So, you’ve decided to run for public office. Wonderful. You’ve committed the next 12 to 24 months to campaign staff strategy meetings, public appearances, media interviews, and meeting your future constituents face-to-face. It would help if you listened to what they had to say.

That means time spent knocking on doors, holding coffee cloches, meet and greets, attending events, etc. You will have little time for family as you travel to every township hall, political party office, holiday parades, tables at the fair, and fundraisers. Especially fundraisers.

The modern political candidate’s platform includes an online presence. It’s unthinkable even to consider a campaign without an internet platform. This is where you will outline your background, a list of issues you will focus on once elected, endorsements from organizations (lots and lots and lots of questionnaires), keep future constituents informed about your campaign, public appearances, and contact information so people can volunteer to help. You will need lots of help.

An online platform consists of a website, a secure email client, a dedicated campaign email address, and accounts on as many social media platforms as you can manage. You will likely need a team of tech-savvy folks to work that part of your campaign.

But once you have that all set up, you’re ready to rock. Here’s a list of all the neat things you can do with your online platform:

Please make sure the person running your social media is such a self-centered, narcissistic egomaniac they make Donald Trump look magnanimous. This will be important when said pathological narcissist uses your social media to promote and stroke their ego, post the same nonsense on your platform they post on theirs, and even use the account that has your name on it to troll and flame-war anyone who disagrees with them. If people who encounter your social media were on the fence about who to vote for before, they sure as hell will make their choice now, thanks to your online platform manager. Bonus tip: When your egomaniac social media volunteer blocks party members from seeing your social media, the votes for you will reflect that professional move.

But that’s what your campaign staff can do for you. What about you? How can you use social media to win the hearts and minds of your voters?

Scroll through future constituents’ posts with your judgmental attitude dialed to eleven. When you find a post you disapprove of, leave a profanity-laced comment on it to let the author know how much you support their content.

Afterward, head over to your social media profile and let your inner Karen bloom into a rant about how disgusted you are with people sharing content with their families and friends. Stomp all over that proud parent’s offspring’s accomplishment, comparing it to the Palestinian genocide. Sarcastically include a droll comment about learning how to hunt for when the zombie apocalypse begins. Kill all the joy registered voters felt; after all, you’re running for political office. This will establish rapport with voters who will not forget your unsolicited opinion when they go to the polls.

Remember, you only need a majority of votes cast to win. How you run your online platform – the part of your campaign outreach that will provide the first and most lasting impression of your candidacy with most voters – will be the part that will make or break your hopes of winning the election. Choose wisely.

Writers and actors are still on strike. The <A HREF=””>UAW</A> may be on strike in 11 days. Workers in many jobs and professions are organizing. Please do whatever you can to support them. May you have a restful Labor Day. Tomorrow, let’s get back to work.

When the news broke yesterday afternoon that Attorney General Dana Nessel filed criminal charges against 16 fake electors who tried to overturn the 2020 election in Michigan illegally, the first name that popped into the Up North Progressive’s head was Gary Eisen.

Gary Eisen was the old 81st State House district rep in 2020. He signed the amicus brief for the dead-in-the-water Texas lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court. On the morning of December 14, 2020, he also had a radio interview with Lansing AM station WPHM. During this interview, Eisen hinted that the Michigan Republicans would use their constitutional plenary powers to toss a “hail mary” at the state capitol that day. He also said live on air, “Nope,” when asked if he could assure there would be no violence at the capitol.

We all know what happened next:

After the radio interview, the State Legislature punished Gary Eisen by stripping him of his committee assignments for the few remaining hours of the 2020 legislative session.

As we watched this group of people march to the capitol on December 14, 2020, only to be denied entry into the closed building, people wondered why Republicans kept trying to undermine an election that was ruled the most above-board free and fair election ever executed.

We found out a few weeks later the lengths Republicans would go to steal the 2020 election from the people who won – including the Republicans who won seats – because a narcissistic sociopathic septuagenarian insisted on lying that the election was rigged. Michigan’s 16 fake electors were part of a multi-step Republican plan.

