What happens when you’re a two-bit sleazy grifting career politician ranked number two most conservative in the state house but you need fresh money meat to dupe into voting for you, and you fail? Blame everybody but yourself of course! Career political homophobe Gary Glenn (R-No More Foxhole For You!) lost his August 7 primary to Kevin Daley, a Republican who’s obviously lived in Bay County longer than Gary Glenn, and is adamant the only reason he could have possibly lost was because of the big bad power companies in Michigan.
“Let me be clear. I have no regrets. No thought has or will enter my mind that if I’d only been quieter or less confrontational about the free market principles that I believe should apply throughout our economy, maybe the big bad utility monopolies wouldn’t have come gunning for me. Far from it. I’m flattered that they thought me that big a threat to their current monopoly scheme.”
Gary Glenn decided to run for State Senate but the 36th State Senate District already has an incumbent Republican running, so he picked up and moved down the road to Bay City which is in the 31st State Senate District thanks to Republican gerrymandering. Gary Glenn thinks Consumers Energy and DTE spiked his primary campaign by creating super PAC front groups to fund with their dark money.
Glenn’s claim that Michigan’s energy companies have it out for him is because while he was doing number two in the state house, he introduced House Bill 4220: A bill designed to allow the regions of the state Consumers Energy and DTE provide power to per PA 3 of 1939 be opened up to any fly-by-night power company that feels like coming to Michigan and setting up shop. Oh and no smart meters because they cause cancer or hack the Gibson or give you headaches or something. The only problem with this cunning “free market” plan is everywhere else this has been tried has resulted in more expensive electricity and less of it. Residents of northern Michigan like Up North Progressive rely on an energy cooperative for electricity and if Gary Glenn’s bill passed, would put large parts of northern Michigan in the dark. Remember Enron?
If it’s true the power companies have it out for Gary Glenn to the point they’re funneling money into campaigns to keep him out of office, then it’s very likely Republicans in Michigan are starting to feel the same way about him as Republicans in Idaho. How much did they dislike Gary Glenn in Idaho? When he came up for re-election for Ada County Commissioner, they voted for the Democratic Party candidate instead.
So who is the Republican candidate running for Glenn’s former seat in the 98th State House District? The Missus! Moving to Bay City didn’t change the state house district thanks to Republican Gerrymandering, so a Glenn can still run for the 98th State House. This is why it’s important to vote for Sarah Schultz on November 6th and stop the Glenn family from doing number two in Michigan’s state government.
Make sure you also vote for Cynthia Luczak for 31st State Senate and Joe Weir for 36th State Senate on November 6th.
The next US Congressman to represent the people of Michigan’s fourth district is Jerry Hilliard. Hilliard was born in Mid-Michigan and attended Central Michigan University and the University of Michigan – Flint Campus where he earned degrees in Business, Biology, Physical Education, and his MBA. Jerry Hilliard has worked in both private and public sectors. He worked for Nabisco and taught Business and Economics at Whittemore-Prescott High School and in Virginia.
Progressive issues Jerry Hilliard will fight for include Medicare for all. Too many people, especially young parents with children don’t have health care in Michigan and can’t afford it with the low-paying jobs Michigan is only capable of producing under Republican control. Hilliard also supports the policies of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the legalization of marijuana, a fair minimum wage and protecting the rights of LGBT citizens.
Currently, Jerry Hilliard is endorsed by the Michigan AFL-CIO and the AFT.
To find out more about Jerry Hilliard’s campaign, visit his website and sign up to get involved. The 4th US Congressional district is a large one originally gerrymandered with direct input from former Republican US Congressman Dave Camp. Jerry Hilliard is a progressive who will make things better for the people living in the 4th District. Let him know he has your support and your vote on November 6, 2018.
The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (MIDIFS) asked for innovative ideas on how to stabilize and lower costs on health insurance in Michigan today. Who are they asking? The presidents and CEO’s of health insurance companies.
The state budget for 2019 provides for an actuarial study to implement a state innovation waiver provided in Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act. This act makes it possible to apply for a waiver for certain parts of our federal health insurance law to make health care less expensive.
And somehow MIDIFS thinks the people who pay out millions of dollars in lobbying fees to Michigan politicians have the answers. According to MIDIFS Director Patrick McPharin:
“While the most common waiver sought has been for some form of a reinsurance program, there are other programs states could pursue. I am asking these insurers to submit their recommendations on a potential reinsurance program, and any other waiver ideas they think DIFS should study.”
