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As the Republicans continue their futile quest to manufacture some scandal that makes Hillary Clinton less of a shoe-in for 2016 (not gonna happen), Progress Michigan found that Governor Nerd used private email to discuss state business with former governor of Florida and 2016 GOP hopeful Jeb Bush. So far, the email scandal has about […]

On May 5, 2015 Michigan voters will be asked to vote yes or no on a proposal to raise the Michigan Sales Tax from 6% to 7% to fund road repairs, and bring with it a long line of other tax increases. Governor Snyder cut taxes on Michigan businesses in 2011 while raising taxes on […]

In a matter of weeks Michigan will have the opportunity to vote on a sales tax hike, the first one the state has faced in twenty years. Governor Snyder proposed this tax hike from 6% to 7% as a way to fix Michigan’s post-apocalyptic infrastructure, and pretend to put more money back into public schools. […]

It’s thrilling being on the email list for State Rep Cindy Gamrat. Already my inbox has received two lengthy pieces of literature. One is the “Contract For Liberty,” and the second, a response to the Nerd’s State of the State Address given on January 20. Both gave the distinct feeling of reading a white paper […]

On January 20, Rick Snyder will give his fifth State of the State address from the Capital in Lansing, Michigan. He will begin his address at 7:00 pm, which is a scheduling conflict with Adventure Time, so you know what the Up North Progressive will be watching. But now, thanks to state senator Jim Ananich, […]

Healthy Michigan allowed more than 500,000 hard-working, low-income Michiganders to have access to affordable & quality healthcare #MISOTS15 — Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) January 18, 2015 Just don’t call it Obamacare, the grassroots are restless. Thank you, President Obama. Because of you I can see a doctor again.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources released their report of the 2014 firearm deer season on December 9. Their findings confirm what everyone in the state already knew: Fewer deer were taken this year in every county in the state. In some parts of Northern Michigan the drop in deer harvest is 40 percent. The […]

Don’t blame the snow, that’s not the reason why so few people are up north hunting on the opening day of deer season – on a Saturday. Any hunter will tell you snow during hunting season is a good thing, because it makes it easier to see movement in the woods and track the deer […]

This list is courtesy of Mark Sleep. Please share. 1.8 billion in tax cuts to businesses that had to be made up elsewhere. (3) secret funds whose donors were unknown and what they were for. EFM change that gave dictator like power to an unelected official. When voters voted against it they changed the law […]

It seems fitting to know now that the first meeting to discuss the governor’s concept for the EAA was at a restaurant called “The Chop House.” The EAA most certainly lived up to being a horrific chop house of children and their education. This recording was made on September 22, 2014. Eastern Michigan University Regent […]