What happens when you’re a two-bit sleazy grifting career politician ranked number two most conservative in the state house but you need fresh money meat to dupe into voting for you, and you fail? Blame everybody but yourself of course! Career political homophobe Gary Glenn (R-No More Foxhole For You!) lost his August 7 primary […]
The next US Congressman to represent the people of Michigan’s fourth district is Jerry Hilliard. Hilliard was born in Mid-Michigan and attended Central Michigan University and the University of Michigan – Flint Campus where he earned degrees in Business, Biology, Physical Education, and his MBA. Jerry Hilliard has worked in both private and public sectors. […]
The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (MIDIFS) asked for innovative ideas on how to stabilize and lower costs on health insurance in Michigan today. Who are they asking? The presidents and CEO’s of health insurance companies. The state budget for 2019 provides for an actuarial study to implement a state innovation waiver provided […]
February 25, 2017, was the first day of Michigan’s next congressman from the second district’s campaign. Dr. Robert Davidson stood up from the crowd occupying the bleachers of Baldwin High School in Baldwin, Michigan, and for 15 minutes debated with DeVos-funded Republican Bill Huizenga on the truth about market-based health insurance versus single-payer health care. […]
Please vote on Tuesday, August 7, 2018. This primary is very important. You also need to know our Republican Secretary of State has come up with a new ballot style for the primary. You still need to state which party’s primary you’re voting for, but instead of getting a separate ballot, everything is on one. […]
Matt Morgan – don’t forget that name – because if you live in Michigan’s 1st House District, he’s going to be your next Congressman in Washington D.C. But first you have to write in his name on August 7, 2018 when you go to the polls and vote in the Michigan Primary. Matt’s petitions signatures […]
As of June 30, 2018, there are 7,374,190 registered voters in the state of Michigan. Residents who want to vote in the August 7, 2018 primary have until July 9 to register. What some people may not be aware of yet is that states under GOP control have resorted to various methods of purging voter […]
Since posting this, another school shooting has happened in the United States. This time at Santa Fe High School in Texas. We don’t need thoughts and prayers, we need gun reform now! It’s not too soon to talk about it, for too many people it’s way too late! It’s been absolutely amazing witnessing […]