Back on July 15, 2018, Lee Chatfield (R-Can’t Remember Where His Unregistered Loaded Guns Are) was arrested at Pellston Regional Airport after attempting to bring a loaded, unregistered firearm through airport security. Emmet County Prosecutor James Linderman didn’t press charges, and Progress Michigan reported in August that Linderman donated $625 to Chatfield’s campaign for re-election. Through a FOIA request, Progress Michigan published this video of Chatfield’s arrest.

In the video, you can hear the TSA agent inform Lee Chatfield that the County Prosecutor has a policy of not prosecuting people caught with unregistered firearms. They also tell Chatfield that he’s not going to jail, and assume the reason why the semi-automatic pistol isn’t in the registry is probably that the paperwork got lost. One interesting thing is the serial number on the gun raised some flags. Chatfield is then unhandcuffed so he doesn’t have to walk out in front of gawkers. The TSA agent jokes that Chatfield picked the right airport to bring a loaded unregistered firearm because if this had happened at any other airport TSA agents would have done their job and hauled him straight to jail.

Comforting to know the TSA in Northern Michigan think it’s cute they don’t have to do the job they were hired to do because of the County Prosecutor not doing the job he was elected to do.

Lee Chatfield plans on returning to the State House in January as the State Speaker of the House. You don’t have to put up with this; there is a candidate who is ready to go to Lansing and work for the issues that matter to you. Such as keeping people safe from 2nd Amendment fetishists like Lee Chatfield. Vote for Joanne Galloway on November 6, 2018. She’s endorsed by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, so you know she will make sure people like Lee Chatfield don’t get away with breaking federal law at your local airport.

You can tell election day is three weeks away. Media are full of ads, signs proclaiming the names of people who want your vote are popping all over people’s front lawns, and the GOP lies are reaching obtuse levels never seen before.

With eight years of GOP manipulating the Affordable Care Act to make it unaffordable, the majority of Americans are interested in single-payer health care. In 2009 during the battle over the ACA in Congress, expanding Medicare to every American became a war cry for the tea party and the GOP to kill “Obamacare”. The AARP came out in favor of Obamacare, which made retired insurance agent Dan Weber create his own conservative senior’s club called the Association for Mature American Citizens. Just like AARP, AMAC sells supplemental insurance plans for people on Medicare. Weber uses AMAC to demonize AARP as a liberal Soros funded front group for taking away for-profit health insurance.

So now that people in 2018 are interested in Medicare For All, AMAC has launched a misinformation campaign to scare voters away.


Take the Pledge to Save Your Medicare

Your Medicare is on the ballot in November: The program dedicated to seniors is under attack by socialists.
THE HOUSE BILL: Over 70 Democrats have their name on a Medicare for All bill that would turn Medicare into socialized medicine – European style.
THE SENATE BILL: Bernie Sanders has a bill that has the support of 1/3 of Senate Democrats. In his program, kids would be enrolled in Medicare at BIRTH.
Folks, these bills won’t just change Medicare. They’ll destroy it!
Your Medicare is on the ballot this November.
Take the AMAC pledge to save Medicare. And bring a senior to the polls.

Providing affordable health care for all Americans will bankrupt the system and then no one will have health care! This is nonsense of course. Overhead costs are so low with Medicare it will save the country money if all Americans participated in it. The fact that it will cost the country less is exactly why insurance salesmen like Dan Weber hate it. There go all the profits for insurance companies! This scary message from AMAC is showing up in social media now and it’s designed to misinform you about the benefits of a single-payer health care system. If you take the time to ask anyone who lives in a civilized country with single-payer health care, you will discover they love it and wonder why Americans refuse to switch when it’s a better way to manage health care.

Also, why “Sanderscare?” Is it because when you say it fast enough it sounds like Sander scare? “Berniecare” just rolls right off the tongue.

Proposal 2, the ballot initiative to end partisan gerrymandering and create a non-partisan commission to draw voting districts in Michigan has received lots of negative attention from Republicans. This is because Republicans worked very hard to gerrymander districts to make it impossible to ever vote Republicans out of office.

