Delta, Dickinson and Menominee Counties make up Michigan’s 108th State House District. It includes the cities of Escanaba, Norway, and Iron Mountain. The next representative for this district will be Bob Romps of Gladstone. He works currently in the mental health field and at the family-owned Stonehouse Restaurant in Escanaba. His wife, Linda, is a retired nurse and owner of Bras That Fit.

Bob Romps knows that in Northern Michigan many people still struggle to find gainful employment. Bob wants to see more investments in infrastructure and small business to create more jobs. He will also work to repeal “Right to Work” in Michigan and support labor. Being UAW president for his local for 15 years gives him the experience to work for those who are still looking for jobs. Bob Romps also will work to put public school funding back into public schools. High-quality education is the foundation for people to be trained and ready to enter the workforce. When he gets to Lansing, Bob will also make sure affordable health care becomes a reality in Michigan, including reducing drug costs and fighting opioid addiction.

Endorsements for Bob Romps include Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Gary Peters, the MEA, AFL-CIO, UAW, AFT, Equality Michigan Pride PAC, Iron Workers Local 8, United Steelworkers District 2, U.P. Regional Labor Federation, AFSCME Council 25, OE324, Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, Michigan Association of Justice, General Teamsters, Local 406, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and WheelWrights, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers. IUPAT DC7, Upper Peninsula Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC, and the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union.

To learn more about Bob Romps and his campaign, check out his website and Facebook page. On November 6, 2018, vote for the candidate who will go to Lansing and work for the people of the 108th District. Vote for Bob Romps.

The counties of Emmet, Chippewa, Mackinac, and parts of Cheboygan make up the 107th State House District in Northern Michigan. It includes the eastern Upper Peninsula and northeastern Lower Peninsula. Challenging the incumbent too forgetful to leave their unregistered firearm home before getting on a plane is Joanne Galloway of Pickford. Joanne and her husband, Gary, have a 400-acre farm and are involved with starting a farmer’s market among other community projects in the area.

Since the age of 7, Joanne has lived on the family farm and been involved in the community. She attended college at Grand Valley State University. She worked in sales in Grand Rapids before she and her husband took over the family farm. They have lived there and raised a family since 1999.

Issues important to Joanne Galloway focus on making lives better for people living in the 107th District and Northern Michigan as a whole. She supports closing down Enbridge Line 5 and support measures that will keep Michigan waters clean. One of the biggest problems in Northern Michigan is infrastructure. Business in the region will lag behind until broadband internet is available everywhere in the region. The skyrocketing cost of health care makes it harder for families to enjoy a minimum level standard of living. Supporting a way to make health care affordable for all is a priority for Galloway. It’s time to fund schools in Northern Michigan in an equitable way compared to school districts downstate so students up north have the same opportunities as those living in the southern end of the state.

Endorsements for Jane Galloway include Senator Debbie Stabenow, Former State Representative Gary McDowell, Equality Michigan Pride PAC Sierra Club of Michigan, Emmet County Democratic Party, Progressive Women’s Caucus, Mackinac County Democratic Party, Chippewa County Democratic Party, Indivisible Central UP, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense.

Joanne Galloway is ready to face the challenges of representing the people of the 107th District in Lansing. To learn more about Joanne, visit her website and Facebook page.

Jane Galloway won’t forget the important details as your representative in Lansing. Vote for her on November 6, 2018.

Michigan’s 106th District is made up of the counties of Alcona, Alpena, the Northern, Southern and Western townships of Cheboygan, Iosco, and Presque Isle. Alpena resident Lora Greene is running to be your next state legislator in Michigan.

Originally from Dearborn Heights, Lora Greene moved to Alpena to practice law. The city has been her home for 23 years. She sees every day the struggle of the people in the 106th district to make ends meet and gain opportunities that become harder to attain with the growing disparity in Michigan.

Lora Greene will work to change that by supporting public schools and ensuring they’re properly funded. She also wants to see more resources go to infrastructure, broadband extended to rural areas of northern Michigan, and supports living wages and affordable health care for the hard-working families in her district. Greene will work to close down Enbridge Line 5, stop giving away water to corporations who profit from extraction and clean up polluted sites.

Endorsements for Lora Greene include Planned Parenthood, the Michigan Association for Justice, and SEIU. To learn more about Lora Greene and get involved with her campaign, visit her website and Facebook page.

Antrim, Charlevoix, Montmorency, Oscoda, and Otsego are the Michigan counties of the 105th State House District. Melissa Frugé is ready to go to Lansing and work for the issues hard-working families struggle with living in Northern Michigan.

A life-long resident of Boyne City, Melissa Frugé raises her son in her hometown. She earned a degree in Journalism from Michigan State University in 2004. Her current career is working in marketing.

