This has been a banner week for Republicans demonstrating just how ethically bankrupt they are. On May 15, 2019, State House District 104 Rep Larry Inman did a little oopsie when he deliberately texted leadership of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and other unions demanding donations for his no vote on a bill to strip prevailing wage laws in the state. A federal grand jury indicted him for bribery, fraud, and lying to the FBI. Inman, of course, says the texts to the union leaders were completely taken out of context and he has no intention of resigning his office. This is Inman’s last term as a state rep, but you know he’s thinking about 2020.
State Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield (R – Loaded, unregistered firearms are a-okay at the airport in Emmet County) said Inman needs to go and others insist if Inman doesn’t resign on his own, then Chatfield needs to expel him from the State House. Inman embarrassed the Michigan GOP, but since Republicans have no shame when it comes to beating the working people of this state into the ground with low wages, no voice at the ballot box, no health care, and treating women like chattel, we will just have to wait and see what happens next.
But come the weekend and a challenger appeared to cause Republicans even more problems. Justin Amash (R – Pretends to be a rebel but still tows the GOP line 99% of the time) of Michigan’s 3rd US Congressional District made a public statement on Saturday that Donald Trump is a horrible person doing horrible things and they’re all worth being impeached. The Democratic Leadership in Washington can’t even commit to doing what they should have started doing as soon as Nancy Pelosi had her hands on the gavel again, and here’s this Republican of all people saying it’s time to kick Donald and the rest of Trump Crime Family out of the White House.
Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.— Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 18, 2019
Amash didn’t tweet any great revelation. Republicans know this is the truth even without reading the Mueller report which they haven’t. Republicans, in order to maintain control of government by any means necessary, know Trump is a criminal and trash and a moron and they don’t care. Republicans are perfectly happy with a White House administration with no understanding of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, or even a sense of human decency.
Both Dum Dum and Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel tweeted their disappointment a member of the Republican Party grew a spine and tweeted the truth. As for Amash, GOP gerrymandering of Michigan’s congressional districts make Amash ironclad safe – at least until the districts are redrawn so all Michigan votes matter again.
Two Michigan Republicans. One doing typical Republican things which of course means illegal things but in this current, nothing matters timeline we live in no one will likely do a damn thing about it until the feds cart Larry Inman off to prison. The other doing the right thing and the entire GOP is more than willing to hang Justin Amash as an example for the rest of degenerate trash that makes up the GOP what will happen to them if they fall out of line.
The Republican Party is the party of no values, no ethics, and no honor and they are perfectly fine with that. The question is, are you?
In the world of for-profit incarceration, one company’s loss is another company’s gain. GEO Group announced on May 2, 2019, their successful contract bid with the Federal Bureau of Prisons to house 5,000 prisoners for the next ten years. CoreCivic, formerly CCA, issued a statement the day before the Federal Bureau of Prisons ended a contract for housing over 2,200 prisoners. CoreCivic and GEO Group are the two largest for-profit corrections companies in the United States and are in constant competition to pad their bottom lines in an ever-shrinking market. The White House position to treat legal asylum seekers as criminals is just the boost both companies need to keep their shareholders happy.
While 400 employees in Natchez, Mississippi, will soon find themselves at the unemployment office, Baldwin, Michigan, once again will have a line forming through the doors and into the street at the local Michigan Works! office as former and new employees reapply for their jobs at North Lake Correctional Facility. It appears GEO Group’s plans to reopen the prison may be happening very soon.
Since the prison opened in 1998 North Lake Correctional Facility has spent more time shuttered than open. Originally the “punk prison” was a juvenile detention facility until 2005. In 2011 and 2015 GEO Group tried to reopen the prison with inmates from California, Vermont, and Washington State. California changed their mind and decided they would save money keeping their prisoners in California. The Vermont contract for 700 prisoners was never fully utilized by the Vermont Department of Corrections. By the time North Lake canceled the contract in 2017, only 300 prisoners were housed in the 1,800-bed prison. Washington’s contract for 1,000 beds was never fulfilled and the layoffs at the Baldwin prison had already begun by October of 2015.
In 2018 GEO Group announced they would pay for upgrades to the village of Baldwin’s sewer system in anticipation of winning a contract with the Federal Bureau of prisons for possibly as many as 22,000 prisoners. Sewer upgrades are definitely needed to handle the volume of sewage produced by 1,800 prisoners, but GEO Group has other problems they need to face if they really intend to hire the staff needed to reactivate North Lake to capacity. In 2015, GEO Group imported a large number of people to the Baldwin area from other states as well as downstate, and the new employees had a difficult time finding housing when they arrived. Some lived in hotels for months until a house or apartment became available. Since these people had to find homes in Big Rapids, Cadillac, and as far away as Ludington, the promise that the influx of new people in the community would boost the economy never really happened. Part of the deal GEO Group made with the state of Michigan in 2015 included hiring as many local qualified people as possible. Perhaps they could stick to this policy a bit more vigorously this time around, as it became very apparent to the locals in a matter of weeks that not many people from Lake County were hired as promised.