The effectiveness of REDMAP is perhaps most clear in the state of Michigan. In 2010, the RSLC put $1 million into state legislative races, contributing to a GOP pick-up of 20 seats in the House and Republican majorities in both the House and Senate.  Republican Rick Snyder won the gubernatorial race, and with it Republicans gained control of redrawing Michigan’s 148 legislative and 14 congressional districts.  The 2012 election was a huge success for Democrats at the statewide level in Michigan: voters elected a Democratic U.S. Senator by more than 20 points and reelected President Obama by almost 10 points. But Republicans at the state level maintained majorities in both chambers of the legislature and voters elected a 9-5 Republican majority to represent them in Congress.

Passing Proposal 2 will put an end to this deliberate rigging of Michigan elections by Republicans. Which is why they are now using the George Soros bogeyman to scare people into voting against Proposal 2.

This flyer is full of falsehoods, but the most ridiculous claim of all is Proposal 2 will lead to George Soros running Michigan’s Secretary of State office. So by GOP logic, Ruth Johnson is a paid puppet of conservative donors like the Koch Brothers, or Robert Mercer, or some Super PAC that doesn’t have to disclose who gives them money. Scary!

Proposal 2 will actually make the process of drawing voting districts in Michigan transparent. It will not gerrymander districts against minority voters (that’s what we have now!). It won’t force people in politics to get out of politics. It won’t draw districts based on “identity politics” and it certainly won’t disenfranchise voters. Proposal 2 will stop all of those things because that is what we have now thanks to politicians in the state custom drawing their districts so they can never lose, even when the majority of people vote against them.

There’s plenty of lies floating around right now to scare you into voting against candidates and proposals that will make things better in the state of Michigan. Take the time to learn the facts before making any decisions. Be an informed voter when you go to the polls on November 6, 2018.

Are you finally fed up with the good ole boy network running Washington D.C. and Lansing? Have you reached a point where the ever-rising levels of chaos, incompetence, and downright hate, spite, and contempt of the GOP towards anyone who isn’t white, male, rich, and Christian motivating you to do something about it? Feeling drained and outraged over the cover-up by the GOP to railroad an alcoholic sex predator into the Supreme Court? You can do something about it: VOTE.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018, is the last day in Michigan you can register to vote on November 6, 2018. You can apply by mail as long as the postmark on the application is October 9, 2018. This year the Republicans were successful in eliminating straight-ticket voting which means longer lines at the polls. Republicans hate it when more people vote, which is all the more reason you need to register to vote, go vote on November 6 and STAY IN LINE until you do vote.

If standing in line due to age or disability keeps you from voting, apply for an absentee ballot. If this is your first time voting and you are disabled or a senior, voting in person requirements are waived. Register to vote and apply for your absentee ballot. Republicans in Michigan also require voters to have a photo ID. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A DRIVER’S LICENSE. Student ID, military ID, tribal ID, passports, or any ID that has your photo on it is legal ID to vote. Don’t let the poll workers intimidate you with their scanners.

Now Up North Progressive can use lots of words to explain why it’s important that everyone who can legally vote get out to the polls on November 6. Pictures, however, will do a much better job.

If we can raise voter participation to 50 percent in Michigan, the Republicans are finished. They know this, which is why they require photo ID and took away straight-ticket voting. Republicans want you to feel frustrated. Republicans want you to get out of line and go home. Republicans want you to feel like your vote doesn’t count. Voter suppression and disenfranchisement is the only way Republicans can win.

This year, there are two ballot proposals that will help Michiganians vote in the future. Proposal 2 will require a non-partisan commission to draw up voting districts for future elections, rather than the Republicans in Lansing hand-picking their voters so they never lose, even when the majority of Michigan voters don’t vote for them. Proposal 3 will make it much easier to vote by having automatic voter registration, same-day registration, straight-ticket voting, and no-reason absentee voting. These proposals need your vote to pass.

Please register to vote. Please vote on November 6, 2018.

On September 17, 2018, Charyl Stockwell Academy founder Chuck Stockwell sent out a letter to parents declaring it wasn’t fair that real public school districts could hold elections to raise funds while charter schools which are not districts can’t and ordered the parents of CSA to vote NO on upcoming millage elections. The only problem with that is it’s a violation of campaign finance law in the state of Michigan. WHMI in Livingston County had this to say:

The Michigan Campaign Finance Act prohibits the use of public funds to advocate for or against ballot proposals. Chuck Stockwell sent an email communication (posted below) to the Charyl Stockwell Academy District as well as a physical letter home with some students on September 17th. It shares some information on charter school funding and states “it isn’t fair” that public schools can capture taxes via millages and public charter schools cannot. It urges parents and families to vote no on all public school millages and vote for politicians who support charter schools, providing a link to a list of preferred candidates by Great Lakes Education Project, a charter school advocacy group. It concludes by soliciting a donation of $250 per student that will go to teachers in grants to encourage them to stay and teach in the CSA district.

