North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin, Michigan, the prison owned by GEO Group will not renew their contract with the Vermont Department of Corrections due to end in June of 2017. Currently, around 200 of the 370 prisoners originally sent to the Lake County facility in June of 2015 remain at the facility that can house 2000. Every day GEO Group keeps the prison in operation, the for-profit company loses money.

In May of 2015, the prison promised Baldwin that 1700 prisoners would be housed in the prison by October of 2015, thanks to two new contracts with Vermont and Washington State’s Departments of Corrections. These contracts would ensure full-time employment for local people, and would last for a minimum of two years, with the potential for renewal as long as these states needed to house prisoners at NLCF. By June, half of the prisoners Vermont promised arrived at the prison. The 1000 prisoners from Washington State never arrived, despite promises to send them in October, then some time in the spring of 2016. By October of 2015, the layoffs began.

Contract negotiations with other states never materialized, and GEO Group also proposed renting the prison to the Michigan Department of Corrections in April of 2016.

Stocks tumbled for GEO Group in August of 2016 when the Federal Government announced they would end their contracts with private prisons. Another for-profit prison company, Corrections Corporation of America also suffered when their stock values dived from the announcement.

The best thing that could happen for Lake County and the state of Michigan would be for the Michigan DOC to purchase the North Lake property completely from GEO Group and use the modern facility to close down older prisons in the state. GEO can’t keep the facility open, and the county doesn’t need the burden of a 2000 bed prison sitting empty. Whether this will happen in Michigan right now, with the Republicans still entrenched in all branches of state government and hostile to anything but for-profit, low quality contracting to fulfill the state’s needs is conservatively a wild card. What Michigan must do however is tell GEO Group three strikes you’re out. They failed to keep the prison open, and it’s time to come up with a solution that benefits everyone, not just another corporate entity with no ties or loyalty to the state.

Yesterday, while Reince Priebus declared Trump the new messiah, images of Christmas from the homes of Trump supporters appeared on social media.

Indeed, Trump, reading Priebus’s statement, even sent himself an online Christmas card to celebrate the holiday being all about him.

And this image celebrating how wonderfully different Christmas feels this year now that Trump is president-elect. The only confusing part of this image is why is that tiny baby cluttering up the corner behind our new savior?

Trump supporters, the people most likely to insist there is a war on Christmas, spew “Merry Christmas!” at everyone as if the words are weapons because this holiday is about Jesus, ignored Jesus when it came to decorating their holiday trees.

This one includes a wall and a picture of Hillary Clinton behind bars. That’s the Christmas spirit! Make Jesus proud!

Thanks to Jesus Trump the messiah, Santa is now a deplorable too!

Gaze upon these images and understand that Reince Priebus didn’t misspeak, and critics didn’t misinterpret. Trump supporters fully agree that Trump is their new savior.

Progressively inclusive at the Up North Progressive, because no holiday greeting should become a political weapon to marginalize others.

If you don’t have the privilege of receiving the Huizenga Huddle in your email inbox, You’re missing out on all the Michigan District 2 News from the guy who makes it happen. Here’s just a small sample of everything Bill Huizenga’s been doing to prepare for Trump’s inauguration:

This week, the Electoral College officially voted for Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. A unified, Republican-led government can tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our nation by repealing and replacing Obamacare, providing much needed relief to hardworking West Michigan families by making our broken tax code more competitive, and by eliminating the unnecessary regulatory red tape that is stifling economic growth and hindering job creation.

I spoke about these important issues, as well as several others, on Monday in Holland at the West Coast Chamber’s “Breakfast with Bill.” The event was attended by more than 500 people from across West Michigan. most recent offering started with this:

Notice how Republicans love to say ‘repeal and replace’ but they never tell you what they’re going to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with? It’s because they don’t have anything other than let the insurance companies take over and we go back to the days of denying coverage for your life-saving surgery because you had an infected ingrown toenail in 1986. What? You can’t afford to put a couple grand in your Health Savings Account because you’re a single parent raising a family on less than $20,000 a year, and more than likely your employer doesn’t offer health insurance in the first place? Bill Huizenga doesn’t represent you anyway. He represents his rich donors, like the DeVos family, Amway, and insurance companies.

Bill Huizenga spent time earning his campaign donations on December 19, 2016 at this “Breakfast with Bill” event, lecturing admonishingly how important it is for ignorant, hypochondriac Americans to not overburden health care providers. Thanks to Obamacare, stupid Americans now think they can just go to the doctor for every little thing wrong with them, and that’s wrong! Bill offered a bit of personal history on how to properly decide if illness or serious injury – like for instance, your child breaks his arm – is really something that requires a trip to the emergency room.

