Due to a whooping cough outbreak, Grand Traverse Academy is closed until November 17. There are currently 10 confirmed cases and 83 probable cases. Attendance at the school today dipped below 70% of enrollment, which triggered the closing. In case you’re wondering, that’s an alarmingly high rate of infection. Whooping cough is a preventable disease […]
For-profit charter school Grand Traverse Academy held their school board meeting on November 7, 2014, to discuss among other things the deficit the for-profit now has to deal with thanks to vision therapy optometrist Dr. Steve Ingersoll. Grand Traverse Academy, the public charter school on Hammond Road, has a deficit of about $365,000, according to […]
It seems fitting to know now that the first meeting to discuss the governor’s concept for the EAA was at a restaurant called “The Chop House.” The EAA most certainly lived up to being a horrific chop house of children and their education. This recording was made on September 22, 2014. Eastern Michigan University Regent […]
Woop, there it is. Steve Ingersoll owes Bay City $186,000 in unpaid property taxes, at least $1.6 million to Grand Traverse Academy for pre-paid fees overpayment, and he’s facing felony fraud charges for embezzling half of a $2 million building loan into his personal bank account. Yet with a December 2 trial date looming, he […]
Miss Fortune found me last spring when Up North Progressive published the first article about Steve Ingersoll and his for-profit charter school scam on the state of Michigan. This blog focused on methodology, their approach to special education services (Everyone’s a visual learner), and the fact that the same vision therapy used in his schools […]
22 private church schools currently use Accelerated Christian Education in Michigan. Rick Snyder will push forward on school vouchers if he wins another term as Governor. We already know he wants to do this after the leaking of ‘Skunkworks’ in 2013. Dick and Betsy DeVos have spent far too much money on this election to […]
New ad, new person stumping for the Nerd. She’s an old friend of Rick Snyder’s. Linda Thaler and her husband own the lake house next door to Rick Snyder’s lake house on Gun Lake in Barry County. You remember, the $1.1 million house damaged by a limb during a storm? That’s how the Nerd was […]
Rick Snyder has made it no secret during his 4 failed years as governor that he wants to privatize as many government institutions as possible. Education has been on his agenda since he took office in 2011. Snyder launched a program called the Education Achievement Authority, a for-profit education system that undermines the authority of […]
Grand Traverse Academy made many changes over the summer to make it appear like they have distanced themselves from Dr. Steve Ingersoll. His business partner, Dr. Mark Noss, formed a new LLC to act as management company for GTA. The school has a new superintendent and the person doing the books at Smart Schools LLC, […]