All five Livingston Education Service Agency public school districts signed a statement along with the LESA Superintendent that Stockwell’s letter violated Michigan campaign finance laws.

This law is strictly enforced with rules for how a district may promote a millage or bond proposal in an upcoming election. The district can urge people to get out and vote, but they can’t use ANY district funds or campaign for the proposal during school operating hours. This includes any administrator or employee of the district. School public funds can’t be used to tell voters to vote on a proposal, and they can’t use the district email system.

Stay tuned, there is more to come!

This letter is available as a PDF on the CSA for-profit charter school website.

What’s going on, Chuck? Do you need an intervention?

In a letter sent out to the parents of students attending Charyl Stockwell Academy for-profit charter school, Chuck Stockwell demanded parents punish the area real public school districts by voting no on their millage elections because it’s not fair they can raise money like any other government entity, and he can’t because he runs charter schools that are managed by a private company.

Question: Was Charyl Stockwell Academy the only school Stockwell sent this letter to, or did the parents of the other 19 for-profit charter schools managed by CS Partners receive this letter too?

To have such a vicious take on how Michigan funds public schools and for-profit charter schools by demanding money to pay teachers and vote no on public school millage elections, it makes one wonder what’s going on with CSA’s finances. A look at the 2018-2019 budget for the school shows the breakdown of assets and payments the school will deal with this coming year.

Remember in Chuck’s letter when he said CSA only had $7.6 million to operate for the 2018-2019 school year? According to this approved by the Board of Directors budget, there’s actually $10 million and change projected for the coming school year. That works out to just over ten grand per enrolled kid. There may be adjustments in the future depending on fourth Friday count and so on, but very few school districts, public or charter, have as generous a bottom line as CSA’s. Remember however, CSA is a for-profit charter school and only a fraction of that $10 million will be spent on your kids’ education.

The $250 per child “donations” to go towards keeping teachers happy in Stockwell’s letter could be for the CSA Education Foundation. The purpose of this 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is for the “retention of trained educators.” In the foundations’ 2010 tax filings, gross assets in 2009 were $59,639.

On page two of the 990, the amount spent on 42 teachers in 2009 was $20,600 in retention grants. Works out to about $490 per teacher.

So why does Chuck need parents at CSA to fork over $250,000 so he can pay his teachers this year when that amount is already listed in the 2018-2019 budget? CSA Education Foundation only files the “postcard” 990 because even up to 2016 they have never exceeded the amount that would require the long form 990. So the $250 per student clearly is not a donation as Chuck Stockwell characterized them in his letter.

So many questions.

The most infuriating thing about Chuck’s Stockwell’s letter is that he’s mad that real public schools can use their authority as a governmental entity to vote to raise funds to pay for infrastructure, but he can’t because his charter school isn’t a public school district. He channels that anger into a letter sent to his customers – the parents of CSA’s students – and demands they punish public schools for something that is perfectly legal for them to do.

And give him more money so he can pay his teachers this year.

Why is it infuriating? Because Chuck thinks it’s up to the taxpayers of Michigan to subsidize his mortgage payments on private property. It is not the job of any Michigan taxpayer to pay Chuck Stockwell’s, CS Partners or any of the other LLC’s he’s filed with the State of Michigan’s debts for his charter school business. He manages 20 charter schools bringing in millions of taxpayer dollars that magically become private assets once they go into CS Partner’s bank accounts.

Chuck Stockwell’s former partner, Dr. Steve Ingersoll, considered himself an entrepreneur when he embezzled $3.5 million dollars from Grand Traverse Academy to fund his Renaissance project in Bay City. Not only did he attempt to create a charter school, but a company town where his teachers and employees would work and live. When Ingersoll and his family decided to raid a loan from Chemical Bank to cover up the embezzlement, the Feds swooped in and sent him packing to prison where he belonged. A quick search engine query into charter schools and fraud will prove Dr. Steve Ingersoll is not an isolated case. The gall of people like Ingersoll and Stockwell insisting they’re entitled to our tax dollars is what makes for-profit charter schools so infuriating. But pensions for teachers? Larceny!