Issues Melissa Frugé will work to improve in Lansing includes affordable housing and childcare. Frugé supports voting yes on Proposal 2, putting money taken out of the school aid fund to pad the general fund back into the school aid fund, upgrading internet and physical infrastructure which will benefit schools and business in Northern Michigan. The current health care for veterans puts an unnecessary burden on people, especially access to the care they need. Frugé will work to eliminate the rules that require veterans to travel more than an hour away to receive care, especially mental health care. Finally, Frugé supports shutting down Enbridge Line 5.

Endorsements for Melissa Frugé include Equality Michigan Pride PAC, Woman to Woman tc, Michigan AFL-CIO, UAW, Planned Parenthood, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,

To learn more about Melissa Frugé, her campaign, and how to get involved, go to her website and Facebook page. On November 6, 2018, Melissa Frugé for 105th Michigan State House District.

Michigan’s 104th State House District is made up of Grand Traverse County which includes Traverse City. The candidate who will represent the people of this district in Lansing is Dan O’Neil.

A native of Traverse City, Dan and his wife, Maura Brennan raised three children. Dan is a small business owner and an attorney with a practice focusing on equal pay for women and employees who are terminated from their jobs illegally.

Issues Dan O’Neil will fight for in Lansing are fully funding and expanding public education to provide the training and skills future Michigan generations need. He also supports expanding health care for all and supports the Medicaid expansion. O’Neil supports shutting down Line 5 and expanding renewable energy in Michigan. Affordable childcare paid family leave, living wages with benefits are all important to the health of working families in Michigan. Dan O’Neil will work for the people of the 104th District to ensure they become part of Michigan’s labor rights. Civil rights, eliminating Citizens United and vote yes on proposal 2 are other issues Dan O’Neil supports.

Dan O’Neil has received endorsements from Democratic Party candidate for Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Gary Peters, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, Clean Water Action, The UAW, SMART, LiUNA!, Iron Workers Local 25, MEA, and AFT.

Dan O’Neil can be contacted through his website and Facebook page. You can find out more about Dan O’Neil, his events and opportunities to volunteer.

The 104th State House District is fortunate to have a candidate this election who isn’t running a vanity campaign. Vote for Dan O’Neil on November 6, 2018.

The 103rd state house district in Michigan is made up of Crawford, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Ogemaw and Roscommon Counties. The next representative for this district is Tim Schaiberger of West Branch. He has lived in the 103rd State House District his entire life, and currently with his daughter.

Tim Schaiberger attended Ogemaw Heights High School playing football and volunteering through the National Honor Society. He graduated from Central Michigan University in 2005 with a Bachelor’s Degree in English. Schaiberger holds years of public service. He’s served in the West Branch City Council, Planning Commission and is a member of Kiwanis. When Tim Schaiberger isn’t busy as a business owner and playing guitar, he works as a substitute teacher.

Issues Tim Schaiberger wants to work on when he is in Lansing include better funding of public education, improving infrastructure, and protecting Michigan’s most abundant resource, water. Schaiberger supports shutting down Enbridge Line 5. He will vote to repeal the crippling prevailing wage law. Tim Schaiberger supports the changes provided in Proposals 2 and 3 to reform elections in Michigan and make it easier for people to vote. Better funding and services for veterans and legalizing marijuana are also priorities for Tim Schaiberger.

Endorsements for Tim Schaiberger include Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union and Curt Schaiberger. To find out more about Tim Schaiberger, visit his Facebook page.

The mid-term election is on November 6, 2018. Residents of the 103rd State House District will have a representative who will fight for them when they elect Tim Schaiberger,

Wexford, the western and inner townships of Osceola, and Mecosta counties serpentine their way through West Michigan to create The 102nd State House District. The next representative for the 102nd District is Dion Adams of Big Rapids, where he and his wife, Carrie, raised three children.

Dion Adams grew up in Detroit, attending both public and private schools. He attended Ferris State University, graduating in 1982. He built diesel engines for Abrams tanks, motor vehicles, and serviced semi trucks for General Motors. He was a proud member of both the UAW and Teamsters during this time. In Big Rapids, he started his own diesel service and towing businesses. A severe on the job injury forced him into retirement. Opioid medication to manage pain caused problems. When medical marijuana became legal in Michigan, he switched medications to manage his pain, and the side effects of using prescription pain medications disappeared. Dion and his wife, Carrie, are members of Christian Life Ministries.

Issues Dion Adams will focus on in Lansing include universal health care including dental, vision, and mental. He also Supports LGBTQIA and women’s rights and will fight to stop discrimination of any person. Adams believes fully funded education and training so our future generations can find gainful employment is vital to stimulating the economy in Michigan. Too many young people simply can’t realize the American Dream, because the opportunity for younger generations doesn’t exist. Dion Adams also knows the environment is vital for the future both economically and for the health of Michigan. Dion Adams supports the decriminalization of marijuana.

