Blog Archives

Remember when Dan Benishek promised he would only run for three terms? Dan Benishek lied. He’s decided to run again in 2016. Having no integrity or honesty is something we expect from Republicans, especially tea party Republicans, so it should come as no surprise that Dan Benishek, without a bit of shame or remorse, wants […]

On March 15, 2015 Jay McNally issued a statement that the prosecutor in Livingston County would go forward with pressing misdemeanor charges against Glen Ikens after his arrest on February 28th from Lindbom Elementary School, where an open house was being held for people interested in the proposed Hillsdale College classical charter school. The Livingston […]

And still demonstrating why he has no business ever opening a school at all. Scientists warning about climate change, which is very real and very much due to human activity, is just a ploy to get more money from the government. Not unlike a certain racist tea party member who wants the government to fund […]

Dave Agema just doesn’t know when to quit. You would have thought his New Year’s online foot in mouth problem would have been enough to convince him that when it comes to talking about race, he always comes off sounding like a big ol’ bigoted racist. No, he didn’t learn his lesson, because this afternoon […]

Back in November Pete Lund came up with a really bad idea. Let’s split the electoral votes Michigan has in the presidential election between the winner and runner up. That way, the state becomes even more irrelevant to candidates who need to win the most electoral votes to make it to the 270 finish line […]

It’s fun to watch people who deserve attention finally get it. Especially Jay McNally, Pasquale Battaglia, John Conely and Nick Fiani; all members of the team working to make American Christian Academy American Classical Academy Lindbom Classical Academy Livingston Classical Academy a reality in Brighton. Except these guys don’t like the attention they’re getting. They […]

In 1994, Libertarian Senate candidate Jon Coon held a rally on the Michigan capital steps. 10,000 people, many of them from the Michigan Militia, attended the event. Along with speakers such as Ted Nugent, Gary Stewart of Speak Out America, and Ray Southwell of the Michigan Militia. Hundreds of pounds of spent brass shell casings […]

Every year the most far right of the conservative fringe flock together to Washington D.C. for a three day orgy of ultra-conservative values conferencing, keynote speakers and breakout sessions. The purpose is to rally the base, motivate youth to join their cause, and anoint the most exalted among them for the 2016 presidential election with […]

Are you ready for March to get here? It’s about -30º F this morning. Third day of no school, which means kids will have an extra day come June thanks to our Republican legislators back in the 90’s deciding schools need to be punished when Mother Nature sends us extreme weather. Now that climate change […]

Because tea baggers will blame the president for anything.