Yesterday the Up North Progressive had the pleasure of eating lunch with a group of dedicated public school education professionals working at a juvenile detention program. While chatting over our turkey soup, pork fried rice, and pizza, a quick browse through the local headlines brought up the most wonderful news: Testimony from an attorney who […]
Yesterday Jay McNally of American Christian Academy American Classical Academy Lindbom Classical Academy Livingston Classical Academy wrote a rebuttal to Eclectablog after a series of articles were published on the blog reporting the treatment of Glenn and Sue Ellen Ikens after they tried to enter the Lindbom Elementary School last Saturday for an “open to […]
Up North Progressive recently had the distinction of being featured on Diane Ravitch’s blog this week. The Steve Ingersoll trial received much deserved national exposure when two teachers’ accounts of their experiences working for Dr. Ingersoll, published on this blog, was quoted by MSU Music Education Professor, Dr. Mitchell Robinson. More people need to know […]
Are you ready for March to get here? It’s about -30º F this morning. Third day of no school, which means kids will have an extra day come June thanks to our Republican legislators back in the 90’s deciding schools need to be punished when Mother Nature sends us extreme weather. Now that climate change […]
The Steve Ingersoll federal fraud trial adjourned until February 24 due to a juror becoming ill. The first week already revealed the long-established habit of money mishandling that brought Dr. Ingersoll to a federal district court room. Miss Fortune and Bay City Times crime reporter Cole Waterman both do an excellent job covering the trial. […]
Every week, the Up North Progressive’s email inbox receives a list of bills introduced to the Michigan state legislature. This week, the Michigan House wants to make teaching Reading, Writing, and Math illegal with HB 4143. They also don’t want Michigan schools teaching Science either. The Michigan House also believes they need to tell women […]
Detroit Free Press investigative reporter Jennifer Dixon this week was honored as Michigan’s first Journalist of the year for her excellent eight-part series on for-profit charter schools in the state. She highly deserves this recognition, especially with her continued dedication to expose corporate reform of our public schools. Dixon this week reported on someone who’s […]
The Internet can be a place for information and communication with others, and sometimes it can be a place for mischief with hilarious results. Not everyone on the web thinks things through very well before launching their campaign. With a little effort, the people hustling school choice could find that out too if enough people […]