By forcing a small child to suffer through the agonizing pain of a fracture which could potentially cause more damage to tissue, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, etc. for several hours, Huizenga not only admits fiscal responsibility to not overburdening health care providers with a frivolous and expensive emergency room visit, but admits he would rather commit felony child abuse than cut into a health insurance company’s profits. Or he as he puts it, “We can’t continue to squeeze providers.”

Bill Huizenga knows better than anyone how important it is to make sure health insurance companies never have to pay too much money to provide coverage for their customers. Insurance companies ranked number one in industry donations to his political campaign in 2016.

Most people buying insurance through the health insurance marketplace website are familiar with Michigan’s “not for profit” insurance provider, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They didn’t make the top five highest contributers to Huizenga’s campaign in 2016, but they rounded out the top ten.

Being a non-profit insurance provider, the compensation package for the CEO of BCBS of Michigan is considerably lower than a for-profit health insurance company. Here is what Daniel Loepp made in 2014:

The first figure is his base salary. The next two figures are bonuses, and the final total amount is his complete compensation for the year. In 2015, Loepp’s total compensation was $9 million. Not bad for a non-profit company!

BCBS and other Michigan health insurance companies of course announced they had to raise their premium rates for 2017, so they could remain competitive and solvent. This means the taxpayers get to pay more for insurance. Bill Huizenga insists you shouldn’t even use it unless it’s fiscally responsible to do so. “We can’t continue to squeeze providers.” By squeeze providers, he means cut into their profits and outrageously huge annual bonuses.

So remember Michigan, Bill Huizenga says if it comes down to cutting into the profits of an insurance provider by costing them hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in emergency room costs, a little child abuse goes a long way. Especially when Huizenga and his entire family are covered one hundred percent with taxpayer-funded health insurance. You see, socialized medicine for politicians like Bill Huizenga is fine. It’s only bad when we want it for the rest of us.

When they repeal and replace Obamacare next year it’s for your own good. We don’t want to squeeze the profits out of the poor health insurance CEOs’ bonuses, right? Think on that as you wonder why we keep re-electing garbage like Bill Huizenga every two years.

The Up North Progressive has been busy this week with “Haha, you’re getting older” medical tests and birthday celebrations and stuff, but not too busy to receive the wonderful news that former for-profit cancer school and snake oil IVL huckster Dr. Steven Ingersoll was sentenced to 41 months at Club Fed on December 15, 2016. Honestly, after all this time those of us paying attention to this trial wondered if he would ever spend a night behind bars.

The Bay City Times and Traverse City Record-Eagle reported about the sentencing. Both published similar stories about a man who made mistakes with some QuickBooks files and didn’t fix the problem before the Feds caught him in the act and busted him for it. Come on, who hasn’t remembered to carry a balance forward? Laced with plenty of pleas from his attorney turned TCAPS school board member that Ingersoll was a frail man who needed the best medical care provided by the best doctors, Judge Ludington finally had enough and told Ingersoll he had a month of freedom left.

What really rustled the Up North Progressive’s Jimmies is the impression both articles made that poor, sickly Steve tried to do right, but the problem grew until it was more than he could manage on his own.

What a bunch of malarkey.

This blog reported on a teacher who worked for Ingersoll in Brighton, Michigan, 20 years ago and described “Lots of shifty practices, sub-companies and corporations that moved A LOT of money around.” Ingersoll’s financial practices are not a recent development, he’s always done business this way. What makes it easy for criminals like Ingersoll and the three hundred other charters operating for-profit cancer schools in Michigan is the lack of real oversight and regulations on what happens to the taxpayers’ money once it goes to the management company. Those are called ‘third party vendors’ and once all that delicious public funding touches their hands, it becomes private assets, and private is private; as in that charter school doesn’t have to disclose what happens to those funds any more.

And then there were the arguments that Integrated Visual Learning (IVL) had value because the program cures people’s poor reading skills, ADHD, and even benefits people with Autism. On this blog, Miss Fortune’s excellent blog, and even in the comment sections and editorial pages of Michigan newspapers, parents and employees have come forward describing Ingersoll’s schools where parents were forced to sign medicaid forms for services never received, being bullied into paying outrageous sums of money on vision therapy for their children, students who lost an entire grade level in academic growth after spending one year at Ingersoll’s schools, and on and on. A philanthropist? A man who just wants to help children be better learners? A miracle worker who cures ADHD?