Governor Whitmer already blocked the sale of a state prison to a for-profit prison management company in February. It seems pointless to open another for-profit prison in Michigan when the GEO Group-owned prison already in the state sits empty for years at a time. Currently, 36 jobs are listed for North Lake Correctional Facility on the GEO Group website. Don’t get too excited, most of the jobs are for positions GEO Group hired internally in 2015 for the Vermont and Washington contracts.
It’s important to remember the constant struggle between CoreCivic and GEO Group will continue as both corporations desperately battle to fill prison beds in a country fed up with putting more people in prison. How long North Lake stays open this time will also depend on who wins the presidency in 2020. The current humanitarian crisis at the border created by the oppressive policies of the Trump Administration is one of many major factors angering Americans and building momentum to evict the Trump Crime Family from the White House. Both CoreCivic and GEO Group will heavily fund politicians to ensure their new cash cow doesn’t dry up any time soon.
The effectiveness of REDMAP is perhaps most clear in the state of Michigan … The 2012 election was a huge success for Democrats at the statewide level in Michigan: voters elected a Democratic U.S. Senator by more than 20 points and reelected President Obama by almost 10 points. But Republicans at the state level maintained majorities in both chambers of the legislature and voters elected a 9-5 Republican majority to represent them in Congress.
Much like a child screaming at their mother it’s unfair they have to clean their room before they go outside to play, the Michigan GOP vowed to appeal the April 25, 2019, decision of the three-judge panel of the US Circuit Court which ruled the mess Republicans made of Michigan’s voting districts in 2011 must be cleaned up by August 1, 2019, or the court will clean it up for them. Naturally, Republicans are screaming loudly it’s not fair they are now ordered to redraw districts so gerrymandered they’re unconstitutional, so they’re going to Dad, ie, the United States Supreme Court and have them appeal the federal court order.
Two Northern Michigan state districts not listed by the US Circuit Court are controlled by Republicans. They talked to Cadillac News on April 29, 2019, about the upcoming appeal. State Senator Carl VanderWall (R – Leave No Pregnant Woman Unpunished) represents twelve county behemoth District 35 while Daire Rendon (R – Politics is our Family Business) represents State House District 103.
Rendon insists gerrymandering is just too hard to do more than once every ten years after the census, and why fix the problem Republicans created via REDMAP in 2011 when the new Citizens Redistricting Commission will take over redistricting Michigan’s voting districts for the 2022 election anyway? VanderWall doesn’t care that he may be running for reelection in 2020 as part of the circuit court’s ruling. He’s far too busy pushing legislation that dumps more pain and grief on expectant mothers and whatever it is self-employed landscapers do in spring.
Both state politicians can’t wait for the case to go before the Supreme Court, where they’re banking on the new right-wing tilt to the court to ignore the law and rule it’s perfectly fine to gerrymander districts when it helps the Republican Party maintain control.
What happens if SCOTUS doesn’t overturn the ruling? Lines for some districts must be redrawn to correct the partisan, political gerrymandering that took place in 2011 to ensure no election in the state was remotely fair for future elections. This means that districts that weren’t cited in the case as being gerrymandered might still be affected, and that is what has VanderWall and Rendon worried. What if State Senate District 35 shrinks from 12 counties to something smaller? What if Daire Rendon has to move to a new house?
That’s right. Daire Rendon’s biggest concern with redrawing the districts for the 2020 election is that it might push her out of the district she represents because she lives close to the western edge of State House District 103. She’ll have to move!
Ethical bankruptcy like this is why no Republican deserves any person’s vote ever. Rendon and VanderWall could care less their support of gerrymandering Michigan’s districts muted votes in favor of keeping control and power so they could serve their partisan agenda rather than the interests of their constituents.
So remember, Michigan Republicans want to maintain this:
AND This:
Because cleaning up the mess they deliberately created will require them to take responsibility for the unconstitutional acts their party committed against the people of Michigan.
And Daire Rendon might be forced to move.
The way Editor-In-Chief of the Mason County Press Rob Alway tells it, you would think Governor Gretchen Whitmer was skulking in the shadows around the state on April 12, 2019, secretly meeting with supporters as if she has something to hide.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer was in Ludington today. Did you know that? Probably not. In fact, not many people knew it because she has been operating in stealth mode when she travels to visit us rural folk on the western side of the state.
First, it wasn’t a secret that she was in the area at all. The Governor attended the annual Governor’s Breakfast in Cadillac on Friday morning. Gretchen Whitmer was in Traverse City the day before speaking at Traverse City Central High School. There’s even news coverage for both public events. Emphasis on public.