Reinsurance if you’re wondering is insurance for insurance companies to provide health coverage to previously uninsured patients without driving up the cost of premiums for everyone else – a practice pre-ACA insurance companies indulged in because it made more money for the insurance companies’ shareholders and CEOs. Reinsurance coverage was included in the ACA temporarily until 2016. In 2017, when the money that was supposed to be provided to the reinsurance program fell short, the Republicans in Congress made sure shortfalls were paid to the US Treasury like they were supposed to and the reinsurance program floundered from underfunding. And as we all know, premiums are bounding up higher. When Republicans tried to repeal and replace Obamacare, one of the things they included in their new cheaper but better health care plan was continuing the reinsurance program for health insurance companies.
Asking insurance company CEO’s how to fix the rising cost of health insurance is much like asking defense industry contractors the best way to lower the cost of defense spending. What if MIDIFS were to ask someone other than the people getting rich off of an industry how to lower costs? Perhaps they could ask doctors, or nurses, or other medical care professionals who are just as frustrated with our for-profit health care system as patients.
Whatever decision is made, there will be a future public comment period for the rest of us to let MIDIFS and the insurance companies know just how much we appreciate the rising cost of health insurance in Michigan. In the meantime, you can let your opinion be known this November 6, 2018, when you vote for candidates supporting single-payer Medicare for all.
February 25, 2017, was the first day of Michigan’s next congressman from the second district’s campaign. Dr. Robert Davidson stood up from the crowd occupying the bleachers of Baldwin High School in Baldwin, Michigan, and for 15 minutes debated with DeVos-funded Republican Bill Huizenga on the truth about market-based health insurance versus single-payer health care. People urged him to run for office, and the wonderful news is, he did.
Dr. Rob Davidson is a Michigan native. He attended Kalamazoo College and completed medical school at Michigan State University. After finishing his education in emergency medicine in Maine, he and his wife returned to Michigan and settled in Spring Lake, Michigan, where they raise three children. Dr. Rob Davidson works as an Emergency Room physician for Spectrum Health in western Michigan. He also serves on the Spring Lake School Board.
Dr. Rob’s primary campaign issue is health care. Since that snowy day in February of 2017 when he took on his opponent and easily dominated the debate on why market-based solutions to health care don’t work, Dr. Rob shares his experiences as an emergency room doctor dealing with people who need life-saving care, yet balk at receiving it because of the cost. Medicare for everyone will help Americans make health care choices based on need rather than dollars. Dr. Rob supports allowing veterans the right to choose where they receive their care outside of the VHA if necessary. He also wants to see the VHA restructured into a nonprofit organization and improve mental health care.
Endorsements for Dr. Rob Davidson include the Indivisible Project, Sierra Club, the MEA, the NEA, the AFT, The ALF-CIO, the UAW, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters, SEIU, Operating Engineers Local 324, Sheet Metal Workers Local 7, IBEW 275, Pipefitters, Plumbers and Service Trades Union 174, West Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, AFSCME, AFGE, PWA, Women for Justice, Progressive Democratic Women’s Caucus of Muskegon, Brand New Congress, Justice Democrats, Demand Universal Healthcare, Our Revolution Grand Rapids, Clinicians for Progressive Care, Lake County Democratic Party, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
To see other issues important to Rob Davidson and get involved with his campaign, visit his website. Dr. Rob Davidson as the next Congressman serving the 2nd District will listen to people not deep pockets. Dr. Rob accepts no donations from super PACs or corporate donors, so he will be representing us when he gets to Washington DC in 2019. Vote for Dr. Rob Davidson on November 6, 2018.
Please vote on Tuesday, August 7, 2018. This primary is very important. You also need to know our Republican Secretary of State has come up with a new ballot style for the primary. You still need to state which party’s primary you’re voting for, but instead of getting a separate ballot, everything is on one.
Here’s the trick: If you switch out of your designated column, you will spoil your ballot and need to get a new one. There is no splitting your ticket in this election. Not even if there is someone in another column running for office who is your neighbor and best buddy and gives you fresh tomatoes out of his garden every week. Eat your friend’s tomatoes, just don’t vote for him.
