy who thought back in 1986 hot dog vendors were the ones trashing up Manhattan.
Nothing new. Same horrible things being said about women by horrible people.
About a month ago Michigan public school teachers attended mandatory professional development sessions on providing safe learning environments for LGBTQ students. The program caused enough discussion that school districts reached out to the State Board of Education for help.
The State Board of Education and the Michigan Department of Education developed the guidance at the request of schools and educators asking for recommendations of best practices in creating more supportive learning environments for LGBTQ students, who are at greater risk of suicide, and are not succeeding academically absent a supportive school environment.
School districts across the state found their policies concerning bullying and harassment of LGBTQ students horribly inadequate. Most school staff and teachers are unaware of how out of touch they are with the reality of the problems LGBTQ students face every day in school. At the beginning of the workshop last month, every staff member had to introduce who they were and what pronouns they use. “Pronouns? Why would I need to tell people my pronouns,” was a question many of the attendees asked. They had never heard of such a thing. The levels of confusion from the staff indicate how unprepared our public schools are for making them safe for everyone.
At the request of the state’s school districts, the State Board of Education and the Michigan Department of Education partnered with members of the LGBTQ community to draw up a set of guidelines for assisting public school districts with developing more inclusive policies to ensure all students feel safe at school. With any policy like this, the State Board of Education requested public input on the guidelines.
What’s happened since then could potentially make adopting a policy designed to keep our kids safe into a battleground over which bathroom or locker room a student uses based on gender identity, to parent concerns that publics schools are using the issue to undermine the authority of parents by ensuring safe space for children while they are at school. Right wing media such as Daily Caller launched articles using this horrible graphic to alarm parents what Michigan public schools are doing will make children less safe at school. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Counting on people to react with fear made what should be an exercise to modify policy and ensure the safety of all children at school into a political fight. Republicans so far have been swift in punishing the State Board of Education with retaliatory moves such as stripping members of travel reimbursement and per diem, and demanding that the State Board of Education should have given parents more time to comment on the guidelines. House Speaker Kevin Cotter demanded an extension and remarked, “My hope is at the end the board will change course and not issue that recommendation.” In other words, not allow school districts to adopt the guidelines that would ensure all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, to feel safe at school. Student drop-out rates and suicides are higher with LGBTQ school students because school is not always a safe place for them to be.
The Michigan State Board of Education did extend the deadline comment for the public. Anyone who wishes to leave a comment can do so here. You have until May 11, 2016 to be heard.
Hopefully, enough people who support providing guidelines for all of the children who attend Michigan public schools to learn in a safe environment will take the time to fill out the simple form. The State Board of Education needs positive support for the hard work they put into doing the right thing for our kids.
Notice how the kitten tries to catch the circles in the image on the paper? The kitten’s brain does the same thing as a human brain when they look at the same optical illusion. The circles on the edge move while the circles the eyes focus on remain stationary. This is because when we look at an image like this it’s actually an incomplete picture, and our brain works to fill in the missing parts of the image, making the circles appear to move.Two years ago, in an article titled, “Continuity At Grand Traverse Academy”, this same image was included and the author stated that if you looked at it and the circles moved, that meant you had poor eye development and needed vision therapy, such as Integrated Visual Learning. The article has since been sponged from the for-profit charter school’s website, but the false advertising using this optical illusion will never be forgotten.
Either the vision therapists at GTA are full of it, or this kitten needs vision therapy. Why are these people still allowed to take tax payer money and claim they’re providing a quality education?
Or for that matter, expand their school so they can suck even more tax dollars away from real public schools? Miss Fortune discovered GTA is planning a huge tax payer-funded expansion that will have us paying the bills for decades.
The charter school cancer is spreading … If only more people could see it, like the Traverse City Record-Eagle. This is no optical illusion.
The school based on a strict right-wing conservative agenda is one vote away from opening this fall.
Livingston LindbomAmericanChristian Classical Academy found a home in Whitmore Lake Public Schools. The school board granted them a charter in January, and on March 5 the LCA committee held an open house. Tonight, the Charter Township of Brighton Planning Commission will vote whether to allow the new for-profit charter school to construct a building at a meeting scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm. This is the last obstacle stopping Tea Party Charter School from opening in the fall of 2016.
Tea Party Charter School is the fever dream of Pasquale Battaglia, the racist social media icon who talks about indoctrinating children at taxpayer expense between racist rants about President Obama and everyone else he hates, which is everyone who isn’t just as racist and bigoted as he. The school will use Hillsdale College’s politically biased curriculum. According to Hillsdale College’s Barney Charter School Initiative:
The public school is arguably among the most important battlegrounds in our war to reclaim our country from forces that have drawn so many away from first principles. This mission has led us to consider how we can lead in the effort to recover our public schools from the tide of a hundred years of progressivism that has corrupted our nation’s original faithfulness to the previous 24 centuries of teaching the young the liberal arts in the West.
Those well-versed in the art of the dog whistle recognize this rhetoric immediately. When conservatives talk about reclaiming our country from progressivism and restore first principles, what they really mean is make rich white males the dominant class. Something that has yet to be taken away, but they’re convinced it’s happening anyway. Curious place for Whitmore Lake Public Schools to be; providing space for a school with the philosophy of putting public schools out of business.
The meeting is tonight at 7 pm located at 4363 Buno Road, Brighton, MI 48114.