Dear fine people who put their lives on the line every day keeping essential businesses and services open during a global pandemic that parts of the United States can’t seem to shake off: If someone approaches your place of employment brandishing one of the cards shown above there is no such thing as the FTB Agency and this is an act of fraud. Yes, they have the ADA toll free number on the card and a very official-looking federal bureau logo too. It’s bullshit. Anyone showing up with it demanding to come inside is also committing fraud. Escort them out.

So who or what is this agency demanding the freedom to expose people paid poverty wages with no health insurance to COVID-19?

They’re fake! FTB stands for “freedom to breathe.” The FTB Agency doesn’t exist except as a Facebook group and now offline website. Here is a sample of what was there:


Breathing is a vital biological activity to physical and emotional well being.

OXYGEN IS No.1 NUTRIENT for every living organasm [sic] including humans.

Wearing a face mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that can lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen level in the blood) and hypoxia (low oxygen level in the tissue). Both of these conditions are health threatening and can permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart and about any other organ.

Wearing a face mask has also very important effect on our psychology. It is a psychological anchor for suppression, enslavement and cognitive obedience. When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious and threats. How long do you think it will be before your social engineers tell you that talking spreads the virus farther ….and they forbid talking?

How long before your human farmers trick you into believing that it is better you stop breathing altogether….as to stop the spread of a virus?

All sold as being for your health and safety. You are being conned and your compliance makes the con a reality.


We must protect our birth right to breathe. This is NOT negotiable. FTBA is an agency designed to stop face mask orders and human rights oppression from spreading nationwide and globally.

There is this idiotic notion that somehow wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth and nose blocks oxygen to the point your organs shut down. Along with the physical risk, there is a mental risk for wearing a mask, which for all we know could be fogging up your glasses and tripping. Or maybe the 5G will get trapped inside and give you cancer while your body shuts down from lack of oxygen.

Who are the people behind this nonsense?

The cards, Facebook group, and website are the fever dream of Lenka Koloma and Fred DiDomenico. Both live in California, a state where new COVID-19 cases have recently spiked, and both insist wearing a mask is government tyranny. Watch Lenka as she strolls into a Costco and lies to the staff at the door she can’t wear one.

Once inside, she smirks at the other shoppers giving her dirty looks and rants about the mask nazi employee who always tells her to get out. She also mentions you should carry the card just in case.

About that card … It didn’t take long for someone to notice that FTB Agency isn’t a real government agency, and putting the toll-free number for the ADA on the card in an attempt to make it look official flagged something, because the website is gone, the Facebook group is private, and Lenka and Fred haven’t posted on Facebook since yesterday.


Here are the facts. COVID-19 is real. It is a killer. The only time you’re deprived of oxygen is if you contract the virus and it feels as if your lungs are full of cement as they fill with fluid and you can’t take a deep breath.

Despite what some orange bunker bitches are saying, the summer heat will not make COVID-19 disappear. The longer selfish and stupid people insist they don’t need a mask or to social distance, the more people are going to get sick and die.

Wear the mask. Wash your hands. Keep six feet away from other people as much as you can. Stay home as much as possible. Give the people working out there for too little money and likely no health care coverage a break from you breathing on them. Thank you.

On May 19, 2020, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced all registered voters in Michigan would receive an absentee ballot application in the mail. Voters in the state gratefully cheered the announcement, as many worry about standing in line voting in person during the COVID-19 pandemic. Forcing people to stand in line, like Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin did during their 2020 primary only to spread the virus to more people.

Not everyone however received an application in the mail. If you are one of those people, you can still apply for an absentee ballot by doing so online. Fortunately, it’s possible to apply for absentee ballots for August 4, 2020, primary, and the November 3, 2020, general election.

There are two ways to apply for an absentee ballot on the Secretary of State website. You can download the application and letter, fill it out, and mail it in., OR you can fill out the form on the SOS website. If you choose to fill out the paper form and mail it in, you will need to mail it to your county clerk. Applications must be received by 5:00 PM the Friday before election day. To vote in the August 4, 2020, primary, the county clerk must receive your application no later than July 31, 2020.

Voting is the right of all Americans. It’s the responsibility of local and state governments to ensure everyone can vote and remain safe from exposer to COVID-19. Despite Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s excellent handling of the pandemic in Michigan, predictions of another rise in cases in the fall are plausible. Voting from home and mailing in our ballots is the safest and responsible thing to do this election year.

Yesterday, June 2, 2020, The Glen Arbor Sun published an article exposing more information about the April 15, 2020, political stunt 101st State House Rep Jack O’Malley orchestrated to coordinate with Betsy DeVos’s astroturfed “Operation Gridlock” Trump rally at the state capital in Lansing. The day before, four Michigan Sheriffs signed a press release stating they would use their own discretion by not strictly enforcing Governor Whitmer’s stay at home executive order.