Next Tuesday when you vote in the Michigan primary election remember to STAY IN YOUR LANE!
Matt Morgan – don’t forget that name – because if you live in Michigan’s 1st House District, he’s going to be your next Congressman in Washington D.C. But first you have to write in his name on August 7, 2018 when you go to the polls and vote in the Michigan Primary. Matt’s petitions signatures were voided when the Board of Canvassers found an error on his paperwork. He can however still run for Congress as a write-in candidate.
Morgan settled in Northern Michigan with his wife and two sons after retiring from the United States Marine Corps. His civilian life included a career in television and film, but Morgan wanted to do more and looked into public service.
Issues Matt Morgan wants to address once he is elected and working in Washington include improving infrastructure. He wants to see the Soo Locks rebuilt for the 21st Century. Another infrastructure issue long overdue in Michigan is high-speed broadband internet available everywhere in the state. Both of these issues prohibit business growth in Northern Michigan. Morgan supports health care for all so that Northern Michigan residents won’t have to worry about going to the doctor when they’re sick or choosing between paying the house note or paying for prescriptions. Matt would also work to support and improve public education. Pre-K for all children, and community college for high school graduates.
Matt Morgan’s many endorsements include AFL-CIO, AFT, End Citizens United, International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers: Local 8, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, IUPAT District Council No. 7, LiUNA, MEA, Michigan Nurses Association, Northern Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, Operating Engineers 324, SEIU, Sierra Club, Upper Peninsula Building and Construction Trades Council, United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, United Automobile Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, and Woman to Woman, Traverse City.
The Primary is August 7, 2018. Residents of Michigan’s 1st House District need to get out and vote on Tuesday and remember to write in Matt Morgan for U.S. Congress. To find out more about Matt Morgan and learn about where he stands on the issues, visit his website.
Write-in Matt Morgan for Michigan’s U.S. House District 1 on August 7, 2018.
The Up North Progressive email inbox received a very strong reminder Eagle Mine needs their survey filled out before the deadline on Friday, July 13th. They even included the dates of previous emails to emphasize the urgency of needing input. Eagle Mine if you recall is the operation currently drilling for minerals near Marquette. They have a deserved shaky relationship with the locals concerned about the environmental impact the mining operation has on local watersheds.
The survey is pretty straightforward. They want to know people’s personal perceptions of the mining operation, and if there are any concerns from the public about what is going on there. They even sweeten the deal for giving up your time to complete the survey.
A whole dollar to the no-kill shelter it is!
Before this survey, Eagle Mine gave away Lego toy sets in an effort to both bolster positive opinions of the mine and distract people with new toys.
If you take the time to fill out the short survey, some things you need to know about recent events with Eagle Mine:
Eagle Mine/Lundin Mining tried very hard to suppress the public finding out about a major cave-in that happened in the fall of 2016. From Save The Wild UP:
Rumors of the underground collapse at Eagle Mine first surfaced in fall of 2016, when a story circulated that some “mine contractors” had quit over an underground incident they felt was “dangerous.” Responding to the direct question “Was there a partial pillar collapse?” Eagle Mine confirmed that an incident had taken place, but did not use the term “collapse” and provided only a few details
This, of course, calls into question Eagle Mine’s willingness to be transparent in what is happening at the mine while offering toys instead to generate goodwill with the public. The cave-in generated enough concern to prompt the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to hold a public hearing last year over permits Lundin Mining requested from the state to mine even more land.
County Road 595 is dead. On March 20, 2018, the last appeal from the Marquette County Road Commission was turned down in the US 6th Circuit Court. If the road at this point is ever to be built, it will either need to be picked up by the Army Corps of Engineers or taken to the United States Supreme Court. Objections to the road come from the fact the proposed route would cut through an undeveloped land with several watersheds that would need to be diverted. Eagle Mine insists they have nothing to do with this road being built, but the Marquette County Road Commission proposed this project only after mine traffic through Marquette became an issue. Originally, Lundin Mining promised the community their activity at Eagle Mine would not create any traffic problems for Marquette because they were going to use the local railroad to move their ore. This never happened.
You have until Friday, July 13, 2018, to complete the survey. Be accurate. Be polite. Let Lundin Mining and Eagle Mine know we haven’t forgotten about them.