Attorney General Dana Nessel submitted a letter to David Bernhardt of the United States Department of the Interior in response to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal to remove the gray wolf from the endangered and threatened list on March 15, 2019. AG Nessel’s letter stresses the service’s requirement to follow the law with regard to keeping wolves on the list.

Of the 17 states with gray wolves living in them, the US Fish and Wildlife Service only considered the wolf populations in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota when they attempted to delist wolves in the contiguous states in 2011. The entire United States only has 16,000 wolves. 11,000 of that number live in Alaska. In 2014, Michigan voters overwhelmingly rejected a wolf hunting season in the state. Shortly afterward, a federal judge ruled that the US Fish and Wildlife Service didn’t follow the law that states all wolves living in the entire habitat range must be considered before removing the species from the endangered and threatened species list. In 2017, former Governor Rick Snyder (R – One Destructive Nerd) signed a bill into law designating the gray wolf in Michigan as a game animal in anticipation of a court of appeals ruling happening later that year. The federal tribunal held up the 2014 ruling and gray wolves remained on the endangered species list.

In her letter, the Attorney General stressed that once again US Fish and Wildlife officials were balkanizing states that have experienced success with managing the gray wolf, while not considering the status of wolf population management programs in other states before making a decision to strip gray wolves of their protected status as an endangered species; the same reason the Federal Appeals Court ruled against them in 2017.

“While Michigan has been successful with its recovery efforts, other states have not been so fortunate. Instead of using Michigan’s leadership to the detriment of the gray wolves in other states, the Service should allow the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to lead by example so that other states can manage the gray wolves within their borders into recovery, not extinction.”

Michigan currently is the home of approximately 660 wolves in the Upper Peninsula and Isle Royale National Park. If the US Fish and Wildlife Service is successful, this will be the tenth attempt in twenty years to remove gray wolves from the list and will trigger yet more lawsuits from various animals rights organizations.

The gray wolf once enjoyed a habitat over all of North America. 5,000 wolves scattered over 16 of 48 states is hardly a sign the wolves have come back from extinction. Some states list them as vermin. In January of 2019, two poachers confessed to illegally shooting wolves with DNR radio collars. Some residents in the Upper Peninsula where the gray wolves live shoot any wolf they see following the SSS policy encouraged by elected state officials.

Trophy hunters and farmers demanding the wolf be removed and hunted to extinction don’t take into consideration the vital role wolves have to the ecosystem by keeping prey animal herds healthy, which in turn benefits the land and waters where they graze. Stories about wolves terrorizing preschools or attacking livestock are just that – stories used to scare people into supporting the eradication of wolves.

Gray wolves in Michigan are a beneficial species providing an important part of the ecosystem. Hunting to the verge of extinction would harm the people of the state just as much as it would harm the wolves.

Petition language for a recall campaign on State Legislator Larry Inman (R – 104) was submitted to the Michigan Board of State Canvassers by the Recall Inman Committee on Friday, July 19, 2019. Petition canvassers will have 60 days to collect 12,000 signatures to trigger a special election and remove Inman from his seat once the language is approved. The recall campaign will take place in Inman’s district in Grand Traverse County.

On May 14, 2019, Larry Inman was indicted in federal court for extortion and lying to the FBI after he told union leaders they needed to pay him money if they wanted him to vote in their favor on the prevailing wage bill. Attempts to oust Inman from the State House have been bipartisan, but Inman refuses to leave, insisting he will finish his term. On June 6, 2019, Inman’s attorney issued a press release that the state representative was suffering from Opioid use and would need time to be evaluated by a doctor. The press release was Inman’s response to a resolution drafted in the Michigan State House with bipartisan support the previous day demanding Inman resign.

Unfortunately, since May 15, 2019, Inman has missed votes on over 80 bills that have been sent to the floor of the house chamber. He also missed meetings with the company redeveloping the former state mental hospital. His trial set to begin in August may be delayed because his lawyers are working on finding medical evidence for Inman’s defense.

The people of the 104th State House District have had enough. Inman’s absence from Lansing is not in the best interests of the people he was elected to represent. The Recall Inman Committee wants Inman removed by special election if they can collect the 12,000 signatures needed to start the process. Petition co-sponsor Sondra Hardy explained why they were seeking a recall campaign against Inman:

This is about representation, not partisan politics. When a Grand Traverse County resident needs information or help from their State Representative, no one is there to even answer the phone. Since May, Inman has been collecting his paycheck but not showing up for work. I can’t imagine any other job that would let you do that. There is work to do in Lansing for Grand Traverse County, and Larry isn’t doing it. The citizens of Grand Traverse deserve better. He has left us with only one option – to call for a recall election.