According to the Sun, the sheriffs of Benzie, Leelanau, Manistee, and Mason counties went to State Representative Jack O’Malley (R-Dog Man) seeking advice after the Michigan State Police arrested two people hiking in a state park. Why the sheriffs chose to go to Jack O’Malley as a higher authority instead of say, the Attorney General or even the Governor, at first may seem like a mystery, but once you know one small detail, it really isn’t.

Jack O’Malley, who spent hours posting video rants against Governor Whitmer for a week before “Operation Gridlock” admits in his April 14, 2020 video he had a phone conference with Sheriffs Mike Borkovich, Ted Schendel, Ken Falk, and Kim Cole. They discussed the arrest made by the state police. Jack then says the county sheriffs weren’t going to make arrests like the MSP and urged listeners not to worry about it.

The very next day, the news broke all over northern Michigan, the state, the country, and even some international media that four sheriffs had no intention of enforcing Governor Whitmer’s legal executive order. Thanks to the Glen Arbor Sun we now know the press release from the four sheriffs originated from Jack O’Malley’s office.

“As Sheriff’s of Michigan’s 101st House District, comprising of Leelanau, Benzie, Manistee, and Mason Counties, we write today to inform the public of our opposition to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive orders. Strict enforcement of these orders will not take place during this coronavirus outbreak within our respective communities. Governor Whitmer has overstepped her constitutional grounds and created a vague framework of emergency laws that only confuse Michigan citizens. Operating a motorized boat remains illegal while the purchasing of liquor and lottery tickets is deemed “essential.” Our governor is flying a ship while building it at the same time and we as sheriffs question the legality of many of her executive orders.”

Jack sent this email on to the sheriffs, who toned it down considerably before releasing it to the press on April 15, 2020. Just in time for the Michigan Militia, Proud Boys, III Percenters, and Trump lovers arrived in Lansing on Betsy DeVos’s dime to block a hospital and shut down public transit for hours.

Despite Attorney General Dana Nessel’s warning to these four sheriffs, additional sheriffs, and even a judge who would join them later, the idea that county sheriffs have the authority to override legal orders at the state level goes against state and federal law. Did Jack O’Malley know that three of the four sheriffs belonged to the CSPOA, an organization that espouses the false belief that the county sheriff is the highest legal authority in the United States? Did Jack see an opportunity to ignite insubordination with county law enforcement to win partisan political hit points against Governor Whitmer? This is the small detail one needs to know to understand where these sheriffs are coming from.

The CSPOA was founded by Richard Mack. A quick internet search would lead you to many articles about this former sheriff and 90’s militia movement member who likes to associate with the John Birch Society and other figures responsible for past organizations such as Posse Comitatus, and some truly scary people they trace their origins.

It seems fitting that the Glen Arbor Sun published their article this week. The Black Lives Matter movement picked up momentum and sparked a nationwide protest to put an end to hate, bigotry, and senseless murder of black people in the United States. The protests exposed the truth about America’s modern law enforcement and the bigotry that permeates the police force across the U.S.. Michigan and many other states in the US already demand reforms take place in law enforcement to ensure our police work to protect, not terrorize citizens living in their communities regardless of race.

This fall our county sheriffs are all up for re-election. Public forums and debates will take place where citizens have the opportunity to ask these sheriffs questions. One question all 83 sheriffs in Michigan need to answer is if they are a member of the CSPOA and vote accordingly when they give their answer.

It’s time for Jack O’Malley to answer some tough questions too.

In their own words:

Michigan United For Liberty, a grassroots organization of over 9,000 members in Michigan, has canceled its Michiganders’ Marketplace “Sunday Funday” freedom celebration at the Michigan Capitol, which had been scheduled for 1pm on Sunday the 31st.

The decision was immediately made when the group was informed that another group of demonstrators plans to descend on the Capitol that same day, ostensibly to protest the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Despite Chauvin’s immediate firing, subsequent arrest, and the President announcing a Justice Department investigation into the incident, rioters in Minneapolis robbed and burned innocent businesses to the ground, overran a police precinct, assaulted officers, and committed other acts of senseless violence.

“We will not allow our message of peaceful, law-abiding, positive resistance to be conflated with the violent and unlawful actions of unrelated groups, and we cannot ask our members and supporters to put themselves in harm’s way,” said MUFL spokesman Adam de Angeli. “We will not be associated with political terrorism in any manner.”