Chuck Stockwell, you have lived for decades on the largess of the taxpayers of Michigan. You enjoy a comfortable standard of living while demanding your students’ parents, many of them probably unable to afford any real vacation at all, while you spend your winters in Cancun and your summers on your waterfront property in Traverse City hand you more money for your business. Have you no shame at all?

Livingston Developmental Academy Co-Founder Chuck Stockwell is considered an institution in the Michigan for-profit charter school industry. Who knew a loving parent relying on vision therapy to cure his daughter of an inoperable brain tumor would over two decades later be the successful businessman of the charter school campus now known as Charyl Stockwell Academy? Chuck Stockwell is semi-retired these days, but he’s still very active in promoting the for-profit charter school agenda and overall operations of CSA through his management company, CS Partners.

CSA is one of the highest ranking schools academically of all for-profit charter schools operating in the state. The school has an overall achievement score of 67 percent proficient in reading and 42 percent proficient in math. Boasting 1000 students, CSA expanded and moved into a new building in 2010. In 2013, for-profit charter school authorizer Central Michigan University granted CSA the status of “school of excellence.”

With all of that wonderful news, it would seem highly unlikely CSA would ever fall on hard times. According to a letter Chuck Stockwell sent out to parents of CSA students, however, things appear to not be going so well after all:

Dear CSA District Community,

I would like to share with you some information about how the state of Michigan funds public charter schools.
• Public charter schools in Michigan are funded from the state education budget.
• The amount each school receives is determined by the number of students enrolled at that school, based on the October student count.
• The per-student amount of money that each school district receives is determined by how much money that the school district was collecting 25 years ago when Proposal A was passed.
• Proposal A was passed to equalize funding between schools. Prior to the passage of Proposal A, the amount of public tax paid to each school district ranged from $2,500 to $12,000 per enrolled student. Now, most school districts receive about $7700 per student. Some still get more and some still get less. Last year CSA District received $7871 per student
• Charter schools receive the same amount of funding as the traditional public school district in which they are located unless that amount is higher than the state average. If that amount is higher than the state average, the charter school receives the state average and the traditional public school receives the higher amount.
• CSA District has about 1,000 students which means the District receives about $7,600,000 from public taxes this year.
• CSA District has nice buildings but not as nice as those in Hartland or Brighton or Howell. Teachers in Hartland, Brighton, and Howell get paid more than teachers in the CSA District. The nicer buildings and higher teacher pay are directly related to each other. How?
◦ Every year, CSA District makes payments on the money they borrowed to buy or build their buildings. This year that payment will be $1,136,900. ALL of that debt payment comes out of the general fund, the per-pupil allotment that CSA District receives from the state.
• All of the traditional public schools in Livingston County use absolutely none of the money they receive from the state to pay for their buildings.
• Traditional public schools can call special elections and pass taxes to pay for capital expenses like buildings and building renovations, computers and IT networks, buses, football fields, furniture and anything else that lasts more than a year. Public charter schools cannot. When a public charter school needs to spend money on capital expenses, they have to spend money that traditional public schools can spend on teacher salaries.  Or they spend money donated by parents or interested parties.

Did you know that if you own a home in any of the local traditional public school districts, even if your children attend a public charter school, your tax dollars are paying for the buildings and equipment that traditional public schools are buying? You can see the exact amount on your tax bill. None of those building and equipment tax dollars follow your child to their public charter school.

It isn’t fair.

There is much more to this story but I will add just one more thing here. Traditional public schools have a bankrupt defined-benefit pension system that has to be bailed out by you. Each year, billions of the state of Michigan’s public school dollars are spent bailing out that pension system. Public charter schools that use more cost-effective 401k-type defined contribution pensions receive none of that bailout money. Yet your tax dollars pay for that bailout.

What can you do?

Don’t vote for traditional school taxes for buildings and equipment! It’s the voters, YOU, who vote on those traditional public schools millages and if they pass, it is you who will pay. Vote NO!

What else can you do?

• Talk to your State Representative, State Senator, and the Governor. Tell them you won’t vote yes on school taxes until public charter school students and families get their fair share.
• Write a letter to your local School Board and tell them you will no longer vote for taxes unless public charter school students get their fair share.
• Vote for politicians that support public charter schools and make sure they know you are mad that your children are being treated unequally. Many of those politicians don’t know about this inequity or worse, want public charter schools to receive less money until parents send their children back to traditional public schools.
• Vote for legislators who support public charter schools. You can find out who they are here.