Dr. Steve Ingersoll is a vision therapy optometrist who jumped on the for-profit charter school bandwagon two decades ago and discovered an easy way to take public funds meant for educating children and use that money to fund his own little empire. He even tried to turn a part of Bay City into a company town! Now he faces bankruptcy, tax foreclosure, his terrible schools are closing down, and he’s going to prison after gorging on millions of taxpayer dollars.

That’s good, right? He’s only one. There are still plenty of con artists in Michigan with no background in education asking the Michigan Department of Education to green-light their school, regardless of experience, education, or even a basic command of simple bookkeeping. Michigan has no cap, and we have the most for-profit cancer schools operating in the country.

And this cancer is spreading to Washington DC in a matter of days.

Apparently the malignant tumor known as Grand Traverse Academy isn’t enough.

Northwestern Michigan College and Traverse Bay Area ISD are being asked to authorize a new for-profit charter school in the Grand Traverse area based on the Hillsdale “classical” education model according to the Traverse City Record Eagle. Traverse Classical Academy is the fever dream of self-employed volunteer Jane Rodda Breederland. A graduate of Calvin College, Breederland wants to open the classical charter school with the guidance of the Barney Charter School Initiative. The Hillsdale College program offers to help people open charter schools based on the structure of Hillsdale Academy, a private Christian school, at taxpayer expense. Tax money that will be siphoned from real public school districts in the Grand Traverse region.

Breederland has no experience in education. Her Calvin College degree is in communications, and her last real job was as a communications specialist for Semco Energy. Despite this, she’s convinced public schools don’t do enough rote memorization, teachers lecturing to students, and rely far too much on computers for learning.

On a Hillsdale College page now 404ed out of existence, the philosophy of Hillsdale College’s agenda for planting “classical” charter schools was once plainly stated.

To understand the purpose and direction of our work with charter schools, we must first revisit the mission of Hillsdale College. Since 1844, our mission has been “to furnish all persons who wish, irrespective of nationality, color, or sex, a literary and scientific education” outstanding among American colleges, “and to combine with this such moral and social instruction as will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils. The College considers itself a trustee of modern man’s intellectual and spiritual inheritance from the Judeo-Christian faith and Greco-Roman culture, a heritage finding its clearest expression in the American experiment of self-government under law. By training the young in the liberal arts, Hillsdale College prepares students to become leaders worthy of that legacy.”

This mission has led us to consider how we can lead in the effort to recover our public schools from the tide of a hundred years of progressivism that has corrupted our nation’s original faithfulness to the previous 24 centuries of teaching the young the liberal arts in the West. The public school is arguably among the most important battlegrounds in our war to reclaim our country from forces that have drawn so many away from first principles. Almost 90 percent of our nation’s youth attend public schools, and there is no question that public education across America is in trouble. To abandon the majority of our children to bad education is unconscionable.

Hillsdale College’s mission is to save America from it’s terrible, progressive, secular education system that isn’t teaching children proper Judeo-Christian values. This charter school initiative is beginning to sound a lot less secular.

Today the philosophy page has been replaced with some nice statements about restoring western civilization. Western civilization is a benign, under the radar way of saying white people.
The Record Eagle also provided a copy of Breederland’s proposal. It starts with an acknowledgement that TCAPS and other area public schools do a good job teaching students and their test scores are better than average, but that’s not good enough! Where’s the Latin? Where’s the Socratic Method? Why are all of these computers in the classroom? Kids need to memorize everything again. To convince you that classical education is better, a list of books to read is offered on the sparse website.

The sources and recommended reading on the Traverse Classical Academy website contain the usual bibliography promoting classical Christian education, an education writer who sings the praises of a compulsive gambler, homeschooling, and education that emphasizes “western civilization.” Once again, this phrase is a dog whistle for white supremacists.

Other highlights of the proposal include the projected number of students the school wants to enroll over the next five years:

702 students will eventually be lured from regional public schools and into Breederland’s charter school by 2021. 702 students at $7,000 a head is literally $5 million dollars TCA wants to eliminate from the public schools’ budgets. No wonder TCAPS turned Breederland down!

Then there is this pesky question asked by the Michigan Department of Education:

What? No? This is a blatant lie. Hillsdale College charter schools are based on the model of education taught at Hillsdale Academy – a private Christian school! Here are the resource manuals provided to prospective charter school initiators who want an idea of how Hillsdale College wants these charter schools to be run.

Charter schools often struggle to find funds just to open. TCA is no exception.