While Michigan United For Liberty acknowledges the seriousness of the issue of police brutality, the group is committed to – and must remain focused on – ending Governor Whitmer’s unconstitutional lockdown orders that are destroying the lives and livelihoods of Michiganders with every passing day. Regrettably, the organization sees no possibility of its positive message being clearly conveyed with another protest happening at the same place and time.

Instead, Michigan United For Liberty encourages its members carry out the spirit of the scheduled event – opposing and defying the governor’s unconstitutional lockdown orders – on Sunday by going to church, getting together with friends, and being productive members of society.

“Our movement honors the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who understood that only through non-violence can we achieve justice,” de Angeli continued. “We had hoped to send that message once again with an upbeat freedom celebration on Sunday afternoon, but given the circumstances, it’s clearly better that we simply move forward, roll out our legislative program and grassroots leadership program, and steer clear of this danger.

“Our movement is of creators – workers, builders, artists, doctors, entrepreneurs – united against the governor’s destructive orders. The risk of getting mixed up with potentially violent protesters over a separate issue is just not worth it.”


Simply amazing with all of their bravado, bluster, getting their Facebook pages yanked for flagrant death threats to the Governor,  they run away as soon as protesters show up with a real reason to protest. Never forget their lord and savior Trump told our Governor to work with these “very fine people” but the protesters now taking the streets across the US are thugs.

photo credits: Some of these photos come from the Detroit Free Press, others MLive, and some from Anna Liz Nichol. If you see your image here without proper credit, drop Up North Progressive a line. Thank you.

A 56-year-old man in Chippewa County was arraigned on May 20, 2020 in the 91st District Court with 125 misdemeanor charges. Kurt Johnston Duncan faces fines and jail time for illegally killing wildlife, including wolves and bald eagles.

Animals illegally killed include 18 wolves and two bald eagles. Wolves are protected in Michigan through the federal endangered species list. Bald eagles are protected by state law and the federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Duncan’s arraignment included multiple poaching charges for deer, turkey, bear, and bobcat.

Duncan illegally killed the animals for making and selling crafts. He told the judge he killed so many animals because he could and he “likes to do it.” He also illegally hunted animals just to kill and dispose of them.

Chief Gary Hagler of the DNR Law Enforcement Division shared the process of how they investigated Duncan’s crimes.

“Investigations like this require a long-term commitment from everyone involved. I want to thank the prosecutors in this case who worked with our officers. We are happy with the outcome and hope this case sets an example to prevent future natural resource crimes.”

With collecting and providing evidence to Duncan’s case, DNR officers identified more suspects will face charges in the future.

If convicted, Duncan will face penalties of:

  • Up to 90 days in jail and $1,000 fine for each wolf.
  • Up to 90 days in jail and $1,000 fine for each eagle.
  • Restitution of $1,500 per eagle and $500 per wolf.
  • Up to 90 days in jail and $500 for each of the other wildlife crimes.

Duncan is free on a $500 bond. His bond includes no hunting or fishing, possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon, or have contact with any of his co-defendants.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer eased restrictions on some businesses in Northern Michigan today when she signed Executive Order 2020-92. Offices, bars, and restaurants may open on May 22, 2020, provided they follow the Michigan Safe Start Plan guidelines.

Two Michigan regions may begin reopening offices for work that can’t be done remotely, bars, and restaurants with restricted seating. Those regions are MERC 6 and 8. Local authorities may impose other restrictions, such as limiting dine-in to outdoor seating. Governor Whitmer emphasized that businesses must do everything possible to keep employees and customers safe:

“This is a big step, but we must all remember to continue doing our part to protect ourselves and our families from the spread of COVID-19. It’s crucial that all businesses do everything in their power to protect their workers, customers, and their families. And as we approach Memorial Day weekend, I encourage everyone to be smart and be safe. My team and I will continue to work around the clock to protect the people of Michigan.”

People who choose to take their business to these places need to continue maintaining safe distancing of 6 feet from others, wearing a mask, and washing their hands often.

Businesses in Regions 6 and 8 must follow the safety measures provided in Executive Order 2020-91. COVID-19 training must be provided to all employees, included the proper way to use personal protection equipment, and precautions that limit the spread of infection. Restaurants and bars may only seat 50 percent of their maximum occupancy, maintain 6 feet distance between diners, and require servers to wear face masks at all times.

The mayors of Marquette and Traverse City. Jenna Smith and Jim Carruthers, made statements of support to Governor Whitmer for her Executive Order.

The counties included in Region 6 are Alpena, Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Crawford, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Missaukee, Montmorency, Presque Isle, Roscommon, and Wexford. Region 8 includes the entire Upper Peninsula.

Will you patronize your favorite local eating establishment or bar in the near future? Leave a comment below.