And finally, help CSA keep their great teachers. Even though CSA District gets more than a million dollars less each year for the 1000 public school students the system serves, the District is managed carefully at a low cost.

For your donation of just $250 per student, CSA District can bring their teachers’ salaries a lot closer to the salaries of teachers in the traditional public school districts surrounding us. Won’t you commit to one annual, tax-deductible payment of $250 to the CSA Education Foundation?  The money will go straight to teachers in grants to encourage them to stay and teach in the CSA District.  Please support your teachers with the biggest donation you can make.

Thank you.

In partnership with you,

Chuck Stockwell

Imagine being a CSA parent reading this letter. You would probably be a little freaked out that Chuck Stockwell is ordering parents to vote no on school millage elections until the for-profit charter school industry gets their fair share AND fork over cash to cover teacher salaries. You might wonder if the school is in financial distress. You might wonder what’s going on that Chuck Stockwell isn’t telling you. You’re absolutely right to wonder about those things and maybe be worried too.

Let’s break this letter down, shall we? The first part – a Reader’s Digest version of how schools are funded through Proposal A is correct. We decided twenty-five years ago it wasn’t fair that property owners should foot the bill to educate children living in the community their property was part of and instead put the tax burden on people who may or may not own property, but still have to buy things.

Now what Chuck doesn’t share with parents in this letter is real public schools can ask for millage elections because they are actually a form of local government in the state with physical boundaries like a township or county and publicly elected officials in the form of a school board; they can hold elections to raise revenue within the boundaries of their district. Charter schools, unlike real public schools, are a business that operates like a grocery store or auto mechanic’s shop offering goods and services to customers who can come from anywhere. In this case, the goods and services are educating students. We don’t allow grocery stores and auto mechanic shops to make people vote on giving them more money because they’re businesses, not governments. Charter schools, grocery stores, and auto mechanic shops don’t have physical boundaries or elect officials to make decisions; it’s up to the business owner to figure out how to bring in more money if their store or shop or charter school just isn’t drumming up enough business to stay open. As for charter school boards, did the people of CSA elect them, or were they chosen by the owner of the school? Business, not a government. That’s why for-profit charter schools can’t hold millage elections and that IS fair.

So then what does Chuck do? He orders the parents reading this letter to vote no on millages for the real public schools and tells them it’s because the school that’s actually a government has the authority to do something that the school that’s a business can’t do, because businesses don’t have physical boundaries and therefore don’t have a district of constituents. Did you get that? Chuck Stockwell, one of the founding fathers of Michigan charter schools, just explained why charter schools don’t work and are actually leaching from public school districts in per-pupil state tuition grants and Title I funds, but can’t leach from all of the funds real public schools need to stay open. He even goes on to tell you the unionized teachers in real public schools receiving pensions are stealing money from you and it’s not fair that charter schools only offer their nonunion employees 401k plans just like other for-profit businesses. Most state employees receive some form of pension including police officers. Is Chuck Stockwell crying stop thief at those state employees and their pensions? Why is it only teachers are criminals for receiving a pension from the state?

And then AND THEN Chuck Stockwell orders the parents of students attending CSA to fork over $250 per pupil so the for-profit charter school can give teachers a raise. With an enrollment of 1000 children, that’s $250,000 Chuck demands parents give him right now. If you’re thinking about the numbers he offers in the letter, you’ve by now figured out that $7871 per pupil is $7.8 million dollars of Michigan taxpayer money CSA will receive in October to run CSA. $250,000 is only roughly 3 percent of that total, why can’t CSA teachers get raises from tax dollars like teachers from a real public school?

Because not only is CSA a business with a management company (CS Partners) that’s paid with taxpayer dollars to pay for running the school and hiring staff and keeping the lights on and paying $1.6 million in mortgage for the brand new school building built in 2010, but they also have to pay their charter school authorizer which happens to be Central Michigan University. How much does CMU get? 3 percent.

Dear parents of Charyl Stockwell Academy. You made the choice to send your children to a school that is not a school district and therefore has no governmental authority to tax people so the school can pay their bank note on the school building. They have to pay their management company and the university that rubber stamped their business plan to teach kids how to read, add, and subtract and still make a profit. This is why only about 60 percent of the public tax money CSA gets from the state actually pays for educating your children. The real public school you decided not to send your children to yet you still get to vote on millage increases and elect the school board has to spend 100 percent of that $7,871 per student on educating the children at the school. Whether you vote yes or no on the millage doesn’t change the fact you decided a business could do a better job than the public school and enrolled your children there.

