Cindy Gamrat has been out of office for a week, but she already knows she has to get back there and finish the work God wants her to do. At two in the afternoon today she filed paperwork to run in the November 3, 2015 primary for the house seat she was just expelled from. […]
Tea party VA surgeon and 3 term U.S. Rep Dan Benishek won’t break his vow to only run for three terms after all. This morning he issued a statement claiming he wanted to devote more time to his family and help veterans, and he could do those things better if he wasn’t a US Congressman. […]
John Oliver brings up a valid point, the tea bagger herd is very good at inoculating themselves because they voted for the Toddler and Cutco Cindy in the first place.
It’s been a week since there was an update posted to the blog. The Up North Progressive’s been busy. This is the time of year when Michigan farmers’ markets and roadside stands all scream “PEACHESBLUEBERRIESSWEETCORN” to passersby, and that means it’s time to freeze and can. Blueberries, peach jam and green beans are going into […]
If only! Too bad Peter Graves passed away, he would be so much better as Dave Agema Voting has consequences. If you vote Republican, you’re part of the problem. It certainly has nothing to do with phantom blackmailers.
If you found the blog after googling Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, welcome. In Todd’s own words, “We are living in the last days.” How many people suspected he was talking about his political career? Anyone who screams as loudly as Gamrat and Courser about the sanctity of traditional marriage is doing so out of […]
Up North Progressive receives comments from both supporters and critics. It’s part of civil discourse, talking about things not everyone agrees on and finding some common ground. It’s one of those principles the United States was founded on, but doesn’t get mentioned very much in Civics classes anymore. Unfortunately. One of the tenets of civil […]
Todd Courser, the man with ideas much smaller than the forehead that houses them thinks the answer to stopping gay marriage is to strip the state of the power to perform marriages. He introduced a bill this week that would only allow ordained ministers to marry couples. This means judges, mayors, county clerks, magistrates, and […]
(This article was written by Hoi Polloi and first appeared on Daily Kos January 25, 2014) On December 11, 2013, the state legislature in Michigan voted on a petition measure titled, “No Taxes For Abortion Insurance.” The petition, circulated by Michigan Right to Life collected signatures telling people this was to make sure tax dollars […]
Agenda Alert — Midland Daily News’ new news editor: political science major who “lives in Midland with (his)… — Gary Glenn (@GaryGlennUS) March 22, 2015 While most people spent the last Sunday morning eating eggs and candy, Gary Glenn (R-Homophobe) Waited until the early morning to issue a statement that attempts to mimic an […]