Collecting 12,000 signatures in 60 days will require volunteers and donations. You can sign up here to volunteer.

The Michigan State Board of Canvassers is scheduled to have a meeting on Friday, July 26, 2019, in Lansing. Approving the language for Recall Inman Committee’s petition language does not appear on the agenda, but there is an agenda item that allows for any new business that may be presented to the board at the meeting.

Tom Norton of Cedar Springs, Michigan, is a Trump lovin’ liberal hatin’ man’s man with a burning hatred for anyone who deviates the slightest degree left into dirty librul political territory. His US Congressman, Justin Amash (I – LOLbertarian but Woke), Did the unforgivable and declared American Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump ( R – NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION) a bad president and after reading the Mueller Report, must be impeached.

Tom starts out claiming Justin Amash is having an “identity crisis” then lets loose with a trans-phobic word salad about Amash supporting taxpayer-funded sex changes and he must be having an “identity” crisis because every Trump lovin’ patriot knows granting trans people their Constitutional right to “cut the sausage” as Tom lovingly calls it is tyranny. Just for good measure, Tom mentions Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D – CA 12) to prove Justin Amash is no true conservative.

The most disturbing part of this video is that while Tom is ranting about sex changes and declaring Michigan has a “binary” view of things, two of his young children are forced to sit and watch and listen to their dad rant about Justin Amash.

Even if you don’t like Amash’s politics, you have to respect his near-perfect Constitutional voting record. It’s incredible Tom’s trying to paint Amash as some kind of Never Trumper lieberal when Amash voted with Trump’s demands and the Republican caucus almost flawlessly until he bothered to crack open the Mueller Report. Take a look at his voting record and you can see when Amash realized he supported a criminal.

Amash left the Republican Party shortly after declaring Trump deserves impeachment. He along with 90 Democratic Party members of Congress demand Nancy Pelosi do her Constitutional duty and bring Articles of Impeachment against Trump. Tom Norton not only worships Trump but promises if elected will defend Trump. That means Tom Norton will defend concentration camps for Central American refugees and locking children in cages. Tom Norton will defend sexually assaulting women and children as young as 13 years old. Tom Norton will defend Russian interference in our elections, which is fine as long as Trump wins. Tom Norton is the last thing America needs in Washington DC.

As for Trump having a binary view of things, here’s a video of Trump motorboating Mayor Rudy Guiliani in drag.

And someone please check on these children. This is emotional and mental abuse.

Remember: If they don’t have a warrant SIGNED BY A JUDGE it is not valid!

The Daily Beast reports Jeffrey Epstein funded a log “scholarship lodge” at Michigan’s Interlochen Center for the Arts and donated to the fine arts center during the 1990s. After his 2003 conviction, Interlochen broke all connections with Epstein and removed his name from everything associated with the fine arts center.

Epstein attended Interlochen Fine Arts Camp in 1967 where he studied bassoon, orchestra, and radio. In 1994, Jeffrey Epstein funded a single story log home at Interlochen that would generate scholarship funds. The log structure became known as the Epstein Scholarship Lodge. Epstein also held events for Interlochen alumni in New York at his townhouse and office. No reports of incidents with Epstein and any children exist at Interlochen, but one 13-year-old girl’s mother claimed Epstein tried to groom her daughter while she attended Interlochen in 1994. The girl was Nadia Bjorlin.

Founded in 1928, Interlochen is a 1200 acre fine arts center located in the forest of Grand Traverse County, Michigan. The center offers summer camp programs for children in grades 3 to 12, a fine arts boarding school for grades 9 to 12, adult arts programs, and a full season of performances. Interlochen Public Radio provides NPR programming for the region.

Interlochen is one of the most prestigious centers for the advancement and education of fine arts in the world. The school attracts adults and children from all over and provides world-class instruction in the fine arts. As the case against Jeffrey Epstein reveals more about his life and horrific criminal activity, it’s likely there will be more surprises with his connections with respectable institutions he once donated funds or frequented in the past.

On Sunday, June 30, 2019, @prisonculture launched a tweetstorm to right the injustice of granting Rick Snyder a fellowship at Harvard University. People answered her call to action and flooded the Dean of the Kennedy School where Snyder would have spent the next year offering his knowledge and experience to the students of Harvard.