But Rob Alway doesn’t mention either of those events in his scathing editorial of the Governor’s clandestine movement around the state. Only this private meeting with a small group of local people in Ludington, which Alway attempts to gin up as some sort of nefarious conclave with the heads of the five families.
So what did Whitmer talk about at this private gathering? The same issues she’s talked about at the public events. Infrastructure in Michigan for far too long has been ignored by Republicans in control in Lansing and now we’ve reached a critical point where something must be done about it. All of the talk of Michigan being a comeback state by Snyder in 2011 was just that, talk. We’ve known before Snyder took office in 2011 that one of the big drawbacks for businesses setting up shop in Michigan is the deplorable condition of the roads. The Republicans did absolutely nothing about the roads while raising taxes and fees on the people of the state. Sure, they told us these fee hikes were for the roads, but then in standard Republican fashion, they moved the money to where they wanted to spend it. As you can see today, none of it was spent on repairing our infrastructure
Rob Alway’s Mason County Press has been the platform to drag the Mayor of Scottville through the mud over a personal feud and outing a trans individual by revealing enough personal information about them, then suggesting the person was trans because they were sexually abused.
Rob Alway is doing more with his “editorial” than just attempting to provoke people into anger that the Governor was in Ludington for a private meeting with locals. Speaking publicly at events spread out over days wasn’t enough. He’s outright lying to the people of Mason County with his whole cloth approach to criticizing the Democratic Governor about her speaking engagements.
Besides, how did Rob Alway know the Governor was in town if it was a big secret?
Today in Lansing Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel gave her official legal opinion on the constitutionality of PA 359, the law that creates a Straits Corridor Authority with the job of servicing Enbridge’s desire to continue pumping oil through an aging pipeline for the next 100 years. The purpose of the act was to create a ruse for Enbridge to gain access to public land for their exclusive corporate use of building an underground tunnel for the oil pipeline that threatens the health of the Straits of Mackinac and the Great Lakes.
Attorney General Nessel’s opinion argued that the title of the law doesn’t match what’s actually in the text of the law, and that makes it unconstitutional.
No law shall embrace more than one object, which shall be expressed in its title. No bill shall be altered or amended on its passage through either house so as to change its original purpose as determined by its total content and not alone by its title
Other problems with how the law came to be during the lame duck session of 2018 included the outrageously short public comment period. Some parts of the bill only allowed one day of public comment, because they weren’t included until shortly before the bill became law.
Now that the Attorney General has completed the first of five opinions requested by Governor Whitmer it’s time to begin the process of doing what the majority of Michiganders want from the new administration: Close down Enbridge Line 5 and protect the Great Lakes from a potentially catastrophic disaster.
On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, the entire state of Michigan will participate in a tornado drill to raise awareness about safety during severe weather. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed the week of March 24th to 30th as Michigan’s Severe Weather Awareness Week to better prepare the state for severe weather emergencies.
At one o’clock in the afternoon on March 27, emergency sirens will sound in a state-wide test. These sirens are usually under the control of local communities with their own emergency plans for their use.
MSP/EMHSD commander Captain Emmitt McGowan remarked on the upcoming drill:
“Outdoor warning sirens are designed to alert residents who are outdoors about an approaching threat. To be better prepared to hear an alert indoors, you should look to your NOAA Weather Radio and local alerts for hazard information.”
With the sounding of local warning sirens, residents will also see or hear alerts on television and radio stations. The intent of the drill and alerts is to encourage Michigan residents to practice for a severe weather emergency.
To find out if your community will participate in the drill, contact your local emergency management agency. For learn more about weather safety and what to do in case of a tornado, you can follow the MSP/EMHSD on Twitter at @MichEMHS or go to the Michigan State Police Website
Let’s get one thing sorted right way: Pregnant women carry a FETUS. A fetus is a fertilized egg that has reached 8 weeks of development. There are lots of other terms that describe the stages of pregnancy such as zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate, and so on. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN UNBORN CHILD. It’s bizarre and tragic this false term for a fetus has become part of our language, especially in the media, to the point even progressives use it not realizing they’re perpetuating the false narrative of anti-choice groups.
Moving on …
When the Up North Progressive first started writing this article it was supposed to be about State Senator Curtis VanderWall (R – Must punish women for having sex!), and his bill to criminalize women who have to make the horrible decision to end their late-term pregnancy. Inanely named “Pain-capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” the bill assumes a pregnant woman might wake up some morning after carrying a fetus for 24 or more weeks and suddenly change her mind about being pregnant. This assertion is based on some sadistic fantasy right wing men have that a woman can on a whim get an abortion up to an even after giving birth.