Parents of CSA at the next board meeting need to ask the unelected board some questions. Why is CSA suddenly having money issues? How much money does the CEO/Superintendent/Director/Whoever is in charge of running that school make? Is it an amount the charter school can reasonably afford? How much money does CS Partners take from CSA funds for operating costs? Also, ask them where they get the nerve to insist on paying for teacher raises out of your pockets, because if any real public school tried to pull that it would be front page headlines in papers all over the state. Charter schools insist they’re real public schools, so they shouldn’t be charging you tuition.

Parents have every right to know what is going on at CSA that would make Chuck Stockwell send out a letter like that.

Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, the northwest corner of Marquette, and Ontanogon Counties make up the 110th State House District in Michigan’s western Upper Peninsula. The Democratic Party candidate for this seat in Ken Summers. Summers is a business owner in L’Anse, his hometown where he and his wife, Bridget, raise a son.

Ken Summers graduated from high school in L’Anse in 1996. He went on to earn a degree in Finance from Northern Michigan University. The Summers are business owners and served on the board for the village, school district, and chamber of commerce.

Priorities Ken Summers will focus on when he is in Lansing include increasing support and funding for public education and providing job training and career technical education for our young people so they are ready upon graduation to enter the workforce with the skills they need to be successful. Infrastructure must be improved in the Upper Peninsula; including internet access upgrades for supporting high tech jobs and physical improvements to transportation. Making the Upper Peninsula an independent energy region is a high priority for the 110th District. Increasing the use of renewable energy sources to bring prices down are necessary to keep the UP competitive for business growth. Summers will also work to make healthcare for the people of the 110th District more affordable.

Ken Summers is endorsed by the MEA, UAW, MCUL, MCO, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 324, the Michigan Nurses Association, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan AFL-CIO, the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, Planned Parenthood, the Progressive Women’s Caucus, Equality Michigan, AFSCME, Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, the Sierra Club, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, POAM, SEIU, AFT, NASW, the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Association, IBEW Michigan, MAPO, One Union, LiUNA!, Michigan Association of Justice, End Citizens United, and more!

To find out more about Ken Summers and his campaign, you can visit his website and Facebook page. On November 6, 2018, vote for Ken Summers. A native son of the Upper Peninsula who knows what the people of the 110th District need and will go to Lansing ready to fight for his constituents.

Alger, Luce, most of Marquette and Schoolcraft counties make up the 109th State House District. This district has been well-served by Sara Cambensy, who was elected on November 7, 2017, to finish the term of the late John Kivela. She now seeks re-election for a full term of office. A native of Marquette, Sara Cambensy has a long history of service to her community.

After completing a Bachelor’s degree in 2002 and a Masters of Public Administration in 2011 at Northern Michigan University, Sara Cambensy has served on the City Council for Marquette, worked as a Zoning Code Enforcement Official, served on the City Planning Commission, and holds credentials for fundraising at the Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University and worked as the Director of Adult and Community Education for Marquette Area Public Schools. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in Environmental and Energy Policy at Michigan Tech.

Issues Sara Cambensy will continue to focus on when she returns to Lansing in 2019 are increasing funding for public education; most notably addressing the shortfalls created by the Headlee Amendment and Proposal A. These short-sighted policies have ensured with a weak economy that is only handled by handing corporations more tax cuts thus decreasing funding even more, that schools are not funded adequately. Sara will continue to work to make the Upper Peninsula energy independent by increasing the use of renewable energy that will decrease the demand for coal and fossil fuels. Finally, eliminating the tax cuts for corporations that give them more money than they put into the state must stop. The unfair tax practices of the current administration in Lansing actually prohibit job growth in sectors where people can earn livable wages. This must stop, and Sara Cambensy will work to make sure it will.

Sara Cambensy is endorsed by the MEA, Michigan Association of Justice, Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union, United Steelworkers, Iron Workers Local 8, Operating Engineers 324, Michigan Nurses Association, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, and the Upper Peninsula Building Trades Council.

To learn more about Sara Cambensy and get involved with her campaign, visit her website and Facebook page. On November 6, 2018, return Sarah to Lansing so she can continue the good work she is doing for the 109th State House District.