Breederland is getting a grant from the Bradley Foundation? This family-owned think tank based out of Milwaukee promotes charter schools, school choice, and funds organizations like Black Alliance for Education Options, or BAEO. They also funded a white supremacist named Charles Murray to write a book titled The Bell Curve, a book where Murray states black people don’t do as well in school as white people because black people are genetically inferior to white people, which makes them less intelligent than white people. This genetic inferiority leads to poverty and urban blight. Everyone complains about Trump’s open racism, but when people like Jeb Bush praise a man like Charles Murray, that is more alarming, because it’s a clever way to admit to being a racist with a statement that flies under the radar undetected.

Jeb Bush is also another strong supporter of “school reform.”

Jane Breederland intends to open a for-profit charter school based on the toxic school model of Hillsdale College. A model that relies on racism, educational methods that have no research to back them up, and illegally using taxpayer money to promote Christian philosophy. That she wants to siphon $5 million from area public schools already anemic from Lansing’s hostile attitude should be alarming enough for Northwestern Michigan College and Traverse Bay ISD to realize authorizing this school would be a terrible mistake.

The last thing Traverse City needs is another for-profit charter school opening in the area. They are cancer to real public education.

Elliott Lusztig on twitter posted this about Donald Trump’s lie that millions voted illegally for Hillary Clinton. It’s a lie that has been repeated by Trump staff and Trump supporters since he originally posted the lie to social media.

Remember this with Republicans: They never make statements of fact. They make statements of intention. The Up North Progressive has spent two years exposing lies repeated multiple times by Republicans and they’re still repeating them today. Do they believe the lies? They don’t care if it’s true, they care about how much the gullible will react.

Progressive bloggers and journalists need to remember this when Trump and his minions lie for the next four years. Don’t waste your breath correcting the lies, understand that the lies are their plans for the future.

Yesterday Up North Progressive shared an audio recording of Betsy DeVos and her husband Dick answering questions at The Gathering in 2001. The Gathering is a right wing religious organization that rakes in about a billion dollars a year to fund Dominion Christian causes, such as infiltrating government and turning the United States into a theocracy.

In the recording, Dick and Betsy claim where archaeologists dig in the shfela in Palestine and find no evidence of pig bones, that’s proof the settlement was Hebrew. If pig bones are found, then Philistines lived there. Using this analogy that pig was the preferred food of idolaters, the lack of idols and pig bones is evidence that the Israelis converted the Philistines and pig eating stopped as a result. Dick and Betsy see their work to eradicate public education as the same mission. Pig bones = public schools = ungodly government schools.

The only problem with this “evidence” about the Philistines is there are no written records these people ever existed except for ancient civilizations who claim to have known of them, and none spoke favorably. Most “history” of the Philistines comes from the Old Testament. Remember David and Goliath? That story allegedly took place in the shfela. Ancient Egyptians and Assyrians also claim they encountered these people, and their purpose in the narrative, just like the Hebrews’ history of the Philistines, was as an obligatory punching bag. Modern research is riddled with controversy; proof these people existed at all can be easily refuted.

Democratos over at Daily Kos shared a book published in 1974 that looks at ancient culture and human behavior based on food sources, habitat and location. Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture by Marvin Harris provides a different possibility for why people living in Palestine five thousand years ago gradually stopped eating pigs:

Sheep and goats were the first animals to be domesticated in the Middle East, possibly as early as 9,000 B.C. Pigs were domesticated in the same general region about 2,000 years later. Bone counts conducted by archaeologists at early pre-historic village farming sites show that the domesticated pig was almost always a relatively minor part of the village fauna, constituting only about 5 percent of the food animal remains …

Between 7,000 and 2,000 B.C. pork became still more of a luxury. During this period there was a sixty fold increase in the human population of the Middle East. Extensive deforestation accompanied by the rise in population, especially caused by the large herds of sheep and goats. Shade and water, the natural conditions for appropriate pig raising, progressively became more scarce, and pork became even more of an ecological and economic luxury.

That narrative seems more plausible than a mythic people that left no evidence of their existence adopted the Hebrew religion, and thus stopped eating pork as a result. Human activity deprived pigs of their habitat and raising them became too difficult to maintain, so people stopped raising them.

It seems only appropriate that Betsy DeVos’s motivation for destroying public education comes from unsubstantiated, controversial historical narrative about a fictional people who ate pigs, and that made them godless heathens. In her mind, public schools are those pig bones gnawed on by imaginary pagans, and if we just get rid of the public schools, the children attending those schools can receive educational salvation.

But perhaps public exposure to the Educational Whores of Babylon that are Dick and Betsy DeVos is exactly what Americans need right now. They need to know these people exist, and they’re using their billions to dismantle everything that makes America the great country it is. Betsy DeVos is the fourth billionaire Trump has selected for his cabinet. Drain the swamp? The swamp just got ten feet higher.