What knowledge and experience did Harvard want The Nerd to share with their student body? How to ignore the law and push a corporatist agenda? Cut taxes on the rich by raising taxes on the poor and elderly? Giving deep pocket Betsy DeVos everything she wanted so she could dismantle Michigan’s public education system even more? Strip the civil rights from half of the black people living in Michigan with your Emergency Managers that gave you the ability to the poison an entire city with toxic water that killed 13 people and left thousands of children struggling for the rest of their lives?

The students, alumni, and others said hell no and demanded Rick Snyder not be granted this fellowship. He had already been turned down by the University of Michigan because of his handling of the city of Flint.

Four days later, Snyder tweeted this statement that he wasn’t going to spend the year in Cambridge after all:

Notice how in typical Republican fashion he accepts no responsibility for why people so strongly objected to him coming to Harvard? Another fine example of the moral bankruptcy of conservatives in America today. Especially with the state of Michigan relaunching a criminal investigation into the Flint water scandal after uncovering evidence that had been conveniently hidden and dismissed in the previous investigation.

Good job to @prisonculture and everyone else. If you want to help out the people of Flint who have lived for 5 years with no water supply other than bottled water, visit Crossing Water to see how you can get involved.

This article originally appeared on Up North Progressive on December 29, 2018

On Christmas Eve Rick Snyder closed the citizen’s input hotline early to ensure Michigan taxpayers could no longer call and object to the shame duck bills he signed just in time for Gretchen Whitmer to take over on January 1, 2019. It’s the final despicable act of a terrible human being who barely worked in the office he was elected to for the past eight years. What little he did lift his finger to do caused plenty of damage to the state.

The world knows Rick “one tough nerd” Snyder for dangerous levels of lead in the city of Flint’s water supply, and many will likely think that is his legacy as he finishes his final days as Michigan’s governor. Poisoning the people of Flint then lying he knew nothing about it ranks at the top of horrible things Snyder is known for. Let’s not forget forcing Detroit into bankruptcy so capitalists could grab assets, or forcing right to work in the 2012 shame duck session so capitalists can undermine collective bargaining rights for workers. He lifted the cap on for-profit charter schools so capitalists could privatize education with public tax dollars, project “skunkworks”, the Education Achievement Authority, that turned Detroit Public Schools into two separate school districts, stripping Michigan’s public schools of funds, making it harder to petition government enshrined in Michigan’s state constitution, raising taxes on old people and poor people, cutting taxes for rich people and corporations, allowing the roads to fall apart, then raising taxes and fees to pay for fixing the roads – only to not fix the roads with the extra revenue so raid more school funds to (maybe) pay for roads instead. There are so many horrible things Rick Snyder inflicted on the people of this state, calling it ‘relentless positive action’ in that uncanny way Republicans always manage to label their agenda with words that mean the exact opposite.

But what is the one thing that Snyder needs to be remembered for? It was the thing that motivated people in the spring of 2011 to launch a recall campaign to remove him from office. It was the thing that made it possible for him to take over cities, school districts, and townships. It allowed him and his cronies to gut those communities of their valuables. It also at one point stripped over half of the black people living in Michigan of their civil rights.

That horrible thing. That thing that ultimately killed people is, of course, Michigan’s Emergency Financial Manager Law.

Picture a scene in the backyard of Rick Snyder’s luxurious mansion nestled in an exclusive gated Ann Arbor neighborhood in the late summer of 2010. Sitting at a patio table over beers and campaign strategy, the topic of how to “turn around” communities like Flint, Detroit, Pontiac, Benton Harbor comes up. Snyder has an idea: Expand the existing emergency manager law, give the emergency manager all the power, and strip the elected officials of their powers. Let the emergency manager make the business decisions needed to get these communities back on track. According to a former member of Snyder’s 2010 campaign staff, this is what happened. Unfortunately, The emergency manager law and what it turned into became the strongest example of Snyder’s optimism hitting political reality. The staffer claimed what Snyder didn’t see coming were the capitalists supporting Snyder’s expanded emergency manager law licking their chops at the prospect of raiding cities and school districts in the state to enrich themselves.


Snyder, the guy who finished an MBA and law school by the age of 23 wasn’t smart enough to realize his optimistic relentless positive action would be instantly corrupted by political reality when one person had all the power to make all the decisions, and there was nothing the people of that community could do about it. This plan would never allow a gang of predatory capitalists salivating at the chance to bleed Michigan dry and get away with it.

