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You’re welcome.

whew, 10 days down, only 1450 days to go!

Thank you, Judge Donnelly, for putting a stay on Bannon’s executive order signed by Trump and allowing legal residents to come into the country last night. This morning there are still reports that not all customs officials are following the court order won by the ACLU last night, but some are ignoring that court order and still detaining people legally trying to enter the country.

People on social media keep asking what can be done. They needed to do it on November 8, 2016, but back then they made up plenty of excuses why they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton. They’re the real reason Trump is occupying the White House now, not the white women who voted for Trump they want to blame.

Other news ignored in the chaos is that the author of the EO that caused the illegal detaining of people legally entering the country now has a seat on the National Security Council.

Trump also managed to get an American killed in Yemen yesterday. This is why once again Trump is rage tweeting about the “failing” New York Times.

if you can, donate to the ACLU, they need all the help they can get overturning The unconstitutional garbage Steve Bannon is writing and Trump is signing.

Happy Sunday. Make it count. Now is the time to mobilize, get organized, and get ready for the 2018 election. No, we don’t vote for president, but remember that every single Republican has been complicit in what Trump and his Nazi advisor, Steve Bannon, are doing. We vote those bums out, and then we get rid of Trump in 2020. At the rate he’s going enough Americans will be fed up with living in Trumptardistan and gratefully do whatever they can to bring America back.

Pissboy Trump now occupies the White House. On Friday he spoke before a minuscule crowd and paraded through empty streets. This is all documented, however Trump would have none of it.

Yesterday while addressing the CIA in Langley, Virginia, Trump railed against the media for saying his inauguration was poorly attended (it was) before hinting at another war in Iraq because we didn’t take their oil last time. As his motorcade was hindered by the crowd of people three times larger that came to Washington to protest the predator in chief, Trump realized the majority of the American people were still living in America, and not interested in becoming citizens of Trumptardistan.

Enter Sean Spicer, the mouthpiece for Trumptardistan. He called a press conference, made the press sit for over an hour, then delivered this train wreck:

Did you hear that? He blatantly lied about the crowd sizes, lied about magnetometers slowing people down that the Secret Service stated weren’t even there, and finished it with telling the press what they <B><I>should be</I></B> reporting. Spicer stuttered and screeched like an angry adult who doesn’t understand why the kids don’t appreciate everything he’s doing for them. It’s because the kids know you’re lying, dad.

Welcome to the next four years. It will take no time at all for die-hard trumptards to believe every lie told by the Trump regime. Americans who know the truth will be yelled at, and the people in the middle will shrug and say, “I guess we just can’t know what’s true and what’s a lie.” If you’re feeling scared, unsure, and frustrated, that’s how gas lighting is supposed to work; a classic Kremlin tactic to dis-inform the public.

While the narcissistic sociopath in chief lied in front of the CIA, he faced this wall:

Irony will be a common occurrence with this administration.

Countdown until he’s so bored and fed up pretending to be president he goes on another “thank you” tour.

As Trump’s inauguration begins and the majority of Americans still come to grips with the knowledge that a foreign power committed an act of war with our elections and the Republican Party is perfectly fine with that, we can only witness the spectacle with dread and revulsion. An illegitimate degenerate savage is about to sit in the White House for the next four years, maybe, and pretend he’s President of the United States.

If there is one thing that has become true about this new era of American history, it’s the statement, “nothing matters.” Facts are useless while complete fabrication becomes gospel. If Trump tweets it, it’s good enough for the GOP. How far into the void of chaos have we fallen? Even respected new sources like the Detroit Free Press publish fake news on their front pages now. Trump supporters feel the truth no longer demand evidence to support their claims.

And since Washington D.C. accepts chaos as the new normal, The Up North Progressive will do their part to remind everyone that this is not normal, no matter what the Republicans want us to believe. Chaos is disorder, but that disorder is the potential to create, not destroy. The Republican Party intends to use the Trump usurpation to destroy the United States – a secular democratic republic as designed by the founders of this nation – and replace it with a theocratic regime favoring the corporate elite.

