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Midland/Bay City may be stretching Northern Michigan a bit far, but for this election, it’s really necessary. Geoff Malicoat is an attorney in Midland, Michigan, and he’s running for the state’s 98th District. A Democratic candidate running in a heavily gerrymandered district that favors Republican votes is an uphill battle, but Malicoat is running against […]

Congressman Dan Kildee has represented the people of Michigan’s 5th district in the U.S. Congress since 2013. He has made a significant positive impact in his district by fighting for hard-working families and those most affected by decisions made in Lansing at the risk of public health. Dan Kildee is a native of Flint, Michigan. […]

You #antiwhites, leftist and #cucks have once again proved your time is coming, win or lose, trains not stopping…. — David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 25, 2016

The Democratic Party candidate for US House District 2 is Dennis Murphy of Grandville. Murphy is a lifelong resident of West Michigan. He graduated from Muskegon High School and earned his Bachelor’s at Western Michigan University. He taught music in public schools in Michigan and Arizona. Murphy has also worked in the automotive industry as […]

Which means we have two and a half months of this level of quality messaging to look forward to: And what about Paul Manafort? He’s still working pro bono for the Trump campaign despite his obvious Russian ties because why change course on the train wreck that is Trump’s campaign now? Steve Bannon, everyone. Not […]

Donald Trump and the media have had a rocky relationship for months. Much to everyone’s delight the media has done their part to report about the dumpster fire Trump campaign. Reporters gleefully dug up the fact that Trump tossed Corey Lewandowski for Paul Manafort, and that Manafort suspiciously worked pro-bono for the Trump Campaign. In […]

There are mornings Up North Progressive kicks themselves in the butt for sleeping in. In the wee hours of the morning, while the dream fog of Clinton leading Trump by 10 points in the polls faded with the morning light, there stirred a disturbance in the political aether that no one saw coming. BREAKING FIRST […]

Turns out Speaker Boehner is indeed enjoying Kansas primary night. Just received this from former staffer! — carl hulse (@hillhulse) August 3, 2016 John Boehner seems to think so. The former Speaker who had an epiphany when the Pope visited and resigned from the House was photographed enjoying a glass of wine with a […]

Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM today. You can find a copy of your ballot at the Michigan Voter Information Center.

Listening to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump insult a gold star family, call Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton the devil and allege she will rig the election in November (And it’s only August 1st!), has emboldened Trump supporters in Northern Michigan to vandalize Democratic Party signs in Lake and Emmet Counties. In Emmet County, an […]