If this were true, then in 2012 when the citizens of Michigan very loudly objected to PA 4 of 2011 at the ballot box, Snyder should have honored the will of the people to put an end to the emergency manager law. This didn’t happen. Attorney General Schuette on Duty turned into a necromancer and declared the old, repealed, PA 72 emergency manager law was back on the books until an even newer emergency manager law arrived on Snyder’s desk. All the while, Snyder promised the people of Detroit their city would never be under the dictates of an emergency manager or go bankrupt while shadow governor Richard Baird was busy vetting potential candidates to become Detroit’s emergency manager. Snyder signed PA 436 in 2013, and Detroit was next on the hit list.

For eight years, Snyder’s emergency managers moved into poor, predominantly black communities. They broke unions, unilaterally ended contracts, converted public school districts into for-profit charter schools, fired first responders, sold off anything of value and poisoned the people of Flint with while cutting off people in Detroit from water at the same time. Joe Harris, emergency manager of Benton Harbor, illegally sold off parcels of land for development that had been given to the city to replace land leased from Jean Klock Park to build a country club for the wealthy. Mosaica, the for-profit company hired by the emergency manager of Muskegon Heights Schools, Don Weatherspoon, sold the playground equipment in a yard sale. Kevyn Orr threatened Detroit with selling off artwork in the Detroit Institute of Arts. Art collectors even showed up demanding appraisals. Say the word Flint anywhere in the world; it’s now synonymous with lead poisoning. Emergency managers Darnell Earley and Gerald Ambrose face felony charges that could put them in prison for over 40 years (As of 2019, nobody has gone to prison…yet).

All of the emergency managers had to answer to one person in the state: Rick Snyder. Elected officials lost their authority under Snyder’s proxies. Business owners took advantage of the law to grab land, grab money, and grab resources from the communities and people they belonged to. Once all of the assets capitalists wanted were sold, the emergency would be declared over, and the people and their elected officials got what was left. The DIA still has all of its art. Flint still doesn’t have drinkable water.

There is no way Snyder looked at his plan for emergency managers in 2010 and not realize this law would be an excuse to grab everything he and his rich capitalist friends could get, possibly at the expense of the health and well-being of the people they robbed. It was the reason why he came up with the law and insisted on having the law again after the people struck it down. Snyder co-wrote the lexicon on how to use the right words to tell people to believe the harm you’re doing them is for their own good. Sure, the nerd is positive. Positive he and his rich friends can use the law to take the state of Michigan for everything they can grab before his second term runs out. Positive he will never answer for poisoning a city with lead. Positive raiding the school aid fund to build roads and ice hockey rinks in Detroit is a better way to spend money to educate children. Positive to let kids go hungry and raise taxes on the poor and old so capitalists can get more tax breaks.

Poisonous water in Flint wouldn’t have happened if the will of the people had been respected and upheld by Rick Snyder. That was not his plan as governor. Like the venture capitalist he is, he looked at the state and saw real wealth that could be liquidated. Business first, people last. Snyder’s legacy as governor of Michigan are the two laws that gave him and his friends the ability to raid the wealth of Michigan. Relentlessly positive action all the way to the bank.

This video from Oil and Water Don’t Mix has the answer. It’s time to decommission Enbridge Line 5.

Today Dana Nessel began the process of decommissioning Enbridge Line 5. The 66-year-old pipeline poses a devastating ecological threat to the Straits of Mackinac and the Great Lakes. The Attorney General filed a motion to dismiss Enbridge’s June 6, 2019, lawsuit to force the state to stick to an unconstitutional law passed during the shame duck session of 2018. She also filed a lawsuit against Enbridge in Ingham County Circuit Court to have the oil and gas pipelines shut down and removed from the straits.

The motion and lawsuit are the Attorney General’s response to Enbridge walking away from negotiations with the state of Michigan to decommission the pipelines earlier in the month. Per AG Nessel’s summons, the pipeline violates both the public trust doctrine and the Michigan Environmental Protection Act. In April of 2018, an anchor strike occurred on electrical wire housing in the straits that resulted in cooling fluid inside the housing to leak and continued to do so for days after the strike. Former AG Bill Schuette sued Vanenkevort Tug and Barge for the strike that caused damage to the power line housing as well as the pipelines under the Mackinac Bridge. The Straits of Mackinac are well known for whipsawing currents that require boats using their anchors when traveling through the narrow waterway.

The best course of action for Michigan and the Great Lakes is close down and remove Enbridge Line 5 before a catastrophic oil leak happens in the Straits of Mackinac. Today, Attorney General Dana Nessel began that process to finally shut the pipeline down.