That septuagenarian will be charged with more felonies soon.

About damn time. It will be good to see everyone else involved with the criminal conspiracy go down with him.

The best part of these MIGOP MAGAPalooza events is how many people bothered to attend.

The first 15 seconds of this video are all you need to see.

It’s been three years. He lost.

This is the VIP keynote speaker Riley Gaines at yesterday’s big MIGOP MAGAPalooza rally at the Mecosta County Fairgrounds in Big Rapids. This is the person most people show up to hear speak. More people are standing on that flatbed trailer stage than listening to her in the hot sun in a field of dust.

So what is this TERF’s beef with transgender women? In 2022, Gaines competed in an NCAA swimming competition for the University of Kentucky. She tied for fifth place with a swimmer from Penn State named Lia Thomas. Thomas was within 100th of a second faster and was given the trophy, and they informed Gaines she would receive her award in the mail, as they only had one fifth-place award available to hand out.


On May 22, 2023, Governor Whitmer signed the long-awaited package of bills that included the Extreme Risk Protection Order, better known as the red flag law. This new legislation will allow law enforcement to temporarily confiscate firearms from individuals who show they may want to harm themselves or others. The Governor signed another package of common sense gun laws a month that require safe storage and registration of firearms.

So why are the Michigan GOP, ammosexuals, TERFs, and anti-woke people gathering in Big Rapids on June 3, 2023?

Commie battery factories are all the things to hate in Big Rapids, Michigan. Add it to the pile of things Chuds hate about democracy. Like reading books, using a public bathroom, not canceling brands because they slapped a rainbow on something, letting women make their own health care choices … you know, freedom.

That’s why the chuds decided this Saturday, June 3, 2023, would be a great time to combine their rages into a single place and scream about it as Big Rapids is ground zero for hating commie batteries. There is nothing like feeding all of your hate into one place. There’s a slight chance of thunderstorms forecast for that day, so maybe the gods will do the needful.

And look at this line-up! Ryan “arrested by the FBI” Kelley, Riley “Real Female” Gaines, and Phil “phony Viking” Robinson! Someone should keep track of how many times he screams “ODIN” for no good reason.

But that’s just for June; what about July? On July 19, Magapalooza moves to the state capitol in Lansing. The group involved is doing a slo-mo reveal of the special guest speakers. So far, Kyle Rottenhouse and CSPOA Oath Keeper founder and the guy who has difficulty keeping his hands out of chud money Richard Mack are confirmed. There’s lots of teasing that two other high-profile guest speakers will be announced soon.

It’s not just commie battery factories and female athletes placing FIFTH in an NCAA swimming competition; the ammosexuals are pissed as hell that Michigan is now a state working to protect innocent people who want to go to school, shop, go to the theater, public venues, etc., and perhaps not get shot. Never mind that most Michiganders want these gun protections. Y’All Qaeda demands we live under the threat of violent death, living our lives for their “shall not be infringed” right to own assault weapons and modifications that transform other firearms into assault weapons.

There’s just so much to frothing at the mouth hate in Michigan these days, don’t be surprised if Magapalooza comes to your community soon.


The first Michigan Rural Democratic Summit is taking place April 13 through 15, 2023, at the Kewadin Hotel in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, and Up North Progressive will be there!

The Summit is the first of its kind.

The Purpose of the Summit is to bring together all stakeholders working to turn rural Michigan blue/bluer to coordinate and collaborate on their work for the 2023-2024 cycle and beyond.

If you didn’t register for the event yet, it’s already full! For more information, contact the Rural Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party.

As of this writing, our new ungerrymandered democratically elected state legislature is working hard to pass common-sense firearm legislation that will help keep people safe. The final bill package still needing the Governor’s signature is the extreme risk protection order or “red flag” law. This law would allow local law enforcement to remove firearms from a person’s home and express a desire to harm others using their guns.

Red flag laws are effective and have the approval of the United States Supreme Court. Unfortunately, these laws may not be enforced in some parts of the state. Many county sheriffs in the United States call themselves “constitutional” sheriffs, which they claim gives them the authority to ignore common sense gun legislation.

