Up North Progressive receives comments from both supporters and critics. It’s part of civil discourse, talking about things not everyone agrees on and finding some common ground. It’s one of those principles the United States was founded on, but doesn’t get mentioned very much in Civics classes anymore. Unfortunately. One of the tenets of civil […]
On March 15, 2015 Jay McNally issued a statement that the prosecutor in Livingston County would go forward with pressing misdemeanor charges against Glen Ikens after his arrest on February 28th from Lindbom Elementary School, where an open house was being held for people interested in the proposed Hillsdale College classical charter school. The Livingston […]
Back in November Pete Lund came up with a really bad idea. Let’s split the electoral votes Michigan has in the presidential election between the winner and runner up. That way, the state becomes even more irrelevant to candidates who need to win the most electoral votes to make it to the 270 finish line […]
Are you ready for March to get here? It’s about -30º F this morning. Third day of no school, which means kids will have an extra day come June thanks to our Republican legislators back in the 90’s deciding schools need to be punished when Mother Nature sends us extreme weather. Now that climate change […]
Christine Weick of Jenison has made a career out of traveling all over the country screaming bigotry and hatred at people who have never done a thing to her – Islam, LGBT, energy drinks – all are equally worthy of her kvetching the truth at them whether they want to listen to her diatribe or […]
It’s thrilling being on the email list for State Rep Cindy Gamrat. Already my inbox has received two lengthy pieces of literature. One is the “Contract For Liberty,” and the second, a response to the Nerd’s State of the State Address given on January 20. Both gave the distinct feeling of reading a white paper […]
Healthy Michigan allowed more than 500,000 hard-working, low-income Michiganders to have access to affordable & quality healthcare #MISOTS15 — Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) January 18, 2015 Just don’t call it Obamacare, the grassroots are restless. Thank you, President Obama. Because of you I can see a doctor again.
Arizona is the first of 18 states to pass a new civics test requirement for graduation. 18 other states including North Dakota and Utah are also considering passing the new senior requirement. The vote was hailed as a show of bipartisan support to “lead the way to the passage of the Civics Education Initiative in […]
So tomorrow the Republican National Committee will begin the process of removing homophobic racist “goat killer” Dave Agema from his seat because he didn’t get the memo after the 2012 presidential election that the GOP really needs to rebrand their image if they ever want to win a presidential election ever again. ALEC-sponsored vote-rigging laws […]