Endorsements for Dion Adams include Demand Universal Health Care (DUH!), Candidates with a Contract, and Michigan Our Revolution Electorate. To learn more about Dion Adams, visit his website and Facebook page.

On November 6, 2018, the people of the 102nd District will have the opportunity to elect a new state representative who knows what the hard working people of Michigan need and will fight for them in Lansing. Elect Dion Adams for 102nd State House.

The 101st State House District is made up of the four counties of Benzie, Leelanau, Manistee, and Mason Counties. The next person to represent the people of this district is Kathy Wiejaczka of Empire. She lives with her husband, Kent, with whom she raised three children.

Kathy Wiejaczka is a retired RN with a career spanning 39 years. She has served her community in other ways. She was on the Empire Township Zoning Board of Appeals and the Leelanau County Solid Waste Council. She also serves as a precinct delegate and worked as a county captain for the nonpartisan Voters Not Politicians campaign to end gerrymandering in the state. Kathy and Kent Wiejaczka also run a construction business, providing experience in operating a small business in their community.

Issues Kathy Wiejaczka will fight for when she is in Lansing include health care, especially improving access to mental health care. She will support funding public education so that students get the best possible education available. Wiejaczka also supports two years of free community college tuition. Kathy Wiejaczka also supports making corporations help shoulder the burden of paying for new roads instead of raising fees and taxes on Michigan’s citizens. Finally, Kathy Wiejaczka knows none of these things can happen until protecting our most vital natural resource, water, becomes a priority in the state.

Endorsements of Kathy Wiejaczka include Equality Michigan Pride PAC, IBEW Local 498, United Association Local Union 85 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVACR Service Technicians, UAW, Flippable, MEA, Planned Parenthood of Michigan, Moms Demand Action, Emily’s List, AFT, MRCC, Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Michigan Association for Justice, SEIU, Woman2Woman, Benzie County Democratic Party, Leelanau County Democratic Party, Ty and Kathy Wessell.

To learn more about Kathy Wiejaczka and get involved with her campaign, visit her Facebook page and website. The last day to register to vote is October 9. Make sure you are registered to vote so you can vote for Kathy on November 6.

The 100th Michigan State House District includes the counties of Lake, Newaygo, and Oceana. Sandy Clarke of Webber Township in Lake County is the next person to represent the people of this district. Clarke is an Adjunct Professor of Political Science at West Shore Community College. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and History from Wilberforce University in Ohio and her post-graduate degree at Antioch University. Clarke served Lake County as a County Commissioner from 2010 to 2014. She is a board member of The Baldwin Promise, a program that assists high school graduates of Baldwin High School to attend college tuition-free, and author of the book, Not Working Is Not An Option

Sandy Clarke’s priorities for Lake, Newaygo and Oceana Counties center on education, agriculture, and economic development. In education, she wants to extend programs like the Baldwin Promise to Public Schools in all of the 100th state house district. Clarke stresses the importance of expanding STEM fields education and would create an office of student loan ombudsman to provide funding for higher education. To support economic development in the 100th state house district, Clarke wants to expand public transportation to Newaygo and Oceana Counties, bring broadband internet to the entire district, provide better services, housing and care for the district’s veterans, disabled and elderly.

Endorsements for Sandy Clarke include the Progressive Women’s Caucus, United Auto Workers, Lake County Democratic Party and Newaygo Democratic Party. To learn more about Sandy Clarke and get involved, visit her website and Facebook page where upcoming events and news are available.

The last day to register to vote is October 9. Vote for Sandy Clarke 100th State House District on November 6.

Michigan’s 99th State House District consists of Isabella County and a unique horseshoe pattern of townships of the western, northern, and southern borders of Midland County. The Democratic Party candidate for this district in the 2018 election is Kristen Brown of Mount Pleasant. She is a lifelong resident of the region where she raises two children with her husband, Jeff.

Kristen Brown grew up in a family where helping others was a priority. Her parents were both educators in Mount Pleasant. Brown attended Central Michigan University for her pre-law education, and earned a Juris Doctor in Law at the Detroit College of Law. She has worked in a private practice representing children living in abusive and neglected environments, as well as disabled people. She’s now running for Michigan’s state legislature to continue her work in helping and serving others.

Issues Kristen Brown will work for in Lansing include affordable healthcare, especially lowering prescription drug prices. She also will ensure our infrastructure has adequate funding so roads can be repaired. Brown will work to increase funding for our public schools and support teachers by making sure they have the resources and respect they deserve to do their best to educate Michigan’s children.

Endorsements for Kristen Brown include the Michigan Association of Justice, the Michigan Federation of College Democrats, Equality Michigan, MEA, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Sierra Club, UAW, Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union, and the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights.

To learn more about Kristen Brown’s campaign, make sure to check out her website and Facebook page. Kristen Brown is ready to serve the people of the 99th State House District. Vote for her on November 6.