Constitutional sheriffs belong to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and this nationwide group has thousands of members. The CSPOA was founded by an Oath Keeper named Richard Mack, and Mack has affiliations with Posse Comitatus, The Christian Identity Movement, and the militia movement.

How do you know if your sheriff belongs to this club? The CSPOA does not publish a public list of members, but there are ways to find out. Some proudly announce they are members, and some like to wear CSPOA swag. Some of them even list their membership on their LinkedIn profile. Another way to find out is to check and see if your county adopted an unenforceable, legally nonbinding 2A sanctuary county resolution with the endorsement of the local county sheriff. Finally, did your county sheriff refuse to enforce state COVID guidelines during the pandemic? They are likely a member of the “posse.” There are even sheriff candidates who are already members of the CSPOA.

The fundamental belief of CSPOA posse members is that they are the highest law enforcement authority in the United States. Richard Mack borrowed this concept from Henry Lamont Beach. Beach was a white supremacist going back to the Silver Shirts days. He wrote a pamphlet known as the “Blue Book.” This book falsely claims the county sheriff has the authority to ignore any law he doesn’t want to enforce. The Blue Book also describes a posse of armed county citizens who can work in place of the sheriff and even make arrests. This is where the idea of “citizen militias” comes from. All “constitutional” sheriffs have a group of armed citizens working with them.

Richard Mack hasn’t been doing much with the CSPOA lately, focusing more on stealing money from the ivermectin pushers.

Michigan will have laws that effectively work to prevent mass shootings. However, those laws are only effective when enforced by state and local law enforcement. Constitutional sheriffs have had decades to entrench themselves into communities and convince local Democratic Parties to vote for them. The Democratic Party-controlled state government will need to address this problem if they want the new laws to be enforced everywhere in Michigan.

Suppose you find your calendar accessible on the morning of April 6, 2023, or you can clear your calendar. In that case, you might consider heading to Midland and helping the Women of Michigan Action Network welcome Governor Ron DeSantis (R – Hates books, kids, women, drag queens, Disney, etc.) to the state or, as the excellent Distill Social calls Michigan, AntiFla.

Meatball Ron (of all the stupid names Trump tried out to bully DeSantis, this one is the best) is the guest of honor at a private breakfast in Midland on Thursday morning, April 6. WOMAN wants to give him the welcome he deserves.

Click HERE to sign up. Once registered, you will receive the event’s location and where to park. WOMAN asks participants to bring cleverly worded signs, drag queens, rainbow-themed things, and a positive attitude.

To learn more about Women of Michigan Action Network, visit their website and Facebook page, where they list more events or email

The world will watch as President Biden gives his State of the Union Address tonight. This requirement is stated in Article II of the United States Constitution. It is customary for members of Congress to invite a guest to sit in the mezzanine gallery and watch the event. Tonight, John Moolenaar (R – Wants to reopen GEO’s Punk Prison) will have “constitutional” Sheriff Kim Cole from Mason County attend as his guest.

Kim Cole is a far-right conservative who believes he has the constitutional authority to ignore state and federal laws he doesn’t like. This includes firearms laws that keep people safe, 2020 COVID-19 restrictions that kept people safe, and even election interference.

Cole is a “posse” Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association member. Oath Keeper Richard Mack of Arizona founded the nazi cop club. CSPOA members believe the county is the only absolute government jurisdiction in the United States. Therefore, the county sheriff has the authority not to enforce any laws they don’t want to. This is pure sovereign citizen crap.

Kim Cole was recently inducted into the conservative think tank Claremont Institute’s Sheriffs Fellowship. This new sheriff club recognizes the CSPOA ideal that county sheriffs have special powers given to them by their posse membership. These fellowship members are receiving training and support to interfere in future elections. Disbarment candidate John Eastman is a founding member of the Claremont Institute. “Founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence” indeed.

As you watch the State of the Union Address tonight, remember who is sitting in the gallery, who invited them, and what they represent.