Except they can’t because abortion on demand is illegal after 24 weeks – the time when the fetus begins developing the ability to feel pain. At this point, only a doctor can decide if the pregnancy can be terminated, not the pregnant mother. The doctor will only suggest this if there is some birth defect the fetus will not survive after birth or the mother’s life is in danger. These two situations are so rare that less than 1 percent of late-term abortions ever happen in this country. That doesn’t stop sadistic bastards like Curt VanderWall however from inflicting more agony and suffering on an already despondent mother by insisting she gives birth only to watch her baby die an agonizing death or face time in prison. VanderWall at least doesn’t go so far as to demand the mother sacrifice her life on the altar of disgustingly stupid laws politicians propose to get their name in the media because they want to run for higher office in the near future.
And it’s no coincidence VanderWall’s bill came shortly after one of many of Trump’s asinine tweets on the subject of “after-birth” abortion – a thing that is medically impossible.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2019
And you’re thinking, “it can’t possibly get any worse,” until it does.
Hannity: “Just for the record, we don’t know if AOC ever smoked weed although a lot of liberals now who care about late-term abortion, during birth abortion, even after birth abortion and yes they want to legalize weed”
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) March 14, 2019
And it gets even worse.
Texas Lawmakers are Promoting ‘Anti-New York’ Bills to Limit Abortions by @SophieNovack #txlege
— The Texas Observer (@TexasObserver) March 14, 2019
Until it gets to the point where anti-choice Republicans are in a mad dash to see who can out-stupid each other the most.
And then only two days ago on March 20, 2019, we reached peak stupid with former Trumpian UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.
Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like their answer.
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) March 20, 2019
Sure, pick on Finland of all countries and show the world how stupid you are, Nikki.
Up North Progressive already shared how exponentially superior Finland is at being pro-life when it comes to children. Just for fun, google ‘Finland baby box.’ Finland’s supportive child policies and health care system are so superior to the United States they have the lowest child poverty rate in the world. Finland always ranks in the top five nations worldwide for infant mortality rate at around 1.8 percent while the United States struggles to keep below 6 percent. With all of the restrictions on legal abortion, defunding Planned Parenthood, closing clinics, and politically grasping jerks like Curt VanderWall, you would think the United States could at least do as well as Finland, a country where abortion is legal and government-funded.
Anti-choice opportunist politicians like Ludington’s Curt VanderWall think to force women to give birth to a nonviable fetus and making her suffer the loss and pain of a child she had so much love and hope for means freedom. Threatening women and doctors with prison by criminalizing sound medical practice doesn’t seem much like freedom at all.
On March 5, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri, a Democratic primary election will decide who runs for Board of Aldermen President in the General Election. Why is Up North Progressive, a blog dedicated to covering progressive issues in Northern Michigan writing about this? Because when a city police association takes to social media declaring one of the candidates a communist cop-hater, people around the world are going to notice.
Especially when the world notices you failed high school history. Uhm, maybe someone in St. Louis could explain to whoever posted this on facebook Communists WON the Battle of Stalingrad against a Nazi invasion during World War II.
Why does the St. Louis Police Officers Association hate Megan Ellyia Green so much? She was elected to the Board of Aldermen in 2014 in a special election, won re-election ever since and now is running for President of the Board of Aldermen in St. Louis. Green uses her office to support progressive issues such as $15 minimum wage, pro-choice reproductive freedom for women, the Ferguson Commission and civilian oversight of the police department – looks like we found the problem.
Megan Green also supports the Black Lives Matter movement. Nearby community Ferguson, Missouri, is ground zero for the organization that works to overcome unnecessary police brutality that leads to the murder of black people without consequences for too many police officers committing these heinous crimes. Green participated in a BLM march in 2017 where tear gas was used on demonstrators. Green sued the St. Louis Police Department and they’ve hated her ever since.
Hate her so much, the Stalingrad facebook post wasn’t the only one that came out on March 3, 2019 against Megan Green’s campaign.
All of the above posts are still live on the SLPOA Facebook page. Snowflake is a pejorative term used by right-wing Trump supporters to describe ‘liberals’ because liberals are so delicate and fragile says the organization posting bad photoshops and calling an elected official bad names because she’s mean to us.
This isn’t the first time Megan Green has been called names in public for her work to protect the taxpayers of St. Louis. That she now seeks to be president of the Board of Aldermen demonstrates she’s anything but a snowflake.
Megan Green’s campaign does not accept any corporate PAC campaign donations. Tomorrow, March 5, 2019, is the Democratic Party Primary in St. Louis, Missouri. Women’s History Month is a celebration of women willing to face adversity to fight for what is right. Megan Green is a woman who has faced derision, sexism, and hate speech yet chooses to keep fighting for what is right for the people of St. Louis.