‘Nothing matters’ is much like the Persian assassin Hassan-i Sabbah’s famous quote, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” That is certainly the case with Trump. He can hire prostitutes to pee on a bed, and say it never happened despite American intelligence agencies having evidence that it did happen, and the faithful accept the word of a narcissistic habitual liar.

That’s why at 11:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, as Trump takes the oath of office, the Up North Progressive will light the candle pictured above. The sigils on it are designed to return all of Trump’s negativity back to him where it belongs.

And it won’t matter at all, Right?

We’ll just have to wait and see.

Who cares if it’s fake news or not, how often do you get to see trending on twitter and it has to do with a president-elect?

If you had any doubts before about the cognitive level of Republican voters, remove all doubt.

Everyone by now has seen the incredulous facebook exchange where an ignorant Trump voter crows about the end of Obamacare, only to have friends point out Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing – and which happens to be the health insurance the original poster has. It appears this is not an isolated thing.

And just in case the twit who tweeted this makes it disappear:

The reality of Trump’s promise to kick millions of Americans off of their insurance hit home when coal miners suffering from black lung disease realized the new black lung benefits were part of the Affordable Care Act.

But he promised to bring our jobs back! That’s why we voted for him!

For over six years people listened to the fear mongers and believed Obamacare was a horrible thing, yet signed up for health insurance through the ACA never realizing they were one and the same.

If you have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, you have Obamacare. That Americans don’t know this fact shows how good Republicans are at lying to the American people. Once they repeal the ACA (which is Obamacare) the plan is to delay the elimination of the law until it’s time for the next election. Don’t want all those people about to lose their insurance mad at the bums who took away their health care and vote them out.

Also remember while these same Republicans in Washington D.C. take away your taxpayer-subsidized health care, they will keep their fully taxpayer-funded health care. Do as I say, not as I do.

Billy West’s recordings of Trump quotes during the 2016 campaign were genius. Mark Hamill’s is also brilliant. The GOP of course could care less they just elected a cartoon villain into the White House.

How do you know Rick Snyder has learned his lesson about not properly regulating things people eat and drink because it may poison them? Today he vetoed a bill that would have eliminated the requirement for people who hunt morels to sell be certified so they don’t poison people with toxic mushrooms. House Bill 5532 introduced by Triston Cole of Mancelona would have eliminated the new 2015 rule that people who hunt for morels in Michigan to sell at markets and restaurants be trained and certified to identify safe mushrooms from toxic ones.

Most impressive of all is the statement made by One Tough Nerd concerning using the word morel in the bill:

… by simply using the lay term “morel” in the bill rather than specifying the particular organisms qualified for exemption (in this case, Morchella species), it would have the unintended consequences of including species in addition to morels for exemption from the certification process.

Good job, Rick! The species Morchella are the true morels and contain a number of subspecies that grow in Michigan. Morchella esculenta is the white or yellow morel that go for $50 a pound or more, and the mushroom high end restaurants want to buy. Black morels, or Morchella augusticeps is the smaller morel with a stronger flavor and appears earlier in the spring before the white. Another Morchella that is pretty rare but can be found in Michigan is Morchella semilibera, or the “half-free” morel.

False morels that also grow during the same time as true morels are Gyromitra, or more popularly known as the “beefesteak” morel, and Verpa species, which look very much like a true morel. Both of these species contain a toxic compound that is a common ingredient in rocket fuel. Hydrazine poisoning is really nasty and causes liver damage.

The Up North Progressive loves morel hunting and has found all of the above mentioned species growing in the same super secret hunting locations visited every spring. This is why it’s important to know what you’re taking home to feed your family is safe, and that goes triple times infinity for hunters planning to sell their morels. Verpa only looks like Morchella on the outside, take a look inside and you will instantly know the difference. If you know what to look for. Which is why maybe taking a class and learning how to do that is a good idea. Before you sell your morels and send people to the hospital.

Good job, Nerd. You chose correctly to protect people from being poisoned. This time.