Lee Chatfield (R-TSA agents think I’m cute), Speaker of Michigan’s State House, and representing the 107th district has never once met a gun he didn’t like. Remember when he introduced a bill to eliminate handgun registration in Michigan? A year later he was handcuffed in a TSA agent’s office at Pellston Regional Airport after trying to take a loaded, unregistered handgun onto a plane. He paid a tiny fine and became State Speaker of the House.

Lee Chatfield spent the past year using the GOP playbook established in Washington DC in 2009 to “work with” the current Democratic Party Governor. “Work with” of course means stall and obstruct everything the Governor needs to do to heal the state recovering from 8 years of complete GOP control.
Cough cough Flint.

On March 20, 2020, Rich Studley of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce demanded Governor Whitmer not to issue a shelter in place order. With the alarming number of Michiganders contracting COVID-19 and dying, Governor Whitmer made the correct decision and issued stay home orders for the state. Naturally, the GOP in Michigan accused Governor Whitmer of being a weak follower because she did this after several other states issued stay at home executive orders.

In early April when perpetual national embarrassment Trump called Governor Whitmer, “that woman from Michigan” the Michigan GOP seized the opportunity to go from calling the governor a weak follower to a lawless tyrant forcing people to starve because they couldn’t go back to work and the GOP-gutted unemployment system became overwhelmed with millions of people filing for benefits.

The rhetoric, fueled by Lee Chatfield, Mike Shirkey, FOB Trump and the rest of the Michigan GOP clown show, now includes Governor Whitmer is Hitler, deserves to be lynched, dragged out into the street and shot and plenty of other threats of violence that motivated the covidiots to show up at the state capital dressed in Hawaiian print shirts and heavily armed with Chinese knock-off assault rifles. On April 15, 2020, Lee Chatfield showed support for this behavior.

Two weeks later,  more armed thugs arrived, entered the capital, shouted threats from the Senate chamber gallery, and screamed at security demanding the right to terrorize the state legislature as well. While the world read the news and asked how on earth are people allowed to carry guns into Michigan’s state capital, the people with functioning brains capable of critical thought stepped in and did everything possible to put a stop to it. With only days until the next covidiot rally happened, Lee Chatfield tweeted a flaccid condemnation, qualifying it with a Trump-like ‘both sides’ phrase.

Too late, Lee. Thanks to you and the rest of the state GOP, people defy the constitutional executive order. These business owners are losing their state licenses. That’s on you and the rest of the Michigan GOP. It took the Attorney General and the Michigan State Police to enforce the safety of the State Capital on May 14, 2020, encouraging the majority of the covidiots to stay home when they found out they couldn’t have their guns or threaten people in the capital this time.

Social Media de-platformed the covidiots making death threats, astroturfed websites are exposed, and with only 200 people showing up at the state capital yesterday, let this be the end of Michigan GOP-sponsored domestic terrorism.

Do you really want to work with Governor Whitmer, Lee? Then put the people of Michigan first and work on a plan that keeps people safe. We can’t start up an economy when people still get sick and spread the disease to others. Fully reopening the economy now will only make things worse. The Governor will have to extend the stay home stay safe executive order.

Here’s your choice Lee: Join the rest of the adults working to get Michigan back up and working again, or stick with the whiny conspiracy theory, snake oil peddling children and cause even more misery for the state.

Ah, well, so it goes …

Beginning on May 4, 2020, the Michigan National Guard medical specialists will assist the Michigan Department of Corrections in testing inmates at MDOC prison facilities in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Baraga Correctional Facility will be the first prison to receive testing. The rest of the MDOC facilities in the UP: Alger Correctional Facility, Marquette Branch Prison, Newberry Correctional Facility, Chippewa Correctional Facility, and Kinross Correctional Facility. In total, 7,500 prisoners will be tested, which is the current combined population in these prisons.

15 teams will complete the testing in the prisons. The teams are 3 people each, with one member from the Michigan National Guard on each team. Once the teams complete testing, it will take 48 hours for processing and results.

We are very grateful for the support from the National Guard in this effort to continue our testing of prisoners across the state,” said MDOC Director Heidi Washington. “Their assistance will allow us to accelerate our plans for testing our population, which will help us keep our staff, prisoners and the public safe.

The majority of National Guard soldiers involved with the testing project live in the UP.

Testing of prisons, nursing homes, and other care facilities in the coming weeks will provide a more accurate picture of just how far the spread of COVID-19 really is in Michigan. Recent testing of food processing facilities in other Midwestern states revealed alarming numbers of positive cases forcing factories to close.

More testing needs to happen before there can be a real response to coronavirus in the US. Currently, in the US, only two percent of Americans received tests for the virus. 1.2 million Americans tested positive for the virus, and 70,000 people have died. The virus continues to spread nationwide.